Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Memories Remembered and Created ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Notes: Sorry this took so long to get out, I had a bit of writer's block. A few notes. In this chapter I talk about Kyo's dad, I'm talking about his adoptive dad not his biological one. Also I made up Tohru's family because I wanted to explain the orange hair Kyoko had that's not really a Japanese trait so I know I shouldn't be messing with family trees but I couldn't help it. Thanks to all of you out there who reviewed and finally helped me kick the writer's block to get another chapter out. So please enjoy!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 13: "Memories Remembered and Created"

* * * Warning Extreme Fluff * * *

Tohru pushed away the plate with half uneaten jello and not touched mashed potatoes before lying back on her pillows. 'So much has happened in the last day. First Akito found out and confronted us, then there was the fight, then the hospital, and then…a baby.' Tohru absentmindedly rubbed her stomach again, a habit she was starting. 'Mom, I'm going to be a mother. I'm going to finish high school and I'm going to have a baby, with Kyo.' She felt herself beaming but couldn't help it. She sat back with her eyes closed trying to picture what her baby would look like. 'Will it be a boy or girl? Will it have brown or orange hair? Red or blue eyes?' She felt herself getting giddy. She didn't seem to be thinking about the curse of the Sohmas at all. After all, there were already thirteen members and new cursed children wouldn't be born unless there was a 'spot open.'

She looked up at the clock to see it was around two and felt herself yawn. 'Why am I so sleepy? I guess it must be the drugs. Well Kyo may not be back for a while, maybe I could take a nap.' She pushed the button to lean the head of her bed down and lay back against the soft cool pillows. She closed her eyes but couldn't seem to fall asleep. She began humming a tune she could barely remember that her mother used to sing to her while rubbing her stomach. 'I'm having a baby with Kyo,' she thought before drifting off to dream land.

"Photo album," questioned Kyo. "But why would she want me to get this for her?"

"Well it's kind of like a family heirloom. Tohru's great grandma on her mom's side started it."

"But I thought Tohru's mom didn't talk to her mother."

"She didn't," said Uo taking a seat next to the table again with Kyo sitting opposite. "They stopped talking after Kyoko got into a gang but she actually got madder and officially cut off all contact when she found out she was having Tohru."

"But why, shouldn't she be happy that Tohru's mom was out of a gang and starting a family?"

"That's what I thought too but go figure she's weird. But when Kyoko's grandmother died she willed the album to Kyoko and not her mother because she said she'd need it with additions to the family, which really pissed off Kyoko's mother. So this is pretty much the only link Tohru has to that side of her family anymore."

Kyo looked like he was about to say something when the clock chimed five. "Maybe we should get going," he said and stood up with the book in tow.

"Coming Hana," asked Uo.

"Of course." The three quickly got ready to leave when Uo rushed back into the kitchen and came out with a zip lock baggie in tow.

"The weather's getting bad, don't want it getting wet," she said taking the book from Kyo and putting it in before handing it back and heading out the door with an umbrella. "So Kyo," started Uo as they cross a crosswalk. "How do you feel about becoming a dad?"

"How do I feel?"

"You do care don't you," asked Hana.

"Of course I care! I just, well I don't really know. I guess I really haven't thought about it." 'I'm going to be a dad, and Tohru's going to be a great mom.' He felt himself smile at the thought. 'I never thought I'd even get a girlfriend let alone have a kid. Not that I mind. I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl, will it look like Tohru? Will I be a good dad? Of course I will! I'll be a great dad, even teach it martial arts just like my dad!'

"Kyo? Kyo are you ok? Come on snap out of it!" She finally got his attention as he turned his smiling face to look at her.

It was then Uo was sure the world was ending as she saw something she had never seen before. She saw Kyo smile, a true honest smile, not the sarcastic smirks he gave in school.

"Uo, we can walk now," said Hana breaking both of them from the dazes they were in as the crosswalk blinked. But that still didn't wipe that smile off of Kyo's face and Hana actually did a double take when she saw it. The one thing no one really noticed was even though it was raining Kyo wasn't suffering like he usually did. They finally arrived at Tohru's room to see her sleeping. "Should we really wake her?"

"She might be disappointed if we don't visit," Uo stated. Kyo nodded and went in first to wake her up.

"Tohru, Tohru you have visitors." Tohru's eyes slowly fluttered open and she smiled.

"Ohayoo Kyo." She leaned up and slid her arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss. 'Even in the hospital she still smells like strawberries,' thought Kyo as he let her scent intoxicate him. It was only when Uo cleared her throat he realized he had forgotten about them.

"Well I guess you weren't lying when you said the two of you were together," she said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up Yankee," he said but in a playful tone.

"Uo, Hana, I'm so glad to see you. Oh I hope I wasn't an inconvenience to come and visit," she said quickly.

"Calm down Tohru you're already in the hospital you don't need to get any worse," said Uo stepping into the room.

"That's right Tohru," said Hana also walking up to her friend's side. "You'd come and visit us if we were in the hospital right?"

"Of course!"

"How have you been," asked Kyo finally getting a word in.

"Oh I'm fine. I had some lunch already and then I guess I just dozed off."

"You should rest up as much as you can, you'll heal faster." He smiled at her as he held her hand and she returned the smile. Uo and Hana didn't really wanna break the moment but the silence was killing them.

