Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ Wonderful Abyss ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty
Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
Muhammad Ali - Year 1415
Wonderful Abyss
I can't believe I'm being sent to the Sohma House-again! Eriko thought, she was sitting in the back seat with Ginry curled up on her lap. Aikoko stayed home because Noami called and told her she wanted her to be home till she got there. So Aunt Kita was the only one able to drive. So here she was, in the back seat with only a suitcase of her things, the things that once occupied her room in Yuri's house, but now everything had changed now. But this time, she would be at the Sohma House alone; Yuri wasn't going to be with her anymore. But the good news was that she got rid of the sprained ankle and no longer needed crutches.
“Almost there Eriko,” Kita said from the front, for some reason Ginry wished to come, but she couldn't stay with her, it was unexpected enough to be dropped off on their doorstep let along asking them if she could keep the kitten. She didn't have any food for her anyway, so she just kept her for the ride just for the company. “Nervous?” Eriko didn't jump, but she was startled by the question.
“Not really,” she said. “But I'm wondering why I'm being sent back to their house?”
“Well, none-the-less, we know your relationship with that boy (Eriko blushed, Kita didn't notice) and thought you would like to live with them for a while since there wasn't much a point for you to stay at the Estate. And you would be much more closer to Kaibara High school.” Kita answered.
“Makes sense, but-”
“But what?”
“Isn't there another reason for me to be going then being closer to Kaibara?” She asked, Kita smiled.
You're to smart for your own good Eriko, I wish I could tell you though…but you have to find out for yourself. “There isn't much else,” Kita answered.
“What do you mean by `much else'. That means there's a bit more to the answer you gave me, isn't there?” Eriko asked. Kita turned the steering wheel; they were now on the familiar street that Eriko recognized going to and leaving from the Sohma house, now she felt the homesickness torn between her former home and the Sohma house.
“We're here!”
“Answer the question,” Eriko snapped coldly when Kita drove the car near the entrance, Shigure was at the entrance, Eriko couldn't help but sigh and think the next few weeks it'll be catastrophic.
“Come on,” Kita said as she opened the door for Eriko, it wasn't a few seconds later till Tohru was already at the car with Yuki, Shigure stayed at the entrance, where Kyo was, well, she figured the roof.
“Welcome back Eriko-chan!” Tohru cried happily, but when she attempted to hug her (Eriko -.-) Eriko side stepped-result: Tohru fell back into the back seat since Eriko hadn't shut the door yet. Yuki sweat-dropped as he pulled her suitcase out.
“I'll take it to your room, I would suppose you knew where that is right?” Yuki asked with a smile.
“If it's the same one from last time, then yes.” Eriko answered, Tohru was now up and next to Eriko.
“I am so sorry! You didn't want to be hugged right? I am so sorry for not asking and invading your personal space! Please forgive me!” Tohru apologized, bowing in the process. Eriko though, wasn't thinking much about it.
“Apology accepted,” Now leave me alone… Eriko thought, her methods on trying to be friendlier were going to be a waste as much as she hated to admit it. But the fact on why her family wanted her to move back here so quickly as if it were an emergency was still a mystery to her. Kita grasped Ginry in her right hand and waved to Eriko before jumping into the car and driving off.
“Welly welly welly! It's so wonderful to see you once again as lively and spirited as you have been the day we last saw you Eriko-chan!” Shigure cried.
She's the new definition of lively and spirited I suppose, Yuki thought as he walked into the house with Eriko's suitcase. Tohru and Shigure accompanied Eriko into the house though.
“So tell us, what has been new lil' Eriko?” Shigure asked.
“If there was anything new I would tell you,” she answered back plainly.
“So that would be a no?”
“Here you go Miss Sanotomono.” Yuki said, Eriko stood in her doorframe with Tohru and Shigure standing behind her, how typical it would be to be the same room she had last time. A pang of homesickness tore at her chest, but she remained emotionless, but it seemed that Tohru caught the glimpse of nervousness in her eyes.
“Are you all right Eriko?” Tohru asked, looking worried. Shigure and Yuki exchanged baffled expressions.
“I'm all right, thanks for your concern but can you leave me alone for a bit please?” Eriko said kindly with a smile, it terrified Shigure and Yuki.
“All right,” Shigure began dragging Tohru out of the room. “Call us if you need anything.” Then the door shut behind the three, Eriko then wheeled around to the window of her room. She went over to it and automatically opened it, welcoming the chilly breeze of the afternoon.
“Did she just say what I think she said?” Yuki asked as they got downstairs.
“Yes, does anyone know why our precious lil' Eriko has become so light-hearted?” Shigure asked.
“I think the word for it would be `kind'.” Yuki corrected.
