Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ One Night of Drinking ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We don't own Fruits Basket.
The young female of the house slide her shoes off at the entrance. She was tired and warn out from taking extra shifts at work for Christmas that was getting close. She needed the money she wanted to buy everyone of the zodiac something special. "... I'll be glade when this is over..." She spoke softly walking down the hall thinking all three men were in bed and fast asleep.
Shigure's study light was one of the few lights in the house on, illuminating a small section of the otherwise dark hallway since he had left the door open. The soft sounds of the clicking of his typewriter keys rang out as well as grumbling and the crushing of paper. "Why must I have writer's, the night before the deadline, of all times," he asked himself aloud as he placed another piece of paper in the typewriter and set it up to begin work on the page he was stuck on once more.
She stopped beside the open door looking in curiously watching him. "Shigure-san do you want me to get you anythign to snack on?"
"Hmm? Oh, Tohru, you're home finally? The other boys tried to wait up for you, but ended up falling asleep at the dinner table." He chuckled softly as he glanced back at her, away from his work for a moment, "I'd love a small snack, thank you. I may be up all night."
She gave a faint nod scurring off into the kitchen preparing toast and eggs. She returned a short time later with two plates with the fried egg on top the toast. "I hope this satisfies you."
"He smiled as he glanced down at the food and nodded very lightly, "It looks delicious Tohru, thank you. Care to join me, or are you too tired?"
"I thought you would say that so I made my own dish." She sat down beside him setting her plate down on the desk along with his.
Nodding softly, he pushed the typewriter to the side so that he could pull his plate to himself, his eyes glancing down at the food, his mouth feeling as though it would water. "It looks so tasty..."
"I hope it is." She bit into the toast smiling brightly.
Shigure slowly picked up the toast as well, biting into it and the egg. The taste made him close his eyes in delight, rather enjoying anything better than what he'd had for dinner with the boys. Neither of them felt like cooking, so it was left up to him, which was always a mistake.
Tohru sat quietly eating up to half of her egg and toast. "Shigure-san do you have anything I to drink in here?" She looked up to the dog curiously.
Nodding absentmindedly, he reached down with his right hand and lightly pushed his cup towards the girl. He was so lost in the delightful tastes dancing on his tongue that he'd entirely forgotten what it was that he was drinking.
"Thank you Shigure-san." She took the cup into both hands leaning back sipping from the cup before setting it down slowly. "This taste really good Shigure-san!"
"Yea, I know it's a special blend, I buy it for the nights that I-" His words suddenly came to a stop as he glanced over at the girl and blinked, looking down at his cup which was, despite the fact he thought she'd only had a sip, now half-empty. "Were you... thirsty..?"
She nodded lightly. "Yeah It was a long walk home can I have some more Shigure-san?"
Shigure thought for a moment before nodding lightly and pointing to his glass, taking out another glass as well as the wooden jug that the liquid came from. "It'll help you sleep... I suppose," he said as he uncorked the jug and poured some of the contents into the glass.
"Thank you." Tohru lifted her cup up to her lips drinking it down rather quickly. She set the glass down before looking up to the old dog before cracking up laughing falling back on the floor.
Shigure blinked lightly as he glanced down at the empty glass. "Something funny," he asked as he refilled her glass, thinking perhaps she wanted more, he really didn't think it'd be possible for the sake to cause her to become drunk so soon, he figured it'd be slow and put her to sleep.
"I don't know I just feel like it." She spoke still giggleing as she started hiccuping.
Shigure was rather shocked now to see her actually appear to be so drunken that she was even hiccuping. He knew the special blend of drink was supposed to be strong, but this was beyond him, the girl had no tolerance what-so-ever.
She sat back up swaying slightly as she smiled her cheeks rosey from the alchol. Before he could stop her she took the cup again starting to drink.
"Tohru I-" he spoke as she grabbed the glass, watching her hold it to her lips, making him merely mumbled the last words of his sentence, "don't think you should drink that..."
She slammed the glass down on the table her eyes starting to close halfway as she started giggleing once more.
Shigure quickly took his own glass and threw back the drink before she attempted to take it as well, placing the jug back in his desk drawer. "Tohru... I think you should probably go lay down now... you're... not looking so well."
Tohru tilted her head up looking to him a small hiccup escaped her lips as she fell forward her head smacking against his table. She was still in a sitting position. Shigure winced when he saw her head hit the desk, his eyes half-closed as he looked over at her expecting her to shit up and be bleeding. Glancing down at the desk, not seeing any blood, he slowly moved towards her to see if she was even still awake, "Tohru..?"
Her head tilted slightly hearing her name. "... I don't feel so good..." She tried to stand wobbling a bit.
Slowly he stood up and placed his hands on her arms to try to keep her stable, hoping he could keep her from falling over. She smiled brightly up at him as she nearly fell back. Standing was trouble for her if she tried the stairs that would be suicide.
"Come on... let me walk you to bed..." he said as he slowly walked, gripping onto her shoulders to keep her from falling, this being the best he could do since it would be impossible for him to carry her or support her with an embrace.
She walked in the direction he was guiding her in she barely made the first step before falling flat on her face on one of the wooden steps.
"What are you doing you crazy dog people are trying to sleep!" A low grumbleing escaped the cat's lips after that.
Shigure winced when he saw her trip, trying to catch her but ending up only managing to pull her back up before falling over backwards and landing on his back with her bouncing off his body like a safety mat, "Ouch..."
She held her head letting out a low cry of pain."... That hurt..." She stumbled trying once more for the steps. "They keep moving..."
"Tohru, wait a second," he said as he stood up and grasped her shoulders once more. "Here... you go lay in mine so that you can get well... I'll be up working on my novel all night anyway, so I won't need it..." Tohru smiled nodding as she started walking down the hallway before a thunk could be heard.
Shigure's eyes closed in a wince at the sound, "I never knew anyone could be so intolerant..." he mumbled to himself as he walked towards the hallway to see what had happened this time. She had finally got his door open to his room wobbly a few feet before floping back in his bed her legs hanging off the edge.
Shigure's head poked around the corner to see her laying like that, a soft sigh of relief escaping him knowing that she'd finally gotten somewhere to lay down. His eyes closing a bit, he smiled, "Good night Tohru."
"... I love you..." She smiled in her sleep rolling over pulling the covers with her.