Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When I Grow Up ❯ By Candlelight ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Many thanks to fellow furuba fan and LJ user, "loritakitochan," for the gentle push to write a more relaxed and romantic AkiGure fanfic. I hope this will be to your liking (and everyone else's). WARNING for LEMON content in later chapters. THIS IS A NON LEMON CHAPTER. SPOILERS for those unfamiliar with chapters 97/98 and later in the manga. This chapter is told from Akito’s point of view. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 3 – By Candlelight

“Where is everyone?”

“The host is right there. And the wait staff....”

“I can see _them_. I mean, where is everyone _else_?”

Shigure looked smug as he replied, “They have to eat somewhere else tonight.”

“How did you manage that?” I really didn’t know.

“I made a special reservation.”

The staff was upon us the moment we were seated. It made me feel amazing. People to serve my every whim. This was something I was used to. Shigure wasted no time ordering drinks; I didn’t recognize the name but it was damn good wine. The server made some wonderful suggestions for appetizers and the meal. I think we ordered half the menu till it was all said and done.

The first course arrived quickly and we made small talk as we ate.

“So how is your new book coming along?”

“It’s finished, actually.”

“You finished early? Congratulations.”

“Thank you. So what have you been doing to stay busy?”

“Kureno was kind enough to send me some files to look through. They’re very detailed.”

“You were serious about having a bigger hand in the family fortune, I see.”

“Dead serious. I hate being bored.” I shrugged. “And I think I have an affinity for numbers. Like you do with words.”

Shigure leaned over the table and smiled that cocky little smile I’d come to love. “Flattery will get you everywhere this evening.”

Something in his eyes told me he wasn’t kidding. My stomach suddenly went into somersaults. The sparkle I saw excited me, but the unknown – what he planned to do – made me nervous. I smiled shyly over the remains of my soup and tried to focus on the here and now.

Dammit, why couldn’t I have worn leather pants? I look good in leather pants! And I just can’t get used to feeling....

Like what?

A girl?

‘Isn’t this what you wished for?’



“Are you all right?”

“Sure. Why do you ask?”

“You suddenly went pale.”

“I’m fine.” I held up a hand to stop his retort. “Really. I’m fine.”

‘You are not fine.’

‘He’s going to hurt you.’

The voice of my mother surprised me. I haven’t heard that voice in weeks. And strangely, a small part of me believed her. I smiled reassuringly hoping he wouldn’t ask me anymore questions. Insecurity sucks!

Then the main course – or rather, courses - arrived.

My eyes went wide as the staff settled everything on the table. Did we really order all this? I had no idea what half of it was! I think my stomach groaned as it got a whiff of the aroma. Shigure heard it and laughed, motioning to the veritable buffet. I dug in like a child let loose in a candy store.

Hunger trumps insecurity. Go figure.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing. Was this roasted in garlic?”

One of the staff stepped up quickly to answer. “Yes, miss. The chicken is first roasted, and then glazed in a light soy sauce.”

“Can I have the recipe?” I should have been disgraced. My mouth was full. But the server didn’t hesitate.

“I will talk to the chef, miss.”

I must have asked about every dish. Shigure couldn’t stop chuckling and the wait staff had to be exhausted till it was all said and done. But the food really was delicious.

There was no way I’d have been able to eat all this dressed in leather pants.

And the cook at the main house needed some new recipes.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Shigure commented.

“Would either of you care for dessert?”

“Oh, yes. Definitely!”

“May we see a menu?”

I noticed the look on Shigure’s face. He truly was enjoying watching me as I fawned over the food. But the smile on his face was knowing. He definitely had something planned. I should have called him on it, but it didn’t feel right. He bought me this dress. He reserved this restaurant just for us. He did all this for me.

So why wasn’t I completely enjoying it?

Shigure’s ever curious eyes caught me in thought and I knew he was deep in thought himself. We briefly discussed the dessert menu, selecting two items to sample. Once the order was placed, there was a somewhat awkward silence between us.

“What are you thinking, Akito?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“You look…tense.”

I wouldn’t deny it. “You know I’m not entirely comfortable in a dress. Especially one this beautiful.”

“But it suits you,” he replied, taking my hand in his. He raised it to his lips and lightly brushed his lips over my knuckles. “It’s very complimentary.”

I couldn’t stop the blush that colored my cheeks. “Thank you. But can I make a suggestion?”


“No more heels. They really do hurt.”

He smiled, squeezing my hand. “Got it.”

Dessert arrived as extravagantly as dinner. Each item was enough for two people. The chocolate cake was rich, and drenched in even more chocolate. The accompanying ice cream was the perfect balance.

“Hold still.”

I held as still as possible as Shigure leaned over and gently removed a drop of ice cream from my lip. I smiled in thanks, trying not to groan as he stuck the finger in his mouth, tasting the ice cream and being deliberately sexy as he pulled the digit out. In retort, I dipped my finger in the ice cream and brought it to his lips. But when he opened his mouth, I dabbed it on his nose.

Then I leaned over and licked it off.

He was the one groaning as I sat back in my seat. Oh he looked like a man denied!


I smiled, digging into the second dessert. I admit I was smitten with what I’d done. Proud actually. Normally I wouldn’t have kissed him in public let alone like ice cream from his nose. I felt happy. For a moment.

‘He’s going to hurt you.’

Then I heard my mother’s voice in my mind again, and all the happiness drained away.

Once dessert was over, the insecurity returned. Now what would happen? What did Shigure have planned? It’s frightening not knowing what it was. I want to trust him, but I don’t know. I’m scared.

Scared he’ll get tired of me and leave me.

Scared we can’t make it work.

“Akito, can I ask you something?”

Scared my mother may be right.

“That depends.”

His eyebrows shot up in question. “On what?”

“On what the question is.”

“I see.” He leaned back in his seat. “Still angry over the housing debate?”

“I’d rather not discuss that here.”

“What about the outfit? Are you angry I sent it to you? Is it not up to your standards?”

That…was hurtful. “No. It’s not that.”

“Is it the younger cousins? Are they being mean again?”

That…was painful. “I expect that, Shigure. Will you just let me--?”

“Then what...? Are you still hurt because I slept with Ren?”

That…was it.

Suddenly, I was that little girl again. I could hear her screaming at me inside my head. ‘I hate you!’ And the more he ranted, the louder she got. I shook my head, tears stinging my eyes. How do I explain? Why couldn’t he understand?

Why didn’t I understand?

Pushing the chair backwards with as much force as possible, I ran from the restaurant.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA and Canada). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. No money is being made from this story. Please do not sue.