Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Snow Melts ❯ Waiting for Waking ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I own nothing. No seriously, I don't even technically own the things I'm wearing right now. Sad, isn't it? Yeah, I know. It is. Really, really sad. Makes me want to cry even…. *sniffle*…
Hatori: Oh God, it's started again… someone please kill her and get it over wi—
HEY! Did I SAY you could stop dancing? And don't even think about taking off that tutu!
Hatori: T_T you can't make me, you don't own me.
….;_; See? It's just not fair. I want to own it now. JUST TO MAKE YOU DANCE, HATORI! …rawr…
Anyways… on with the story. I'll put the HANK TAY OU YAY's at the bottom >>… I specialize in the most lovable Latin. Pig. <3 It is odd how well pigs can speak English, just with a defect… if only, ne?
Last Time:
“It's Tohru,” Shigure said softly.
“What about it? Look, I can't help you with making her feel…” Hatori began.
“No. She's … she's in the hospital…” Shigure whimpered, “Hatori, I don't know what to do. She's got a concussion and they think she may go into a coma and not wake up. How am I going to tell Kyo and Yuki?” Silence met his ears for a reply. Finally, after a few moments, Hatori spoke.
“What hospital are you at?” his voice was hoarse.
“Just the local one,” Shigure replied, “But why?” All he heard after that was the dial tone.
Hatori meanwhile, rushed to his car to head straight to the hospital. “Why did this have to happen?” he asked himself allowed, turning the key and pulling out of the estate quickly. “Why her? Why did it have to be her? Why did she have to get hurt? What happened… what am I going to do?” The doctor pulled into the emergency room parking lot and sighed, leaning his head against the wheel. “I don't know what to do…”
Shigure in the meantime was calling the boys. “You see…she may not wake up,” he finished.
“WHAT?!” Both Kyo and Yuki yelled. Shigure was on speakerphone.
“Like she might die?!” Kyo asked loudly, angered obviously at what had occurred still.
“I don't know yet,” Shigure sighed, rubbing his poor delicate ear. He should be deaf by now from their screaming.
“Please call us with any updates. Other than that, we will visit her tomorrow.” Yuki said lightly, and then hung up.
“How can you be so calm?”
“I don't know what to do…”
There was a crowd around the bed in the hospital room. So many people had shown up to mourn the current loss of the smile everyone had learned to live by. Hana and Uotani sat beside the motionless body, tears dripping from Hana's eyes. Uotani seemed to be growling, her fists clenched, wishing she had been able to do something. The Sohma's stood further back, sans Momiji, Kisa and Hiro (although he proclaimed the only reason he allowed himself to be near the unconscious woman was because he wanted to stand by Kisa).
Tohru's face was pale as she lay there, breathing so silently that one may have thought she stopped. The face that was normally filled with joy was stoic, frozen in a mask of sorrow.
Hatori could feel his heart burning, agony clenching it, but he didn't understand why he would be feeling that way. Was he feeling guilty? No, he knew that feeling all to well as it was. He heaved a sigh, leaning against the wall facing the door leading into Tohru's hospital room. No one seemed to notice as the doctor turned and left the vicinity. He felt so out of place there… he needed space and quiet to go think. He couldn't bear to see it… not when she looked so absolutely breakable… and even more so than she normally did look.
To tell the truth, although it would never be told aloud, it frightened him. The sight of the light of the Sohma family… if it went out, how would any of them survive? He didn't know if anyone could take it if she was gone, not after all she had done for the family. All of the Sohma's were indebted to her in one way or another, although she would have none of it if any of them were to actually say it.
Kyo growled as he stared at the prone body that lay on the bed before him. The others turned to him, waiting for an angry outbreak of withheld emotion… but all were surprised to see a shimmer of tears in his eyes before he stomped out of the room. Yuki sighed softly as he went after the enraged cat. Lord knows where he was headed… probably off to beat a doctor into submission for not curing Tohru right away. `That sadist,' Yuki thought to himself, sighing and shaking his head. ((>> Why is their the sudden scent of Yaoi Fan girls filling the air? <<….>< OH GOD! *hides from the oncoming stampede*))
Even Akito came to visit at one point. He had come in with Shigure at his side and stood at the side of Tohru's bed, looking down at her. “She is so weak,” He said. It was just an observation. Even he felt out of place speaking ill of her in this condition. But this time-lapse without her would do well to strengthen his own relationship with the members of the Zodiac. He gave a short nod then turned to Shigure. “I'm ready to go back to the estate.” Akito announced, “I've seen her condition and give her my wishes.” Although the statement was usually used for emotion, Akito was easily able to make it sound very business like. Shigure only smiled and nodded, taking Akito back home.
Over the next two days, people wandered in and out of the room and the gifts and flowers piled up. At school, Hanajima and Uo had gotten people to help them begin to make paper cranes. So on Wednesday, there was a large bag of colorful cranes in the corner of the hospital room sitting upon a chair. Still though, Tohru did not awaken.
Hatori found himself visiting her in the hospital room every night. All he could seem to do once he was there though, was stare at the frail body of the onigiri. Nothing else would occur during his visits besides him staring at her. Until one night…
It was two weeks after the paper cranes had come to her room, that Hatori sat in a chair beside the girl. He was staring once more, but for the first time since his last day with Kana as his lover, he cried. Without even knowing why, he had begun to leak tears. His hands rested on her right hand, delicately squeezing it in a silent plead for her awakening. After only an hour of crying, Hatori fell into an exhausted state, resting his head on her hospital bed to sleep. The nurse's had always let him stay past visiting hours because he himself was a doctor.
The hospital was quiet save for the noises that came from outside it. The hour neared two and the crickets outside only seemed to get louder, but Hatori heard none of it as he slept beside the onigiri. “Tohru… please wake up,” He whispered in his sleep. And then…a pair of tired eyes opened.
Now here are my thank yous:
WarmTea- my biggest fan... *happy sigh* I lurv ya twin! <3 thanks for all the smacks you administered to make me write more chapters. Everyone should thank her, she's the only reason I haven't slacked off and I'm writing this chapter.
blackrose10307- Thanks for the compliment ^^
Magic and sparkle- LOOK IM UPDATING! WHEEEEEE!
azn anime addict- Awww, thank you. I adore plot twists.
crimsonsun-rk- I know, isn't it depressing? @_@ Poor Tohru.
hatori obsesser- So you just don't like Hatori with anyone? Understood. >> but I still feel bad for Tohru.
Chiratsuku- >> I'm finally updating… T_T DON'T KILL ME
rurouni kenshin himura- Wow, cool. Random people are finding my fic now? Awesome. ^^ Well thank you for your review <3! Here's an update just for YOOOUUU!!… you know, and the however many other people that wish to read this. XD
Kimberly- UPDATING, woooot? WOOTENA! Ahaa…haa…yeah.
Dark Seraph- I'm glad you like twists and turns. >> I don't think a story stays interesting long enough without them so. >> Hopefully I'll be having good ones until the end. Cross fingers, knock wood: