Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Music for our Hearts ❯ The beginning of stardom ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

HII!!! I'm back with another chappy!! Do not own any of the Furuba characters. Enjoy!

Chapter5: The beginning of stardom

Two days had flown away just as fast as the cool breeze blew by in the city. Two days since Tohru and Kagura went to that bar and watched the boys perform, what will fate have for them now? They didn't know, but they were soon goona find out.

Shigure paced from side to side inside the old `attic'. Impacient looks on all the boys' faces were shown as he kept walking around the room. Yuki had his eyes closed as he leaned against the cold wall, his hands inside his pants pockets; Kyo's finger were tapping his arm impatiently as he held them crossed in front of his chest, his annoyed expression getting angrier as the minutes passed and the room still kept silent, only Shigure's steps heard in the background; Haru was sitting behind the drums, his careless and calmed expression showed in his face as his eyes followed Shigure as he waited for an answer.

On the other hand, Momiji was sitting on the ground next to Kyo; cat ears popped out on the orange haired boy as he glared at the little blonde boy sitting next to him. His calmed state never lasted longer anyways.

"...Mou!!! how much longer Gure-san!!..." he yelled with a cute pout on his face.

" Be quiet you little brat!! We're all waiting here Geez!!..."

"Waaa!!! Yuki! Kyo's yelling at me again!!..."

"What??!! Shut up!!..." Kyo snapped at him.

"Be quiet both of you, we're all waiting for an answer..." an unusual calmed Haru stated.

Kyo turned to him with a funny expression before he whispered. "Geez... his mood swings always surprise me..."

"Hai! White Haru usually doesn't confront you, you should be relieved!!" Momiji stated happily with a big smile on his face.

"What!!?? Relieved?? Keh! Yeah right..."

"Waaa!! You know it's true! everytime Black Haru's around you two are always fighting!!"

"No way!! What, you think I'm afraid of him??!" Kyo snapped, his cat ears twitching. As Haru listened to this whole argument, his eyebrow started twitching and his finger started tapping quickly on his crossed arms.

" Yeah! Kyo's afraid of Haru! Kyo's afraid of Haru...!" Momiji started chanting with a smile.

"Baka! What are you..."

"SHUT UP KYO!!" an angry tone of voice came from behind them. Haru was now leaning on his chair while playing with his drumsticks in one hand and a slick smirk drawn on his face. "Momiji's right..."

"No he's not!!" Kyo stated with a funny angry face as he got to his feet in one sudden move. Haru did the same but in a calmed way as they both stared daggers at each other.

"Oh yeah? You wanna try me carrot top?..." he stated with a smirk.

"CARROT TOP???!!" Kyo was fuming now, he'd always hated that stupid nick name.

"Will you two just shut up..." Came Yuki's calmed voice from behind Kyo, his eyes focused on Shigure as he had stopped pacing around and was now giving his back to them. Both the arguing boys narrowed their eyes and calmed down as they heard the conversation he was having over his cell phone.

" ... uh hu... yeah... yes Akito-san told me I should call this number and ask for Kureno-san... yes I'll hold..."

Kyo let out an annoyed sigh. "Great... what are these people trying to do, why don't they just hand over the freaking phone to that Kureno guy..."

"Just shut up and wait BAKA Kyo..."


"Hai!..." Shigure's voice interrupted him. "Is this Kureno-san?... Hai this is Souma Shigure, `The Zodics' manager I suppose Akito-san told you about us..."

"Keh! `The Zodics' what a stupid name..." Kyo mummbled.

"Ah! Yes ..." shigure continued. "Really?..." his tone of voice got deeper, as if he was told some bad news. All the boys got serious as they heard this. "Yes of course I understand... Uh-huh... I'll tell them... yeah no problem, thank you Kureno-san... Yeah, bye..." after that, Shigure took his phone away from his ear and looked at it, still with his back to the boys. "That was Kureno, Akito's TV show producer..." he stated seriously.

There was a long pause before Haru snapped. "Well say something Gure! Geez I bet we got rejected again..."

"Mou!..." Momiji's cute disappointed face appeared on his face as he sat next to Haru.

"Stupid Akito!! I bet he told the dude we sucked!!" Kyo snapped angrily as he leaned against the wall.

Yuki only stared at Shigure's back with serious eyes without saying a word.

"Well..." Shigure's mocking tone of voice alerted the boys he was about to say something. Something good if he wanted to live another day. "WRONG!! You guys got a chance to perfrom in Akito's hit TV show! `POP STARZ'!!... isnt that great!!" he stated with an innocent look on his face.


