Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Recovery and Discovery ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Dear god it hurts, I had to actually use math and search and look things up to make sure my plot worked. Ahhh, it hurts! Anyway I'm sorry this took so long to get out but I kinda had a death in the family. And I have an explanation (sorry). Kanji is Chinese symbols used for words or meanings. They can have more then one meaning and the Japanese use Kanji as much as they use their own alphabets. But each symbol has it's own meaning so there are hundreds of thousands of symbols and it's not uncommon for even scholarly people in Japan to have kanji dictionaries. I just wanted to explain for anyone who didn't know that like my friends that yelled at me when they got confused. Also, miko = priestess. You wanna see what one looks like try to find a pic of Kikyo off Inu Yasha. Also sorry there is no Kyo or Tohru in this. Sorry! But the last like two chapters have been focused mainly on them and wanted to get some plot going soon. Don't worry much more to come. But anyway I want to dedicate this next chapter to my BF who inspired me and continues to inspire me on so many levels.

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 13: "Recovery and Discovery"

Kagura rolled over and saw a red blur before blinking away sleep to see 1:55 plastered on the clock in the room. She groaned debating whether or not it was that important before finally dragging her limbs up and groggily making her way out of bed. She stumbled in the doorway but caught herself on the frame and pulled herself to a standing position and sighed in relief as she finally made it to the bathroom and turned on the light. The cold seat gave her a bit more of a wake up as she sat down. The house felt kind of empty with everyone gone. Kyo had promised to sleep at the hospital each night and go to school from there and come home for a few hours before going back to the hospital. But then again she didn't blame him; he was head over heels in love and worried about her. He actually seemed to be even more protective then before now that Tohru was pregnant. She would be out soon enough though, it had been three days since she was released and Tohru was doing much better.

She washed her hands and turned out the light before stumbling back to her room. And Shigure had started staying at the main house trying to help Akito figure all of this out. Last night they had supposedly found some kind of lead and were going to be pulling a few all-nighters. With her and Yuki being the only ones in the house she thought it would give them a lot more time together but recently it seemed like he was avoiding her. He only seemed to talk with her when they ate meals together. She was even getting used to the taste of his burnt cooking but it wasn't lightening the mood any.

She lay back in bed and stared at the clock waiting for the drowsiness to return and take her. Staring at the ceiling she began wondering what could have happened to make Yuki so distant and try to avoid her. 'Is it because he's afraid he'll hurt me? Is it because he's afraid of Akito?' She rolled back over to see the clock now read 3:17 and groaned. She gasped in surprise as she suddenly felt a weight on the bed towards her back.

"Kagura?" She rolled over to meet Yuki's face.

"Yun-kun, what are you doing here?"

"I heard you groan and thought you might be in pain." Her eyes met his and she saw real concern and pain hidden in those eyes. 'Yun-kun, what's wrong? Why? Why are you avoiding me?'

"Kagura?" She was snapped from her revelations as his fingers gently brushed away the tear she had let slip without knowing. "Kagura, what's wrong?" She wrapped her arms around his waist and felt the tears slowly soaking the front of Yuki's nightshirt.



"Why are you avoiding me? What did I do? Yun-kun." She sobbed looking up to meet his eyes before he turned his face away. "I'm sorry."

"Kagura, why are you sorry?" He put his hands on her shoulders and pried her away from his chest to meet her teary eyes.

"For whatever I did to make you avoid me like this. I'm sorry for whatever I did I-" Yuki cut her off as his lips captured hers.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. Kagura you did nothing wrong, I guess I'm just scared and not thinking about you."

"Scared?" He wiped another stray tear as it started its descent down her cheek.

"Well yeah, the whole thing was like a kick in the stomach. All of a sudden you come busting through the door and go unconscious and then the hospital and Akito indifferent about the whole situation after the steam he blew and-" He was silenced by her finger on his lips.

"I get it. But why were you scared of me? Or scared to be near me?"

"I was more scared of myself."


"I know that doesn't make sense but it feels like it's my fault. I mean Haru would never have attacked you or told Akito if he didn't have a crush on me. And what if he tries again. Even if he understands the situation if he went black again it wouldn't matter."

"Yun-kun that makes no sense. For one your blaming yourself for something you couldn't control, that's like apologizing for making it rain. And you can't help it if Haru is in love with you; you never really can help you fall in love with, ne? And don't worry about a repeat of what happened, if he tries it again I'll kick his ass!" She leaned forward for a quick kiss. Yuki smiled and leaned forward for another kiss and her lips met his half way. Her tongue darted out to lick pleading for entrance that he did not deny her. Her tongue darted into his mouth to taste it for the first time in days. She tried to lean back pulling him on top of her, but winced in pain.


"I'm fine Yun-kun." He gave her a stern look that clearly said 'don't take me for an idiot.'

"Kagura you need to rest up. Anyway Hatori did mention you could probably stay a bit longer after you heal."

