Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Miracle ❯ Prologue, Oops... ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

By, Jamie1317kast
“ Lord, can you please free my family?” And, with every fabric of my being, I await the answer. Frightened for a moment, as the last of my consciousness fades away, that I won't receive an answer. But the answer does come. A concise, clear, and unmistakable…YES.
Chapter summary: Well, shit.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, don't sue me.
Rated R. why? Well, why not? Language, blood, and overall bluntness.
AN~don't ask, please. It just fit. Somehow. *shifty eyes* this is just the prologue; there will be three chapters, Miracle's Promise, Miracle's Pawn, and Miracle's Price. Possibly not in that particular order.
Prologue, Oops…:
Somewhere, out of the weaving darkness, came a voice. The voice was having a wee bit of difficulty.
“ Well, shit.”
There was the sound of some rummaging in the pockets of eternal time and interesting promises. The voice frowned.
And then, something broke, snapped in half like a dry twig.
“ Oops.”
Said the voice.
And then, there was a Great Miracle.