Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Only One ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Only One

Author: Me of course!
Muses: <takes out a saw>
Me: o.O WHERE did you get that?!


A/N: Hello everyone. Well, I got about...6 or seven reviews (I'm surrently offline, so I can't check the real number. Lol. Anyways, like I said, I got about 6 or 7 reviews so I decided to continue the story. Also, If you guys want, I could do song-fic for every chapter. I think that'll be cool, although that may slow me down a little, since I gots ta look for songs now. Or I could just keep it story mode. Review me and tell me what you guys think. I'll be waiting!

Also, there's going to be "baby talk", so If you don't understand it, email me, it's in my bio, and I'll tell you what she's saying.


"Blah" =Talking
'Blah' =Thinking
--FB-- =Flashback


Only One: Chapter Two


"Ahma? Where go?" The one and a half (can't forget the half!) year old girl asked.

"I'm only gunna go outside to go shopping. Want to come?"

"Uh Huh!! Wai, me get 'unny."

"Alright. Go get your bunny."

Anai rushed as fast as her little legs could carry her (which wasn't that fast, to tell you, considering she kept triping. After all, she was only one and a half), and returned to her ahma's side. "kay, me edy."

"Okay, let's go." She grabbed her keys and locked the door, picked up Anai and left for the store.


"Come on Yuki, you're going to be late."

"...So? I don't care." Yuki glared at Shigure and slowly walked out the door to school.

Ever since Tohru left on that fateful night, he had just dropped and went into what you could call a depression. He started to slack in school and soon got kicked off Student Council, his grades became F's, and he wouldn't even fight with the baka neko AKA Kyo, which definitely showed that something was wrong. He started to eat less, not that there was something good TO eat, and had so many sleepless nights that he didn't even try to sleep anymore.

Shigure sighed and shook his head. 'You may have had good reason to leave, but it only made this household worse than it was, not better. I'm pretty sure this was not the outcome you wanted, huh Tohru?'

Kyo wasn't any better. His temper started to become even worse, and would look himself in his room. That, or he'd be on the roof, but it more likely to find him on the roof. It wan't almost like his second room. He wasn't as bad as Yuki, with the not eating and sleeping thing, but he was close.


"Ahma!! Ook! I wants i! Pweez???" Anai made the baby face, her specialty.

"Anai...don't make that...ugh! Oh, fine..."

"Yay!! Me uv ahma!!" Giggled Anai and latched onto her ahma's leg. Her ahma just rolled her eyes and got in line for to pay for the one bag she had bought. She walked out of the store...

...and stopped short.

"Ahma? At wrong?" Anai looked up at her ahma and saw she was staring at something, so she did what any other one and a half year does, stare in the same diresction as her ahma. So she turned to her front and made her staring face (you know, the scrunched up face that little girls make), and saw she was staring at someone who looked almost the same as her, only a little different.

"Ahma? Why are you ooking at that boy? Why do he ook like me?" She asked, a little too loud. The boy turned at the voices direction, and stopped short, quite like what Anai's ahma did.

They saw each other and their eyes widened simutaneously.


'This is so stupid. Why'd you have to leave?! God, Tohru, I miss you so much...I can't believe how stupid I was not to tell you how...I...geez...I'm such a baka...I'm sorry...I should have told you that I lo-'

Yuki's thoughts were cut short when he heard "Ahma? Why are you ooking at that boy? Why do he ook like me?"

'Huh?' He turned to see who said that, and first, he saw a little girl, probaby one or two staring up at probably someone who was her mommy. He looked up at her mommy, and saw



A/N: And there you go. I'm sure after this, you can figure out why Tohru left. If not, well, then you're gunna have to catch on, won't you?! HAHA!

Anyways, I apologize for the fact that it is such a short chapter, but, hey, I'm carsick. Plus I'm supposed to be doing my homework, so...yea. Heehee...Lol.


If it weren't for you guys, I would not be posting this. Nor writing it.

Don't forget to review and tell me what you think of the chapter thing (the first A/N)! Just click that very mesmerizing blue button down there...