Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wanting.... ❯ Dinner plans ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own this shit. Never said I did. And don't say I did because I didn't say that I did. Did you get that?...On to the story! Btw, contains soft…extremely soft lemon so don't flame me if you're immature.

Wanting….Ch.2 Dinner plans

"What is Touru-kun fixing Gure-san for breakfast today?" The dog strolled into the kitchen, smiling mischievously at his little flower.

"Shigure-san!" Touru smiled, "Leek omelets. Would you like some tea?" Shigure's answer was soon interrupted by a certain cat.

"NANI??!!!" Kyou screech as he rushed into the kitchen.

"Kyou-kun! What's wrong??" Touru was a bit surprised until she remembered her hated leek. "Oh!! Gomennassai!!"

"You'll eat the leek and like it." Yuki had just walked into the kitchen, overhearing Kyou's eruption. "Baka neko…"

"You tryin' to start something stupid mouse?!?" Kyou gritted his teeth, taking a step forward.

"Shut your mouth, you're giving me a headache. You'll eat what Honda-san makes and enjoy it." Yuki then sauntered towards Touru, whispering gently in her ear.

"We'll go after we're home from school, ne? I can't wait to eat with kawaii Touru-kun…" She blushed furiously as Kyou's jealousy began to take over, his tail and ears appearing.

Hey! What's with you mouse?!" The cat's fists clenched, beginning to growl.

Yuki smirked, taking Touru's hand in his before he spoke, "So jealous…baka neko…"

"I didn't mean it like that!!" He turned red, embarrassment and anger rising.

Meanwhile, Shigure had already started to serve himself the food and Touru was busy squirming away from the other two as they began to argue.

School was the same as usual. Run-ins with Hatsuharu and Momiji. Card games with Kyou and the class. As well as small chats with Touru's best friends.

Everyone departed once the end bells rang, Yuki and Touru walking ahead of Kyou.

"Souma-kun…why so fast?" Touru was a bit confused, not thinking clearly at the moment…but then again, when did she ever?

"Because, Honda-san, the faster we get home and leave, the less suspicious we'll be." The mouse smiled, even though it was a lie. He secretly planned to leave a note to rub it in Kyou's face.

"Ahhh...Souma-kun is right!" Touru grinned, beginning to walk faster.

I swear those two are up to something, Kyou thought as the other two moved farther ahead of him. Stupid mouse…

Yuki and Touru were soon out of Kyou's sight, disappearing around a corner. The mouse had started a sprint, dragging Touru behind him. Minutes later they arrived home and the both of them headed to their rooms to change.

Touru was just coming down the stairs in her red skirt and white blouse when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Touru called as she happily answered the knock.

………………………& #8230;……………….It was Hatori.

"Ha-san!!" The girl sweat dropped, smiling nervously.

"Honda-san, Konnichiwa. I came to have a word with you. You have nothing planned tonight…do you?" The doctor stepped inside the house, slipping off his shoes.

"Etto…etto…" She began to twiddle her thumbs, clueless of what to say.

"Honda-san and I are going out. Was there something you needed Hatori?" Yuki had just sauntered down the stairs, overhearing Hatori's question.

Touru face-faulted and Hatori nodded, "I'd like to speak with Touru."

"Alright then, I'll be waiting for you outside, Honda-san." Yuki then stepped into his shoes and made his way out the door.

Touru sat at the table with Hatori and waited for him to speak with a nervous smile.

"Touru-san…when you're back from dinner with Yuki, Akito would like to meet you."

Her eyes widened, "Akito…san?"

"Yes, he wants to talk, that's all…but…the others mustn't know, especially Kyou and Yuki. Would you like me to drive you there?"

"It's alright, I can walk…" She looked down at her lap.

"I insist, girls shouldn't be walking around late at night…meet me a little ways from Shigure's gate."

Touru nodded, waved to Hatori, and then walked outside to meet up with Yuki.

"Something wrong, Honda-san?"

She shook her head at the prince, bringing a smile to her lips.

"Alright then. Where are we eating, Touru-kun?" The two began to walk, chatting away.


"WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYBODY?!!??!!!" Kyou came home to find the house empty, save a lone Shigure in the kitchen sulking.

"My little flower…our dinner…" The note he was holding dropped to the floor and the cat picked it up, beginning to read.

Dear Shigure and Baka neko,

Touru and I went out for dinner.

You'll have to fend for yourselves.

Don't wait up.


The note was crushed in Kyou's fist and he couldn't hold in his anger.


At the restaurant…

"So Touru-kun…what did Hatori want?" Yuki was watching Touru with a smile on his face.

"Etto…well…he was just checking up on me. That's all…Yuki?"


"I was thinking about staying over at Hana's house tonight…Hatori said he would drive me if I wanted."

"Oh…I hope you have fun Touru-kun." The prince smiled, receiving one back from Touru in response.

A waiter brought them their order and they didn't speak through the rest of the meal. When the bill arrived, Yuki insisted he pay, Touru finally giving in after a long disagreement on the subject. The two then left the restaurant hand in hand.

A midnight-blue sky greeted them, as well as millions of twinkling silver stars. The moon was full and Touru admitted that Yuki looked even more mysterious now then anytime during daylight hours.

"Will I see you in the morning then, Touru-kun?"

"Eh…Yes, Yuki-kun. In the morning." The girl smiled and Yuki stopped the both of them from walking further. The prince looked deeply into Touru's eyes with the same mysterious smile.

"Yuki…kun?..." Touru was confused, but immediately flushed at the realization of how close his face was to hers.

"Yes…Honda-san?..." Those lips were only inches from hers as he closed in, her heart rate quickening.

She squeezed his hand gently as their lips touched, a new feeling rushing over her body. Yuki kept her arms at her sides so her embrace wouldn't end their kiss. Touru wanted more, her yearning for the prince finally letting loose as she deepened their passion.

The mouse took the offer and his tongue pushed its way into her mouth. She tasted wonderful. An erotic wrestling match started between the two tongues, the prince's hands moving to Touru's hardened tits.

Suddenly Hatori popped into the girl's mind and she quickly pulled away.

"Touru-kun, what's wrong?" A quizzical stare greeted hers.

"Hato--…Hana-san! I told her I would be there by now!"

"Touru! Calm down, or you'll give yourself another fever! We should get going if you don't want to be later!" He took hold of her hand again, walking a bit faster towards Souma house. Hatori was already by the car waiting.

"Thank you for everything, Yuki-kun! I'll see you tomorrow morning!" She pulled him back down for another quick kiss, rendering him speechless.

Touru waved as she ran to the car, hopping in after Hatori. The prince watched until they disappeared from his sight, then walked gingerly back inside.

Shigure was reading the paper when he entered and spoke as Yuki walked past.

"Have fun with Touru-kun?"

The mouse stopped, his lips spreading to a smile, "Wouldn't you like to know……"

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Yuki almost skipped up the stairs to his room, angered cat eyes following him the whole way as he shut his door behind him.

End Ch.2

Review please!!! I just began on Ch.3 and that's where I really get to the juicy stuff! Tell me what you think of it so far!! Flames make me write better!! :D
