Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wanting... ❯ An Appointment with Darkness ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Hello, this would be my fourth disclaimer and if it hasn't sunken through your retarded mine that I don't own furuba…I think you need pills. Ne way, this is a MAJOR LEMON NOT FOR THE KIDDIE'S EYES!! After that being said…ENJOY THE FIC!!

CH.3 An Appointment with Darkness

They drove along in silence, Touru's nervousness beginning to rise. The events of that night began to float back into her mind, her cheeks turning pink.

"Yuki-kun…" Touru smiled, pressing both hands against her heart.

Every so often Hatori's eyes would drift to the rear-view mirror, checking on Touru. There was a smile on her face the whole way there; the fact that she was about to meet Akito must have slipped her mind.

The doctor pulled into Souma Village, parking in his usual spot. He got out and opened the door for Touru. As she got out, Touru noticed it was unusually quiet. Then Akito popped back into her mind. Hatori sighed, leading her to Akito's quarters.

"Touru, I will not be able to stay in the room with you. It will only be you and Akito. I cannot come until he calls for me."

Touru nodded, her fear factor rising. They walked into the room quietly, Hatori instructing Touru to sit and wait for Akito to speak.

"That will be all, Hatori. I'll call you when I'm done." Akito sat in the corner of the room, face darkened in shadows.

The doctor bowed slightly and took one last look at Touru before he left completely. The silence was mind-racking for Touru, wanting to speak but unable to. Suddenly, Akito's voice lumbered over her. Somehow, in the midst of her thinking, he had walked over to her, without Touru noticing.

"Why are you so special? You have no immense beauty, no great talent. Everyone says you're kind and giving…Well then, let's just see how giving you really are."

He straightened his kimono, then took a strong hold of Toru's wrist, pulling her up from the floor. His dark eyes bore into hers, they looked as if she were about to cry.

"Did you have fun with that mouse, Touru? You'll have a much better time with me…" An evil grin formed on his lips, pushing her to the hard wood floor.

Akito sunk to her level, slithering on top of the trembling girl. Touru swallowed hard, her mind confused of what was happening. His hot breath was against her ear as he whispered into it.

"Don't be so tense, Touru…but, no worries…I think I can fix that."

He looks so much like Yuki-kun…Touru thought. She tried to picture Yuki but couldn't, Akito's face being the only one her eyes could see.

Long fingers crept down her blouse, undoing every button they passed. Her eyes closed, body shaking as his fingers disappeared under the white fabric. Hands pushed the shirt from her body, eyes smiling at the bare breasts. Akito's lips pressed against Touru's,, his tongue forcing it's way inside. His fingers pushed, flicked, and pulled her nipples every which way, a long awaited moan from Touru as he did so.

Pulling away, he smiled maliciously, his snake-like tongue working it's way down Touru's neck. Stopping where her neck and shoulder met, his teeth nipped at the spot, a whimper escaping Touru's parted lips.

"So willing Touru…" A low laugh emitted from his throat, eyes drinking in every expression on her face.

When he dealt with others, Akito was dark and rigid. With Touru…he was surprisingly gentle, not wanting to damage the perfect flower beneath him. The man was only teasing her a bit, wanting to see the reactions that came after.

"Akito-san…" Touru managed, a hand clutching his loose kimono.

He smirked, watching her with delight before answering her plea, "Nani, Touru?"

Her body shuddered, "More…Akito-san…please more…"

"Hmph…I didn't know you could be so greedy…what would the others think?" Touru didn't answer him and his mouth met her collar bone once more. Her hands entangled themselves in his cloud grey tendrils, whimpering Akito's name. The man took pleasure in giving pleasure to Touru; his name sounding sweet on her lips.

Fingers retreated from her breasts, soon replaced with hot, moist lips. Akito nibbled at the tit, then suckled gently, moans of ecstasy vibrating on Touru's vocal chords. He trailed his tongue to the neglected breast, repeating his earlier actions further again.

