Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When I Grow Up ❯ A Boyish Charm ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Many thanks to fellow furuba fan and LJ user, "loritakitochan," for the gentle push to write a more relaxed and romantic AkiGure fanfic. I hope this will be to your liking (and everyone else's). WARNING for LEMON content in later chapters. THIS IS NON LEMON CHAPTER. SPOILERS for those unfamiliar with chapter 97/98 of the manga. This chapter is told from Shigure's point of view. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 2 - A Boyish Charm

"It'll be finished by Monday."

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Mit-chan, have I ever lied to you?"


I couldn't help but roll my eyes. My editor was as overeager as ever. My deadline was actually two weeks away. I thought she'd be happy that I'd have the book completed ahead of schedule.

As the noise dies down, I dare a look over my shoulder. Mit-chan still looks frantic, eyes wide and chest heaving. As the seconds tick by, I can see more of her control returning. After a minute or two, she sighed loudly.

"It'll be finished by Monday,” I assured her.

She rang her hands in front of her. "Shigure Sohma, you promise?"

I nodded. "I promise."

I could've handed it to her at that moment had she actually asked for it. But since she didn't. Her loss.

"Now, if you don't mind, I have a date to get ready for."

"A date?"

"You know, when a man takes a woman to dinner before attempting to get her into bed?"

She stood dumbfounded for a moment. Unsure of what to say, she hurriedly departed from the room. Before she left the house I heard her say, "Of course I know what a date is. What kind of moron does he take me for? Pervert."

It made me giggle the entire way to the bath.

Sitting in the tub, the silence of the house settled in. Nearly a year has gone by in this silence. Both of my younger cousins have moved on with their lives. I like having the house to myself. But the silence is deafening sometimes.

Yuki has his own place now. Near the university. I understand he has a serious girlfriend as well. Good for him. I wonder if he's made a move on her yet. HA! Probably not. He's so not like his brother.

Kyo and Tohru moved away not long after. Kazuma was excited to have them. I understand he has them in separate rooms. But I wonder which room gets more use, his or hers. Honestly, I think Tohru is smarter than that. However, I don't think Kyo is so patient. I can just picture him getting frustrated and running off.

I can hear Yuki yelling after him. And then something breaks. Then I hear Tohru trying to reconcile them.

*sigh* I miss picking on them.

Worse yet, I miss their fighting.

I must be getting old.

And lonely.

I was invited to move back to the main house. However, I value the freedom I have on my own. Sure, I'd have my own quarters and sufficient space. But this house has memories in it that I'm not willing to give up.

I've invited my girlfriend to move in with me. I so enjoy saying the word "girlfriend," even though she's also family. It's finally official after all these years. Everything I've done, I've done for her.

But she's turned me down every time. I guess I can understand. She's used to living in the grand luxury of the main Sohma estate. My humble abode cannot compare.

Still, I secretly wish she would. I love her, more deeply than I have loved anyone else. And it would be great to finally keep her all to myself, in my bedroom, tied to my bed, screaming my name while no one can hear her....

I'm glad the bathwater is now cold.

Time to get ready for our date.

Staring at the new suit on my bed, I try to imagine what she looks like in the outfit Aya helped me pick out for her. Of course, if I think on it too hard, I'll need another bath. In the end, I know she'll be beautiful.

She's been through so much that she deserves that at least.

She revealed herself to the family nearly a year ago. And while her relationships with many of our younger cousins were already tarnished, they haven't improved. I know she doesn't expect them to all come running to her. Not after what she's done to them over the years. But she still needs them. Needs to feel wanted. Loved.

And I'm going to make sure that I'm all she'll ever need.

There was a time when I felt very...dejected. She bedded someone else instead of me. Taking it personally, I returned the favor, bedding someone I knew she'd hate me for. That's why I live here, and she in the main house. I'm sad for that decision.

But I don't regret it.

The past is the past.

And tonight, we're going to move into the future.

The suit is brand new, purchased just for this occasion. The dark brown compliments my skin tone and naturally dark locks. Aya said so himself. I know I look good in a suit, but I needed to look special for tonight.

I want Akito to open up to me.

I want her to have sex in the back seat of the limo.

But most importantly, I want her to say yes!

The driver knocks just as I finish adjusting the jacket cuff. I call out to him and I'm out the door soon after. Thankfully it's not a chilly night. And I don't have to drive. Even though Ha-san forced me to get my own license, I hate driving. The limo suits me just fine.

Though I'm sure that sex in the back seat of a Jaguar could be fun.

The drive takes no time at all. And while servants are running everywhere, I'm told to wait by the car. But I've never done what I've been told. So like the confident man in love I am, I walk towards Akito's rooms.

But halfway there, I halt mid-stride.

She's walking towards me, careful in the heels she's unaccustomed to. The dress is perfect, flowing over her silhouette as she walks. Her hair is longer than I remember, pieces curled to frame her face while the rest is wrapped in a loose bun behind her head. I'm speechless as our eyes meet.

"Hi," I say stupidly.

"Hi," she responds with a bashful smile.

"Sir, Miss, the car is ready."

I offer my arm and she clings to it as we walk to the car. There's no conversation, nothing really to be said. I open the door and assist her inside. There's one instance where I get a nice view of her rear, before following her into the vehicle.

I never denied Mit-chan calling me a pervert, remember?

The ride to the restaurant is equally quite with a few pleasantries interjected. The air inside the limo is calm, and despite the fact she fidgeted in the dress, I kept reassuring her she looked great. After a while she seemed to relax. What surprised me most was when she uttered "thank you" and smoothed her lips over our joined hands. I could feel her steady heartbeat through our clasped hands and wondered if she felt the thundering of mine.

"Sir, we're here."

"Thanks, Taki."

"Please call when you need me."

"Will do."

I stepped outside and offered Akito my hand. As demurely as I've ever seen her, she accepted, stepped out of the limo. The look on her face was one of awe. The restaurant we were enjoying this evening was very modern and swanky. One had to have reservations MONTHS in advance.

And we had the whole place to ourselves for one night.

I said tonight was special.

Opening the door to the restaurant, I make a grand gesture worthy of Aya. Lifting my head just the slightest to make eye contact, I offer a wink and a smile. The blush that rises to her cheeks does not go unnoticed. In fact, it makes my smile grow wider.

"Shall we?"


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA and Canada). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. No money is being made from this story. Please do not sue.