Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Where Your Shadow Falls- Part 2: Forget Me Not ❯ Where is Your Boy Tonight? ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9: Where is Your Boy Tonight?
“One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
It tastes like you, but sweeter”
-Thnks Fr th Mmrs
By: Fall Out Boy
“Good morning, Kagura,” Rin said, walking into Kagura's room the next morning to find her lying awake on her bed sketching from a manga book.
“Oh, hi, Isuzu,” Kagura said.
“Could I talk to you for a minute?” Rin asked, shifting from one foot to the other uncomfortably.
“Oh, sure,” Kagura set her drawing equipment on bedside table and patted the bed beside her. “Come here.”
“Well,” Rin started, crossing the room and settling on the edge of the bed, “Ever since yesterday afternoon when I came back from the main estate…things have been...well, not normal.”
“How so?” Kagura asked.
“I've been having these things…visions, they seem like. I know that sounds crazy, but—”
“Not as crazy as some of the rest of the stuff around here,” Kagura muttered to herself.
“What?” Rin asked, confused.
“Oh, nothing,” Kagura said passively, “go on, I believe you.”
“Well, there have been three of them. The first one was a little girl and boy talking about oden. It sounds so weird trying to explain it.”
“It's okay, I'm listening,” Kagura encouraged.
“The second one was last night, and there was a girl,” Rin's eyes became distant and unfocused; “She was dancing. It was a beautiful dance. She had bells on her robes, and there were people watching, but it seemed as if she was only dancing for the one child…even though they were a child, they seemed like they were in charge. But there was another little boy, with white hair. I know this all sounds crazy, but…”
“No, keep going. What was the third one about?” Kagura asked. Rin sighed, and continued, her mind straining to remember the details.
“This one hurt a lot when it started, but the little black hair girl was in it again. And so was the boy with the white hair. The girl was jump roping and talking to the boy who was just listening. Then she suddenly started stroking his hair. It was weird,” Rin exclaimed, “almost like I could feel it on my own fingers. Then the boy said “Rin, what are you doing?””
“Rin? Do you recognize the name?” Kagura's eyes seemed more like she was observing Rin's reaction rather than just curious about the girl.
“Well, when I woke up yesterday in the closet at the main house, I didn't remember how I'd got there, but…there was a boy…he was a little younger than me, but he had the same white hair. He kept calling me Rin.” She turned to Kagura abruptly, “Do you think he could be the same boy?”
“Maybe,” Kagura said, “Did anything else happen in the last vision?”
“Yah, the little girl was telling the boy how much she loved his hair. Then she saw his expression and said: “Awww, that expression is sooo cute, Ha—” and then you sorta woke me up.”
“That's weird.”
“So I figured the boy's name from the dream had to start with the character “Ha” right?”
“Right,” Kagura agreed. Her eyes seemed a little scared.
“Then I remembered…” Rin paused. Kagura's voice was soft, as if trying not to frighten a wild animal.
“What did you remember, Isuzu?”
“When I woke up, the boy holding me said: “I'm Haru. Don't you remember me?”” Rin said, her voice soft. “My life was so normal…I went to school, I had friends, I lived with you and your mom, I was happy…but then yesterday…ever since I woke up in that boy's arms, nothing's been the same. Now I feel like there's something I'm missing. And I—”
“My head!” Rin exclaimed, both her hands pressed to either side of her head. She cried out. And then it came:
“Rin…Will you kiss me?” The white haired boy asked
“Wh—Why…?” The black haired girl stuttered with frightened eyes
“Because I like you,” the boy said, staring intently at him
“We…We can't! A—Akito will…get mad…” She warned.
Who's Akito? Rin wondered.
“But, if you ended up with another guy just because of that…I wouldn't be able to bear it,” he said as the girl looked down at the floor. “Or would you prefer another man?”
“Of—of course not! I—Haru, I…” She faltered.
And then Rin heard the words like long forgotten thoughts…the girl's thoughts.
I like you, Haru…I'm no good without you, Haru…When you're gone, Haru, I'm so uneasy I can't keep myself together. It has to be you, Haru. Leaning on you, relying on you, wanting you, Haru, wanting everything about you. My desire increases and increase. Haru…
“Do you think I'm pitying you?” The boy asked, interrupting her thoughts
“No…no, I don't,” she whispered.
“I like you,” he said, reaching his hand out to stroke her cheek. “So I... want you, Rin.” The boy leaned in closed to the girl's face. Rin could almost feel his breath on her cheeks. “Do you not want me, Rin?” The boy asked, “Do you not want to be with me?”
