Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When I Grow Up ❯ When Wishes Come True ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Many thanks to fellow furuba fan and LJ user, loritakitochan, for the gentle push to write a more relaxed and romantic AkiGure fanfic. THIS IS A NON-LEMON CHAPTER and the final one for this story. SPOILERS for those unfamiliar with chapters 97/98 to the end of the manga. Told from Shigure’s point of view, and takes place approximately five (5) years from the end of the previous chapter. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 6 - When Wishes Come True

Never in a million years did I think the jyuunishi would ever be together in the same place. Especially once the curse had been lifted. Everyone went their separate ways. Away from the evil that once controlled them.

Could I blame them?

"Shigure! Over here!"

My fight against our family curse was for one person and one person only. The love of my life. Not for them. Not even for me, though I'm sure some felt otherwise.

Never did I think we'd survive such hardship. But the younger generation, especially, were none the worse for it. I think change came at just the right time for most of them.

"Right hand yellow."

"That's your left, Tohru-kun!"

"Ah! Gomen!"

Yuki was now working on a doctorate degree at a European school. He's engaged to his high school sweetheart as well. Kuragi-san may be stern, but she's perfect for him. I knew the kid had it in him.

Okay...maybe not.

Kyo and Tohru now share a room a Kazuma's. Tohru's friend, Saki, moved in, too. Tohru's working at a restaurant in town and hoping to save enough to someday open one of her own. Kyo's running the dojo. And Kazuma gets to relax with a new, younger girlfriend who's almost as lazy as me. Lucky bastard.

"Momiji-kun, what's next?"

"Left foot green."

Momiji had gone to school in Germany and was apprenticing at his father's office. He was dating too, but I'm not sure how that's going seeing as arrived alone today.

"It's already on green."

"Then pick another spot, Haru."

"Yes, dear."

Haru and Rin had fallen off my radar. I got cards and letters now and again, but I think their travels were rather therapeutic. And fun. At least they look happy. Happier. A result of finding one's self, I suppose.

"That's the wrong color, Kisa-chan!"

"I can't...reach it, Hiro-kun."

Kisa and Hiro. Our youngest, have grown up so much. Now in college, they’ve gone their separate ways. But they were friends. And they were happy. Did I mention they've grown up? I feel old just thinking about it.

"Oh no, Ryoko is--!"

"Rem, too."

"Ritsu, please stop them!"

Ritsu surprised everyone by proposing to Mit-chan. They've only been dating for -- what -- years?! But my former editor is a patient woman. And she thought Ritsu was worth it. Still, I wish he'd dress more like a man. Some things never change.

"Got 'em!"


"I've got Rem! He's a his father."


Kagura's working at one of the Sohma offices. If Akito's correct, she's up for a promotion. A big one. I always knew she'd go far if she applied herself. Surprisingly, she has become much...softer. A little more feminine and certainly calmer. Being married will do that.

"Thanks, Ri-chan. I'll take, Ryoko."

"I think she's a trouble maker like her mother."

"Them's fighting words, husband."

Kureno married Tohru's friend, Arisa Uotani three years ago. Their daughter, Ryoko, was the second of a new generation for this family. Not surprisingly, Rem, Kyo and Tohru's son, was first.

"Right hand red!"

"Kisa-chan, your elbow!"

"Aha! Another one down."

"Aya, don't get cocky."

"Hai, hai, Ha-chan."

Aya and Hatori are the same as always. Aya still runs his store, while Ha-san still has his practice. However, he's opened it up to more than just the Sohma family. Business is good, for both of them. But neither of them are married. Happily getting laid, but unmarried. It's funny, I sometimes feel out of place with them.

Me being the married man of the three, that is.

I really thought it would never happen.

"Gure! Come join us!"

And never in my dreams did I think I'd see Ayame playing Twister. I bet the former snake was winning too.

"Aya, your footing!"

"Aha! You're out!"

"I slipped!"

Just shows what I know.

"Shigure, can you come help me for a second?"

Chuckling, I answered, “I'll be right there."

Making my way into the house, I walked into our newly remodeled kitchen. Only the third in a line of arduous tasks completed since we moved into the summer home two years ago. The home has been in the family for decades, but in desperate need of some repairs. We'd already fixed up the bedroom, and completely rearranged the bathroom. The kitchen was done at my wife's urging. She'd been watching too many cooking shows and demanded a more modern space.

The deck was next on the list.

Or so I was told.


"Hey, kiddo."

Akito stood at the counter, peeling vegetables for tonight's dinner. Most of the meal was complete, only a few things were left. She smiled at me as I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her on the cheek. "Who won the Twister game," she asked.

"Not Aya."

"Go figure."

A few steps away and excited voice chanted, "DADADADA!"

"Coming, Henko."

I released my wife and moved to the high chair my son currently used as a playpen. He had a stuffed snake in one hand and a stuffed dragon in the other. Gifts from his "uncles".


"Come here, little man," I said, lifting him from his chair. Barely a year old and he was heavier than a stack of my books. His hair was starting to really grow in, too. When did that happen? It's going to be dark brown, like mine. I couldn't help but smile.


Akito turned from the counter and kissed him on the cheek. "I hear you, sweetheart."

She's so wonderful, my wife. For a woman who didn't want to be a mother, she's really embraced the role. I think her lonely childhood plays a big part. She's so different from her own mother. So different from whom she used to be. She's grown a lot. Her father would be glad.

I know I am.

"Should I take him outside?"

"Just don't let him in the sand."

"But he loves the sand," I interject.

"Hmm, so do you." She kissed me chastely. "I know."

Very glad.

The backdoor opened and footsteps could be heard coming toward the kitchen.

"How long before we eat?" Momiji had come into the house, his head sticking out into the doorway.

"Need any help?" That was Kisa.

"Could you start setting up the tables," Akito asked.

They both smiled. "Got it!"

I laughed to myself, following them out of the kitchen. Nope, never thought it would happen.

We have our life together. Our son. Our wish. We have all the time in the world to grow up.




Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA and Canada). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. No money is being made from this story. Please do not sue.