Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Music for our Hearts ❯ Night of fun, Night of tears ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Just wanted to say that I do not own Fruits Basket, or any of the characters from that anime.

*Yarou: idiot

*Daijouju?: Are you ok?

*Hontou no baka desu ne...: You really are an idiot

Chapter 2: Night of fun, night of tears

It was around 6 p.m. and the streets were rather busy that day. Different people walked around looking at the shops, or just having some coffee while getting to their jobs or heading back home.

Tohru was on her bedroom arrainging her things for the "illegal sneaking" she was about to go to with Kagura. As she packed her video camera on her little bag, she turned towards her drawer where the picture of her mom and the little doll house were put. She went towards her bed and sat next to her drawer taking her mom's picture on her hands, and with a sad look she sighed.

"Ne, okaasan.." Tohru started. "I guess Tou-san wont mind if I go to Kagura's tonight, will he?.." Tohru stared at the smiling picture of her mom and then drew a smile on her face, while putting the picture back where it belonged. "After all, it'll only be a couple of hours, right?.. it's not like he'll be back home by the time I get back anyway" she said while taking a look at the doll house. "What do you think Tsu-chan?.." Tohru asked, and just as she finished, the little turttle stucked his head outside the doll house, Tohru sighed and then took Tsu-chan on her palms, staring at him, she continued her monologe. "Tou-san seems to care more about his work and new girlfriend than us"

With an expecting look, Tohru stared at Tsu-chan in search of a possible answer or sign that could tell her that the little turtle was able to understand anything she said, after all, he had been with her for as long as she could remember, and he was more like a brother to her than a pet. But of course she understood turtles cant understand human language, though she wanted really bad for him to understand her.

Smiling at Tsu-chan, Tohru continued. " But we wont let Tou-san make that mistake, will we?" after that, Tohru put Tsu-chan back on his house, she got up and begun getting everything she needed for her night of adventure.

As she was gathering all her things to leave, someone knocked on the door.

"Hai!" replied Tohru while hiding her video camera under her coat. After that, Miine came in with a smile and holding a tray of food.

"Tohru-chan! I brought you some snacks I picked up on my way here!" she said with a happy expression leaving the tray on her desk.

"Eh? Arigatou! Miine-san!" Tohru said with a happy expression on her face and walking towards her desk to see what Miine had brought her. Looking at all the selection of different okashi, she picked a small sweet bun. "Oishii! You really didn't have to get these for me" Tohru mumbled while eating the sweet bun.

"Daijoubu! I know you love sweet things, so when I saw this, I knew I had to get them for you" Miine replied while standing next to her with a big smile on her face.

"I thought you werent coming until later tonight" Tohru said walking towards her bed now and fixing the last things.

"Eh? Oh.. I just figured out since Hatori-san was working a night shift today, you might feel lonely here by yourself, so I left early and well.. here I am!" Miine replied, again with a smile on her face.

"Arigatou Miine-san" Tohru said with a smile while packing her things.

Noticing that Tohru was setting her things to go somewhere, Miine got a concerned expression. "Are you going out tonight?"

"Eh?" Tohru turned towards her to see a concerned looking Miine-chan waiting for her answer. "Hai! But it's ok! I'm just going to Kagura-chan's place for a couple of hours" As she heard her answer, Miine's face relaxed as she sighed, and with a smile she looked at her and said. "Good! I was starting to get worried, a girl shouldn't be out at this time of hour! So many things can happen I couldn't even imagine what Hatori-san would say if something happened to you!"

Smiling awkwardly Tohru turned her face to her while still packing the last things she needed. "Sou da ne!"

"Hai!" snapped Miine at her with a determined expression "Just last night I heard of this strange thing happening to this group.." Tohru froze in a funny way as she heard this "what whas their name again? "Flex"?… "Wrecks"?… nani?.." Miine continued with a thinking expression trying to remember what the name of this group was.

Tohru turned to her completely with an awkward smile on her face, thinking the obvious, Tohru interrupted her. "..was it.. by any chance.. "REX"?" Tohru asked knowing that the answer she would get was the one she already knew. At this, Miine's expression turned into an `Yes! That's it!' one.

"Hai! Hai! I heard they got mugged one night after one of their concerts.. strange thing it was, the thief turned out to be a girl around your age.." Tohru had a red fuuny stone-like expression "And that's not the only thing! That girl didn't steal their wallets or anything, she took one of the shoes from one of them, can you believe that!?"

When Tohru heard this, she fell on her back and Miine went running towards her. "Tohru-chan!! Daijoubu!?" asked a concerned Miine while helping Tohru back on her feet.

"Hai! Hai! I'm ok!" said Tohru while getting back on her feet and with an awkward blushed expression. `Kagura-chan, you've surely got to stop doing this kind of things..' she thought to herself.

