Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Letters ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What She did for Love
Chapter 1: Letters
Summary: An end to the curse but what will be the price to pay?
Warning: Adult situations, may be lemon may not haven't decided yet, and possible character death.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket or any of the characters affiliated with it, although I do wish that I owned Sexy Kyo!
Tohru hummed to herself as she stirred the pot simmering on the stove, her thoughts chaotic, though her face showed no emotion. She pulled the spoon out of the pot and set it gently down onto a small plate, walked over to the cabinet and pulled out three bowls. She turned, walked over to the table and set them in three specific places, her heart clenched in pain. She lightly caressed the table around the bowls, her fingers followed the grain of the wood.
`I'm doing this for you.' She thought sadly.
She turned back to the stove where the stew was bubbling cheerily. She sniffed slightly and gabbed two hot pads off their hooks, then grabbed the pot, the steam caused dots of perspiration to form on her face. Once she had placed the pot on the table, she looked around her, her eyes filled with tears as memories bombarded her, thoughts of her family hit her hard. She slowly turned and seemed to drift up the stairs to her room, her steps soft and light.
When she reached her room, she lightly closed the door and locked it with a soft click. She leaned against the door, her head rested against the cool wood, her heartbeat thundered mercilessly. She painfully straightened, her back stiffening in determination, her head held high. She walked over to her desk, to where five pieces of paper and five white envelopes waited for her. She picked up her pen, her mind raced for the words to say as she began her letters.
`This is going to take a while.' She thought miserably.
My dear Yuki, what can I say to ease your pain? Probably not much, but I will try my best. You have become such a wonderful person, you have finally managed to find out who you really are. I have found a way to free you, totally and completely, for you to live the normal life that you so wished for. I made my decision and I will go through with it, the cure should be motion by the time you read this, my brother. You, you took me in when I was alone, you gave me everything I needed. Everything you did made me so very happy. You gave me the family I never thought I could have after mom died. You deserve happiness and you will get it, this is my gift to you, the gift of your freedom for my life. Give your brother a chance, he cares about you. Good-bye Yuki.
Tohru smiled sadly as she laid down her pen and gently folded the paper. She placed it into a envelope and sealed it. Her hands shook as she wrote Yuki's name in a elegant hand. She wiped at her eyes as the name became blurry and sat the envelope beside a ragged blue hat.
`No! No crying yet, plenty of time for that later! When he's got me.' she admonished herself with a slight shudder. She took a deep shuddering breath as she fought for control.
She then picked up her pen, her fingers caressed the blank piece of paper as she thought of what she would say. When she had her thoughts in order she began to write.
Thank you so much for everything. I know that you didn't want me to do this, but this was my choice. I ma so happy that I have finally found a way to help everyone. Don not feel guilty over helping me, even had I not asked you to take me to him I would have found another way. Tell Hatori that he will be free to love again for the curse will be broken and he will never have to hurt someone he loves again. If you could tell Ayame that his younger brother will need him and to be patient Yuki will understand. To the younger ones, just tell them that I love them and that's why I did what I did. I will be eternally grateful for all you and your family has given me. I hope you all find love.
Tohru sniffed and whipped her eyes with the back of her hand. She then folded the letter, her hands shook even more and with the same elegant scrawl she wrote Shigure's name on the stark white envelope. Her heart ached for those who would receive those heart wrenching letters, the last letters of Tohru Honda to her family. She could only hope that they would understand and be able to pick themselves up, especially Yuki. She knew that he had loved her as a man loves a woman, but she had not felt the same, she was in love with Kyo. Kyo on the other hand could not or would not love her, he felt that he wasn't good enough for someone to love. This was the only way she could save him from being caged as well as save the others.
`Only three more to go.'
Tohru stood and moaned softly in pain. Her body ached with a bone deep ache, and she wondered what was to come. She glided over to her window and looked up into the cloudless night sky. The moonlight poured in bathing her in its soft glow, as though it sought to comfort her. It made the tears on her pale cheeks glisten and shine like stars.
`I hope you're not mad mom, and give me the courage to do this please.' She prayed sliently.
