Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When I Grow Up ❯ A Child's Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR’S NOTES: Many thanks to fellow LJ user “loritakitochan” for the gentle push to write a more relaxed and romantic AkiGure fanfic. I hope this will be to your liking (and everyone else’s). WARNING for LEMON content in later chapters. THIS IS NON LEMON CHAPTER. SPOILERS for those unfamiliar with chapter 97 and higher of the manga. This chapter is told from Akito’s point of view, and she may appear OOC for some. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 1 – A Child’s Wish

The stars don’t look any different tonight than they did years ago. Funny, I used to wish on those stars as a little girl. What did I wish for?

To be a little girl.

Something I was never allowed to be.

I’m the head of a prosperous and large family. Not because I want to be, but because I was told. And to be the head of a major household such as mine, you’re required to be male. Family tradition and all that.

The day my mother had me was probably the worst day of her life. I know this because she’s made my life a living hell. That includes making me pretend I’m a boy.

“I hate boys!”

I said that one day when I was…what…six or seven. My mother had just finished one of her “why couldn’t you have been a boy” tirades. I was dressed like a boy at that point. What more did she want? Her screaming only led to my tears. And my own screaming. I don’t think I’d ever talked back to my mother until that day either.

“How DARE you--?!”

“I hate you, too!”

My father, gods bless him, tried to console me. He never liked my tears. He granted my every wish, much to my mother’s dismay. He wanted me to be a little girl, despite my destiny. Yet I was too upset to smile, even for him.

But it was one of my older cousins – a male, of course – that managed the task.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a promise.”

Shigure was always a bit odd, but this seemed really off for him. As one of my older cousins, he’d known my secret since my birth. However, he was not allowed to tell anyone, even within the family.

“A promise?”

The flower in my hand looked foreign. Beautiful, but out of place. Only little girls received flowers. And what did he mean by promise? I wrinkled my nose, but smiled as I inhaled the odor of the flower.

I’d come to understand much later in life.

But not before I caused him, and everyone else around me, pain.

“I am God! Do as I say!”

I’ve done some really awful things. Hurtful and spiteful acts that cannot be undone. Especially to my younger cousins. They will hate me for life, no doubt. I could go on and on about how I’ve been hurt, but that is for me to live with. I understand their pain now. Understand their hate.

They need to move on with their lives without me.

And I…need to change.

I’m grateful to those few who remain close to me. Some things have changed, but I treasure their companionship, their friendship, and hopefully love. My insecurity has increased with all the changes, and I have a newfound self-loathing, but I’m trying to move on, too.

Shigure kept true to his promise to me long ago. He promised to look out for me. To love me. And through it all, he has done just that. There is one incident I still hold against him. Perhaps I always will. But I hurt him in return, so I suppose we’re even.

Our relationship has always been hidden, so getting used to this meeting openly and going out on dates is brand new to me. We’ve had fun and a few interesting experiences. The first place he took me was to a toy store. Like I’m that little girl he once gave a flower to! HA! I acted even younger, making all the toys in one isle go off, causing a ruckus. To walking out happily holding a stuffed animal: a cute, little dog.

Well, I thought he was cute.

Shigure thought he was being replaced, or so he confessed later.

Our physical relationship has also moved to a more public forum as well. Not that we’ve had sex in the park or anything – that grass looks downright uncomfortable – but I’m somewhat unsure about myself when I’m with Shigure. I was never afraid to kiss him before, but anything touchy-feely in public makes me feel like an exhibitionist. He’s been very kind in this regard, but I can feel his frustration.

There’s only one way for me to feel comfortable dealing with the public.

But I can no longer pretend to be what I am not.

I suppose adjusting would be easier if I had a closer relationship with my mother. And she’s tried to play games with me. To fill my head with bullshit about being afraid of men or some shit. But I cannot listen to her anymore. I need to be rid of her voice in my head.

And I need to be rid of her in my life.

“You cannot do this to me! I am your MOTHER!”

“YOU are not my mother. Go ruin someone else’s life.”

“You’ll regret this! You will!”

Maybe. But at least it will be on my terms. Not hers.

Daddy’s little girl is trying to grow up.

“Miss, it’s almost time. He’ll be here soon.”

Even after several months, I’m so not used to this – wearing a dress. The fabric feels odd against my skin. So different from a kimono, and much more revealing. Is it necessary for most of my shoulders to be exposed? I won’t even go into how short the skirt is. And the shoes? How do women walk in such high heels. I think I’m going to fall over every time I take a step.

But I know my date will enjoy it. He’s the one who bought it for me!

The sapphire blue pendant around my neck was a gift from Tohru Honda. Soon to be a Sohma if I remember correctly. I may never admit this to anyone, but I’m glad she’s in my life. Like everything else of late, it’s happened so fast. Her light, her innocence and her love are most welcome in life right now.

The cat…not so much. But I’m dealing with that too.


“I’ll be ready shortly.”

The mirror reflects something I’ve only dreamed of. The dream of a scared, little girl. Daddy would be happy. When I smile in the mirror, I can see him smiling back. I look like the woman I should be.

I guess the little girl grew up after all.

“Miss, he’s here.”

“Thank you.”

As I walk out the door, I pull my jacket tighter and glance up at the stars. Closing my eyes, I make one last wish.

Well, here goes nothing.


Fruits Basket is the property of Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA – TV TOKYO – NAS – Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions (anime) and Tokyopop (manga) for distribution in the US and Canada. All characters are used here without permission. No money is being made from this story, so please do not sue.