Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Music for our Hearts ❯ A new day ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi minna! This is my first Furuba fanfic! (*chills*) I don't know you, but since it's the first time I write a fanfic, I'm nervous!! I know in this part I'm supposed to say that I don't own the Fruits Basket characters.. well.. I don't!!! all of them belong to Takaya Natsuki-sensei!! Boy do I wish I owned them! Anyways, the main plot for this fic was taken from a movie I saw a long time ago, I don't really remember the name, but I must say that I've changed several things to make it more interesting and I have added some new things. AH!!! Guess what!!! For this fic, Hatori-san is Tohru-chan's Tou-san!! I just thought it would be nice to see Hatori-san in a role like this one. ok, so in this fic, there's no Hana-chan or Uo-chan… gomen!! I must say I love them both! But I couldn't use them since.. well.. you'll see… I hope you like it! And please review so I know what things to change! Arigatou!!

Music for our Hearts

Chapter 1: The shocking news and the Hyper friend!

As the first rays of the sun entered Tohru's room, she reached for the sheets and pulled them over her head, covering her face from what would be yet another boring school day. She cuddled against her favorite teddy bear, and with that soft fabric caressing her skin, she slowly fell asleep again. "RING! RING!" her clock begun making a loud and really noisy sound reminding her it was a school day, and she'd have to wake up wether she wanted or not. Reaching out for the damn alarm button that had taken her away from that peacefully dream land she was in, she started complaining.

"Mou!… just five more minutes!" she managed to say before throwing the onigiri shaped clock to the floor, shutting it off. "Now that's much better" she said in a soft sleepy tone of voice while cuddling against her teddy bear and going under her sheets.

"Tohru! Was that your alarm clock? You better wake up now if you don't want to be late again!… oh! and you better not have broken that alarm clock again! That was the third one I got for you this month!" a male's voice shouted from outside.

Still sleepy, Tohru managed to reply: "iiyo! Otou-san!… (yawned) just five more minutes.." and she turned around in her bed, covering her face with her pillow so she wouldnt hear any more complains from her dad. This particular morning she wasn't feeling like going to school, it felt as if her whole body was playing agaisnt her, so she wouldn't even have the strength to open her eyes. Just as she was drifting off to that dear place in her dreams, someone knocked on the door interrupting her peaceful journey.

"I'm coming in Tohru" the male voice said while opening the door to her room. As the tall good looking man got in the room, he left his white coat on top of Tohru's desk (*this is where Hatori-san makes his first appearance, if you hand't noticed.. white hint*) the sight of a sleepy Tohru sitting on her bed made him sigh. He then looked down and saw the onigiri shaped alarm clock on the floor, he picked it up and put it on her drawer next to a dool house and a picture of her mom. (*Kyoko-san always present!!!*) " I thought we had already passed this `I don't want to go to school today, I'm not feeling well' crisis" he said with a smirk walking towards the window of her room to open up the curtains and let the sunlight illumin all the place.

"We have…plus, you're not a psychologist Tou-san.. what do you now about crisis" Tohru said while rubbing her half opened eyes in a funny lazy way.

Hatori turned to her with a smirk while he watched her yawn and rub her eyes. "I may not be one but I'm still a doctor and I know about these things… besides dealing with you for fifteen years has been a crisis on it's own" he said not taking his eyes from his daughter.

"That's not a nice way to say good morning" Tohru said with a slight smile on her face, this time, her eyes were wide open and she was fully awake. Hugging her teddy bear like a little child, she sat on her bed. " It's still too early to go to school" she said burriying her head on her teddy bear, Hatori sat on her bed next to her.

"It's not early enough for you to get breakfast ready, wash your sleepy face,change your clothes and manage to get to school on time with the traffic you'll find once you're done" he said with a smirk on his face, lighting up a cigarette. As he blew the smoke, he continued: "It's Miine's day off and she wont be back until 7"

"Eh?" Tohru said blinking her eyes. "Miine-san's day off?" Hatori nodded as Tohru made a cute desperate funny face. While she ran from side to side trying to find her uniform and get her things ready, Hatori blew the smoke again and stared outside the window from Tohru's bed, then he sighed and got up.

"I've got to go now, please make sure you get to school on time" as he finished his sentence, he went walking towards the door of her room, Tohru stopped running and faced him.

"Are you working late tonight again?" she said while dusting off her uniform that she had picked up from the floor.