She looked down when she heard voices coming up the driveway and saw two darker haired men walking up with an orange haired man. None of them noticed her in the window as they walked up, her heart in her eyes for all to see. She heard Kyo yell something at Yuki, and smiled with the other man just waved him off in annoyance. She also noticed how Shigure's shoulders were slumped in defeat, and knew that he was thinking of what was to come.
“Tohru! We're home!” called a young masculine voice.
“Ok! Go ahead and eat, dinners on the table!” she called back. She forced her voice to sound cheerful, she didn't want them to worry. She heard footsteps outside her door as one or both of the boys walked by on their way to their rooms.
“Are you sure?” asked a rough voice outside her door.
“Yes Kyo! Now go eat!” she replied back through the door as her heart thundered madly.
Tohru knew that Kyo wanted to say more but knew that he wouldn't. She heard him sigh and then his retreating footsteps as he stomped back to the kitchen. Oh how she longed to join them, but she had made her decision and she would go through with it, it was now time to pay the piper in full. Slowly she walked back to her desk to finish the dreaded letters.
“Shigure are you sure that we should eat without Miss. Honda?” asked Yuki, his voice soft and concern showed in his violet eyes.
“I'm sure, plus didn't she say to go ahead?” Shigure smiled at the younger man his expression the same as always but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He was scared, for Tohru who was walking the line between life and death, for the two other men with him who had no idea what was going on, and for himself who knew what was going on but didn't know the exact details.
“…” Yuki looked at the older man, his eyes uncertain as he searched the other mans eyes. He slowly sat down at his place and looked at Kyo who stood by the door his eyes on the stairs.
“Kyo come on,” Shigure called softly to him.
Kyo glanced over at him, then back to the stairs as if trying to decide on what to do.
“What ever!” he exclaimed suddenly.
He knew something was up but he just didn't know what. Shigure was not his normal annoying, perverted self, and the tension in the room was thick enough he could cut it with a knife. Shigure almost sighed with relief when the Neko sat down at his place and dipped himself a bowl.
`Tohru I don't know what we have to do, but right now its up to you, good luck.' The dog thought sadly.
Tohru placed the last letter with the other four, tears ran unchecked down her pale face. She laid her head in her hands and cried silently, finally letting go, she felt as though she was being torn into. She didn't want to go, but there was no going back now. Finally when all her tears were spent she stood slowly and gathered the letters in her hands and placed a ragged, blue hat on her head. She walked silently over to her door and quietly unlocked it. Three of the letters she held would not leave that house. Tohru eased the door open and she peered out, her eyes searched for any sign of Yuki or Kyo. When she was sure that the coast was clear, she eased out into the hallway, her steps were silent. When she reached the door she was searching for, she gently opened it and stepped inside.
She smiled when she saw how neat and tidy the room was, all except the bed. The bed was a tangled mess of silken sheets and a fluffy comforter. She walked over to the bed and quickly made the bed, her efficient hands smoothed out every wrinkle. When that was finished, she sat the white envelope on the pillow, Yuki's name stood out among the whiteness, and beside it she sat the ragged blue hat. She kissed the hat gently and smiled a watery smile as she walked back out the door closing it as she went.
`Thank you for saving me so long ago.'
The next room she came to was not a bedroom, it was a library. She gently slid open the door and walked inside. Her eyes took in all the books, papers, and pens scattered about the room and nearly laughed at the disarray Shigure worked in. She reached out and gently stroked the smooth spine of the books as she passed, her gaze loving. She placed Shigure's letter by his computer where he was sure to find it.
`Thank you.' She thought as she walked back out.
The next room she came to was the one she hated most to leave. She opened the door and grinned when she saw the mess. She stopped down and picked up some books from the floor on her way to his bed. She reached out with hands that shook uncontrollably and smoothed the wrinkles from the covers, when finished she placed a small kiss onto the white envelope and placed it onto his pillow. She felt her heart clench when she saw a photo on his dresser, it was a photo of the whole family. She was in the center with Yuki and Kyo on either side the rest crowded in, everyone was happy and laughing.
`They will be like that again, only without me.'
Finally, she glided out of his room her steps silent but filled with sadness and heartache. She made her way to the back door and slid out. Her next stop would be Arisa's and Saki's mailboxes. She knew she couldn't face them for fear they would find out and try to stop her. When she made it to the main road, she was surprised to find someone waiting for her.