"What happened?" asked a worried Miine while touching Tohru's forehead thinking that she had caught a cold or something. "You're red, are you feeling ok?" she continued asking.

"Hai, hai!.. I'm fine" Tohru answered while sitting on her bed.

"Are you sure?" asked Miine while stepping back so she could have a clearer view of Tohru. "You don't seem ok to me, maybe you should stay home tonight…"

"No! no I'm fine really.. it was just… I got a little shocked with what you said" replied Tohru while taking her bag.

"Yeah, you don't know what kind of person you're going to run into nowadays.." said a thinking Miine , who just stood there in a thinking position.

"H-hai…" said Tohru with an awkward smile. "Anyway, I'll be leaving in a couple of minutes, I wont take long, so you don't have to worry about me" continued Tohru while hanging her bag on one of her shoulders.

"That's were you're wrong Tohru-chan!" Miine said in a determined way, but with a smiling expression. " You and Hatori-san are very important to me, but right now, the one that needs to be looked after for is you" Tohru turned to her with widened eyes as she saw a smiling Miine looking at her. " I cared about Kyoko-san very much too, and I promised her no matter what I would always keep an eye on little Tohru-chan and little Tsu-chan of course" Miine said still holding that sweet smile on her face. Tohru smiled at her sweetly.

"Arigatou, Miine-san" Tohru said as she watched Miine walk towards the door.

"You don't have to, I'm glad to do it, well, I'll leave you so you can finish with your things" she closed the door after saying that.

Tohru stayed smiling at the shut door, she thought for a second how life can turn in such different ways, first giving you a happy non worried life, and then turning that beautiful scene into a sharp pain that stabbs your heart; `But not everytime things come out that way' Tohru thought to herself as she remembered Miine's words and Kagura's smiling face. "I've still got many things to be thankful for" she said while pressing her sweater onto her chest.

`RING!! RING!!' her alarm clock started ringing, bringing her back to reality. "Mou! That clock is broken! I wonder where Tou-san got it.." as she went towards the clock to turn it off, she realized it was about time to leave to Kagura's place. "Eh?? I've got to get going now!" she stated as she picked all her things and gave a last look to her mom's picture from the door. "Ja! Ittekimasu!" said a hurried Tohru while shutting the door, Tsu-chan stucked it's head out the doll house window ans stared at the direction of the door. `Itterashiai' seemed what he was trying to say.

Later that night, Tohru was sitting on Kagura's bed while she was trying on some outrageous outfits from her closet. She came out weraing a fancy big hat and a red feather collar. "I'm sure this will totally get their attention! After all, you don't often see two beautiful girls in such great outfits like this! Ne Tohru?" she turned around with a big smiling face, but that quickly changed into a worried one as she saw Tohru's sad expression. "Daijoubu? Tohru.." she asked while taking off her hat and placing it on her desk right before walking up to her. As she sat down next to her, she noticed Tohru's sad expression had made a small tear roll down her face.

"I just feel everything is about to change, and there's nothing I can do about it.." said Tohru while drying her tear. "I know I'm being selfish here.. but I really don't want to see Tou-san seeing someone else like he's forgotten Okaa-san.. at least not for now".

" Hmm… I know what you mean.." said Kagura with a kinda sad look in her eyes. "I felt the same way when Papa started dating again after Mama's death… you wouldn't believe how angry I got.." As she said this Tohru looked at her waiting for her to continue. "But you know what Tohru-chan?, you shouldn't be worriying about this" Kagura smiled in a sweet way. "At least you've still got your Papa with you, and we both now he loves you very much" she stated.

Tohru's eyes begun to get teary as Kagura said this, and when she noticed this, she got an awkward not-knowing-what-to-do expression. "Eh??? Iiyo Tohru-chan!! I didn't mean to make you feel bad!!!! I'm totally ok now! That happened a long time ago!!!!.." she was about to say something else when Tohru interrupted her.

Looking at Kagura with a teary expression, Tohru said: "Gomen ne? Kagura-chan" Kagura blinked at her with a funny expression.

"Gomen?" asked a confused Kagura.

"Here I am tormenting you with all this silly things, while you've obviusly… EH?" Tohru blinked in a funny way as the hat that Kagura was wearing before hit her face interrupting her. Tohru looked at the hat and then at Kagura, who was smirking looking at her from her desk.

"Hontou no baka desu ne.. Tohru-chan" Tohru got an even more confused expression, looking at the smirking Kagura standing in front of her. " Friends are friends no matter what, don't you think I think of your problems to be stupid.. after all, most of the things I talk to you about are even sillier, ne?" said a smirking Kagura.

"Hai!" answered a now smiling Tohru. As she saw Kagura trying on more outrageous outfits, she got a silly smiling face. "Are you really planning to wear that?" asked Tohru, not realizing Kagura was coming towards her. "Eh?" she managed to say while she saw Kagura looking at her with a smirk.

