Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Miracle ❯ Miracle's Promise ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

By, Jamie1317kast
Free! A promise fulfilled! That damn fine print! A death! And a question…Without the curse, what are we, exactly?
Disclaimer: I don't own them, don't sue me.
Rated R. why? Well, why not? Language, blood, and overall bluntness.SPOILERS
AN~ the prequels to this story are Protector And Betrayer, and The Final Price. You don't have to read them to understand this. I'll try to explain everything properly!
Miracle's Promise:
“ Shigure-san?” Tohru Honda, carrier of the Sohma's secret and your average high school girl, was knocking on the door of Shigure's bedroom. She was worried, Shigure hadn't come down for lunch and he was usually loathe to skip any of her home-cooked meals. “ Shigure-san?” She called a little bit louder this time.
Her voice echoed throughout the empty house. It was Saturday and everyone was out. Kyo was at Kazuma's dojo and Yuki had gotten up early to meet with the student council. She frowned slightly, this wasn't at all like Shigure. So, boldly gathering her courage, she grasped the doorknob in her small hand and turned it.
“ F-forgive the intrusion-” Tohru pushed open the door a little ways. Her gaze swept the dark room taking in the tiny details, the curtained windows, the foul air, the blood…
“ Kami-sama!”
Hatori was taking the opportunity to sleep in. However, his sleep was disturbed by an odd feeling that kept brushing against him. Trying to unconsciously return to the peaceful oblivion of sleep, his limbs moved lethargicly, trying to find a better position in which to rest, appearing as if he was painting with an invisible paintbrush.
The feeling grew, an odd sort of restlessness. His brow furrowed, like two fuzzy catipillars digging trenches above his eyes. His eyes snapped open.
“ Nani…”
The sunlight brushed softly against Kyo's sweaty forehead. He stopped his arm in mid-punch and stood straight, his face turned and seeing something that Kazuma could not.
“ Kyo?” Kazuma asked worriedly.
“ I'm…not sure.” Kyo replied, staring at his bracelet.
“ Yun-Yun!”
“ Yuki-kun!”
Yuki lay where he had fallen on the linoleum floor, purple eyes wide at absolutely nothing at all.
Machi leaned down next to him, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder. Kakeru growled, watching Yuki's expressionless face save for his wide, hard-to-look-at eyes. Naohito and Kimi watched, unable to anything to help their suddenly stricken president. Kimi turned to Kakeru.
“ What do we do?”
“ I don't know.” He spoke softly. “ I just don't know.”
A scream of pure anguish cut through the still, afternoon silence of Sohma House. A vase crashed against a wooden pillar and sharp, deadly, eye-piercing shards flew everywhere. Creamy-silk fabric tore at the shaking, desperate hands. Akito threw her head back and let out a cry that sent the birds flying to the skies on feathered-silvered wings.
Kureno burst into the room, grabbing her around the waist and holding her close. Akito collapsed against him, crying.
A sad, sweet, crying girl.
“ Why?” She whispered over and over again, lips trembling, eyes pouring tears, her heart felt like it was going to burst. “ Why?”
She ran down the stairs, barely thinking, mind hardly able to register what her eyes were telling her.
“ Hatori! Hatori!” She cried out, knowing that he couldn't hear her, but still…
The sky clouded over so quickly that no one even noticed until the thunder boomed and the clouds broke, pouring hard, grey, Gestapo rain.
A single tear leaked out of Momiji's eye, unbidden. He slid open the porch door and walked out into the rain, violin still in hand. He closed his eyes and stared up at the sky through his chaotic emotions only. The rain seemed to fill him up, echoing inside the wooden instrument.
Rin stood at the open window of her hospital room, her uneven, short hair blown back by the wind.
“ You liar.” She gritted her teeth and pounded on the window frame. “ LIAR!”
The broken glass buried itself deep into Hatsuharu's fist, but he didn't seem to notice. A drop of blood ran down his fingers and dropped onto the floor, spattering crimson over his reflection in the glass pieces.
Yuki gave a sharp intake of breath and sat up, head swimming. “ I…have to get home.”
The mud splattered and plastered itself to Ritsu's kimono. He was running as fast as his restricting clothes would allow him. ` At times like these,' He thought, trying to ignore this…empty feeling. ` I wish that I was wearing boy's clothes.'
He shook his head. ` What a…selfish wish.'
Hiro grasped Kisa's hand and held it tightly and tried to ignore the sound of Akito's screams.
“ Hiro-chan?”
“ Hai?”
“ You're hurting my hand.”
“ Oh, sorry.”
He looked up from his the hem he was stitching, and stared at his finger. The needle looked suddenly so inviting, Ayame couldn't help what he did next.
He pricked his finger. The blood welled in a little red jewel and Ayame kissed it, letting the liquid be tasted by his tongue.
“ It tastes like…”
“ …freedom.” Kagura stared up at the sky, holding out her arms and letting the rain wash away all the dirt and grime that had laid hidden underneath her skin. “ Freedom.”
The phone rang consistently in the empty house. There was no one there to answer it. Hatori swore.
Small black and white orbs flew through the air, scattering in a million different directions. Kyo kept running down the forest path, and didn't once look back at the remains of his bracelet.
The bow slipped out of his hands and fell, sticking into the ground like Cupid's arrow piercing…
…Akito's heart was fluttering wildly. Kureno held the poor, frightened girl in his arms and rocked her gently, making little, futile, soothing noises.
And suddenly, as one, every single Junishi looked up at the chaotic sky. They cried together, moved by those indescribable feelings.
Kyo kept moving, forcing himself to keep going, concentrating on the track ahead of him.
“ Tohru!”
Her bare feet left wild, desperate tracks in the muddy path. She tripped and fell, and lay there, dry sobs heaving at her sides. “ Someone…”
She whispered so softly that even the earth itself barely heard her. “ Help him…please…”
The other line beebed. Hatori sighed and set down the receiver, waited a moment and then picked up the ringing phone. Ayame's voice wavered over the line.
“ Tori-san…What's going on?”
“ It's over.”
Was all he said.
“ The curse…” Rin whispered hoarsely.
“ …Is broken.” Momiji cried, and then laughed, suddenly, as if a great, oppressive weight had just been lifted off his shoulders.
It was as if a wave of adrenaline had passed over them, and it left in its wake a giddy, weak feeling of relief. Kagura spun round and round in rain, a look of pure joy on her face. She laughed.
“ We're free!” Kisa took Hiro's hand and they spun in a circle together.
He saw her then, lying in the middle of the path and soaked to the bone. “ TOHRU!” Kyo ran to her and lifted her up in his arms, holding her closely. “ I'll take you to Shishou's.”
“ Dead…” Her lips barely moved.
Kyo cocked his head. “ What?”
“ He's dead…”
Kyo's eyes widened. “ Who?” He barely dared to ask.
“ Shigure.”
To be continued…