Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ No longer alone ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kuu: Wahaha! here I am!!! Two chapters in one night! OH YEAH! -Does dance of victory- lol. in this chapter there's a reference to volume 8 of the manga..I kind of tried to explain it..Maybe if I get enough people who haven't seen the manga I'll scan that part in and put it on my site. >_<' I love that part, I wish theyde put it in the anime -sigh- anyway..My wrist hurts from writing now ;.; I sure hope it's good enough X;

Chapter 19!
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Haru tried to open the door to Shigures only to find it locked. Well, of course it was locked..It was two-thirty in the morning. Haru quickly raised a shaky hand and pounded on the door as loud as he could and waited.

In the house, Shigure looked up from his work as he heard the loud noise. (That's right, He only does his work in the solitude of his study with no one is around!) He shrugged and headed to the door. 'Ano, who could possibly be coming over at an hour like this?' He wondered idly as he opened the door to see..Haru?

"Now now Haa-kun, do you have any-" He stopped when he saw the look on the panic-stricken teens face. "Hey, are you okay? Haru?" The cow just sat there and stared at him in a daze.

'He's delirious..' Shigure thought to himself, concerned. He waved a hand in front of the bewildered boys face. Said teen then immediatley snapped back to attention.

"Shigure..Where's Kyo? I-Is he here?" He asked, his words piling on top of one another.

The dog nodded. "Last time I checked.."

Haru quickly pushed past him and headed upstairs, Shigure close behind. (Well, you'de want to know what was going on too, wouldn't you?) Haru stopped at a door.

"It's this one, right?" He asked stoicly. The dog nodded. Haru frowned to find the door locked from the inside.

"Hm. That's odd, Kyo doesn't usually lock his door.." Shigure stated thoughtfully to himself, earning an even more panicked look from the ox. Haru took a step back and kicked the door in, earning him a strained look from the dog.
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He slowly walked into the room, his heart sank as he took in the surroundings. The room was completely ransacked, a knocked over bookshelf..Paper and books were strewn all over the room, among other things. Shigure looked over the room as well in shock. The window was open, the curtains blowing slightly as a gust of wind flew through the room. He knelt in the middle of the room and wrapped his hands around Kyo's blanket that had been tossed across the room from the bed. He knew something wasn't right..It was obvious there was some kind of struggle. His grasp on the piece of cloth tightened, his hands shaking and knuckles turning white.

'Stay calm..' He tried to tell himself.

"He's gone..? But where.." Shigure drawled.

Haru ignored him, trying to compose himself..Panic was overtaking his mind and rational thought..That was the last thing he needed. He needed to think clearly and devise a plan of action..But first..

'Just relax..Think..' He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The events of the day before came to mind. The malicious gleam in Kagura's eyes as she threatened him. 'I'll get you back for this!' She'd said. So..It was her. That meant Akito had done this..Because of her............Her...

All the panic and anxiety he'd been feeling slowly desolved and turned into anger and hatred. He stood and grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a knocked over chair, and hurled it with an enraged scream. Shigure slowly retreated from the room and went downstairs to think. He figured he'd wait til Haru's little 'tantrum' was over since he didn't want to get pummeled. He listened as Haru screamed angrily and further destroyed the house.

After throwing a few more things, Haru angrily paced the room. He grabbed hands full of his hair as he tried to think straight. Growling, he slammed his fist into the all. He was so infuriated that he didn't even feel his own knuckles crack due to the impact, or any of the previously scabbed cuts he had open back up. There was only one thing to do, simple as that. He had to get Kyo back. So with that, he made his way downstairs.

Shigure looked up as Haru reached the bottom of the stairs and headed toward the door. Shigure also noticed his bleeding hand. Shigure hopped in front of the enraged teen, blocking the door in the process. Haru glared at him.

"Move." His voice was shaky with restrained anger.
"Where are you going?"
"Where the fuck do you think I'm going you stupid dog?! Now move out of my way or I'll move you out of the way!" He screamed
"Sorry..But I can't let you leave like this." The dog don't him sympathetically.

Haru felt his anger rise. Snarling, he took a step towards the dog, but was stopped by a dull pain. Before he could look to see what happened, everything went dark.

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Shigure looked at the unconcious Haru, then at a very concerned looking Yuki?

"You didn't have to do that far." Yuki gave him a detached look.
"That's the only way to deal with him when he's really black. You're lucky I was here, otherwise he may have killed you.." Yuki stated.
"Eh?" Sihgure quirked a brow. Yuki sighed.
"I've only seen him like this once before, it was around the time he and Rin broke up. But when he goes all the way black..He's got to be completely incompacitated otherwise there's no stopping him. Unlike all the other times he's gone black, when he's truly "Black" he has no concept of thought. There's no telling what he'd do..It's actually kind of scary."

Shigure glanced down at the ox. It was understandable. Tomorrow they could all just go to the main house together and work everything out, until then.. "Well. We'll put him to bed then when he wakes up and is thinking rationally we'll work from there." He sighed.

Yuki nodded. He had a feeling that he was missing something though. First off, why had Haru shown up so late and started trashing the place? And secondly..What had happened that was bad enough to make Haru go over the edge?

"Shigure, I think you have some things to explain to me.."
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Blah! 4:45 now. >___< REVIEW REVIEW PLEASE! Tell me what you think! But if it's bad..Then uh....Shove it! -cackle- I love you all!

By the way. Sorry if there are typos..But im sleepy and i dont feel like going through it and fixing them! GOMEN NASAI!?