Shigure layed on the ground with several bumps on his head, a black eye and croocked teeth as the rest of the boys celebrated behind him.

"All right!!!" Kyo yelled in excitement as he and Haru clapped their hands in the air with a triumphal smirk.

"Wohoo!!! We did it!! We did it!!" Momiji yelled happily as he ran around the room clapping.

Yuki approached Kyo and Haru with a smirk. "Congratulations we did it!..." He and Haru clapped their hands in the air as well. Then Yuki turned to Kyo with a smirk; Kyo stared at him seriosly for a second and then smirked as well.

"We did it bro!!" Kyo snapped in excitement as he too clapped his hand.

"Nee..." a cracked tone of voice came from behind the boys. They all turned around with funny `what do you want' expressions on their faces. "Arent you gonna celebrate with me? I'm the one who got you the gig!And look what you've done to me!!..."

"Keh! You deserve it!..." Kyo stated with a smirk on his face.

"He's right! What the hell were you trying to do by getting that serious tone of voice huh??" Haru stated with a grin on his face also.

"Gure-san!! What else did he say!!??" asked a hyper Momiji as he jumped up and down in excitement in front of their manager.

Shigure smiled. "Well, he said we should be there by 7 p.m. today..."

"Today?" asked a confused Yuki, getting a nod in response.

"Hai! He said they had a spot left before the show begun... he asked if that'd be a problem and I said no... you're ok with that arent you?..."

"The hell!! there's no problem!!!" yelled Haru. "Think of all the money we'll get after this! The money, the fame, the chicks!!" they all got sweat drops on their heads as they watched him walking back to his drums babbling about all sort of things.

"Boy is he happy..." stated a funny looking Kyo. Momiji just nodded in agreement.

Shigure smiled at the sight of all of them. "Well boys..." The boys turned to him. "You better be ready to become huge stars..." Kyo, Momiji, Haru and Yuki smirked.

"Sure we'll be... sure we'll be..." Yuki stated softly as the rest of the boys kept celebrating behind him.

The hours passed quickly and it was about 2 p.m.; Tohru sat on her desk writing some things on her notebook while the rest of the students talked about what they were gonna do. There was still one period left for them before they could go home, but since the teacher had to leave early and there were about 20 minutes before the next class started, Torhu decided she'd go ahead and start doing her homework.

" `If I get to finish homework here then I'll have the whole evening to myself...'" she thought happily as a smile appeared on her face. Suddenly, a the whole building started shaking. Tohru quickly lifted her face in surprise and noticed all the students held confused faces. "Eh?? An earthquake!! Quick everyone let's...!!!"

She suddenly stopped when a familiar voice was heard in the far distance.


Poor Tohru-chan froze instantly. But as quickly as that she got a sweat drop on her head as she saw the panting Kagura burst open the door to her classroom.

"K-Kagura-chan?" she asked nervously as Kagura quickly made her way towards her friend. "Whahahaha..." she laughed nervously and bowed to the rest of her classmates.

"TOHRUU!! YOU'RE SO NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!..." Kagura stated with big bright eyes as she stood next to her.

"What is it? Is something wrong??..."

"No!! Everything is GREAT!! You're gonna die once you hear this!!"

"What is it??" Tohru asked impatiently as she followed her friend taking the seat in front of her.

"Ok... Oh my God this is such a great news!! Ok, ok... so, I was..."


Kagura was walking down the halls of her school carrying some papers, when she suddenly stopped as she heard the TV was on in the teacher's room.

"... on the music news, a new boy band is performing today in `POP STARZ'..." the female announcer said. Kagura's eyes widened in surprise. " ... as I've heard from the producer of the show this is a band with lots of potential... the name you ask?..."

"Hn... another boy band in town..." a teacher said. "Madness is about to hit the school once again..."

" `Oh shut up and let me listen!!'" Kagura thought to herself.

"... well, this is not a common name but I'm sure you'll remember it after tonight's performance! `The Zodics'! Remember people! Be sure to watch them at 7 p.m..."

"Hn... like we've got the time to..." the teacher was interrupted when a loud high pitched sream was heard outside. "Nani??!!"

All the teachers rushed outside to see what was going on, but only found a bunch of papers laying around on the floor. "What in the world??..."

*End of Flashback*

Tohru's eyes were wide open and shinny as she heard her friend. "Tohru?? Tohru-chan did you hear what I said??" Kagura asked as she stared at her frozen friend.

A huge smile appeared on tohru's face. "Kagura-chan!!"




"WAAA!!" both girls screamed as they held hands and jumped up and down in excitement, getting weird looks in response.

