Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Music for our Hearts ❯ The first Performance ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Shitsureishimasu: an expression that is used commonly when entering a room and interrupting whatever the others are doing.

*Konbanwa: Good evening

*Gochizousama: An expression used when you finish having dinner, lunch, etc. It's like thanking God for the food.

Chapter 4: The first performance

Tohru and Kagura were at school on their lunch break. All the students were making a lot of noise while talking to their friends,sharing yesterday's experiences.

"AWESOME!!!! AWESOME!!!!!" yelled Kagura with a really happy expression on her face, as she kept punching her desk, making Tohru get an awkward smile.

"K-Kagura-chan.. take it easy, you're gonna break the table.."

"Iiyo! Tohru! Arent you excited??? Tomorrow we're gonna see them perform in this …well, in this club!!" Kagura's eyes were big and shinny as she said this, probably remembering that orage haired boy. Then she sighed. "I'm sure waiting for tomorrow night… that is going to be fun…"

"Hai.." answered Tohru. "I'm looking forward to it too.."

"Bet you cant stop thinking about that.. what was his name again?.."

"Yuki-kun.." Tohru's answer was really fast, like she'd said that unconciously. As she noticed, she covered her mouth and got blushed.

"Sou da.. YUKI-KUN… you seem to be really interested Tohru…" Kagura said while leaning over to catch Tohru's reddened face.

"Eh??.. no.. I was.. I just happened to hear it.. anyways… I'm excited about tonight too.. Tou-san said he'd be home for dinner… it's been a while since we had dinner together.." Tohru drew a sweet smile on her face as she said that.

" I see.. now I get why you were so happy when you got here this morning… I knew Yuki-kun wasn't the only reason you were so happy.." replied a smirking Kagura.

"Kagura!.." Tohru looked at her and they both started to giggle.

In some part of the city, Hatsuharu sat across Shigure and Yuki. They were on a coffee shop and Shigure was checking some of his notes as Yuki sat there looking through the window.

"…and do you really think anyone will be there tomorrow…" asked Hatsuharu as he glanced at Shigure.

"..sure.. why not.."

"Why not?.. Shigure you said it yourself.. that place is a dumpster! Only drunk people go there! Geez, we're gonna have so much fun playing for those drunken dudes.."

"Why don't you just stop complaining… at least this is better than nothing.." stated a calmed Yuki.

"And why do you always have to take his side?.."

"I'm not taking his side… just calm down and you'll see this is not as bad as it looks like.."

"He's right.. you should listen to Yuki-kun.." stated Shigure as he smirked at Hatsuharu.

"We can always find another manager if this thing doesn't work out…" Yuki stated as Shigure got a sweat drop on his forehead and Hatsuharu smirked at him.

"Feh.. where's my food, I'm getting hungry here.. oi Yuki.. where's that brother of yours.."

"Don't ask me… but knowing how he is, he's probably spilled something by now… that baka .."

"OI!!!!" Kyo stood behind them holding the trays of food as Momiji carried the beverages. "What did you mean by that!!" snapped an angry looking Kyo.

"He was right though Kyo-kun.." Momiji stated as Kyo glared at him in a funny upset way. "You did spill the sodas back there.. that's why we're late…" he finished saying as he went to sit next to Hatsuharu.

"You!!" Kyo was about to start another argument when he was interrupted by Shigure.

"Maa.. maa… why don't you take a seat, I've got something else to tell you.." as he said this, Yuki and the rest turned around to him.Shigure smirked and then took a sip from his soda. "I didn't want to tell you this yesterday, but I got a producer to go see you guys play.."

"Really??" asked a really happy Momiji while leaning on the table. "Is it for real??"

Shigure nodded in satisfaction.

"Feh.. don't get too excited I bet it's one of those `producers' you find on the streets everywhere" stated Kyo while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Clearing his throat, Shigure answered. "No, he's not.. he's the producer of a Tv show.. I'm not kidding here, he is for real.."

"Can we trust you with that?.." asked Kyo while eating his burger. "This is not gonna be one of your pranks right.."

Shigure got several sweat drops running down his head. "What?.. when have I ever done something like that.." Yuki, Haru, Momiji and Kyo stared at him with funny angry faces. "Eh?… no.. this is not a prank.. really guys, a producer is coming to see you.. I'm not kidding this time.."

"Good then… it was about time.." stated a calmed Yuki, while staring outside the window again.

"What's wrong Yuki? You've been acting weird since yesterday.." asked a worried Momiji.

"Leave him.. he thinks he's going crazy since he thought he heard someone calling him… hahaha, what a …" Kyo was suddenly interrupted by a hamburger hitting his face. "OI!! Kuso Yuki what do you think you're doing!!!??" he asked as cat ears popped out on his head.

"Shut up.. baka Kyo.."

"Baka??!! Oh you're so.."

"Could you keep it down, you're gonna get us kicked out of here.." stated Haru as he saw some people had turned around to see them. "Damn it.. why did I have to be in a group like this.."

"You just don't want to admit you like being here" Momiji stated with a smile.

"What?? Yeah right…" Haru turned around slightly blushed, as Shigure and Momiji smiled and Yuki and Kyo kept arguing.

The hours passed and it was already 7 p.m. The streets were busy as usual and several people were trying to get home as fast as they could. In Tohru's house, she was in the kitchen making the last arrangements for dinner. The table was set with three plates, sinceshe thought Miine should eat with them too. Tohru entered the dining room wearing an apron and holding a tray of food, which she placed in the center of the table. Then she stepped back and stared at the perfect table she had settled.

"Ah! This is great!" she said while taking off the apron.

"Tohru-chan.. where do you want me to put these?" asked a smiling Miine while showing her a vase full of pretty flowers.

"Right! That goes over there, next to the food tray, in the center of the table" said Tohru while showing Miine the place where to put the vase. As Miine walked towards the table, she noticed the third plate and turned towards Tohru.

"And this one? Is anyone coming over for dinner?" asked a confused Miine.

"No, that one is yours.. you're joining us for dinner tonight.." said a smiling tohru, noticing Miine's red cheeks.

"Eh?? No! that's fine, I'm eating in the kitchen.." before she could finish, she was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Ah! That must be Tou-san!! I'll get it!!" said a happy Tohru, running towards the door.

Miine sighed and then went back to the kitchen.

"Hai! Hai! I'm coming Tou-san!!… Okaeri…" Tohru was surprised when she opened the door and found a smiling Hatori next to a smiling Kana. "..nasai.."

"Tadaima, Tohru-chan.." replied Hatori.

"Ah! shitsureishimasu! Konbanwa Tohru-san.." said a nervous and smiling Kana.

"Good evening.."

As Hatori and Kana stepped inside the house, Tohru stepped a side and stared at Kana.

"I hope you don't mind, but I invited Kana over for diner, after all, if it wasn't for her I probably would've stayed at the hospital today too.."

"Really… arigatou.. Kana-san.." said tohru while turning around and walking towards the kitchen. "I'll go get the things ready…"

"Hai.. Kana please join me to the living room.."

"Sure!" replied a smiling Kana as she walked next to Hatori.

Miine was in the kitchen making the last arrangements for their dinner when she suddenly heard the kitchen door open in a rush.

"Eh?.. Tohru?.. what's wrong?" she asked as she walked up to Tohru, who was taking another plate out.

"She came with Tou-san.."

"Ah.. Kana-san.."

"I'll have to take out an extra plate.. could you please.." Tohru was interrupted by Miine, who smiled in a slightly sad way.

"It's ok Tohru.. just use the third plate you set on the table.. I think it'll be better for you three to have dinner together.."


"Not buts … now let's hurry before the food gets cold, ne?"

After all the things were ready and the food was served, Tohru called her tou-san to the table. As they sat having dinner, Tohru watched how his dad and his assistant talked about the things that had happened in the hospital; she pretty much felt like an outsider there, she wasn't talking much and just nodded in response to every question Hatori or Kana asked her.

"So.. Tohru… I understand you're doing great at school.. congratulations!" stated a smiling Kana as she waited for Tohru's answer.

"Hai! Arigatou.." Tohru faked a smile and watched as Kana and Hatori kept talking. She didn't really feel comfortable around her, but she couldn't do anything. Everytime she felt like snapping at her, she would just have to look at Hatori's happy and relaxed expression to hold her back. His smile was really bright, he was happy, more than he'd ever been in a long time after her okaasan passed away.

"Gochizou sama.. I've got to go now, I've got homework for tomorrow.." said Tohru as she got up from the table and took her plate. "Oyasuminasai.." she vowed and then left.

"Sure…" said Hatori as he watched his daughter walk away.

There was a brief moment of silence before Kana speaked. " I think she felt uncomfortable with me being here.." she said as she faked a smile.

Hatori smiled at her as he shook his head in disagreement. "I'm sure she was just tired… after all, she did most of the cooking today…"


Tohru opened the door to her bedroom and went right to her bed. She took the picture of her mom with her before dropping herself onto bed.

"He sure seemed happy today, okaasan.. I don't think I've seen him smile like that before.. well, after you passed away that is.." then she let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes. "I know I'm being selfish but I just cant help it.."

The next day, it was around 8 p.m. and the boys were settling their instruments in the so called club/bar Shigure had found for them. It was not crowded, but the people who sat around there were mostly middle aged men who had already have a couple of drinks.

"I cannot believe I agreed to this.." Haru mumbled as he sat behind his drums and started to play with the drumsticks.

"You better stop complaining if you don't want Yuki to get upset.. you really should let it go Haru.. we're here already, there's nothing you can do." Stated a smiling Momiji as he played something on his keyboard.

"And where is that producer he said it'd be here? All I can see is a bunch of old guys drinking.."

"He'll be here, you don't have to worry about that.." said Shigure, while walking up to the boys.

"Ano.. where are Yuki and Kyo? They were supposed to be here half an hour ago.."

"Yeah.. This is the last time I'll ever carry that baka's bass.." stated Haru with a smirk.

"Who are you calling baka you weirdo!!" snapped an angry Kyo as he made his way to the stage.

"Finally! Where were you! You're about to start your performance.." complained Shigure as he walked up to him and Yuki.

"It's not like they'll leave if we don't play.. we'll be lucky if they even get the chance to hear us play.." stated a calmed Yuki as he walked towards the mic.

"Anyways.. I'll be over there by that table if you need me…" Shigure started checking on his watch. "Ja.. good luck then…" he said as he smirked and waved the guys good bye as he walked towards the table.

Kyo started playing the bass. "Ok.. are we ready?.."

"Hai!!!" snapped a hyper Momiji as he jumped up and down behind the keyboard.

"Ready.." stated Haru.

"Ok then.." Kyo glared at Yuki and he nodded, then they started playing.

Yuki stared singing. "She's got everything I've always dreamed for, she's the girl I've been looking for, she's the spark that makes my skin go wild… my first love.."

Then Kyo continued as he played the bass. "She's the gift I've longed for all my life, when I didn't think I could fall in love again, she's like the sun of a new day.."

As they continued singing, Shigure stared at them with a smile of satisfaction on his face. " `They're really good'" he thought to himself. As he stared at the boys, he didn't notice the presence of a guy standing behind him.

"Shigure.." a cold voice stated as Shigure turned around to find a guy around 21 standing in front of him. He quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Ah! Akito-san.. how are you.."

"Just fine.. weird place you chose for their first performance.." Akito replied with an evil smirk as he sat in front of him.

"Yeah, well.. it doesn't matter what place.." Shigure was suddenly interrupted by Akito, who held that smile all the time.

"Cut to the chase, I've got other places to be at.."

"Sure.. this new band I'm representing.."

"The Zodics, right?.. not a common name.. what do you have to offer me.. you know I don't take street dogs just like that.." Shigure stared at him with a smirk.

"Of course you don't.." As they continued talking and the boys singing, Kagura and Tohru entered the place. Tohru held her video camera towards the stage, focusing on Yuki's closed eyes as he sang along the music.

"Sugoi!!!" whispered Kagura as she stared at Kyo and the rest of the guys.

"Sugoi? Have you noticed what kind of place we're at?" whispered Tohru as they walked to the back of the room.

"Oh, come on!.. if you just focus on them and their music, non of these drunk men matter, right?" Tohru sighed as she heard Kagura's words. Then she got back to recording Yuki's face.

He looked so calmed and relax that it didn't seem as if this was their first presentation. Sure it wasn't the greatest place to start, but they all looked so concentrated and relaxed, that it didn't matter that much.

"Isnt he just great…." Kagura sighed as she stared at Kyo. "And that little blond boy is just a cutie!.."

"Hai.. they are all great.. they're really talented…"

Akito sat back on his chair watching Yuki and the rest perform. Shigure stared at him expecting for an answer.

"Mmm… not bad…" stated Akito as he watched Yuki perform on the stage.

"So… are you interested?" asked Shigure, not wanting to spend another second in the presence of this guy that seemed to give him the creeps.

There was a moment of silence before Akito continued. "Ok, fine…" Shigure drew a smile as he saw Akito reaching for something on his pockets, then he handed him a card. "You give this guy a call, he'll tell you what to do later.." he said as he got up. " I'll give you a call after you see him.."

