Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Music for our Hearts ❯ Saved by the... ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello again! I have to say I do not own any of the charcters from Furuba. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Baka: idiot

*Iiyo: it's ok

*Sugoi: great, excellent

*Nani?: What?

*Demo: But

*Dare yo: who are you/who is it

*Doushita no?: What happened?/What's the matter?

*Moshi moshi: Hello? (when you pick up the phone)

*Sou ka: I see...

*Nani?Doko?Dare?Naze?: what?where?who?why?

Chapter 3: Saved by the.. pigeons?

"I said who's there!!!??" asked again and even angrier Kyo, threatening to kick whoever's ass was hidden behind the wall. Kagura and Tohru stared at each other not knowing what to do.

"OI!!!" continued yelling Kyo, as Shigure walked up to him.

"Mmm.." said Shigure while holding his chin with a thinking attitude. "It's probably a thief.."

"Well I'll show that creep no one comes here to steal our instruments!!" said an angry Kyo while walking towards the door. Just as he was approaching the door, lots of pigeons flew from the attic Tohru and Kagura were hiding scaring the hell out of Kyo, who fell on his butt (*cute little one may I say!*) with an astonished expression, giving Hatsuharu and Yuki something to bother him about later.

"Nandayo.." said Kyo while watching the pigeons fly away and getting back on his feet. By this point, Tohru and Kagura were sitting on the floor with relieved expressions.

"That was close.." whispered Kagura while sitting in a more comfortable position.

"I thought you wanted to meet these guys, why are we hiding from them?" asked Tohru while getting her video camera out.

With a smirk, Kagura answered. "We'll just have to wait a little bit more, I want to hear more about them" she whispered.

When they approached the wall again and peacked hiding behind the wall, they noticed Kyo had gotten a funny angry red expression.

"Kuso! What are you laughing for! Those damn birds took me by surprise!" snapped an angry Kyo.

"You have to admit it was really funny!!" said a smiling Momiji while walking up to him.

"Baka Kyo always does something stupid" replied a smirking Yuki while looking at his upset brother.

"Hontou no baka.. Kyo" continued a calmed expressioned Haru.

"URUSAI!!" snapped a funny angry expressioned Kyo holding his fist up.

"Hn.. even those pigeons reject us.. what a nice way to start.." added Haru while getting up and walking towards Shigure. Everyone had gotten serious again. From a distance, Tohru held her video camera recording everything.

" Are you getting a close up on that orange haired boy??" asked an impatient Kagura while leaning on Tohru's back.

"Hai! Hai!" whispered Tohru. Tough the truth was, from the lence of her camera the only person able to be seen was Yuki. Tohru focused on each one of his facial expressions; his hair, his beautiful eyes, his pretty smile. All she could think of taping was this mysterious gorgeous looking boy who stood there in the middle of that huge room full of instruments.

`Eh?' thought Tohru while gasping and leaving the camera out of focus for a sec. How could she be doing this when all she knew about him was practically nothing but his name. `Yuki.. san' she tought to herself while drawing a sweet smile on her face and blushing a little while staring at him from a far distance. This was not something that happed to her usually. She had never seen such calmed eyes, though saddened ones from time to time. She found his mysterious personality appealing to her, even when she knew so little about him.

"Anyways, I've got something for you to get happy about" said a smirking Shigure while looking at Haru who was standing next to him. "This will surely get you out of that crancky mood you're in today.." Shigure added while walking to the center of the room.

"What is it??!!" asked an impatient Momiji while jumping around Shigure trying to see what was written on his notebook.

"Is it good news for real, or are you just trying to escape our beating?" asked a careless Kyo while crossing his arms and leaning on a wall.

"It's good news for real" stated Shigure while handing the notebook to Momiji who snatched the notebook from his hand like it was one of those pieces of candy he loved so much. "I've got you a place to perform" said a calmed Shigure as he saw the stunned expressions on the boys faces.

"Really? Where is it?" asked Yuki expecting for his answer.

"It's not a big place, but you'll get payed and hopefully gain some fans.." answered Shigure with a smirk. "But don't expect it to be crowded.. it's a bar. I think it'll be a good start.. at least for now.." he continued.

"All right! It was about time you did something usefull for us!" said Haru with a smirk while walking towards Momiji who was reading his notebook.

"Mmm… I've seen this bar.." said Momiji with funny careless expression. "It's more like a dumpster than a bar" as he said this Shigure gulped in a funny way turning around to him.

"Feh.. I should've known better.." stated an annoyed Haru.

"At least you'll get payed and if we're lucky, someone will be interested.. neee??" said Shigure with a funny expression hoping that the boys wouldn't beat the crap out of him for this.

"Yeah? Who? One of those drunken dudes that are always hanging around there?" snapped Kyo, still with his arms crossed.

"Iiyo.." interrupted Yuki. Everyone turned to him and saw him smirking. "Just like he said.. at least we'll get paid.." Yuki got a funny what-are-you-doing-hiding-behind-me-you-big-baka look on his eyes while Shigure stood behind him with a funny expression and a sweat drop on his head.

"Hai! Hai!.. let's listen to Yuki-kun! He's got some good points!" said shigure while putting his arm around Yuki's shoulders.

Momiji smiled and then went next to them. "Hai! I'm in!" he said with a big smile while expecting the others to do the same.

"Feh.." added Haru while going back to his chair and playing with his drumsticks once again. "Whatever gets us out of this dumpster.." he said while sitting on his chair and by this time, everyone was staring at Kyo.

"Well.. what do you say Kyo?" asked Shigure. "Are you in?"

Kyo let out a sigh and walked up to them. "What choice do I have left.."

"We could just forget about him and start looking for someone else.. he's not that important, is he?" stated a funny looking Yuki, and as he said this, Kyo got a funny angry upset look on his face.

"NANII???!!!! Are you trying to say I'm not important here you KUSO YUKI!!!!!!!!!" snapped a funny angry Kyo.

"That's right Baka Kyo, you should stop thinking you're the only one in this world who can play the bass!" replied a fuuny looking Yuki.

"At least I CAN play an instrument!!!" Yuki and Kyo were staring at each other in a funny angry way with sparks flying around them. Then they started arguing again and Shigure sighed while Momiji held an awkward expression.

"Are those two ever gonna change?" said Momiji while looking at Yuki and Kyo starting yet another one of their common fights.

"You better just leave them alone.. they've always been that way" replied Haru while playing something on the drums.

"Ah.. well… why don't you start rehearsing now.. you've got to be ready in two days" said shigure while walking back to his spot, leaning on the wall. "You've got a lot of work to do!"

"Hai! Hai!" said a hyper Momiji, who went towards the keyboard to start practicing. "Mou! Yuki! Kyo!! We've got to start rehearsal now!" he said as he watched those two argue.

"You better go break it up if you want us to rehearse" stated Haru.

"Ah.. I guess you're right" said Shigure as he sighed while walking up towards them. "Yuki, Kyo.." he got a funny scared expression when both of them turned to him with funny angry faces and said: "NANI??!!!" Shigure gulped and tried to talk to them while the others started playing their instruments.

Behind the wall, Kagura was smiling while looking at them fight, Tohru was getting everything recorded.

"Sugoi desu ne!!" said a smirking Kagura.

"Un!" replied Tohru smiling as well.

"I told you you were gonna love them! Arent they the cutest??!" asked a smiling Kagura while sitting next to Tohru, who was putting her camera back on her bag.

"Hai, you were right.." answered Tohru, as she was putting her video camera away, she noticed it was passed the time she had told Miine she'd get back. "Eh?Masaka" said Tohru with a blinking expression. Getting up she gathered all her things and turned to Kagura. "I'm way passed the time I told Miine-san I'd get back!, I've got to get back now" she said while waiting for Kagura's answer.

"Ok then! let's go..I've got the address for that bar they're going to perform.." said Kagura with a smile while Tohru looked at her with a confused expression.

"Eh? And how did you get that?" asked a blinking Tohru.

Showing her a pair of huge binoculars that looked more like a telescope, Kagura smirked. "Who do you think you're talking to Tohru-chan!" Tohru just smiled awkwardly at her. "Now let's go before Miine starts freaking out and calls the police.." Kagura added while putting away her binoculars and getting up.

"Hai!" said a smiling Tohru. After that, they approched the wall and peacked to see the boys one last time.

"Good night you hot piece of orange perfection!" whispered a smirking Kagura after walking away. Tohru stayed a little bit more looking at Yuki who was standing before the mic, singing. `Oyasuminasai…Yuki-kun' Tohru thought to herself before walking up to Kagura.

Yuki was singing when he suddenly stopped and looked at the wall that Tohru was hiding before in the attic.

"Doushita no? Yuki" asked a confused Shigure glancing at him and at the attic.

"Eh?… iiyo.." replied Yuki while catching a glimpse at the wall. "I just thought I heard someone calling me.." he said while looking back at Shigure.

"But there's no one there Yuki.." said Momiji also looking at the attick's direction.

"Feh.. seems like this day's been just too much for you .." said a smirking Kyo.

"Why don't you just get back to playing the bass baka Kyo" said a funny careless Yuki.

Snapping at him with a funny upset expression, Kyo continued. "NANI????!!!"

Shigure sighed with a funny expression. "Not again" but it was too late, Yuki and Kyo had already started arguing again.

Tohru opened the door to her house and tried not to make too much noise on her way in. Just after she carefully closed the door, some fast really noisy running steps were heard coming towards her.

"Great.." Tohru said with a sigh. After a while a worried expressioned Miine ran up to her , taking her shoulders and examining her from head to toes.

"Do you know what time is it Tohru!!???" asked Miine in a really fast way still searching for something out of place.

"Hai gomen Miine-san.. I know I was supposed to be here.." Tohru was interrupted by Miine who stood in front of her holding her her face between her hands.

"You were supposed to be here half an hour ago!!" said a worried Miine."What would've happened if Hatori-san called and asked for you?? What was I supposed to say? `Oh, sorry Hatori-san, Tohru-chan hasn't gotten back from her friend's house yet! She's an hour late but don't worry!'??"

"I know! Gomen ne? Miine-san!! I promise I wont be late from now on!".. said an awkward smiling Tohru, who was kinda upset with Miine for over reacting so much, but yet, kinda glad she was.

Miine sighed at this. " Mou Tohru-chan! You really had me worried!! Don't you ever do that again!" she said while turning around in a funny tired way, walking towards the kitchen.

"Hai!" answerd a smiling Tohru. "I'll call you next time"she said.

"You better!" said Miine, who turned around when she heard Tohru was going upstairs. "Eh?, arent you going to have something to eat?" she asked, Tohru turned towards her from the stairs.

"Iie! Already ate! But thanks anyway!" an after that, Tohru went upstairs. Miine sighed.

"Mou!" replied Miine in a frustrated way while walking towards the kitchen.

When Tohru opened the door to her room, she dropped her things on her desk and sat on her bed next to the picture of her mom. Tohru smiled at it. "Tadaima" she said with a smile on her face. Then she let herself fall on her bed, and put her right hand on her head, she stared at the ceiling and then the dark sky full of stars. She kept on smiling for a reason, that night had been fun, she really had forgotten all her problems for a sec, and of course there was Yuki. She stared at the stars while remembering that good looking lavender haired boy, then, unconciously she drew a smile on her face.

Right after that, she felt a cold and little wet touch on her cheek; as she turned around to see what it was, she caught a huge reptil non expressive face from the corner of her eye. "Eh??" she said while getting up. Then she smiled as she noticed it was Tsu-chan who had crawled onto her bed and had been keeping her company as she drifted off in her thoughts.

"Tsu-chan! You scared me to death!" said a smiling Tohru who then layed on her bed staring at the little turtle. "Tadaima" Tohru said with a smirk, then she sighed. "Guess what… Kagura-chan and I sneaked into something that looked like an attick/storage room… and these cute boys were performing there.." she let out another sigh. "You should've been there Tsu, they were great" she added. Tsu-chan just stayed there emotionlessly while crawling onto her palm.

Tohru held Tsu-chan on her hands and stared at him. "I'll take you next time, ok?" as she finished saying this, she went towards the doll house and opened it to put the little turtle in. The phone started ringing outside. After that, she went towards her things and picked up her bag, then she took her video camera out and stared at it.

"Maybe I should…" she was interrupted when she heard some knocking on the door, hiding her video camera, she answered: "Hai!!"

Miine opened the door holding the phone and giving it to her with a smile. "Tohru-chan, Hatori-san is calling, demo…" Miine was cut off by Tohru.

"Hai! Arigatou!" said a smiling Tohru while picking up the phone. "Tou-san?" Tohru asked.