"Oh my God!! They're going to be on TV!!" Tohru yelled, her bright sparkling eyes dulling the sun rays that filled the room.

"I know!!! Didn't I tell you!! They're gonna be famous!!"

"Hai!! This is so exciting!!! I cant wait to get home and watch them!!"

"Me neither!!! I am so recording this!!! I want to get Kyo-kun's face just for me!!"

"I know!! This is so great!! They made it!!"

"This is so HUGE!! I mean, I'm sure they're gonna be famous and all!! Now we'll get to say we discovered them!!"

"I know!!! Hey! You wanna come over and watch them on Otou-san's big screen?? Come on!! It'll be fun!!"

"Sure!! Oh wait... damn! I've got to stay home and feed the jungle today... great..."

"That's ok Kagura-chan..." They stared for a few seconds and then bursted out in laughter and joy.

"This is so GREAT!!" they both yelled in unison.

6:50 p.m. arrived just as quickly as blink. Inside the set, Yuki, Kyo and Haru stood with annoyed faces while Momiji danced around in hapiness and excitement around them. Shigure arrived wearing an executive's suit. (*very vey handsome!*)

"There you are!! Eh?? Why those faces??"

" `Why those faces' you ask?? Have you seen what we're wearing??" Haru snapped.

Shigure gulped as he took a look at them. Yuki was wearing a long sleeved chinese styled sparkling red shirt with chinease character details on the side and black pants; Kyo was wearing the same but instead of a red shirt, his was blue; Haru was wearing a non sleeved orange chinease styled shirt and black baggy pants; Momij, who was just delighted with his new outfit, was wearing a light blue short sleeved chinease styled shirt(*yes, again chinease, sorry but I love those!*) with dark blue shorts.

"WELL???!!" Haru snapped once again as he heard no answer from Shigure.

Shigure smiled awkwardly as a sweat drop fell from his head. "Well... you don't look bad..."

"WHAT??!!" Kyo also snapped at him. Poor Shigure, if he didn't come with a good explanation he was going to die.

"I like it!!!" yelled a hyper Momiji as he jumped around them.

"See?... besides, there was nothing I could do... this is your first live presentation and you cant look like homeless people..."

"Are you trying to say we dress badly?" Yuki asked raising an eyebrow.

"No! I'm just saying that you should look your best tonight... what you're wearing is not bad..."

"Oh yeah?? Then why don't YOU wear it??" Haru asked with an evil grin on his face.

"HELLO THERE!!" a loud and obnoxioustone of voice came from behind them. (*obnoxiouse for the boys that is... I personally loove his voice*)

As Shigure turned around, he smirked at the sight of the slim tall guy standing in front of him. His long silver hair flowing in the air as he madehis way towards them.

"That's him!!" Kyo yelled, his cat ears popping out on his head. "That's the guy who made us dress this way!!" His fuzzy ears twitching as he pointed at the man.

"Ah! Gure-san! So you finally showed up!!" Ayame said with a smirk.

"Sorry I'm late, but you know how I am Aya..." he replied, also with a smirk on his face.

"What?? You know him??" Kyo asked in annoyment.

"Yeah! He was the guy that gave me Akito's number on the first place..."

Kyo's jaw fell to the ground as Ayame made his way towards him. "Hey Kyokichi!! Looking good!!"


"Look at me! Look at me!!" Mimiji yelled as he twirled around showing off.

"Eh! Momiji-chan! You're looking good too!! You all are..."

Yuki's eyebrow raised and started twitching as he felt ayame hugging his neck with a funny expression.

"But my favorite here is Yuki!!"

"Shigure if you don't get this weirdo away from me I swear I'll cut him up to little pieces..." Yuki's calmed though threatening tone of voice alerted the manager it was better that ayame stepped away.

"How funny!!" Ayame said with a smile. Shigure walked over to him quickly and dragged him away claiming he needed to talk to him about something.

"Jackass..." Yuki muttered.

"OH MY GOD!!" a male's tone of voice filled the room as they heard fast running footsteps coming their way. "IT'S 6:57!!! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! WHY LORD WHY!!!??"

"Geez!! Who is this freak??!" Kyo asked while covering his ears.

Shigure and Ayame turned around at the sound of the desperate tone of voice.

"Calmd down Ritsu... they still have time..." Ayame stated with a smirk on his face.

"REALLY?? NO!! I'VE MADE A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF!! WAIT! YOU'VE GOT TO GO ON STAGE NOW!! NOW!!!" Ritsu said and then took off just as quickly as he came.

Haru smirked and played with his drumsticks. "Let's go!!" All the boys smirked and made their way towards the platform.

