Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Snow Melts ❯ Important Things ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own it. So leave me be.
“Ah, Ha'ari… finally making your move, eh, old chap? Well then,” Shigure grinned, rubbing his chin with an evil smirk planted upon his mouth. He, unfortunately, wasn't able to get his maniacal laugh out before Mii broke through the front door, panting.
“SHIGUUUUUUURREEEEE!!” she wailed, “I need the scripts! It is due in tomorrow.”
“Ah? I'm sorry, Mii, I can't hear you, I seem to have gone deaf!” Shigure replied in a heightened volume, and then danced off, Mii following behind him, tears flying from her eyes.
This is what Kyo arrived home to; Mii chasing Shigure around the house. Used to this behavior in the house, he only rolled his eyes and walked upstairs to go to his room. Sighing, he walked into his room and lay down on his bed. “Ugh… I'm so beat…” He rolled over.
The next room over was occupied by a hard-working Tohru. She sighed softly, going over the study problems they had received from the teacher to study for the test. “I'll never get ready for this test!” She wailed helplessly.
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The next day, after school, Tohru was walking out of the school happily; she was glad the test was postponed to next week so she could study longer. Soon enough she was intercepted by a hyper bunny. “Tohru!!!” Momiji exclaimed, jumping in front of her.
“Hello Momiji,” Tohru smiled pleasantly, “are you going to escort me to the Sohma Estate?”
“Yeah! Hatori's driving us,” Momiji smiled brightly; “I can't wait! I love Tohru's cooking!”
“Ah? Really? We aren't going to walk home? Won't that be a hassle to Hatori-san? I'm sure he's quite busy with all of his doctor business…” Tohru spoke her thoughts softly.
“No, he's not busy today; he took the day off for things apart from taking care of Akito. Don't worry about it, Tohru, really.” Momiji took Tohru's hand and started leading her to the point where Hatori would pick them up.
“You're sure? I don't want to inconvenience him. He's been so kind,” Tohru murmured slightly uncomfortable.
“Ah, Tohru, you're not scared of Hatori, are you?” Momiji stopped dragging her and turned to look at her curiously.
“N-no, not at all!” Tohru said quickly, blushing and waving her arms around in disagreement. Not even close, Momiji, not even close…
“Good; then there isn't any problem. So let's go, Tohru-kun!” the hyper rabbit chirped.
“All right, Momiji, all right,” Tohru smiled brightly, once again finding herself being dragged along by the boy.
“I'm so happy that you're making us dinner! We're stopping at the food mart to get the things you need on the way back home.” Momiji grinned back at her as he continued to guide her. “What do you want to make tonight?”
“Whatever you two would like to eat,” Tohru smiled softly.
“Ah! Hatori loves udon! Can we eat some? (AN: actually, that's just what I'm craving right now >>) I love it with chicken. Can we, can we, can we? Oh, please, Tohru?!”
“Of course, Momiji; udon sounds nice to have tonight. I love it too, actually,” Tohru smiled softly, patting Momiji on the head. “And we can have rice balls for desert. How does that sound?
“Yay!” Momiji cheered happily, “Tohru-kun makes the best rice balls!”
“A-ah… I wouldn't say that,” Tohru blushed softly, “Kyo actually makes great ones too.”
“But Tohru makes hers with love, so they're lots better!” Momiji chirped. Tohru smiled, pushing the blush off her face forcefully.
“Well… thank you, Momiji,” Tohru gave her famous soft smile. Momiji smiled back and stopped walking.
“You're welcome!” Momiji sang, “Hatori should be here soon…”
“I'm sure if he's late, he has an excuse. He is a doctor and that is quite an important job, so if he is late, he'll be sure to have been held back by something important.”
Hatori, meanwhile, was sitting in his car, which was still parked in his spot in front of his home in the Sohma Estate, deciding whether or not he should go through with this all. His annoying, betraying feelings were getting on his nerves and seeing the girl certainly would make it no better. Then again, perhaps nothing would happen if he just went to see her? But should he chance it at all? What if something were to happen? Still… since when did he become such an idiotic worrywart?... Oh, that's right, when he first started high school with Shigure and Ayame.
Well, he figured this wouldn't be so horrible. So finally, with firm resolve in his mind, he put the key in the ignition…then pulled it out again. `But what if…'
“Yeah, really important,” Momiji nodded in agreement to Tohru's previous statement. Tohru smiled softly at the boy then looked off towards the sky. It was a beautiful day, and she now had the time to take it in and appreciate it.
“It's nice out, isn't it, Momiji,” Tohru said gently. His reply was a happy and rapid nod. She bit her lip to keep from giggling. Momiji always seemed younger than he actually was. He was always hyper and happy, so optimistic; but really in truth the child was really quite mature in fact. The way he had handled everything in his past, his mother, his sister, his estrangement; he was much better than she could ever be in that situation.
Before she could get much more into thinking about it, a car pulled up in front of the pair. “Sorry that I'm late,” Hatori said stiffly as he stood up out of the car then went to open the door for them.
“Oh, it's all right, we knew if you were it would be something very vital,” Tohru put in smiling brightly. Hatori fought the dire need to falter humorously at the statement. `Yes, battling and talking with myself is quite important, as well as on the verge of insanity,' he mused silently, letting the two friends get into the back seat before he returned to his seat on the left side (he has a western car, if you don't remember from the anime), and began to drive. Seeing Tohru shift uncomfortably in the back, he took pity on her and broke the ice, “Would you like a mint, Tohru?” his question was soft and she almost missed it, but smiled and nodded, “Here, let me get it,” he said then leaned over to the glove compartment to open it.
“Oh, no, I'll get it, Hatori-san, you're driving,” Tohru said quickly, leaning over to do it instead…
They made a turn…
Tohru fell to the left…
And with a loud poof, they were suddenly left driverless.
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Aren't I just damned evil? MWAHAHAHAHAHA die with the cliffhanger!!