Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ A Heartache Every Moment ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Darkdreams: ::sighs:: Wow this chapter took a long time. I kept wanting to keep it focused on Hatori and Tohru, although there was everyone else to think about…that's why I left Haru and Yuki's scene so quick. Don't worry, they get fluff!

The chapter's name is A Heartache Every Moment, which is a lyric from a HIM song, but that's not what I was listening to…I was thinking of a friend of mine when I was naming this. It seemed to fit this as well. :)

Review Responses:


It was quiet in Tohru's room now, her sobs having died away hours ago. Hatori had left just a few moments ago, after a maid of Akito's had phoned the house and Hatori had to rush off.

Silence. It buzzed around her like electricity, swept through her head and cleared her mind, making her stare vacantly at the wall with only a faint buzzing in her ears. Every so often Shigure would make a sound, or Ayame would laugh. But most of the time they talked in hushed whispers and Tohru paid them no mind.

/Mom, how come I can't be happy anymore? I know I need to be happy, for you, but it's so hard to right now. Please tell me, how did you always stay smiling?/

It seemed to Tohru that the wind whispered through the trees `be strong' and the windows rattled in a singing tune `don't stop dreaming' and Tohru was comforted.

"You're right mom," she said out loud, "I just have to be strong and keep on dreaming. Even if it's not about Yuki-kun anymore. But that's ok, I just need to perk up a little!"

She jumped out of bed and smoothed her clothes and hair, humming a tune that her mother used to sing. She skipped down the stairs, still humming, and cheerfully said hello to Ayame and Shigure.

"You're in a better mood now, Tohru-chan. What made you so happy?" Shigure winked at her knowingly, "was it our knowledgeable doctor and his `skills'?"

Tohru looked at him, confused. "I don't understand Shigure-san…"

"And you don't have to dear," Ayame said cheerfully, "all that matters is that you're happy again! Sit down and have some tea with us!"

Tohru sat, smiling still. They were having a pleasant conversation about Ayame's shop until Shigure brought up Hatori again.

"So, Tohru, my special flower, what do you think of out Hari?"

Tohru blinked and thought about it. "Well, I think he's very nice I suppose. Why Shigure?"

"So, you wouldn't mind, say, if you had to go live with him for a little bit?"

Tohru found herself blushing without explanation. "Well, I guess not, but---"

"And so you admit that he does make you feel nice?"


"That's it! Tohru, you're in---"

Ayame clamped a hand over Shigure's mouth. "Excuse us, Tohru," he said happily, "while I go ravish our beautiful Gure-chan. I just can't help myself when he rambles like that!"

Ayame dragged Shigure into another room and Tohru was left sitting there, confused.

/Hatori-sama?/ she thought of it, and why she had blushed. /I must still be tired. Or maybe it's the tea…/

"Gure-chan, what are you doing!" Ayame asked urgently.

Shigure tried to look innocent and harmless, and said, "Aya, they just need a push in the right direction…"

"Oh and I agree love, but just a tab more…subtle, okay? Lets not go and make Hari-chan angry!"

"Oh Aya, you're right as always! Thank you. Now, lets join Tohru once more."

A flowery background appeared as they stared at each other…

"YES!" they yelled simultaneously, and hurried back to Tohru.

Yuki gave Haru a stern glare from across the table. "Haru," he said, "why would you say something like that to Miss. Honda?"

"I'm sorry Yuki!" Haru gave Yuki a pleading look with his innocent eyes, and then continued once Yuki's face had softened. "I didn't mean to, I don't know what comes over me sometimes…"

Yuki sighed. "It's alright Haru, I'm sure no permanent damage has been done…but in the future, please try to be nicer to Miss. Honda."

"I will Yuki." Haru looked pleadingly into Yuki's eyes. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not."

"Prove it!"

"How am I supposed to do that?" Yuki raised an eyebrow and Haru smiled playfully.

"Well…" Haru leaned over and gave Yuki a soft kiss on the mouth, and the two of them got up and settled on the sofa to find a good movie on TV to watch. They cuddled up, and Haru couldn't help but smile.

"Shigure!" Kyo's bellowing voice echoed through the house. Tohru's hair stood up on end at the shock of the loud noise.

"Ah, Kyo, you bring a friend?" Shigure smiled.

"You bastard," Kyo snarled, "Quit ogling her."

"Hello Uo!" Tohru said happily.

"Hey Tohru!" Uo sat beside her and the two girls began to talk, ignoring Kyo's raging and Shigure's stupid comments. Finally they decided to listen in on the guys conversations.

"What!?" Shigure suddenly turned very serious, and looked over at Uo. Instead of blanching or turning away, Uo stood her ground and stared back at Shigure with a fierce glare.

"What's wrong," Tohru asked, concerned for her friends.

"It seems like your friend Uo knows our secret…" Shigure looked from Uo to the phone, and back to Uo. As soon as he made a move for it though, Kyo snarled and lunged for the phone, pulling the cord out from the wall and snapping it in half.

"Whaaaat?" Tohru looked confused. Rice balls with swirly eyes danced around her head, falling over as if drunk off the words that come out of Shigure's mouth. "Uo, you know?"

"I only found out today, when…" Up blushed and said no more.

"Got caught up in the moment, eh Kyo?" Shigure winked and nudged Kyo with his elbow. Kyo punched him in the face easily and gave him a deadpan stare.

"Shut up you stupid dog."

"He told me that the curse happened when a member of the opposite sex hugged him, but he had just transformed back and I was hugging him, and nothing happened." Uo looked confused. Kyo looked confused and angry. And Tohru looked confused, angry (as angry as she could be, of course), and upset. Angry because her day was going so badly, confused by the sudden switch of rules, and upset over the previous events that had transpired.

But she quickly swept a grin onto her face. "Well, tea anyone?" Tohru bounced up and into the kitchen. Ayame pierced the thick silence with a nervous laugh, and everyone sat down and waited for tea. A small bird perched on the windowsill, and flew off to find its master.


Momiji ran. He ran towards Shigure's house, ignoring the burning sensation in his lungs, ignoring his aching legs and his pounding heart. It was the fear, the reason his heart pounded, that he ran as quick as silver. He hopped over logs, ducked under bushes and low trees.

/Must get to Kyo, have to warn him of Akito…/

The house was nearly in view. Momiji tried to run faster, but his energy was nearly gone. He slowed and finally reached the house at a slow jog, panting and gasping for air.

"Kyo!" he shouted as he burst through the door, just nearly ahead of a speeding car swerving to a stop, with Kureno inside.


tbc, my sad excuse for a chapter. I had no real inspiration, not a lot of people review this so I was tempted to just leave it and focus on my other story…(Don't worry, I'd never do it! :D)

At least it's not just a page, which it was originally before I decided to edit and put more stuff in it!

And, as always, review! It takes all of five seconds, and it makes my day!!!