"I-ie.." said a rather trembling female voice. Tohru's eyes got a a little upset.

"Dare yo.." Asked Tohru in a sorta upset way.

"Ah! Souma Kana desu!.. I'm your.." before she could finish, Tohru cut her off.

"I know.. doushita no?" Tohru asked, wanting to her to tell her as soon as posible what was it she called for.

In Hatori's office, he was looking at some papers as he watched Kana's reaction while talking to Tohru on the phone. He sighed with a softened face as he saw Kana was getting nervous.

"Ano.. Hatori-san.." Kana started answering, when she turned around as she felt someone was standing behind her. Hatori smiled at her and she quickly continued. "Ano, chotto matte kudasai ne?" she handed the phone to Hatori with a smile.

"Moshi moshi.. Tohru-chan?" he asked. Kana was standing behind him and then turned around to leave Hatori alone so he could have a talk with his daughther.

"Tou-san! Konbanwa!! Is something wrong?" asked a now smiling Tohru.

" Daijoubu, everything's fine here" answered Hatori. "The reason I'm calling is because I'm gonna have to stay for the night, I thought my shift ended at 10, but there's been some changes"

"Oh" Tohru said while sitting on her bed.

"Yeah.. I wont be coming home until tomorrow morning, so you don't have to wait up for me" said Hatori with a little sad look on his face.

"Sure.. no problem, I was a little tired anyway.." replied Tohru faking a smile, and though Hatori wasn't there to see it, from the tone of her voice he was able to detect his daughter's expression.

"I promise I'll be home by dinner tomorrow though" said Hatori while signing some papers. Another assistant entered the room, and with the phone on his ear he handed this person the papers he had just signed, and in a serious tone of voice and expression he said to her: "Take this to Arisato's office" the assistant nodded, took the papers and left.

"Eh?" asked a confused Tohru.

"Ja.. I was talking to someone else" Hatori said, returning to his warm tone of voice and relaxed expression. "Ok then, tell me what you want me to get you, since I'm getting out of here in the morning I can get one of those cakes you love so much.."

"Cakes?.." asked a confused Tohru, then she drew a small smile on her face. "Tou-san is spending so much time in that hospital you're forgetting what I love most…" she stated.

Just as he heard this Hatori got sorta embarrased/sad expression. "Onigiri" Tohru said over the phone. "Onigiri is the one thing I love the most, remember?" said a now smiling Tohru.

"Sou da ne" replied a smirking Hatori. "I'll get you some on my way home then"

"Un!" replied Tohru.

"Ja, Tohru-chan I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow if I get home before you go to school" said Hatori while looking through some papers on his desk.

"Sure! Oyasumi!" said a smiling Tohru.

"Oyasuminasai" replied Hatori, then he hung up the phone. As he turned around he saw a smiling Kana standing behind him holding a cup of coffee. "Kana" he said in a little surprised tone of voice.

"Was she upset?" Kana said with a smile while handing him the cup of coffee. "Tohru-chan must miss you a lot.. this is the third time this week you've had a night shift"

Taking the cup of coffee Hatori replied with a slight smile. "Un… I'm sure she feels lonely at home… but there's nothing I can do right know.. I really wish I could do something about the schedules" he finished saying while taking a sip of his coffee.

"She's a really lucky girl" Kana said while arrainging some things on her desk. Hatori turned to see her. Still arrainging the things she continued: "To have a father that thinks of her all the time, and how to possibly make up for all the time he's spending here in the hospital instead of being with her"

"Isnt that what all parents think about?" asked a now expecting Hatori.

"Well, you'd be surprised.. Some of the doctors here are so busy concentrated on their work, that they practically forget they've got lives outside these walls.. I've known some cases in which they even forget to go back home for more than just a couple of days" she finished and turned towards Hatori with a smile. "That's why I say she's a really lucky girl"

"Sou ka" said Hatori.

"I'm gonna go see if there's something I can do about that schedule of yours" said Kana while walking towards the door. Hatori turned to her a little surprised.

"You don't have to.." he said while watching her stand by the door with a sweet smile looking at him.

"Daijoubu! Isnt that what assistans are supposed to do?" as she finished, she turned around and started walking away.