“She's seems all right to me, though her personality seems a bit…forced,” Tohru added.
“I agree, now who should we ask to set her straight?” Shigure asked, put his arms into his kimono and his right hand came out of his collar and rubbed his chin.
Eriko heard the shout, but ignored it since she could smell Kyo up on the roof, another typical thing today. She jumped lightly onto the window frame, then grasped the roof's end and jumped off the frame, she dangled for a moment then swung her weight into her swing and did a back flip, then landed neatly and silently on the roof on both legs.
“Whoa! How'd you do that!” She turned around and spotted Kyo, he was wide-eyed and staring at her like she lost her mind, he was wearing his teal hoodie and tan khaki pants. She wondered why he wore that maroon and white beaded bracelet on his left wrist/
“Hello to you too Kyo,” she greeted as she scurried up to his spot and sat down on his left. He regained his senses for the minute and stared at her.
“So, you'll be living with us for a while huh?” he asked.
“I suppose, no one told me when I would be leaving so here I am, having nothing to do…” Eriko answered blankly. She smelled no one but herself and Kyo, which was good because she wouldn't have to worry about spying eyes. Those were annoying…
“You can talk to us, and besides, school's starting back up tomorrow. I believe you have to go to the office to get your books and stuff.” Kyo explained.
“That all? Your school seems to be on Easy Street,” Eriko replied.
“Yeah, but you have to study to pass those damned tests, I had to study for them big time-”
“You? Study? Those don't mix Kyo, you probably never studied a day in your life.” Eriko smiled.
“Oh yeah! How much you wanna bet?” Kyo growled.
“How much is your head worth?” Eriko asked.
“Then if you lose I get your head!” Kyo snapped.
“Oh really?”
“Too bad,” Eriko said with a smirk, Kyo growled and with a roll of his eyes, laid down on the roof. Eriko took advantage in his vulnerable state, his arms were behind his head and his hoodie was ruffled, it seemed like a perfect opportunity without any negative reflects.
“So…why do you wear that bracelet?” she asked, he jumped a little, then sighed and closed his eyes.
“It's not important,”
“You don't see many guys where beads,”
“Leave it will ya!” Kyo snapped coldly. Eriko could almost laugh at the thought that ran through her mind, then she decided to do it, what harm could it do when he `purred' last time? She gently laid her hand flat on his stomach, and before he could move and snap at her, her fingers began to stroke the fabric. Kyo's face relaxed, and this time, she definitely heard the purr. She couldn't help but admit how adorable he was at that peaceful moment. His body was completely relaxed, and in the animal way that existed in her knew it showed complete trust. Vulnerability was something you would never show to an enemy, so in other words, Kyo wouldn't be seen dead doing this near Yuki.
Eriko smiled, it was one of those moments she thought she would give anything for to have that perfect moment last forever. Eriko's smile then grew grim, she wondered whether these symptoms would be dangerous to those around her, the `thing' she turned into, could it attack anyone without her consent or was she in complete control? No, she wasn't in control when it killed the boy or flee from that girl…
“You're troubled…” Kyo said without straining anything. Besides the small frown, there was nothing else that changed from its relaxed position.
“A little,”
“Mind telling me what's bugging you?”
“Not unless you tell me why in the world you purr?” she asked back.
“Eriko, I'm…serious all right! You're all smiley now…and…it's erm…just what the heck's going on!” Kyo growled his face contorted with mild anger, his eyes finally opened and gave Eriko a hard fiery crimson glare, demanding for answers. Normally she could resist but now, she was too stressed about what was going on with no answers…
“It'll sound stupid-”
“Trust me! Everything on the whole damn planet is stupid to me-uh! Not you though…” Kyo blurted out, he sat up and Eriko's hand left his stomach, he propped his knees up slightly and laid his arms on them. “Nor does Tohru, your family, Master-”
“Who's your master?” Eriko asked.
“Oh, my master is Kazuma-sensei Sohma!” Kyo said instantly, for the first time Eriko heard `pride' and happiness in his tone when he said that, and it only took one question to bring it out.
“You really like don't you?”
“Heck ya! He raised me since I was little and taught me everything I know to this day!” Kyo stated proudly, standing up and stretching. “He taught me martial arts to me, Haru, Kagura, and Yuki.”
“Who Kagura?” He froze.
Oh dear Lord! What happens if she came over? What would happen if she discovered another girl here? What if she does come and realize how I feel about Eriko? A large gravestone raced across his mind with:
Kyo Sohma
Born: As the Cat
Died: Because of Kagura Sohma
Instant death by a deranged Boar by showing affection to someone else other then the one he proposed to…
I never proposed to her! Kyo mentally shouted. He clutched his head and his fingers ruffled his hair, Eriko sweat-dropped. “I'll become more of an outcast to this family then before!”
