Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Miracle ❯ Miracle's Pawn ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

By, Jamie1317kast
Free! A promise fulfilled! That damn fine print! A death! And a question…Without the curse, what are we, exactly?
Disclaimer: I don't own them, don't sue me.
Rated R. why? Well, why not? Language, blood, and overall bluntness. SPOILERS
AN~ the prequels to this story are Protector And Betrayer, and The Final Price. You don't have to read them to understand this. I'll try to explain everything properly!
Miracle's Pawn:
Hatori slammed the car door shut and jammed the keys into the ignition. He wrenched the joystick into D for Drive and spun out of the Sohma compound. ` There's no need to panic.' He told himself. ` No need at all.'
She wouldn't stop crying so Kureno laid her down on her futon and picked up the phone. It rang and rang until the answering machine picked up.
“ Moshi, moshi. You've reached the answering machine of Dr. Hatori Sohma. I'm not in right now so please leave you name, number, and a short message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.”
“ Hatori-san, this is Kureno. Please, if you're there, pick up. There's something wrong with Akito…”
But no matter how long he waited, no one answered.
“ Please…” Kureno hung his head in helplessness.
The door was flung open violently. Several nurses spoke harshly to the young man standing in Rin's doorway.
“ Fuck off.” Hatsuharu brushed them off and slammed the door behind him.
Rin stood speechless by the window.
“ Rin…”
No response. He moved further into the room.
“ It's over. The curse is gone.”
Her hand tightened and her frame started to shake.
“ Rin, we're free.”
Rin turned and flung herself wordlessly into Hatsuharu's arms.
` Gure-san would know.' Ayame told himself. ` Gure-san would know what's going on.'
The store was locked and the lights were off. Ayame started off down the street, walking as fast as his fear would let him. Pulling out his cell phone, Ayame was about to speed-dial Shigure's number when it started ringing Green Day's Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.
He didn't even have to look at the name to know that Yuki was calling him. ` I didn't even know that Yuki knew my cell number!' He thought.
He flipped it open.
“ Hello, Yuki.” He started, putting on his cheeriest voice. “ What's up?”
Yuki sped up as he turned off the main road onto the forest path. His intuition was screaming at him.
Wrong! Something's wrong!
“ Why isn't anybody answering?!” He yelled out loud in frustration, hanging up his cell phone for the thousandth time. “ Honda-san should at least be home-”
He skidded to a stop…
…taking in the sight of Kyo carrying Tohru in his arms. Both of them were covered in mud and Yuki didn't need his Rat senses to know that fear and sadness were pouring off them.
He rushed to Kyo's side.
“ Is Honda-san alright?”
Kyo barely nodded.
“ I'm calling Hatori!”
Kyo shook his head.
“ Not there?”
Another shake.
There were no other options, since it didn't seem that Shigure was going to get up off his lazy ass and answer his damn phone.
“ I'm calling Nii-san.”
“ There's something wrong with Honda-san!” Yuki practically yelled into the phone.
Ayame stopped walking.
He clutched the cell phone closer to his ear with both hands.
“ Where are you?” All the cheer was gone from his voice.
Yuki sighed inwardly, he was glad that he could count on Ayame to help them.
“ Near the road, by the footpath. Kyo's with me, too.”
Ayame took a death breath, and turned toward the road, hailing a taxi. He spoke quickly to the driver and without room for argument.
“ I'm coming for you. Once you come to the road, go nowhere else. I will be there. I promise.”
“ Yes, Nii-san.”
The line went dead. Ayame stared out the window and let a tear fall down his cheek.
It wouldn't be the last.
She didn't know which way to go. There were so many paths. Kagura closed her eyes and took deep breathes.
“ Where is Kyo-chan most likely to be right now?”
She opened her eyes.
“ At Shi-chan's house, with Tohru-chan.”
Without another doubt of her footing, Kagura set out along the back wall of Sohma House, taking the less used footpath toward the writer's house.
Large, brownish-yellow eyes peeked out from behind the corner of the Rabbit's House. She shyly watched Momiji spin around in the rain. His violin lay forgotten in the grass. He danced around to some unknown music, laughing with all of his heart.
“ Um, Momiji-chan?”
He stopped and turned toward her.
“ May I play with you?”
Tears sprang unbidden into the Momiji's eyes. “ Sure!” He cried, laughing and crying all at the same time.
Smiling, Momo ran to her big brother and laughed when he scooped her up in his arms.
“ Mother?”
Okami turned to see her son standing in the doorway soaking wet.
“ Rit-”
Without words he flung his arms around his mother and held her close. They sank to the ground and just held eachother. By the time they finally pulled away and dried the other's tears, Ritsu's kimono was still wet and the tea was cold.
And the best part was that none of it mattered.
They left the hospital hand in hand, smiling. Rin leaned her head on Hatsuharu's shoulder.
“ I love you.” She whispered.
“ Me too.” He replied.
The scattered beads made her slow and then stop.
“ Kyo-chan came this way.” She whispered.
Kagura looked left and right from where the less used footpath connected with the larger one. ` He went this way.' She looked right. ` But came back this way.' She looked left.
She went left.
The car pulled to a standstill, Ayame got out and told the driver to wait. The engine kept running, keeping the air around the car warm despite the cold, hard rain.
He brushed his hair out of his eyes and peered through the grey curtain. ` Where are they?'
The sound of another car's horn caught his attention.
` But that's…Tori's car…'
The mud kept Hatori from driving any further. He swore fluently and turned the car off. He was close enough anyway. He might as well walk from here.
He got out of the car and the rain soaked him through in less than a second. ` Oh well.'
Kisa and Hiro ran toward the approaching figures of Rin and Hatsuharu. They were greeted with laughter and smiles.
“ Kyo-chan! Yun-chan!”
They stopped and turned back toward Kagura's voice.
Their expressions silenced her.
“ Wh-what's wrong?”
Yuki shifted Tohru's weight so he could help carry her better.
“ He's dead.”
The world stopped.
“ What?”
Hatori opened the door to Shigure's room.
“ He's dead.”
“ Who?”
“ Shigure.”
Ayame stared at Shigure's pale body tucked neatly into the backseat of Hatori's car.
“ Gure-san…”
Hatori handed him Shigure's suicide note.