Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Where Your Shadow Falls- Part 2: Forget Me Not ❯ Can't Fight for a Graveyard ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 10: Can't Fight for a Graveyard
“To just vanish without warning, without reason…wondering if your very existence…was nothing but a dream.
-The Dreaming Vol. 1
By: Queenie Chan
“Rin, let me explain—”
“I already told you. My name's not Rin; it's Isuzu,” Rin interrupted, sighing, standing aside to let Haru in.
“Isuzu, I really don't think—” Kagura began to advise.
“Its okay, Kagura,” Rin said, turning around to look her in the eye, “I think we should hear him out. Besides…” she looked Haru up and down, inspecting, “maybe he has some answers.”
“I have more than answers,” Haru objected, their arms touching briefly as he brushed past her, their eyes locking, “I have the truth.”
Once Rin and Haru were seating across the table from each other (Kagura being sent to her room scowling so they could talk in private), Rin started talking.
“Before you say anything, I should let you know, that before you showed up, my life was completely normal. Then, since yesterday, nothing's been the same. I keep having these really bad headaches and flashes of—”
“Flashes?” Haru interrupted.
“Yeah…and I don't even know why I'm talking to you,” Rin laughed nervously, “I only met you yesterday. This is so crazy.”
“You don't know crazy until you've heard about your screwed up life,” Haru muttered bitterly.
My life? I thought I explained this to you. Before yesterday—”
“Before yesterday,” Haru cut her off, “The life you know isn't real.” Rin just glared at him.
“What are you saying?” Haru sighed.
“Well, I'd better start at the beginning. Please don't say anything until I'm finished. It will sound crazy at first, but then things will start to add up.”
“Okay…” Rin said uncertainly.
“The Sohma family has been cursed for centuries. Twelve members of the family are born possessed by the vengeful spirits of the zodiac animals. Twelve plus one that is born as the “God”; the ruler of them all. In the beginning, all the animals made a promise to stay with God for eternity…no matter how many times they were reborn; the same blood would run through them. When a member of the zodiac is hugged by an un-cursed member of the opposite gender, they transform into their respective animal. But now, after centuries, the curse has started to unravel. Two of us--”
““Us”? Does that mean you?”
“Shh,” Haru silenced, “I said don't say anything until I'm done explaining.”
“Fine,” Rin huffed.
“Anyway, two of us have already been released. Kureno—the bird, and one of the closest to Akito (God)—was the first. But despite not being tied to him through the curse, couldn't leave him and deceived us all by pretending he was still cursed, and refusing to leave Akito's side.”
“And who was the other?” Rin asked, Haru just sighed. “Oops,” Rin uttered, her hand to her mouth, “go on.”
“The other…was the horse. She was released from the curse only two nights ago.”
“Who was the horse?” Rin inquired, real curiosity singing in her eyes. Haru took a deep breath and met her gaze.
“You.” Rin gasped.
“M-me?” She squeaked.
“Yup,” Haru said, popping the “p” on his lips.
“Is—is that why I saw the dancing?”
“Dancing?” Haru asked.
“I had…a dream of sorts. There was a black haired little girl and she was dancing for a child. It felt like the dance of a horse.”
“New Years,” Haru muttered.
“What about New Years?” Rin questioned.
“Every New Years, the zodiac animals of the old year and the New Year dance to symbolize the transition—the passing of the year. You danced when you were eight.” Rin sat speechless, trying to soak up all of this information.
“I still can't see that little girl as me…it's like I'm looking through someone else's eyes.”
“That's because the you you are right now didn't exist until yesterday. Isuzu isn't what you liked to be called. You flinched whenever someone called you that…Rin was your name. But you're not Rin. Rin is somewhere in your head…hidden along with the memories.”
“Then…who am I?” Rin asked, staring at her hands. I didn't exist until yesterday?
“You are Isuzu,” Haru said simply. “You are Rin minus all the traumas in her past.”