"I know," she said but started pouting. "But when are we going to be alone like this again?" He couldn't help but smile. 'She's so cute when she pouts.'

"Whenever you want, just say the word."

"What are you talking about," she said with a confused look that made him want to laugh. 'She really is cute.'

"Well I could always call Shigure's editor over promising a manuscript and Shigure would leave in a hurry. And then I could always threaten Kyo with inviting Tohru's friends over for the night." He felt himself blush as she began giggly madly.

"I know I know, but I just- I don't know. I feel like we should do something special in this unnatural phenomena where we get the house alone together without having to threaten or scare away people." Her cheeks were tinted a rosy color from giggling that made him lean over and plant a kiss on each of them.

"I can think of something," he said with a somewhat mysterious smirk that made her blush.

"I thought you said you wanted me to heal?"

"Not that," he said with the smirk still on his face. "Just grab your blanket and get up."

"Where are we going at 3:30 in the morning," she asked but still got to her feet with her blanket wrapped loosely around her shoulders. He knelt down in front of her.

"Get on."

"Nani," she asked disbelievingly. "You want me to get on your back?"

"Well you still need to rest and shouldn't be walking around. So hop on." She felt a blush coming full force again but climbed on his back and secured her arms around his neck area before he got up and started heading downstairs. As Yuki descended the stairs she noticed the temperature got a bit cooler. Even though she had a blanket she slept with it out of habit more then need. It was around 60 as the Indian summer they were having was dwindling down. Yuki quietly walked through the sliding door with Kagura latched onto him. Neither one talked but it was a comfortable silence as they were happy being in each other's presence. Kagura leaned her head on Yuki's back and heard his heart beating even through his nightshirt. Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum. She listened as his was a little faster then her own. But every three beats their hearts would beat together. 'It's funny what you think of when you're out in the woods at night and tired,' she thought just as darkness took her.

Kagura awakened as a slight nudging at her elbow that continued to annoyingly tickle her until she woke up. It took her sleep-deprived brain a moment to recall what she had been doing last time she was awake. She felt the tickling again and looked over to see Yuki smiling at her and blushed at the realization she had been just sitting there dazed for a few minutes.

"S-so are we there," she asked finally taking a look around and seeing that they were in Yuki's 'Secret Base.'

"Yep." He pulled the blanket up around her and let his arm slide around her as well to pull her closer to him. She blushed and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"But, why are we here." He made a shushing noise and put a finger to her lips before pointing out above the garden a bit. She looked up and was surprised to find they were under a canopy of fireflies.

"They're tons of them since it's still hot out this late in the year," Yuki whispered to her quietly staring at nature's softly glowing present to humanity. Kagura was awe stricken and leaned forward when one blinked right in front of her face. Kagura held her hand out and a second later felt something land before a small glowing light lit up part of her hand. Yuki slowly held out his hand next to Kagura's taking the ends of her fingers in his own and soon after felt something on his as well. The firefly from Kagura's hand had crawled over to his and was blinking a lot faster for some reason before another glow started radiating from Kagura's hand again before they both blinked out and appeared again in a second a few feet above the two.

"Arigato Yun-kun. This is so amazing."

"Of course it is this place is very special. This is where you and I first came to each other." Kagura blushed at how casually he talked about it. 'Yun-kun has really changed a lot in the months. So much is the same when he's around others. But when it's just me and him, he's much more mature then me even though I'm his senior.'

"I love you Yun-kun," she said covering his hand in her own. His hand slowly turned and enveloped her tiny one as he leaned down for a kiss.

"I love you too," he whispered in her ear before leaning his head on top of hers resting on his shoulder and their bodies leaned back against a tree. The fireflies soon disappeared, probably for good until spring and soon after the stars started blinking out making way for the sun. But the stars would be back tomorrow, the fireflies may leave but the stars are always there.

The light from the clock read 6:36 as Shigure once again whined. "Ha-san this isn't fair. I haven't gotten more then three hours sleep in the last three days. Couldn't we just get some sleep and have a fresh start say tomorrow afternoon or even better tomorrow night?"

"Becoming a writer has made you a bit lazier hasn't it?"

"Come on Hatori, you actually have me doing math over here! Math! I am a writer, I became a writer because I want nothing to do with math unless it's about selling books!"

"Well then if you're a writer why don't you try deciphering this old Chinese Kanji or old style of Japanese dialog to help us out?"

"Oh well at least its basic math." Shigure continued his incoherent mumblings and whinings as Hatori searched his Kanji dictionary for a certain symbol that had him stumped and promptly threw it down on the desk when he couldn't decipher it.

"Having trouble," asked Akito in a very serious tone. Hatori and Shigure turned to him as he brought in two more very old dusty and large books. Someone came in quietly behind him dressed in Miko garbs and had a staff with her.

"This is the priestess Kagome from the moonrise shrine, I have enlisted her help and she has agreed to have her memory erased afterwards."

"So she already knows," asked Hatori picking up his dictionary.

