Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When I Grow Up ❯ Too Much ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Many thanks to fellow furuba fan and LJ user, "loritakitochan," for the gentle push to write a more relaxed and romantic AkiGure fanfic. I hope this will be to your liking (and everyone else's). WARNING for LEMON content in later chapters. THIS IS A NON LEMON CHAPTER. SPOILERS for those unfamiliar with chapters 97/98 and the end of the manga. This chapter is told from Shigure’s point of view. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 4 – Too Much

I’m dumbfounded.

“What the--?!”



Confused as hell.


I blink and Akito’s gone.

Was it something I said?

In an instant I realize, it is. And it was a really stupid thing to say. I hurt her bad, in more ways than one. But it’s in the past. We’ve talked about it. We’ve agreed to forget about it.

Then I go and bring it up, just to piss her off.

That is why I said it. To piss her off. Forget the real reason why I asked her to dinner tonight. Why I went through all the trouble to reserve the restaurant just for us. Even with my hand on the tiny box in my pocket, I sneered in her face and revived a very nasty topic.

She kicked me out of the main house for it the last time.

She may do something much worse this time.

In the past few months, she’s acted a bit strange. A bit more introverted than usual. With the revelation of her true self to the family, I can understand why she would be leery, perhaps scared. People she once confided in have turned on her. People she trusted have walked away as if she was nothing. And the people she was linked to most have all left her. Alone.

She’s taken a lot upon herself, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. And it’s a lot in my opinion. Perhaps too much to handle at once. She wants to change. I know this better than anyone, and I thought I was helping by spending more time with her. Treating her the way I’ve always wanted to. To be with her the way I’ve dreamed about all these years.

‘And you go and piss her off. Shigure, your timing sucks!’

“This deserves to be in a book,” I muttered, standing from my own seat.

Very quickly one of the waiters is there, asking if I’d like a box for the food. There isn’t much left, except dessert. I ask him to box up what’s left, not caring what goes in a box. I need to catch up to Akito.

But once I’m outside, she’s nowhere to be found. Damn, I’ve done it this time. There’s no sign of her, and I have no idea where to go.

“Shit.” I sighed, placing both hands in my pockets. “Akito, where did you go?”

And with that tiny box at hand asked myself, ‘why did I ruin a perfectly good evening?’

“What do I do now?”

Call the limo.

I really do need to thank Hatsuharu for setting me up with a cell phone. Otherwise, I would be screwed right now. I guess I’m screwed either way here.

What if she’s lost? What if she’s hurt? Physically speaking. What if someone’s out there thinking of hurting her physically?

“Yes, sir?”

What if she won’t speak to me again?

“Taki, I need help. Quick.”

Thankfully the limo pulls up in front of the restaurant within minutes. Where was this guy parked? Well, that’s his business. We have more important things to think about.

“Good evening, sir.”

“Hey, Taki.”

With a quick glance he notices we’re one person short. “Where is Miss Akito?”

“That’s why I need your help.”

“Understood, sir.” There’s something in his glance that’s a bit harsh, yet sympathetic. He’s been with us on WAY too many dates. “Where to now?”

Maybe.... Biting my lower lip, I point to the windshield. “Drive towards the shopping district. I have a hunch.”

“I hope it’s a good one, sir.”

“Me, too.”

One minute feels like an hour. Five minutes like five hours. And traffic, now that it’s late, is not making travel any faster. Even if we are only going a few blocks. But once I see the shops with their bright signs coming closer, I feel a small bit of relief.

And when I look out the window, even more relief.

“Here! Pull over here.”

“Yes, sir.”

I’ve finally found her. Sitting in plain sight on a nearby bench. The crowds were closer to the shops and there was enough shadow that if one wasn't paying attention, she blended right in. Even the water fountain behind her seemed to camouflage itself in the twilight.

"Please wait here."

"Yes, sir."

The sound of my shoes on the pavement echoed in my ears as I walked. I’m certain she heard them, her body tensing as I draw near. Her head turns to the side, pretending to focus on something else. But it turns back, facing me even if her eyes are focused on the ground at her feet.

She said nothing when I sat beside her. Nothing to acknowledge my presence. But I knew she was aware. Her body straightened, shoulders pulling back. Her face darkened even more, her eyes catching me out of the corner and not really focusing on the cement beneath her. Her breathing caught and she sighed continuously, wringing her hands in her lap.

To everyone else, it probably appeared that we were people watching. Perfect strangers simply sharing a moment.

Maybe THAT should go into a book.

But both of our minds were running hundreds of miles per second. I wish I could’ve gotten into her head. Known what she was thinking. Even though I have a good idea what bothers her most, I always end to screw things up. You would think a pervert like me would have wooing down to an art. But with Akito, it’s always been a challenge. One I could never walk away from.

I made a promise. I intended to keep it.


"I'm sorry."

Her voice was low. Very low. But I heard every breath. Every sound. Even the heavy sigh that passed between her berry colored lips. I wanted to reach out to her. Take her hand. Comfort her. But my body refused to move.

"It's ok," I managed to say. It was partially my fault after all. Maybe now is a bad time to admit I have anger issues. "I shouldn't have said what I did."

Her sigh was again heavy. "It wasn't just that."

I waited. And waited. When she didn't continue, I asked, "What then?"

"I'm...I'm...not sure."

No. She knew. It was becoming clearer to me by the minute.


She shook her head. " can't possibly understand."

"Understand...what? That you're not the person you used to be?"

She looked at me, surprised. "Shigure...."

"That you're not as sure of yourself as you used to be? Not as assertive? Not as daring?"

She stood, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "Don't...."

"That you're not sure what to do as a woman? How to dress, how to act?"


She covered her ears with her hands, but I wasn't backing down. I stood, towering over her. "That you're scared to death of the future. Of what might happen next?"

Her voice raised yet another decibel. "Stop it...."

"What don't I understand, Akito?" Now I was very angry. I wanted answers. "Tell me?!"

Honestly, I already knew. I just wanted to hear it from her.

"Stop! Just...stop. Please."

Because maybe if she'd just say it out loud, it would all be okay.

But instead of words, I received tears. Lots of them.

Then, to my horror, she started to collapse.

Arms flailing, she seemed to move in slow motion. I moved equally slow, hoping to catch her before she fell. Reaching out, I closed my eyes as my arms wrapped around her. I felt her body heat, her weight as we both moved towards the ground. Tears drenched my jacket enough to stain the shirt underneath. I held her tighter then, cradling her smaller form as she clung to me for dear life.


Then, my own tears started to fall.

“I love you, so very much.”

Maybe...too much.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA and Canada). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. No money is being made from this story. Please do not sue.