“ISUZU!” Kagura shouted, shaking Rin's shoulders violently.
“Ka—Kagura?” Rin stammered, blinking at her surroundings.
“Did you see something?” Kagura said an edge in her voice.
“I—uh,” Rin hesitated. Kagura shook her shoulders, her eyes fierce.
“Isuzu…what did you see.”
“A—it was the black haired girl again. And the boy…she—the girl is in love with him. Deeply. She kept saying it in her head…Kagura…? Why did that girl look so much like me? What's going on?
“Isuzu…it's going to be okay…it'll all be okay.” Kagura wrapped her arms around Rin, and Rin mirrored her action.
“Shh, Isuzu, it'll all work out.”
“But…what's going on with these dreams of the girl that looks like me…and the boy that I woke up with yesterday? Kagura…” Rin whispered weakly, staring up at her, her eyes wide and on there verge of tears, “…what's happening to me?”
* * *
“and now I speak to you
are you in there?
you have her face and her eyes
but you are not her"
-Bells For Her
By: Tori Amos
Haru had to get to Kagura's. He had to get Rin before Shigure or Hatori or…he swallowed…Akito.
“But, Haru, it's not Rin… It's Isuzu. She's not your Rin anymore, Haru.”
No! Haru shook his head, attempting to banish the thoughts.
“But Rin is in there somewhere. If Isuzu dies…so does Rin.”
His words had been true.
Rin is locked up somewhere, trying to get out. I have to help her!
Do you really want to bring her back to all of that? Don't you think she's happier not remembering any of it?”
Pain shot through Haru.
But…what about the times with just me and her. Despite the pain I caused her, isn't it worth it to remember the times with me and her? For me its worth it. There's no question. I have to believe that it's the same for her.
“What about me, then? What about me, Yuki? Am I just supposed to let her go?!”
“If you really love her…”
What is that supposed to mean?
Of course I love you, Rin. You're the most important thing in my life. That's why…that's exactly why…
Haru knocked sharply on Kagura's door.
“Kagura! Let me in! I need to see her!”
“Haru?” Kagura's startled voice came from inside the house.
“Let me in, Kagura,” Haru exclaimed. He heard two pairs of footsteps hurry to the door.
“Go away, Isuzu,” he heard Kagura whisper on the other side of the door.
“Why, Kagura? Is that…that's Haru isn't it?” That was Rin's voice…Rin's sweet voice. Only the door separated them.
“Kagura…!” Haru called, a warning in his low tone.
“I don't think I should…Shigure said—”
“I'm pretty sure I know what Shigure said. Isn't it better she knows the truth Kagura?! If it were you, wouldn't you want to know?!”
“She's happier, you know,” Kagura's voice was only barely loud enough to hear through the door.
“But it's not her!”
“What are you talking about, Kagura?” Rin's confused voice asked.
“You shouldn't talk to her, Haru. You've already done enough.”
“Kagura! How could you say something like that! You don't know the whole story!” Haru shouted.
“I've been living with her for the past two days, and I can tell. I've lived with her…both ways. I can tell she's happier like this.”
“But Kagura—you don't unders—”
“That you were involved? Yah I know.”
“Wait, are you talking about me?” Rin asked.
“No, Isuzu, please, could you just go back to your room while I sort this out?” Haru heard Kagura plea.
“But I—”
“She deserves to know the truth! Rin!” Haru yelled in vain, knowing she wouldn't respond to that name now. He banged on the door with his fists, leaning on it, sagging as he nearly collapsed with hopelessness, “Rin, honey, please! Please remember…please.”
Unexpectedly, the door swung inwards to reveal Kagura shoved back into the entry hallway, and Rin standing there with fierce fire in her dark liquid eyes rimmed with tear tracks. Pain shot through Haru.
She's not behind those eyes anymore…
“You'd better explain yourself…Haru.”
End of Chapter 9:
Where is Your Boy Tonight?
A/n: It's all starting to come together ^_^
Thank you Fall Out Boy again! I stole the title from the song: Grand Theft Autumn. ^_^ tee hee hee
Rin: *sigh* this is exhausting
Me: What is?
Rin: Being nice. And since when did I tear up all the time
Me: Since you're memory got erased and you became all nice.
Rin: *shrug* true
Haru: Is it just me or are my sections getting shorter and shorter.
Me: ^_^u yah, sorry about that…
(See ya next chapter! ^_^)
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Fruits Basket is the creation of Takaya Natsuki, and is licensed in North
America by FUNimation (anime) and Tokyopop (manga). Used without permission or the intention of making a profit. Please support the original work!