Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ My Pet ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We don't own Fruits Basket.
Wrote this with angrynekokyo
She watched the small white dove flap its wings a few times as he struggled for freedom the girl's navy blue eyes watching him intently before letting go watching the dove leave the room. She smirked resting her elbows on the window seal watching the world outside her little box. Her kimono slowly slide down her shoulders slowly. Kyou let out a frustrated sigh to himself, looking up at the front gates of the main part of the estate. It had been awhile since he had been there. -He touched his hand to his forehead, feeling the heat from his slight fever. He needed to see Hatori about it. He went inside past the gates, and found himself wandering around in search of Hatori. His search brought him inside a certain building, to a certain door that he openned up. "Hatori!? You in here?" He called into the room as he stepped inside, freezing as he caught sight of Akito.
Her gaze turned to the young boy before her a smirk sliding across her lips. "Hello my little monster..." She spoke coldly sliding out from the window seat to the ugly monster before her. "... You've come to see me?"
His brow furrowed at being referred to as a "monster," but he did what he could to keep himself calm. He had just gotten off of school, so he still carried his case and wore his black uniform with long sleeves, the top two buttons undone to make the shirt nice and loose as he liked it. He wouldn't let his eyes meet with Akito's. "I was looking for Hatori."
"Why did the poor little monster get a scrap from fighting with the nezumi?" She spoke coldly as she slide her hand across his smooth cheek. "Hatori will not treat you I promise you that."
He shivered as he felt her hand move over his cheek, his hand tightening into a fist as he heard her speak to him. His eyes finally met with her's upon hearing of Hatori. "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't he?"
"Cause I won't allow it not in my home." She smirked. "I don't want your scent all over the place its bad enough when Hatori leaves the main house and comes back smelling disgusting like he touched you."
"You ba--!!" He cut himself off and turned his back to her. "Fine! I don't need it anyway..." He moved foreward to walk out of the room, but stumbled and fell down to one knee, dropping his case. He felt much hotter now, a light, cold sweat beginning to form on his forehead. He touched his hand to his face, his vision a bit blury.
She leaned down beside him smiling. "Aww poor ugly beast are you not feeling well... You should hurry up and die already nobody wants you, you poor excuse for a boy..."
His hand gripped his bangs as he listed to Akito's abuse, his eyes shutting tight. They openned again as he reached out, grabbing her kimono. "You God damn.." He gritted his teeth, his grip on her kimono loosening as he knew he couldn't do anything to her.
She slowly slide closer to the boy pushing him to the floor leaning over him her navy blue eyes focoused on his crimson orbs. "... Did I hit a nerve monster...?"
He grunted as his shoulder hit the floor, his body rolling to lay himself face up on the floor. He couldn't stand feeling weak like this. He blinked, his vision clearing up, his crimson eyes looking up into her's. He closed his eyes tightly, turning his face away from her. "I feel like playing doctor you'll be my little doll." She spoke softly as she stood walking over to her door locking it then her window sliding it closed. "This will be fun you'll see what I have to go through as your god."
" What...?" He groaned, bringing his hands up and putting them to his head. He couldn't believe that he was being affected this badly by a fever.
She walked back over to the boy pulling on his sleeve. "We must put the patient to bed then we can give shots and medicene and other thigns..." She smirked. He felt himself being pulled by his sleeve. He didn't know what she had planned, but he just liked the sound of being able to lay in bed. His free hand pushed on the ground as he slowly got up to his feet.
She dragged him the rest of the way pushing him back on the bed sitting on top of him. "What shall I do first for my patient?"
Despite the rough pushing, the bed felt rather nice. He felt her sitting up on top of him, his cheeks becoming slightly flushed as he closed his eyes. "I just...need to rest..."
"Oh no you need a shot and some medicene..." She spoke leaning over to her nightstand pulling some needles out of the drawer Hatori used for her.
"Medicine? What kind of medicine?" He openned his eyes and moved to sit up, pressing his hands against her to try and push her off of him while speaking in a groggy voice. "You can't give me medicine..."
"You do I'm your doctor." She used the needle squirting it to the top as she leaned in pulling his sleeve up injecting the needle into his flesh.
He screamed out slightly, not so much from the pain of the needle, but because he had no idea what was being injected into him. "W-what the hell is that!? What're you putting in me!?"
"What they put in me to make the pain go away." She smiled. "Morphine is always the best when your sick."
"Morphine?" Sweatdrops ran down his temples as he looked toward the spot he had been stuck with the needle. "But wasn't that too much? And I don't need it, I just have a fever!"