“How did I forget them all?” Rin asked. Haru's breath caught at the pain in her eyes. The pain of not knowing who she was anymore.
“After your curse broke, Tori-nii found out. Do you remember memory suppression?” Rin shook her head. “Tori-nii can suppress people's memories—it's a skill he learned from his father. From what he told me, he confronted you and told you to get out of there before Akito found out you knew. You refused for some reason,” Haru's eyes flickered, “and…Tori-nii erased your memories in hopes you would leave, not remembering the curse or—” Haru swallowed. Rin placed her hand on top of Haru's which lay on the table. Haru almost jerked it back in surprise. When their eyes met, he caught a little flash of Rin. It was there and then gone in a second…but it was there.
“Or you,” she whispered.
* * *
“Didn't they teach you?
Everything's okay if you settle for enough
Forget your dreams
Let's pretend I'm everything you want me to be
By: Armor For Sleep
“I keep seeing flashes of memories…but they seem like someone else's memories. But they all have you in them. It hurts when I remember them, though—like someone is trying to rip them out by force. But we're talking about oden, and then I see you watching me dance. I'm jump roping; we're talking, and then I tell you I love your hair…” Haru's eyes widened.
“You remember all of that?”
“It came back in flashes, like I said…and I remember…we were together…dating…and I remember…” Rin blushed at the memory, “I remember the first time we kissed…I was crying.” Haru's hand gripped hers across the table.
“You were crying,” he agreed. Suddenly a panicked look crossed his face, “Do you remember anything else about…that sort of thing?” Rin was confused.
“Uh…no…” Haru let out a breath.
“Oh, okay.”
“Why?” Rin's eyes became wide, “did we do things?” Haru shifted uncomfortably.
“You could say that…”
“Really? I,” Rin looked away, “I thought I was a virgin.” Haru snorted,
“Believe me, you're not. Far from it. I can't even remember when I lost count of how many times we—”
“Okay, okay,” Rin broke Haru off, putting her hands over her ears, blushing to the ends of her hair. Haru leaned in across the table.
“Is anything coming back?” He asked softly.
“No…” Rin answered inaudibly, “I mean, it all makes sense, but it's still like I'm seeing it through someone else's eyes…they're not mine.” Haru leaned back.
“Wait—” Rin's choked out.
“I don't need you anymore…”
“Rin? Rin!” Haru's voice was distant
“I'm tired of you…Just don't come near me anymore, Haru...”
“Rin hurt you,” Rin whispered, her eyes focusing back on the present. Haru was holding his shoulders in his hands, his scared expression transforming into relief. “She hurt you badly.”
“It's okay,” Haru comforted, pulling her closer. Tears poured down her cheeks. “Shh,”
“You loved her, didn't you?” Rin asked softly.
“Very much,” Haru murmured, his hand making slow circles on her back.
“I'm so sorry…” she said delicately.
“Oh, Rin,” Haru said in a soft voice
“I-I'm not Rin…” she whispered. “I'm not your Rin.”
“It's okay,” he breathed in her ear, “It's okay…because right now… you're all I need.”
End of Chapter 10:
Can't Fight for a Graveyard
A/n: Wow, that worked out reeeeally well in my opinion! ^_^ this story is sooooo much fun to write! (Is stole this title from the song Lullaby By: Armor For Sleep (I'm such a thief) ^_^ muah ha ha ha
Rin: -_- do I ever get me memory back?
Me: oh, like it'd tell you with everyone here reading it
Rin: oh, fine, be that way
Me: fine, maybe I will
Haru: ^_^u girls, girls, please don't fight…Part 3 won't get written if you two are still fighting!
(See ya next chapter! ^_^)
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Fruits Basket is the creation of Takaya Natsuki, and is licensed in North
America by FUNimation (anime) and Tokyopop (manga). Used without permission or the intention of making a profit. Please support the original work!