Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Time ❯ Right Here In My Arms ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Right Here In My Arms--By HIM

I never realized how hard it would be to see her walking down the streets of Japan. The way she smiles so bright as she talks about her fiance to her friends, whispering how cute she had thought I was. And I always would feel hopeful when I'd hear her contemplating to come visit me at the main house.

She may have forgotten our relationship, the way how I loved her still much. The way I still love her so much. And I know that still, deep down in the corners of her heart, she still must love me. No one could love someone so much and then completely forget about the special thing they had shared. Even... even if their memories were erased...

That was a terrible day, when Akito had made me do that. I remember how I felt. Torn, and broken. As if something was missing from me.. And something was.. Her, Kana. I missed the way her smile would always bright up my day, the way she'd joke...

The curse.. It has done nothing good to our family. I wish she would never of had to of seen me in that horrible form. The Bastards Offspring as Shigure had once called me when we were in highschool. It made no sense to me.. That I, the dragon, would turn into a seahorse.

Kana.. How I miss her so much, how I pained to see her the way she was before I had to erase her mind. She was getting hysterical, crying day and night, screaming.. She reminded me of Momiji and the scene with his mother..

Although, I know.. That this meant much more to me..

Because I loved her..

She's smiling like heaven's down on earth
the sun is shining so bright on her

and all her wishes have finally come true

and her heart is weeping

this happiness is killing her

I remember that one day, at the Sohma beach house. Shigure had brought Tohru, Kyou and Yuki out with us. And how after the trio left, he had invited over Ayame, and we had.. The talk..

I learned many things that day. That she didn't love me.. That even though there still had to be a memory.. Something that would remind her of me.. But I was wrong once again..

I knew that she was getting married. It was around New Years that I was told.. More like eavesdropped. I felt my heart tear, and I felt it break into many more pieces as I heard her explain to her friends about her new fiancee..

But she had mentioned me as well..

And I can remember how my eyelids had fluttered. Knowing she had common knowledge up to the point before their romantic relationship, it had still surprised Hatori that she would admit something like that..

That I.. was......

She'll be right here in my arms, so in love

she'll be right here in these arms, she can't let go

I laughed at Ayame's idea of running into the wedding and stealing my Kana away. I wish he would have told me sooner. I had the crazy idea of actually doing that.. Because that's how much I love her. I want to hold her in my arms, and never let go of her. And I wanted us to be together and live forever in happiness..

But I know that this dream is something that only happens in fairytales. Being a Sohma, we learn not to get too attatched to people. We learn how to keep our feelings hid. But still.. For one day.. I wish I would be able to tell Kana how I feel..Tell her I love her with all my heart, that I'm nothing without her..

Why is it, that all our fairytales are painted with colors or black and grey. And why is it that only people who are 'normal' live fairytales with splashes of beautiful colors, and get to live with the one person they truely love?

so hard she's trying,

but her heart won't turn to stone

she keeps on crying

but I won't leave her alone

I know I shouldn't really be still thinking about her. It's been almost a year since the incident happened, but.. I love her. And if it's possible, I know that I'll try to get her to love me as well.. And maybe then..

I will