"... I'm your doctor." She spoke coldly smirking as she placed the empty needle on the nightstand. "I say what is to much and what isn't."
His hands gripped at her kimono as he fell back onto the bed. "D-dammit...What the...hell are you going to do to me?"
"I want you to know what your god has to go through for all of you." She reached down petting his cheek softly.
The morphine was beginning to calm him, but he was still concerned about what was going to be done to him next. He hated being at her mercy like this. "Damn..."
She slowly slide her hands down his shirt starting to unbutton his shirt. "Your actually had your pain reduced unlike mine."
He swallowed hard, a light blush coming to his cheeks as he looked down toward the hands undoing his shirt. "What are you going to do next...?"
"Check your heart rate." She peeled the shirt back her cold hands sliding over his chest resting above his heart. "Your hearts racing little monster are you scared?"
He shivered softly as he felt the cold hands touching him. He turned his face away, his blush becoming a bit darker. "Of course not!"
"Then excited perhaps, you've never been this close to a woman have you?" She smirked. "Of corse not your the ugly cat no one wants."
"Woman...?" He closed his eyes, feeling angry but the morphine was able to keep him from reacting how he normally would to Akito's abusive words.
"Has Tohru gotten this close have you allowed her?" She ran her slender fingers threw his orange silky hair.
He closed his eyes tightly upon hearing the question. His hands tightened on the cloth of her kimono again. "No..."
"Do I excite you my poor little kitty... You seem a little tense do you want me to give you more medicene like a seditive?"
He blushed heavily, shaking his head in response to Akito's question. "No, I don't need anymore."
"Hmm..." She thought for a moment before sliding off his lap. "I have a present for you all the god's have given the cat's a little present did you know that?" She spoke coldly pulling the dresser door open pulling a golden box that was tied in white lace.
There was still a slight blush on his cheeks as he reached his hands down, rebuttoning his shirt. "A present?" He looked up at her and the box from where he lay on the bed.
She slid back into place on his lap her eyes focoused upon his. "Close your eyes." She spoke softly placeing the box on his chest sliding the lace off. He was fairly sure he wasn't going to like this, but it was probably better than when she would do to him if he didn't do as she said. He closed his eyes, waiting for whatever was coming. She slowly slid the leather collar around his neck locking it with a silver key. She ran her fingers along the small spikes then stopped on the golden bell flicking it with her slinder finger.
His eyes openned in curiousity as he heard the bell ring. He moved his hand up, running his fingertips along the spikes and the bell. He then felt the lock on it. He blushed slightly. "So I can't take this off? What am I supposed to do when I go to school?"
"You won't be your going to stay home and rest while your sick." She ran her hand across his cheek.
"Oh, right..." With everything that was going on, and the morphine killing any pain he would have felt, he had almost forgotten he was sick. "But I...I thought you didn't want me here."
"I'm playing doctor I want to make you suffer like I do for you." She sat up undueing his buttons again. "... The cat gets blamed a lot doesn't it?"
He closed his eyes, the morphine helping reduce how much Akito's words would normally affect Kyou negitively. He still felt a light shiver travel through his spine. "I...guess..."
She leaned in kissing his cheek softly her hands sliding down his chest. A dark blush came to his cheeks, his eyes widenning as he felt the her lips pressed to his cheeks. "W-why did you...?"
"I'm playing doctor..." She spoke coldly leaning over him looking down into his eyes.
He blinked as his crimson hues looked up into her eyes. "Doctor? What does kissing my cheek have to do with that?"
"Kids play doctor all the time to explore." She smirked. "You never got to play that game as a child did you?"
He simply blinked, feeling slightly confused. "No, I didn't. What do you mean by "explore"?" His hands gripped the sheets below him nervously, having a vague idea of what Akito meant.
"You show me yours I'll show you mine." She leaned over poking the bell to hear it jingle.
His hands moved up from the bed, shoving weakly against her as he blushed heavily. "You're the one that's always saying I'm a monster! Why would you want to--?"
"I love to tease and make fun of you." She sat up slowly playing with his bell. "I love toying with you."
He blushed as he looked away from her. "Well...stop it. Just let me go!"
"Why?" She spoke sadly looking down to him.
He blinked in confusion as he heard her sad town, glancing toward her. "Th-this is embarassing..."
"No one can see us." She ran her fingers threw his hair. "Your sick and I'm taking care of you..."