Shigure got up with a smile. "Sure.. thank you for coming Akito-san.." as he said this, he watched Akito walk away and then turned towards the boys with a smile.

When the boys saw Shigure's expression, they all got smiles on their faces. Then Yuki continued singing the last part of the song.

"…For the love of that girl, we're two guys with the same destiny.."

Then Kyo closed his eyes and smiled as he sang. " And even if you tell me that girl is yours, even when you're my friend.. I'll fight for her…"

"I'll fight for her.." Yuki closed his eyes as the song ended.

Some claps were heard as they started to walk towards the center of the stage.

"Did you see Shigure's expression?? I think we got it!!" snapped a really really happy Momiji as he climbed onto Haru's shoulders.

"I guess so.." stated Kyo as he placed his bass on the floor.

"I would've gone for another song you know.. that ballade was sure not the type of music these people want to hear.." stated Haru as he tried to keep his balance while Momiji waved his arms in excitement.

"I'm pretty sure those guys would've been thrilled to hear rock music banging their heads, giving them another reason to go home and lay down.." stated Yuki with a smirk.


In the back of the room, Kagura and Tohru held happy expressions as they saw the boys gathered and with happy faces.

"Oh that was great!.." stated Kagura.

"Yeah… oh no! Tou-san is gonna kill me!" said tohru while checking on her watch. "We gotta go now!"

"Sure!…" Kagura turned around, but suddenly Torhu stopped her.

"Wait.. I've got something to do first.." Kagura stayed behind with blinking eyes as she saw Tohru walking up to a waiter and giving him a letter, then tohru turned around and walked up to Kagura.

"What was that about?"

"Eh?.. nothing! Nothing! I'll explain you later, now let's go, please?" Tohru pulled Kagura by the arm and walked out of the bar.

"What do you mean I slowed down the song!! No I didn't!!" snapped a funny angry looking Kyo while staring daggers at Yuki.

"Don't believe me if you don't want to baka Kyo.. just ask the others.."

Kyo turned around and stared at Momiji and Haru, who just nodded in agreement with funny faces. "Kuso!!.." Kyo walked up to them and started arguing with the boys, as yuki stood by the mic.

Then he noticed a waiter coming towards him. "Yes?" asked Yuki, not knowing what he wanted.

"A young lady told me to give you this.." said the waiter as he handed Yuki the letter. Yuki blushed and got blinking surprised eyes.

"A letter.. for me?"

"Hai.. she's standing right over…" when the waiter ponited the place where tohru was standing, there was no one there anymore. "oh.. well I guess she took off.."

"Thanks.." replied Yuki as he stared at the spot Tohru had been standing before. Then the waiter left. Yuki took a look at the envelope on his hands, it had nothing written on it, just an onigiri sticker. " `Cute..'" he thought to himself as he opened the envelope and took out the letter. He was surprised as he opened it, `cause he found a piece of what it seemed like a picture, but it wasn't completed. There was just an eye, the girl that had written the letter had cut a picture of her and had put the piece that had her eye on it.

"Eh?" he managed to say as he started reading the letter.

"There once was a girl who couldn't see.. it wasn't because she was blind, but because she didnt want to see all the bad things the world is able to show sometimes.. she walked a long road by herslef , loneliness filling her soul, sadness shattering her heart to pieces… until one day she heard a voice, the sweet voice of the one that would take her out of that dark world she was used to living in… she could imagine the face of this boy as he sung.. his sweet gestures.. she could imagine how his smile was, and how his eyes reflected sweetness as he did (hopefully by now the boy reading this letter had drown a smile on his face).."

As Yuki read that part of the letter, he found himself smiling just like the girl in the letter said he would.Then he continued reading.

"But then again, could he save her?.. could he be able to reach her heart?.. she didn't know.. not yet"

And then he finished. Yuki was a little disappointed that the letter came to an end. He was confused, interigued that was. He wanted to find out more about this annonymous girl. This girl who had in some way caught his attention.

Note: Hey! I hope you liked that chapter! Again, I must say I don't own any of the Furuba characters showed here. And the main plot for this fic was taken from a movie I saw a long time ago, I'll tell you the name of it when I remember.. (*blushes*) I really don't remember! But I'll look it up! Anyways, I just wanted to say that I hope you're enjoying the story. Please keep reading and reviewing! Ja ne!