Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What's Left Unseen ❯ Fourth Testimonial ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic
are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world’s many coincidental

February 17, 2004
What’s Left Unseen: Fourth Testimonial
By Ina-chan

<snap: candid photograph of Tooru and Yuki sitting together and wearing festival yukatas for the Cherry Blossom viewing. Tooru blushing as Yuki picked cherry blossom petals from her bound hair, and seemed to be whispering something to her ear.>

A single picture can tell the entire story that may require a thousand words in order to be told. I took this picture when we had a Jyuunishi expedition to Ueno Park to join the Cherry Blossom Festivities. All of us came with the exception of Kyou and Kureno. Kureno stayed behind for obvious reasons, as for Kyou. Well, it's not what you think. Kyou really did try to come, but unfortunately he was involved with something out of town trip that he couldn't get out of. Though he did call Hatori's cell phone to greet us while we were in the park. Needless to say, that trip was somewhat refreshing. It was very rare for all the Jyuunishi to be out in a dangerously public area. But once Momiji got started in pitching in an idea that Honda-san, liked... it was only a matter of time before everyone else came along... willingly or not.

I took this when they weren't watching and this happned a few weeks just before 'that particular incident'. I personally think this picture is the perfect embodiment of a verse I've taken to heart...
"Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love doesn't demand its own way. It's not irritable or touchy. It doesn't hold grudges and will not notice when others do it wrong. It's never glad about injustice, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
Shigure-sensei gave me this as a piece of advice back when I was in highschool. He jokingly claimed that it was something he came up with... though I found out later on that he borrowed it from a passage in the Christian Bible. I suppose it was his way of comforting me during that "difficult" period I had with Rin. While he acts like he doesn't care about relationships between the jyuunishi, he does show that he cares in his own way. To tell you the truth, there were a number of times when I honestly almost gave up because it all seemed so hopeless. But somehow, whenever I reminded myself of that passage, it urged me on. It was the ideal love that was worth striving for.

So seeing this picture of Yuki and Honda-san... 'that particular incident' seemed rather unreal, doesn't it?

To tell you the truth, the first time I realized that things were not going well between Yuki and Tooru was well before this picture. And well before 'that particular incident'. Personally, I don't think they even realized that something was wrong, themselves... until 'that particular incident' happened. Then again, everything is clearer with hindsight. In a way, I feel a little guilty for not really making an effort to try to help Yuki before things got even more complicated. I'm just as responsible for staying quiet and not letting him know what I was seeing. It was a rather difficult situation to be in... But knowing how stubborn Yuki was... he probably wouldn't have believed me. After all, they were the living enbodiment of that "true love" the passage describes.

<snap: candid photograph of Momiji proudly showing off the permanent marker in his hand as he stood behind the couch as Yuki slept on obliviously with three pairs of "mouse" whiskers on his cheeks. Tooru, though untouched by their childish pranks, seemed to be just as in a deep sleep as she sat beside him.>

Half-way through the opening credits, both of them were already snoozing away. Kagura-nee commented how they looked cute together like that... She said it was as if they were already married.

The prank started with Rin making a dare. It was mostly to see how far we could get away without waking up the sleeping monster. Eventually, each one of us, with the exception of Kyou, took turns contributing something. It was really a surprise that Kyou came. But I figured that Honda-san had something to do with it. I could tell that Kyou wanted to write something very badly on Yuki's forehead, but he declined right to the very end. I suppose, being the only person present to experience first hand the trauma of what it was like to have an encounter with a half-awake Yuki would curb anyone's courage.

Everyone was having too much fun to think about it, I suppose. I don't know about Honda-san, but I know that it was rather unusual for Yuki to be in a deep sleep like that. He didn't even stir when Rin got as bold as meticulously applying lipstick and eye shadow on him. While it was difficult for Yuki to be roused to full alertness from sleep, Yuki has always been a light sleeper. He doesn't normally succumb into that state unless he was recovering from one his spasms when he was younger.

I mentioned it to Kagura-nee later on, but she simply said that it was probably because Honda-san was sitting right beside him. She added that it was only natural to feel completely relaxed and off-guard when you're with the person you truly loved. It seemed like a very ironic thing for her to say, but upon hindsight... I suppose she was really talking out of experience. And it would be easy to brush it off as simply that... had it not for the tell-tale fading shadows that became even prominent under Yuki's eyes after Rin applied the make-up.

Both Honda-san and Yuki have been going through a lot of stress recently. Yuki was chosen to lead a group in this inter-collegiate research project... contest... thing... I'm not quite sure what it was all about, because Yuki starts to get very irritable whenever I ask about it. But apparently, the pressure to win is very high. Some big private company was going to donate a big grant to the winning school's department and everyone was counting on him to lead them to victory or something like that.