"Hai, I've got a night shift today again, but don't worry, Miine will fix something for you" he said standing by the door, looking at Tohru. She lowered her face and with sad eyes she nodded, Hatori smiled in a slight way at the sight of this and approached her putting his hand on her shoulder. "You know the work at the hospital doesn't have a schedule" Tohru nodded looking at him. "But I'll try to come home early tomorrow, that way we can have lunch tomorrow and you can tell me what you've been up to lately" Tohru lifted her face with a big smile and nodded, Hatori turned towards the door and begun to walk away.

"Remember cigarettes are not food Tou-san!" she said in an energetic way, still dusting off her uniform.

"I will" he said with a smile "ja, ittekimasu!" then he turned around and started to walk away on the hall.

"Ittekimasu Tou-san!!" Tohru yelled as she watched her dad walking away, then she took a look at her uniform and saw it had no food leftovers or any kind of hint that would indicate her uniform had been anywhere but her closet. "ok! I guess it's time to get ready" then she put her uniform on her bed and sighed. "If it was Saturday I'd have no problem… ne? Tsubasa-chan?" she said this as she turned towards her drawer and from a small doll house, a turtle stucked his head out from one of the windows. Looking at her mom's picture, she sighed again "You'd be ok if I stayed, ne? Okaasan". Then she smiled and went on doing her things.

Later that same day, Tohru arrived at school just in time, she had had no problem on getting there on time, and she went towards her desk where she put her things, when she took a look around, she saw that there werent that many students hanging around and she made a funny annoyed face. " I knew that alarm clock was not right, it's still too early" she sat frustrated and took a pocky box from her bag and started chewing them carelessly.

"If you keep eating those things you'll get fat!" a high pitched tone of voice warned her from behind. When Tohru turned around, she saw her best friend Kagura putting her things on the desk behnd her, with an annoyed face, Tohru said to Kagura: "Kagura-chan always eats chocolates and I havent said anything, chocolates are more fattening than these"

"If that's what you want to believe, then fine" she replied with a smirk. "But I'm telling you, you look a little chubbier than yesterday! Kagura said laughing a little. " Besides, you don't see me eating chocolates all the time, do you?" she said while taking her seat, tohru faced her completely and leaned on Kagura's desk. "eh?… are you ok?" Kagura asked when she saw Tohru's sleepy face.

"Hai" Tohru replied while still chewing on the same pocky. "I don't know why this morning it took me more work to get out of bed"

"You were probably tired from yesterday's P.E. class.. I'm telling you, that class was killing me! It was.." Tohru cut her sentece before she could finish it…

"It's not that…" Tohru said leaning on her chair now, Kagura looked at her with a concerned face. "It's Tou-san.." Tohru-chan said with a sad/kinda angry face.

"Ah… Hatori-san again… does he have to stay working late today again?" Kagura asked while leaning on her desk to get a better look of Tohru's reaction.

" Hai…. But that's not it.." she stayed in silence for a while staring at nothing in particular while Kagura held a confused face trying to think of a possible answer, then Tohru continued. " Otou-san…" she said with sad eyes this time " he told me yesterday he's started a new relationship…" At this moment, Kagura stood up in shock.

"Nani??!!!! Hatori-san's got a new wife?????!!!!" she snaped at her in disbelief not noticing the other students had turned to see her.

"What???!!! No he hasn't!!!!" Tohru answered with a red/angry funny expression on her face, Kagura sat down and Tohru sighed, then she continued. " he hasn't got a new wife, what are you crazy…" Tohru said in softer tone of voice. " he's just started seeing her… he told me he stared to date her a week ago, but he didn't want to tell me because it was too soon, and he didn't know if things would work out for them.."

" And who is this person?, do you know her?" Kagura asked leaning on her desk again to get a clear look at Tohru's expression, she noticed Tohru's face got a little angrier while she nodded in response.

" Her name is Kana, she's been his assistant for a year… I've seen her in his office a couple of times.." as she said this, Tohru grabbed another pockey and bit it hard.

"And what did you say?" Kagura's expression was more a worried than an expecting one.

Looking at Kagura with a serious face, Tohru answered: " I said I didn't care" then she turned her face away. " That it was his life and he should do as he pleases" Kagura's face showed a little sadness. "Demo.." Tohru continued. "I'm not ok.. I may sound selfish.. but I never thought Tou-san would get involved in another relationship.. I know it's been 4 years since Okaa-san passed away… but still… the wound is still open…"

Not knowing what to say, Kagura drew an awkward smile on her face. " ja! I'm sure it's nothing serious! I mean.. I'm sure Hatori-san is not thinking of commitment right now…"

Tohru sighed as she heard her, then she looked at her again with a careless expression. "He's bringing her home for dinner next week… does that tell you how serious he is?" Kagura stayed silent. "He said he wanted me to get to know her more… sort of sounded like he wanted my approval or something…"

"Well, you are his only daughter, he sure cares about what you might have to say.." Kagura answered leaning back on her chair.