Hatori stood on his office with a smile. Then he turned around and sat behind his desk, as he put the cup of coffee on top of it, he noticed a picture of a smiling Tohru being hugged by him and Kyoko. He smiled at the sight of this and held the picture while leaning back on his chair.

"Four years it's been… Kyoko.." he said as he ran his index finger through Kyoko's face on the picture. " We really miss you… but…" he stopped and Kana's smiling face appeared on his mind. "Is it really that soon.." Hatori added while placing the picture on his desk again. After that, he leaned on his chair and closed his eyes while crossing his arms. Then, he let out a sigh.

Tohru was on her bedroom sitting in front of her desk doing the homework the teacher had given them that day. Though she could hardly keep her mind focus.

"Mou.. I cant do this right now" she said while closing her notebook. "At least it's not a difficult subject" after she finished saying that, she heard a knock on her door. "Hai!" said Tohru while getting up. Miine entered her room with a tray of cookies and a glass of milk.

"I thought you might need this!" said a smiling Miine, while leaving the tray next to her books. "You wont be able to concentrate if you're on an empty stomach!"

"Arigatou.. but I told you I had already ate" said Tohru with a smile.

"I know! But knowing Kagura-chan the only thing you had was a pack of pockys and a chocolate bar.. ne?" answered a smirking Miine.

Tohru smiled at her and nooded, then she went towards her desk and picked up the glass of milk. As she took a zip out of her glass of milk, Miine looked at her with a concerned smile.

"Ano..Tohru-chan.. I noticed you were a little sad after you hung up the phone.. are you ok?" asked Miine looking at Tohru who seemed lost in her own thoughts. "Maybe there's something I could do to help you out.." Miine stared at Tohru and she still heard no answer from her. Then she got a funny upset expression that quickly changed into a smirk. "You know Tohru… I think I'm pregnant" said a smirking Miine. This time, she got a reaction from her, but not just the one she was expecting.

When Tohru heard the word pregnant she became frozen in a funny way. And after a matter of seconds, the funny stone-like expressioned Tohru siptted all her milk oh Miine's face and clothes as she turned towards her.

"NANII!!!??? Dare?? Doko??!! Naze!!??" snapped a funny looking Tohru, who had starting waving her hands in the air as a sign of desperation.

Drying her face with a napkin and taking her glasses off, Miine stood with a funny upset expression smiling awkwardly and with a vein popping out her forehead. "Iiyo Tohru-chan… I was just kidding you because you seemed to be somewhere in dreamland.."

As she said this, Tohru stopped running from side to side and stared at her with a blinking expression. "You were.. kidding only?" asked a confused Tohru.

"Hai!" replied Miine while putting on her glasses again. "What were you thinking of anyway?" asked Miine.

"Nothing in particular" said a smiling Tohru while waving her hands in front of her. When she stopped, she noticed Miine's face was still dripping a little milk she had spit on her. "EEEHHH??!!!" said Tohru starting to freak out again. "Gomen nasai!!! Miine-san! Ano.. ano… where's that towel..??" Tohru said while running in a funny way moving her arms around.

As Miine saw her reaction with blinking eyes, she smiled. "Iikara Tohru-chan, I was going to take a bath anyway!" As she heard this, Tohru calmed down and went towards her.

"I'm really sorry!!" said a blushing Tohru. "I can be such a baka sometimes!" she added.

"Don't say that Tohru!" said a smiling Miine. "Anyway.. As I as was saying, if there's something.." Miine stopped as she saw Tohru's smiling face. "Eh?".. asked a confused Miine.

"Okaa-san always said that if you had a problem, you could always find support in those you trust, and that way you'd find a faster solution" said Tohru. " `You've got to trust people, not judge them' she said. But, right now I've decided to try and fix things on my own; and it's not because I don't trust you Miine-san.. but because I know I'll be able to find a solution by myself…" At this point Miine stood with slightly widened eyes and a little blushed. "That's why... I'm ok... really.." finished Tohru.

As Tohru finished her sentence, Miine looked at her with a smile. "I'm glad Tohru-chan" said a smiling Miine, before turning around towards the door. As she opened the door to walk out, Miine turned to Tohru with a smile. " I'm sure Kyoko-san and Hatori-san are really proud of you" she said while closing the door, leaving Tohru standing in the middle of her room with a slightly blushed face and a smile. After that, Tohru arrainged her things to go to bed.