<snap: candid photograph of Yuki and Tooru in what looks like a social gathering in Yuki's college. Yuki seems to be talking 'heatedly' with another student while Tooru held on to his hand, smiling politely, but looking like she wanted to be somewhere else.>

This happened during the Cultural Festival in the highschool department of the school. We all went, except Kyou. It was mainly to support Kisa's class. Ah, yes. Kisa is in 2nd year highschool now, though she's not in Kagura-nee's class. Kisa's class was holding an outdoor "Takoyaki Cafe". Her class was really enthusiastic about it to merge an authentic traditional takoyaki stand in a modern outdoor coffee house setting. Though, I think Ayame-niisan went a little overboard with providing uniforms for Kisa's class. I have to admit, the image of highschool girls in cute maids uniforms drew a large crowd... specially from the college department.

To complicate things even more... Yuki remains oblivious to his popularity. When word came that he was going to pass by Kisa's class, girls from the other highschool classes... as well as girls from the college department swarmed in and out constantly. Then Yuki appears with his girlfriend in tow... let's just say that the end result was not very pleasant. I'm actually not sure what happened... but it started with one of the aggressive highschool girls who got confrontational with Honda-san... One thing led to another and eventually resulted with Yuki getting involved in a very heated argument with someone's boyfriend.

I think that was really when I first got seriously worried. It wasn't like Yuki to take on petty confrontations. The typical Yuki reaction would be to 'ignore' and 'politely leave'. That day, It was almost as if he's gone back to that time with Kyou. He was starting to hold things inside himself again. When I talked to Honda-san about it, she too seemed puzzled by what happened. Though I didn't get much out of her either.

I did find out that her grandfather isn't doing too well. I could imagine how big the strain it must have been on Honda-san to have to deal with that, on top of working full-time. She said that Yuki had been very supportive and understanding. She already lost count of the number to times she had to cancel dates and break promises she made with him. But Yuki has always been patient and understanding with every single one of them. Knowing the way she is, she's probably silently doubting if she even deserved him.

<snap: candid photograph of Kagura singing enthusiastically in a Karaoke booth as she nudged a very confused looking Yuki, who was squinting at the screen before them>

That was rather funny. Yuki has god-given talent in a lot of things... but it would seem that he missed out completely in the singing department. Yuki, tone-deaf? It seemed rather unlikely, ne? After all, Yuki did play the flute quite well when he was a kid. Though he only played well as long as he has a notated piece to follow. If you asked him to play by ear, make sure you have a pair of ear plugs handy. I probably have a better chance of walking from the Main House to Shigure-sensei's hous on my own than Yuki finding making his way through a musical scale. That karaoke fiasco was as much as for our entertainment as it was a distraction for him.

This happened after one of those broken dates. Uncle was in town and Yuki's parents were in one of their rare moods to make an effort to spend some family quality time together. So arrangements were made for Honda-san and Yuki to have dinner with Ayame-niisan and Yuki's parents. By an unfortunate turn of events, Honda-san's grandfather had a fall that afternoon , broke his hip and had to be hospitalized for a while after that. Needless to say, the dinner was a disaster since Auntie was not as 'understanding' as her son.

It resulted with Yuki storming out halfway through the entree and refusing to talk to anyone for almost a week. He didn't lock himself alone or anything. He still went through the motions of the day. The only difference was that he simply didn't speak to anyone. It was almost as if it was that time in junior highschool. Even Honda-san was not successful in reaching him.

It was worrisome.

So Kagura-nee comandeered myself and Rin to kidnap him from one of his classes and dragged him to a karaoke bar. It still took us three bottles of Asahi to get him out of sulking mode, but needless to say, Kagura-nee's rescue operation was a complete success.

<snap: Companion of the first snapshot. Tooru and Yuki sitting together and wearing festival yukatas for the Cherry Blossom viewing, caught looking surprised at Momiji who seemed as if he suddenly jumped in between them to get into the picture. Kagura's image caught at the corner of the photograph, laughing and watching as she put playful 'bunny ears' with her fingers on Yuki's head.>

I can't help but wonder when exactly was it that Kagura-nee and Yuki started to become this close. I know that they were already pretty close when we were kids. But Kagura-nee was still fixated with Kyou at that time. So I can't say that she and Yuki were as close as they are now. I just know that they've become close to the point that she was the only one successful in breaking into Yuki's shell this time around. I suppose it started with 'that certain episode'.

Actually, 'that certain episode' is taboo. No one is supposed to talk about it as part of the out of court settlement. In fact, only four other people not directly involved with the incident who knows the real story behind it. Myself, Hatori-niisan, Shigure-sensei... and Akito.

But I suppose it's alright to tell you, since this is for Yuki and Honda-san's sake.

<snap: Photo of Kagura waving at the camera, proudly showing off her college diploma.>

After Kagura and Kyou drifted apart, Kagura-nee buried herself with her studies and eventually became a teacher. At that time, not once did Kagura-nee indulge in any romantic relationships. All that time, we thought she was still hung up on Kyou. Though after she started teaching, she started going out casually with various characters. Of course, we were worried for a while... specially with Akito. But for some strange reason, Akito didn't do anything. Then again, the guys Kagura-nee went out with were mostly one-time dates.

That was until that man who was the cause of 'that certain episode'.

<snap: candid photo of Kagura maneuvering carefully amidst a crowd in Shibuya>

It happened in Yuki's freshman year, three years ago.

The story going around was that it was some boys from Yuki's class that caused the whole thing. That they were harrassing Kagura-nee one night, but fortunately a professor from the college was passing by and tried to stop them, but the boys apparently ganged up on him. The professor was very badly beaten up, and had to leave the school indefinitely. As for the boys, I think there was some compensation involved with the families. There was no expulsion or media involved with the incident. The boys involved eventually transferred somewhere else...

That was the popular version of the story...

But this was what really happened...

<snap: companion shot of the phot earlier with Kagura from another angle. Kagura is walking together with a guy in Shibuya. The photograph cuts off at the man's chin, making it impossible to identify him.>

Kagura-nee was seeing this guy secretly.


He was the professor who got beaten up.

To be precise...

<snap: closer shot of Kagura smiling happily as she looked up at her faceless companion>

...he was one of Yuki's professors.

Kagura-nee met him through one of Yuki's school functions. No one had any idea that they were dating.

Not even Yuki, because...

<snap: The camera catches Kagura giggling as her companion brushes a strand of hair from her eyes, as a thin gold band around his ring finger glints against the light>

...he's married.

<snap: Police evidence photograph of the scene>

Apparently, Kagura-nee had been trying to break it off with him for a while. He didn't take it very well, and refused. Kagura-nee didn't tell anyone, but apparently he was stalking her for a few weeks. The night 'that certain episode' happened, Kagura threatened to expose their relationship if he didn't leave her alone. It was then that things got nasty.

<snap: More police evidence photographs of the scene in several angles, splotches and smears of blood still evident on the concrete>

The doctors said that if those boys didn't pass by to stop it, Kagura-nee might have ended up killing the guy.

Nobody from all sides wanted a scandal to happen. I don't really need to elaborate on what happened next. Everyone... that guy, the witnesses, the school was nicely compensated in exchange for their complete silence. The school was more than willing to turn a blind eye. Even Akito said nothing. Various rumours floated around for many weeks, but fortunately, nothing that even resembled the truth... and eventually died away as a part of the campus urban legends.

Everything seemed to go back to normal... except Kagura-nee... and Yuki.

Kagura-nee was "ill" in the Main House, and went on extended sick leave for a while. Eventhough he had nothing to do with it, Yuki blamed himself for not being able to prevent it from happening. Perhaps Honda-san rubbed off on him, but it was really Yuki who helped Kagura-nee recover from the mess... eventhough everyone knows how much Yuki hated coming to the Main House. When Kagura-nee was well enough to go back to work, Yuki took it upon himself to look after Kagura-nee since he was the one nearest to her most of the time.

At this point... I would say that the earlier passage that I held dear so much also had the dangerous way of backfiring, if you believe in it too much. Maybe sometimes... you need to show a little jealousy or a little selfishness. You need to indulge to a little suspicion and a little distrust... just to remind the other person of the ties that bind you together. Because sometimes, if you put a little too much faith and freedom, the ties that bind you may loosen little by little to the point that a strong force may pull you away from each other.

In their case... it was slow... and very gradual...

<snap: candid shot from the Cultural Festival scene earlier, with Kagura tugging at Yuki's sleeve excitedly as she pointed at an off-camera direction. Yuki looks at it in surprise, while Tooru visibly sweatdrops nervously at whatever it was that Kagura was pointing at>

Ans sure enough, slowly and surely...

<snap: shot of Tooru waving politely at the two of them, as Kagura drags a reluctant Yuki towards a "Haunted House"> began to change...

<snap: Souvenir Cherry Blossom Viewing photograph of Tooru and all the Jyuunishi who came to the park with big smiles on their faces.>

...the story told by the pictures.

<snap: same picture from above, focusing on Tooru with Yuki and Kagura sitting on each of her sides. Yuki was looking ahead and seems to be holding on to Tooru's hand with a death grip. Kagura looking across Tooru to Yuki's direction from the corner of her eye, as she clasped her hands together tightly.>

End of Fourth Testimonial
To be continued


This chapter was painful to write... being the die-hard Yukiru that I am. But it had to be written! Must not let personal feelings interfere with my instincts on what is good storytelling! Haru-chan's passage is from St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians from the Christian Bible. So 'the certain episode' is finally clarified! Poor Kagura-chan! Why can't she get into a normal relationship? And poor Tooru-kun! AH! What's going to happen now? Well... you'll find out eventually, in the next chapter! Thank you to everyone who continues to read and comment on this fic. It's really a challenge, but your comments and criticisms spur me on to continue! Thank you for all your support! ^_^.

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