"Hn… if he cared so much, then why didn't he tell me from the beginning?.. argh! I hate this whole thing! I know Tou-san is right for wanting to start a new life, but why did it have to be now?.. and why her? I don't like her at all…" Tohru said with a frustrated face.

"Of course you don't like her" Kagura said with a smirk on her face. "She's an outsider trying to steal your dad away.." as Tohru heard this from her, she widened her eyes in surprise and looked at Kagura. " But she cant be that bad, you said yourself you've only exchanged words with her for a couple of times… how can you be so sure?"..

"Great! You're taking her side now!" Tohru snapped at her.

"I'm not taking anyone's side.. I'm just trying to make you see things clearly.." Kagura answered holding a frustrated expression by this time.

" I see everything clear all right!.. everything is transparent! I can clearly see through her and what she really wants to do!" Kagura sighed. " She just wants tou-san because he's the best doctor in town, he's handsome and he's loaded… what woman wouldn't fall for that?" Tohru's face reflected a sad and angry expression at the same time.

"You're over reacting, she probably does care about him in a truly honest way.." Kagura said, and just after that she got a funny scared expression as she saw Tohru's one was really angry and she seemed to be about to throw her out the classroom window.

"Nani????!!!!" Tohru said with her angry expression, scaring both the students in the classroom and the birds chirping outside the window.

Waving her hands in front of her and with an awkward silly smile, Kagura tried to calm her down: "Maa… maa.. Tohru-chan! I'm on your side!.." Tohru sat back on her chair a little more clamed. With a determined expression, Kagura stood uo in front of her. "Ja! Enough of this problems! I've got just the right thing for you to be happy again!" she started reaching for something on her backpack while Tohru held a confused expression waiting for her to show her what she was looking for.

Kagura took out a small box and put it in front of Tohru, on her desk. Tohru blinked at the sight of the little box.

"Eh?.. what's that?" Tohru asked with a confused expression, still blinking.

Kagura stood in front of her while Tohru showed a confused expression. "Go ahead! Open it!" she said with a big smile on her face.

"What is this?" Tohru asked while taking the box on her hands.

"Well you'll never know if you don't open it, do you??" Kagura snapped in high pitched tone. As Tohru was about to open the little box, Kagura was getting more and more excited. Tohru's face showed an intriged expression, and just as she opened the smal box, she suddenly got a blank, funny, non expressive one.

"So?? What do you think??!! Isnt it great!!!??" Kagura replied in a loud way. Tohru had still a non expressive look on her face, then she looked at Kagura and said: "Kagura-chan.. is this… is this a piece of chewed gum??"

"Duh!!! Of course it is!!!" as she said this Tohru fell on her back. " eh? Tohru-chan?" she said while Tohru got back on her seat; with a smiling face she sat in front of her again. "you must be just as shocked, it's great isnt it??" a smiling Kagura asked her.

Smiling awkwardly and leaving the small box on the table she stared at the smiling Kagura sitting in front of her. "H-hai!… hehe.. so, who's this from this time?"..

Kagura punched the table and her eyes became in the shape of stars. "the amazing Kimura Ryuuta himself!! I waited outside the backstage room yesterday after their concert, Which! I had to attend alone to because of a ceirtan someone!!" she glared at Tohru who just smiled awkwardly. "Anyway, I was hiding between some bushes when the door opened and guess what!!??" Kagura stared at Tohru..

"Kimura-san show.." before she could finish her sentence, Kagura punched the table again.

"That's right!!!! Kimura Ryuuta showed up!!!!! Just as I was going to ask him for an autograph or just steal something from him, I stood frozen!!!! Because guess what my little Tohru!!." Tohru was about to answer but Kagura cut her again ." That's right Tohru-chan!! You're nailing every question!!!" Tohru smiled awkwardly unable to say something else. " All the `REX' members were there in front of me!!!!! ALL of them!! Yuuji-san, Masami-san, Ren-san, Goro-san and last but not least!!!! Kimura Ryuuta-san!!!!!!! You wouldnt believe how shocked I was!!!!! ..ok.. so then, after a few seconds I snapped out of it and realized they were leaving!!!!! I said to myself, Kagura! You'll be damn crazy if you let this opportunity get away! And just as I said that, I saw Kimura-san dropped his gum to the floor, so I quickly ran after it and got the gum.. of course, then I noticed they were staring at me in a funny way, and you wouldn't believe how nervous I got!".

"And then what did you do?" asked Tohru expecting the normal answer any person would give ("I ran away")

" Then I ran towards Yuuju-san, pushed him and just as he was falling, I got his shoe!!!!!!..and then I ran away, awsome ne?"