It didn't make any sense to him. She was always so scary, and so mean, but now her touch felt so gentle. He closed his eyes and shivered softly, unsure of what to do at this point.
"... Were the left behinds the things no one else wants." She slide off of him sitting beside him now.
He openned his eyes once more, sitting up. He moved up to fast, making himself a bit dizzy. He held his head as he looked toward her. "What?"
She leaned back against the wall. "No one wants us."
He closed his eyes, feeling himself begin to tilt. This ended up with him leaning against her, whether he liked it or not. "That's not it?"
She nodded lightly. "... We can never have happiness." She slowly ran her fingers threw his hair. "... Everyone might be around us, but were alone, can't you feel it when your in that Dog's house..."
He blushed softly as he felt her gentle touch once more. His arms shook in nervousness as he slowly lifted them, loosely wrapping them around Akito's body. "I...yes, but..."
"... You think she's differnt don't you...?" She spoke barely above a whisper. He nodded softly against her body, his eyes falling closed. "... Kyou?" She countinued to pet him as her head went back her eyes gazing upon the cieling.
"Yes?" He remained leaning against her with his arms around her, afraid that he would feel even worse if he moved.
"... If you stay with me after highschool... I won't put you in the cage..."
His eyes openned, surprised to hear what she had said. "Stay with you?"
"Yes, until I die... Don't worry my time is comeing soon..." She kept her eyes away.
He moved his head, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Why are you...? You've always acted like you hate me."
"... Cause God envys the cat's happiness..." She spoke sadly.
He openned his eyes and lifted his head from her shoulder, looking at her. "My happiness?"
"... You get to live a normal life without that stupid girl."
"Don't say that about her." His voice sounded rough as usual, but softened as he next spoke. "Please...just don't..." He looked off to his side as he thought for a moment. "I'll...I'll stay with you..."
"... You promise...?" She spoke barely above a whisper.
He turned his head back toward her, slowly leaning foreward. His lips trembled slightly as they parted, his eyes falling closed as his lips gently pressed against her's. She blushed faintly her eyes falling closed as she felt his soft lips. His arms tightened around her as he held the kiss for a moment, before slowly breaking it.
She opened her eyes slowly looking to the cat. "... Did you do that out of fear or because of the morphine...?"
His eyes openned as well, looking into her's. "I did it because...I used to hate you. But now...I want to comfort you, and make you happy." He blushed lightly as his arms moved down to grasp the side of Akito's thigh, pulling her up into his lap. "I told you not to call her stupid...she's the one I got this from."
Akito looked to the cat confused by his actions just now. None had done this to her only when she wanted them to do that to her. Se slowly slid her arms around his shoulders her head resting on his chest. He blushed rather heavily, never having held anyone like this before. He leaned his head down against her's, his hand resting on her thigh as the other gently rubbed her back. "... I'll go find Hatori so he can give you the right kind of medicene." She slowly slipped from his arms heading to the door unlocking and leaving it open as she headed down to Hatori's office. He was surprised to hear what she said, his head lifting up and his arms releasing her. He layed back on the bed, his head spinning.
Hatori came rushing in with his bag Akito following him, but not at such a quick pace. "Akito you should have got me sooner you know how the zodiac animals are while their sick he could have changed into a cat."
He held his hand over his face as he waited for Hatori. He groaned lighlty as he heard Hatori talking. "Keep it down, my head hurts like hell."
Akito sat away from the two in the corner laying on her couch. "You have a slight fever." The seahorse spoke looking to the cat after feeling his forehead. He reached into his bag pulling out a bottle of pills. "I'll call Shigure so he can come pick you up."
He took his hand off of his head. "No, I'm staying here until I get better." He turned his head to look toward Akito. "Right?"
Akito looked back to the cat before looking away. "Its your choice you don't have to stay here until your out of highschool."
He closed his eyes, obviously not intending to move from his spot. "I'm staying right here."
Hatori looked down to the cat. "You know better not to be in Akito's room."
"If he wants to stay here then let him stay he's more company then you are." She spoke coldly.
Kyo remained surprisingly silent, though the reason why was soon obvious as a light snoring could be heard from the cat. With his illness what he had gone through emotionally with Akito, as well as the morphine, it wasn't surprising that he had fallen asleep on them. Hatori left the room with his bag after she saw the man travel down the hallway she slide from the couch walking over sliding the door closed locking it. She walked over to Kyou laying the key on the nightstand. "My pet." She spoke barely above a whisper as she slide in beside him covering them up. She snuggled close to the caat her head resting on his shoulder.