"Good luck!!" Shigure yelled, getting an ok signal in response.

"Hn... They're good looking, but what about their voices?..." Ayame asked, glaring at Shigure from the corner of his eye.

"Oh they're great... you're watching a talented bunch of guys there Aya..." shigure stated with a proud look in his eyes.

Tohru was in the living room, the TV on channel 12. The announcer was talking about something that she found uninteresting so she just waited for him to introduce the boys.

" `God! What is taking him so long??...'" she thought to herself as she started tapping her fingers on the couch. " `He's not what I'm here to see! Move away!! Come on!!'"

Then, the moment arrived...

"Ok ladies and gentlemen!!" the announcer started saying; Tohru's eyes widened. "Tonigh we've got a new group performing for us!!" The crowd started cheering. " These four boys will become your next idols!! Please welcome Yuki! Kyo! Haru! And little Momiji!!... The Zodics!!!"

The curtains behind him opened and the girls in the audience started screaming. All the boys had bright sparkling eyes as they watched the crowd. They smirked and then everything started for them. They were going to be famous.

Momiji and Haru started playing, the loud up beat music filled the room and the crowd started cheering. Then, they all got ready to sing.

"Shinku no juutan ni nita...

kono yo no hana wa mina omote...

sono shita ni nagareru yami...

kanashimi wa soko kara umare...

aa, kokoro sae itsuwatte ikiruno ka...

hito wa sadame ni ayatsurareru dake..."

(*The world flowers like a carpet of crimson red...

As one scatter and toss through the air...

Sorrow and sadness are born there...

From the darkness that streams underneath...

Ah, are hearts only meant to lie?...

Are people just puppets of fate...*)

"Tada, itoshiki mono dakishime...

chiisaki mono mamoru tame...

kyou mo dare ka ga sakebu...

kono inochi sae mo nagedashi...

toki no naka de moetsukiru...

sono isshun ni kuchizuke o..."

(*Only to embrace those we love...

And protect those small and precious ones...

Today again someone shouts that out...

Sacrificing even their life...

To smoulder in the midst of time...

With that instants kiss...*)

The boys were filled with excitement as the crowed roared in front of them and they kept singing.

In Tohru's living room, she was just jumping up and down as she saw the close ups on Yuki's and the rest of the boys' faces. They were really good singers, there was no doubt about that.

"AHH!!!!!!" Tohru yelled, unable to control herself any longer.

Fast running footsetps were heard coming towards the living room, and Miine opened the doors quickly with a worried expression on her face. "Tohru-chan?? Dai-..." she suddenly stopped as she saw Tohru's happy expression.

Miine took a look at the TV screen and noticed the orange haired boy in the TV screen. Then she sighed in relief. "Ah... it was just a boy..." then she smiled sweetly as she stared at Tohru. "It's good to see you in a good mood Tohru-chan..." she whispered softly before she closed the door.

The boys continued singing and the song was about to end. Yuki approached the mic and so did the rest.

"Kumo ga kiete hoshi ga mieru...

kaze ga tomari tori ga utau...

umi ga hikari sora ni tokeru...

yoru ga owari kimi o kanjiru..."

(*The clouds disperse the stars are seen…

The wind stills the birds sing...

The ocean shines the heavens thaw...

The night ends and I feel you...*)

The music slowly started fading away and the boys closed their eyes just to hear the roaring crowd cheering for them. Yuki opened his eyes with a smile of satisfaction on his face and one by one the boys bowed in front of the audience. Then, they got off the stage.

"The Zodics ladies and gentle men!..." the announcer started clapping and then started talking about the other things they were gonna show.

Tohru's eyes showed happiness. She was so happy for the boys, they really had nailed it!! That upbeat song was just great! And though it wasn't as beautiful as the ballade she heard them play in the bar, she just felt happy.

"Good job minna-san...!!" she stated happily.A sweet smile appared on her face as she stared at the TV screen and whispered. "Good job... Yuki-kun..."

In some other part of the city, another girl had watched their entire performance. The only thing that provided light to her room was the bright TV screen. "So... Yuki huh... you are very cute..." Minagawa Motoko whispered as images of Yuki's face flashed in front of her eyes.

A/N: HI!!! I know it's been a long time since I updated sorry. Anyways, the song is "Velvet underworld' by Weiss I just loved it!! I loooove Weiss.. I do not own them, but I love them. I don't really know who wrote the lyrics, but get this, I do NOT OWN them! Nor the translation for them. I took them from anime lyrics, and if you havent listened to the song, please do! It's great! Well I hopw you REVIEW this please, `cause that's what makes me update sooner. Ja ne!