"Well that will speed it up, are you any good at math," asked Shigure speaking up before adding. "Then again a beautiful flower as yourself would need no such things as math for you care only for the spiritual world not the material. Speaking of which, do you have any material under-" He was cut short by Hatori hitting him on the head with the dictionary. As he did this he noticed his watch and quickly excused himself.

"Where are you going ha-san? Hot date," asked Shigure in a teasing manner. He sweat dropped before answering.

"Actually I was going to get changed before going to the hospital. They are going to do an examination of Tohru today to check her progress. Since Kyo can't be there I promised I would be."

"Get back soon. Priestess Kagome cannot help us very long as she does not wish to forget long periods of time once we erase her memory," said Akito once again astonishing everyone with such power he always used in hatred was now being used for a different purpose. 'Well then again if this works out he could actually gain a life. He didn't believe in Tohru before but now that he's seen proof…' He looked at his watch again before turning to leave.

Hatori stepped out of the room to look for a place to smoke. He had just been with Tohru through the tests and she was doing fine. They would probably take the tube out that evening and keep her there another day or so to make sure there weren't any complications. He had this weird feeling in the back of his mind though. Like he should be looking for something, or someone-.

"Sohma-san," called a woman from behind him. He turned to see her again. The woman who had been Tohru's nurse. "It's good to see you again. I just missed Honda-san's tests, how did they go?"

"They went very well, she should have the tube out sometime tonight."

"That's wonderful," she said clutching a small box to her chest that moved a bit.

"Nani?" He took a step forward and the box shook again as a small brown kitten hopped out and fell into Hatori's arms causing him to drop the book he had brought from the main house to read while he was waiting.

"Gomen nasai!" She hastily took the kitten from his arms and put it back in the box and covered it. "Please don't tell," she asked looking very fearful. "I know we're not allowed to have pets in certain areas like these but Tohru likes cats so much and my cat just had kittens not too long ago and I just wanted to bring one to show her to cheer her up. Please don't tell. I'm so sorry," she said and leaned down to pick up his book."

"It's ok. Just make sure to be careful around Tohru with it while she still has the tube."

"Hai," she said very enthusiastically and held out the book to give to him before reading the cover.

"Old Chinese/Japanese mythology?" She flipped the first few pages and grimaced. "Even I would have some trouble with these. She turned to the marked page where the character that had stumped Hatori was and studied some of the kanji.

"What do you mean even you would have trouble?"

"Oh well my family is really big into our ancestral line and my grandmother taught me some of her old texts and I kind of got into them and studied a bit more when I went to college. I'm sorry I must be rambling on."

"No, no, I find it quite interesting." She blushed a light crimson. "Actually I was having trouble with this particular character," he said pointing to the one that had him stopped in his tracks.

"Yeah I know, with mythology there is so much stuff made up so suddenly they create some kanji you never see or hear about in any history more then two or three times even if you search for it." She looked down at it and studied and studied and scratched her head. The box at her feet began moving again but she lightly put her foot on it.

"Well there are two things it could be. One, it could be the kanji for the supposed demon dog of the western lands Inu Toshi from the old tales. But I think after reading the context it's the Kanji for the year of the cat."

"The year of the cat," he asked confused.

"Yeah, they refer to why the cat doesn't have a year and so they needed to use a kanji to represent the year that never happened. They gave a special one to the other animals so they needed one for the cat."

"I understand that," he said. "But why would it also refer to a dog demon," he asked with a sweat drop.

"Oh it doesn't mean both. I am just a bit rusty and can't remember which one had that little line to the left of the main symbol. It's one or the other."

"Thank you very much. You have helped me out a great deal." He face once again lit up as he praised her and the blush came back full force.

"I'm so glad to have helped. Well, anyway," she said finally taking her foot off the box and picking it up. "I have to get back to work sometime." She started to walk past him but he stopped her.

"Excuse me, but I…I am sorry about not calling you." She blushed a deep red and looked ready to apologize when he stopped her. "I am having a bit of a family problem right now. But…I-I think I would very much like to see you once this issue has been resolved. If you do not mind waiting," he said keeping himself composed as always.

Rei looked like she had just been named empress of Japan. "I-I don't mind, I mean family comes first! Well I'm glad to have talked to you Sohma-san."

"Please, Hatori-san"

"H-hai, Hatori san." She quickly retreated to Tohru's room before she could see the small smile appear for a brief moment on Hatori's face.

Author's Note: Yes there wasn't any Tohru or Kyo in this chapter. I'm sorry but whenever I write about them they usually take up whole chapters and I don't have room for little things like this so I end up writing Kyo and Tohru-less chapters. Sorry but don't worry they come back in next chapter. Sorry this is so slow but I'm trying to get the damn plot out. Was planning on putting it out in this chapter but the fluff fairy came by and whapped me with her wand so maybe next time. I hope you enjoyed, I know I'll be hearing from you if you don't.