"Of course I am!" said the smirking Kagura-chan as she took Tohru's hand and dragged her towards the mirror while standing behind her. "This is what makes it fun!" as she said this, she put her hat on Tohru's head and they both stared at the odd reflection of a really huge fluffy hat on top of little Tohru. Kagura's face got a funny awkward expression. " Ano… I don't really think this style fits you…"

"I don't think it fits anyone" said a blushing and smirking Tohru, looking at Kagura from the reflection on the mirror.

Kagura smirked back at her "You're just saying that `cause you're jealous" As she said this, Tohru moved away from the mirror and took off the hat, placing it on top of Kagura's desk and leaning on it, Kagura kept trying on other things that made her look like an odd baachan.

"Isnt your aunt going to notice we're gone?" asked Tohru while playing with some of Kagura's collars.

"Nah… she wont even notice we're gone.. Nana baa-chan is kida deaf, and she's a little.. well.. distracted to put it into nice words.. for all I know a huge crowd could destroy the whole house and she would be smiling feeding her pets.." said Kagura while trying on yet another big fancy hat. ".. But don't get me wrong there.." she turned towards Tohru. "I love that old baa-chan, as crazy as she can be sometimes.." Kagura smiled and tohru smiled back at her.

Taking off her hat and keeping only the clothes she was wearing, Kagura went towards her bed and picked up her bag, then she turned towards Tohru with a smirk. "Ja! Let's go then!.. those cute boys are waiting for us!" said Kagura while opening the door of her room and walking out.

"Hai!.. matte Kagura-chan!" she yelled as she quickly picked up her things and ran after Kagura.

When Tohru was able to reach her, she found herself in the middle of the living room, and caught Kagura playing with the parrot's cage and also feeding it. The whole living room was full of cages with different animals in them; there was a bunny, a small lizard, and even a monkey, which had crawled to Tohru's shoulders.

"Konbanwa! Saru-san!" she said while smiling and playing with it. Kagura turned to her with a smirk and went towads her grabbing Tohru's video camera and taking it out to start filming. Through the lence, Kagura was recording a smiling Tohru waving at the camera with the monkey on her shoulders.

"Now this will be remembered as the day Tohru-chan found her dear prince!!" Kagura said in a mocking tone of voice. As she heard this, Tohru got a funny upset expression.

"Ne! Kagura!.. are you trying to say Saru-san and I are destined for each other?" asked Tohru with a mocking tone of voice. Kagura turned the video camera off and faced Tohru with a smirk.

"And just what makes you think I was talking about the monkey?" said a confident and smirking Kagura. Tohru just blinked at her, and before she could ask for anything else, Kagura was putting the video camera right back on her bag.

"Ok then! Let's go!" said a determined Kagura. Tohru nodded and went to put the monkey back on the craddle he had escaped from. (*yes! A craddle! Cute ne?*)

"Nana baa-chan!! We're leaving now!!!" yelled Kagura.

"Sure! Sure! But don't forget to bring the food for little usagi-chan! Ok Mamoru??!" answered an old female voice coming from the kitchen. Tohru blinked in a funny confused way.

"Mamoru??" she asked with a confused expression. Kagura turned to her with a smirk.

"Don't ask me, sometimes she calls me Mamoru, some others Hideki, Mika…I could go on and on…" said a smirking Kagura while putting on her coat.

As Tohru put on her coat as well, she asked: "Are you sure no one will see us?"

"Totally.. that of course, until we go introduce ourselves!." Said a triumphant Kagura while opening the door to the street.

"Ok then… here we go.." said Tohru, just before she let out a what-other-choice-do-I-have sigh.

Half an hour later, Tohru and Kagura found themselves climbing the huge mountain of boxes and other things that difficulted their way up.

"You never told me you had to climb all this junk!" Snapped Tohru.

"Shhh!!! Do you want to get us caught??" whispered Kagura in return. "We're almost there, and once you see them, you'll forget about all this and even your problems!" whispered Kagura again.

As they were climbing up all that junk, that were mostly old mannequins and instruments, they started hearing some intruments' noises. "That must be them! We're getting close" whispered Kagura to an odd looking Tohru.

When they finnaly got to the attic, they noticed the noise had gotten louder; at first they doubted a little while looking at each other, but then Kagura took Tohru's hand and they both crawled towards the edge of the place they were in. They slowly and in a very silent way sneack out from one of the walls, and there they were. Kagura's face was a smiling and admiring one; tohru's eyes glittered in the dark.

All they could see was this gorgeus group of good looking guys. The black and white haired one was sitting behind the drums playing with the sticks; the little blond boy was sitting on top of one of the boxes that surrounded them; he looked really cute on those pinky shorts he was wearing. Tohru smiled sweetly at the sight of this. And last, a tall good looking man with black hair that looked older than them, but not old enough to be their father that is. He was playing with his pencil while looking down at his notebook, he looked like he was thinking of something, to write probably.