She wanted Akito inside her…now. The foreplay didn't matter anymore. All that mattered now was Touru's new hunger for Akito's dick. Touru could feel it stroking against her thigh, increasing her wetness.

Akito had moved on to her flat stomach, placing kisses on every inch, sucking and leaving crimson marks all over. He pushed his tongue into her belly button, caressing the inside ravenously. Touru gasped, her hand sliding to the edge of her skirt, beginning to pull it up. The girl was obviously trying to relieve her own hunger.

Akito growled, smacking her hand away. He raised his view from the girl's stomach so he could see her face. "Impatient girl, I'll handle that area…not you."

Directing his attention back to her skirt, his fingers curled on the fabric, grasping it firmly. Slowly, the article of clothing was pulled down, revealing her innocent, ivory panties. Akito tossed the skirt across the room, eye staring at the last barrier protecting Touru's womanhood.

I'll soil her…and then she'll be mine to do with as I please…Akito grinned demonically, an idea popping into his head.

"Should I delay this any longer, Touru?" She moaned, shaking her head `no'.

The man leaned back down, gripping the elastic waist of her panties between his teeth. They too, were pulled down at a snail's pace. His nostrils took in the scent of them, already drenched in her juices.

The girl was finally bare and Touru had waited long enough. Her hand clasped onto his kimono again, starting to pull it off. Akito was baffled as the naked Touru sat up, her hands gently pushing his kimono off his shoulders. Blue orbs met gray; the man not understanding her actions.

Maybe I can start to understand him…maybe…

Her thoughts were interrupted as their lips connected again, his emotions passing into her. Akito's clothes finally dropped to the floor, exposing his slender, cream-colored body. His demanding tongue teased her lips, Touru's parting in reaction. Their tongues intertwined, a thin stream of saliva dribbling down Akito's chin. He pulled out of it, gently pushing her back onto the floor.

"Be patient Touru…the best's for last…" Akito smirked, his lips leaning towards her glistening sex.

In a swift motion he spread her legs and buried his face between them, kissing Touru's opening teasingly. Touru groaned, her hips jolting slightly. Akito grinned, not wanting to make the girl wait. Ramming his tongue inside her suddenly, Touru gasped, a wave of ecstasy rushing over her body.

After a few minutes of prodding, he found it. Akito ran his tongue over her clit, causing Touru to buck under him. He grabbed onto her hips, nibbling and kissing her sweet jewel ravenously. Touru screamed Akito's name as her back arched, coming into his mouth excessively. The man swallowed it all, running his tongue over his glossy lips.

Touru recovered from her orgasm, looking at Akito pleadingly. He didn't need any further pleas, Akito wanted it now as well. To be honest, Touru was a bit scared. After taking a good look at his erected shaft, she was worried it wouldn't fit. Akito say the worry in her face and crawled up to Touru, already positioning his head at her entrance.

Akito thrust inside her at the same time he covered her mouth with his. Touru's eyes widened, her body in a mixture of pleasure and pain. His eyes opened and stared into hers for permission to go on. Touru's arms snaked their way around his neck, applying pressure back to his lips. No more encouragement was needed after that and his thrusts started once more.

Touru's pain subsided and Akito soon found she was bucking up against him; a sign to go faster. Akito complied to her demands, a low groan emitting from his throat at his rise in pleasure. Flesh slapped against flesh as their speed increased, the both of them reaching their peaks at the same rate.

Their lips pulled apart as they climaxed together, both screaming each others name. Pulling himself out of Touru, Akito held his body above hers for a moment, before carefully laying over her. Touru regained her breath and smiled, holding Akito tighter against her body. His arm stretched weakly for his robe and kimono, pulling it over the both of them as a cover.

Milky arms encircled around Touru and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Hatori sighed deeply, the ticking of the clock being the only noise in his room. The doctor sat at his desk, staring off into his thoughts.


End Ch.3

Sooooo how'd everyone like it?? It was my first lemon so go easy on meh! And sorry for the long wait! I had school work! Please R&R! Ch.4 will be up as soon as possible!