Tohru's expression was of a funny stone-like, what the hell? One."YOU STOLE HIS SHOE!!!!!!?????"

"HAI!!!!!" said a triumphant Kagura. "He surely didn't see THAT coming! Hohohohohohoho.." she started laughing in a hysterical way.

"I don't believe it.." said a blinking blushing Tohru. Then she looked at Kagura and she was still laughing. "You stole Shingo-san's shoe??.. his shoe???"

"Right!" said Kagura while leaning on her chair "It was great!"

A blushing Tohru said to her. " I am so embarrased.."

"Why??? He's got to have at least a dozen pair of shoes on his closet! He wont miss it!" Tohru sighed. "Oh, but that's not it!" Kagura said looking at her with a smirk that Tohru new wasn't for something good.

"What, did you steal his socks too??" a really blushing Tohru asked.

"No, didn't have time for that… though I could've taken them, if only.." Tohru fell off her chair again. "are? Tohru-chan doushita no?" Kagura asked with a blinking expression.

"Iiyo!" Tohru answered as she got back to her seat.

" ok! There's more to this… I found this peace of paper on the floor while I was walking home that night! It has an address on it, can you se it?" Kagura asked and Tohru begun to read it.

"The..Zodics?? what is this?"… a confused Tohru asked while holding the paper on her hands.

"I think that's the name of the group!, isnt that cute?!" Kagura's face was bright and glooming, just as she had seen an angel.

"So?" asked a careless Tohru. "What's so great about them?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of them before, they most be new, as you can see on the paper, there are some other names written on it too, but they're crossed, so that means `The Zodics' is the name they just chose." Kagura said to tohru expecting her answer.

" Ok… and your point is.." said Tohru hoping Kagura-chan would give her a more detailed explanation of what she was thinking to do.

"Ne! Tohru-chan! You're getting slow here!" Tohru rolled her eyes. "Ok, so after I picked up the paper and figured this out, I sneaked in the shop"

"You what!!!???" yelled Tohru. "How could you do that! That's illegal!!!!"

"Not if no one sees you!" Kagura smirked and then continued explaining things to Tohru. "so, I sneaked in and after climbing some stairs and boxes, I found myself on what it looked like an attic, and there was some noise coming somewhere, so when I leaned over to see what it was…" Kagura stopped…

"What?? What did you see?" asked a really impatient Tohru.

"I saw this wonderful group of boys singing a song.. ah.. it was beautiful… you should've been there Tohru-chan… they were really good looking… especially that orage haired one.. he was so handsome!!!" Kagura said with a sigh.

"Were they really that good looking?" Tohru asked not believing her friend, who usually over reacted with the smallest things.

"Yes! I swear Tohru-chan! They were great!.. anyway, they're going to be rehearsing there tonight, and we're going to see them!!!" said an excited Kagura, not realising that Tohru's expression was not exactly the most cheerful one.

"We are?" Tohru asked looking at her with funny eyes. Kagura leaned on the desk and their faces were really close, Tohru blushed a little and then Kagura smirked.

"Well.., Hatori-san is not gonna be home until late tonight, right?" Kagura said with a smirk that showed Tohru something was coming her way.

"Right… so.." Tohru said knowing it was a useless question, she knew what Kagura was about to say, and she would've declined the offer if she wasn't so tired of staying home alone with Miine.

"So, we'll go there tonight, but first we've gotta stop by my place" Kagura said with her usual smirk.

With a sigh, Tohru answered. "Fine, I'll go… cant let you go alone anywhere anyway, you might end up stealing something more than just shoes" as she finished her sentece she smirked in satistfaction. After all, Kagura-chan was her friend, and if there was something she knew, was that Kagura-chan would help her forget all the troubles she had had during the past week.

"YES!!!!" yelled Kagura scaring away the birds this time. "Oh, and don't forget to get your video camera" said Kagura in a more calmed way.

"Why's that?" asked a confused Tohru.

Kagura smirked at her and Tohru sighed. "Because once they get famous…" Kagura started. "We'll be able to say we `Discovered them'" Tohru and Kagura smiled at each other, the students were arriving already and it was time for them to stop their interesting chatting, Tohru felt a little scared at first, but deep down her heart, she felt it had to be this way, she had to go and see these cute boys perform, that she had to do.

Author's notes: OK!!!! So this is the end for chapter 1!!! What did you think?? I really hope you liked it. What did you think about Miine's roll?? I know she's not a maid, but since her clothes look like a maid's uniform… oh well… Well, I'll be waiting for your reviews!!!