“Kyo?” he jumped and looked at her, did he just say that aloud? “What's wrong? Does the simple name of a girl make you go haywire?”
“Uh…yes, I mean no! No! No! It's just that she's my erm…little sister, she's a bit on the wild side mind you! So if you meet anyone that goes by the name Kagura Sohma just freeze and back away slowly,” And hope she doesn't catch a whiff of me on you… He warned.
“That's nice of you, but I can fend for myself.” Eriko said.
“A lot coming from someone that ran into the woods for no apparent reason!” Kyo snapped.
“I did have a reason good enough to do myself in!” Eriko retorted.
“Don't say things like that!”
“Why not! It'll happen someday!”
“But not now it won't!”
“Why wouldn't it!”
“Because I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm alive!” Kyo replied, fuming. But Eriko was smiling, she soon started giggling. “What's so damn funny?”
“You,” she answered, his face turned from anger to confusion.
“Let me put it this way, when I first met you it was like a Cat and a Rat,” Eriko said.
You have no idea how much I relate to that, Kyo thought.
“We fought, didn't get along, but now, we're like everything each other has. But you have plenty of people who support you-”
“Like who?” Kyo asked as he sat down again.
“Like Tohru for example, a guy would kill for that kind of girl Kyo, she's nice, good at cooking, encouraging, not all that agile you know, but put it all together you have yourself the girl of your dreams.” Eriko explained, “Shigure, he's like your guardian, well he is actually, but even though he doesn't act like it, he still cares for you guys like paying the bills, works, he's fun, not all the serious of a person, I bet without him you wouldn't have even met Tohru. Then there's Yuki, I can see clearly that you two practically hate each other, but like the Cat and Rat, you two are natural born enemies, but there are those bonds in life, that somehow manage themselves in between your fingers without realizing it and weave themselves together day by day, month by month, year by year till they finally are completely attached.”
“So, you're saying that we're friends, even though we don't show it in any way possible.” Kyo translated.
“Exactly,” Eriko answered, she smiled. He couldn't help but smile himself, then what she said sank into him, his eyes widened and the smile vanished.
“Wait a minute! Are you saying we like each other!” Kyo blurted out. “I could never hate that scumbag for what he did to me! And it's my destiny to beat him and earn my rightful place among my family like people before me!” By the time he was done and she was staring at him, he knew he slipped.
“Like people before you? Earning your rightful place? What are you talking about Kyo?” Eriko asked. He quickly laid back down with his hands behind his head.
“Don't worry about it,” he growled.
“So why do you purr?” he smiled.
“Because…I like your touch,” Kyo answered. She looked up at the sky, it was cloudy today, and not horribly sunny either. She then laid down next to him and looked up at the sky, Kyo did the same.
“Look! There's a rabbit!” They jumped up a mile and looked over their shoulder, it was Tohru.
“Are you two cloud-gazing?” It was Shigure, he appeared after Tohru climbed up the rest of the way.
“I hope you don't mind us intruding, we were looking for you Kyo,” Tohru said, sitting next to him. Shigure (who's rather clumsy at this altitude) uneasily made a few inches before claiming his spot only a few inches away from the ladder. Then Yuki appeared on the ladder.
“Why were you looking for me?”
“Well, it seemed that Eriko needed someone to talk to,” Tohru answered, “and it seems you two already talked.” She smiled.
“So, can we join you?” Yuki asked (to Eriko).
“Sure,” Eriko answered.
Kyo didn't have any option though since Yuki had already sat on the right of Tohru. By the time they were all lying down, all was quiet, and peaceful.
“I see a turtle!” Tohru cried again, pointing at another cloud.
“There's a rat,” Yuki said.
“Aw! It's so cute!”
“I see a bird,” Kyo stated plainly, pointing at a dove flying across the sky.
“We're looking at animals made of clouds, not those made of feathers Stupid Cat.” Yuki smirked.
“Watch it Ratboy!” Kyo hissed, Eriko tugged at his sleeve and pointed up.
“Look, there's a cat,” she said, pointing up another cloud, but there was another cloud joining up with it.
“That other cloud looks a bit like a cat…” Tohru pointed out.
No, it's not a cat…Eriko blushed slightly, was it possible? As the others continued pointing out clouds, it seemed oblivious to Kyo what that probably meant.
…a fox and a cat?
“Oh! Before I forget Kyo! Kagura called and said she would be here first thing tomorrow morning!" Shigure cried happily. Eriko could nearly feel the icy vibration from Kyo's skin as he froze and paled.
“…” Have mercy…