"Mou! Where is that cute oranged haired boy from the other day?" whispered Kagura in a frustrated tone. "The other one isnt here either!"

"Calm down I'm sure…" just as she was about to finish her sentence, she was cut off by the sight of two boys entering the room.Tohru instantly blushed at the sight of this gorgeous boy. He had just walked in, hadnt even said a word, and already was Tohru hooked to his beautiful face.

"Gomen, we're late again" said Yuki with a smirk.

"Iiyo" answered Shigure (*he was the one writing things down of course!*) with a smirk he glared at the two boys standing in front of him. " I suspect it was a direction problem?" he asked.

Yuki smirked at him closing his eyes. "Of course… if it wasn't for my baka brother here, we would've gotten here on time" As he heard this, Kyo got a funny angry expression and stepped next to him.

"Ah! There he is! Isnt he the cutest?" asked Kagura, whispering always, and with a really glooming face. Tohru didn't answer, she was just staring at Yuki from that far attic they were in.

"YAROU!!!" snapped a a loud upset Kyo. "It was your fault for not letting me find the shortest way!!!!" he continued while staring at Yuki with a funny upset face.

Yuki stared back at him with a funny what-the hell look on his face. "If I'm not mistaken you were the one to chose this way, remember…" said a calm Yuki. Kyo just gulped and got an even angrier funny face.

"That doesn't matter!!!! You only gave me the address when you realized we were already lost!!!" snapped Kyo.

"Why don't you shut up baka Kyo" said Yuki with a defiying glare.

"Wanna try me??!!" asked Kyo with a smirk.

"Maa.. maa.." interrupeted shigure, saving them the work to get all things together after their fight. Shigure continued with a smirk. "Why don't you just continue with rehersal?" just as he finished, he gulped at the sight of Yuki and Kyo staring at each other. Then they started arguing again.

"Mou…" said Hatsuharu playing with one of the drumsticks over his upper lip. "They always do this, I'm getting tired.. especialy about that Kyo… how can he be so loud.. they don't even look like brothers, Yuki's seems more mature…" he stated while looking at them.

"Hai!" answered a smiling Momiji, jumping off from the box he was sitting on. "Just like cats and mice" he smirked at the sight of them arguing and shigure trying to break it off.

"Feh.. don't know why we had to chose that stupid name…The Zodics… no wonder we don't get calls to perform anywhere… that name sucks" Hatsuharu complained while sitting back on his chair.

As everyone heard this, they calmed down and turned towards him.

"I thought it was a nice name" said Momiji with little sadness on his eyes.

"That's just `cause you got to pick it" said Hatsuharu, still leaning on his chair.

"Why are you still mad over that… we all agreed that was the name you'd go by" said Shigure staring at Hatsuharu.

"Feh…" was all Hatsuharu said at this.

"He's right about something though.." started Yuki " we havent got a single call from anyone… I'm starting to think this whole thing wont work out.." as he finished to say this, Yuki sat on one of the chairs, and stared at nothing in particular.

"Don't say that Yuki!!" said Momiji with determination "I'm sure we'll get a job!"

"When? In fifteen years?" snapped Kyo, then he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "For all I know we should've gotten at least one call.. just one..but we havent, have we?" he asked with a softer tone of voice.

They all stood there quiet not knowing what to say. The whole place had gotten into an awkward silence, and all of them, even Tohru and Kagura who were still hiding behind that wall, had sad expressions on their faces.

"Demo.. to be a group that's just starting, you should be proud of yourselves" said a smirking Shigure, breaking the dense atmosphere of that huge place. Everyone turned to him expecting him to say something else. " Most groups don't even have the kind of talented persons that you are, you've got a huge talent within you, but it'll just take a little more time for the others to find that out" he said with a smile. At this point, everyone had smiles on their faces, even Haru, who was leaning on his chair playing with his drumsticks.

"NOT MENTIONING THE CREATIVE, SMART, MOST GOOD LOOKING GUY YOU'VE GOT AS A MANAGER!!HEHEHHHEHE" Shigure yelled with a funny smiling face, making everyone fall on their backs. Even Tohru and Kagura.

"What!!!!??? How can you call yourslef a good manager when you cant even get us a producer's number???!!!!" Kyo snapped pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Producer?.. well… at least I got numbers from these hot girls I met yesterday while trying to get in the producer's building!! That's gotta be close!" stated Shigure with a funny smile.

Just as he said that, both Kagura and Tohru fell on their backs making a loud noise as they bumped into some boxes and other junk laying around. When they heard this, all the boys turned towards the attic Tohru and Kagura were peacking from.

"Who's there!!!" asked Kyo with an angry expression.