"Oh yeah, we brought your book Tohru." That seemed to snap her right out of it.

"Oh you did? Thank you all so much!" Kyo pulled the book out and handed it to her in the baggie and got a questioning look.

"It's raining outside," he answered.

"But Kyo, your fine."

"Huh?" It seemed like everyone was giving her a questioning look.

"Your health isn't always the best when it rains but you seem fine." It then dawned on him that she was right and began looking himself over and doing stretches and movements before coming to a conclusion.

"Hey I am ok, what's going on?"

"Guess just another mystery to chalk up to the ones we already have," Tohru spoke up.

"What mysteries," asked Uo.

Tohru began overreacting again. "Oh no mysteries! Things have just been a little hectic and some things have been off and-"

"Tohru, calm down," said Kyo putting his hands on her shoulders to hold her still.

"Yeah, everything's fine. You should be happy carrot top is doing ok right?"

"Yeah," she said before blushing. She couldn't help it, up until now no one had known about their relationship, it had been a secret and now having her friends know about it and being so ok with it, even teasing her about it. She couldn't have been happier.

She unzipped the baggie and took out the book and opened it to the first page where they saw an old black and white picture of an Asian woman with what looked like an American man.

"Who's that," asked Kyo.

"That's my great grandma and great grandpa."

"You're grandpa was an American," asked Uo.

"Yeah," she said with a smile.

"How come you never told us," asked Hana finally coming into the conversation.

"I'm sorry I -" (Tohru)

"It's ok it's ok! But he is?" (Uo)

"Well technically yeah. His mother was an Irish immigrant and then his father was an American." (Tohru).

"Oh is that why you're mom had red hair?" (Kyo)

"Yeah, mom said her grandma was always so proud of that because my grandma, her daughter, didn't have it. But my grandma was pretty too," said Tohru before turning the page and showing more pictures of three kids with the now older looking couple.

"Which one is your grandma," asked Hana.

"That one there," said Tohru pointing to what looked like the youngest.

"So she's the youngest?" (Uo)

"Yeah, all of her siblings are already gone." (Tohru)

"Well that's kind of sad, the only family she has left and she won't talk to you." (Uo)

"Her loss," stated Hana. Tohru turned the page again and now showed the three siblings much older and on the bottom of the second page was a picture of a wedding between what looked like the oldest sister and a handsome man, the pictures finally being in color.

"Hey Tohru, your grandma had siblings, so did any of them have kids," asked Uo.

"Well the great aunt here getting married found out she couldn't have kids but she and her husband became foster parents which was new back then. And then-" Tohru turned the page to show the young man of the three siblings. "My great uncle did have two kids, here," she said pointing to a picture with him holding two little girls. "But one of them died of pneumonia at 18. The other one is still out there somewhere but she doesn't get in touch with the family, or that I know of."

"Then there was my grandma," she said and flipped the page to show another wedding picture with a dark haired Asian woman marrying a very serious looking Japanese man who looked like he was probably in business.

"That's Kyoko's father?" (Uo)

"Looks too serious to be her father." (Hana)

"Maybe that's why they didn't get alone so well." (Kyo)

"Maybe that's why she ran off to a gang." (Uo)

She flipped a page again and there was a picture of her mother as a baby with bright orange/red hair on her head and on her grandmother's knee. "Actually I know why she ran away." The three others in the room looked at her shocked. She flipped a few more pages and pointed to a picture of Kyoko at about 12 or 13 dancing with another very serious looking guy about her age.

"Mom's parents set up an arranged marriage with this man but then she ran away and met my dad. That's kind of why my grandma doesn't like me," said Tohru her voice growing softer and sadder.

"That's awful!" (Uo)

"Even if your mom married your dad and had you she shouldn't hold it against you." (Kyo)

"Did carrot top just make sense?" (Uo)

"Shut up Yankee!" (Kyo)

"Tohru's part 'Yankee'," said Hana shutting Kyo right up.

"Yeah I guess I am," said Tohru finally breaking the silence.

"Hey Tohru, you think your kid will have orange hair," asked Uo.

"I don't really know, it might be nice though," replied Tohru smiling. Tohru flipped through a few more pages before coming to a new section of the book.

"Hey is that you?" (Uo)

She was pointing to a little girl with orange brown hair with a little white dress on, two little blue bows in her hair, and a smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah," replied Tohru turning the page to show many more of her and her mother playing at a beach and then at a playground. There were even a few with Tohru and Uo and Hana. Pictures where Kyo called Uo a shrimp and girly and almost got his lights knocked out. Pictures all the way up to before her mothers death. There was even a picture of Tohru taking a bath in a sink, which thoroughly embarrassed her. She turned to the last filled page and looked at it kind of sad. In these pictures she was with a man with light brown hair and pools of blue for eyes holding her and playing with her.

"Is that your dad," Kyo finally asked.

"Yeah, he was a really great guy," said Tohru softly.

"Well Kyoko found a good one, your dad was good looking," said Uo in a joking manner. "Maybe that's where you got all your looks from."

Tohru flipped to the next page to find one more picture of her and her father, her father was sitting in a hospital bed like she was now with things hooked to his arm and chest, but he was still smiling while holding a small smiling Tohru. She felt herself smile and once again rubbed her stomach.

"Already getting motherly," said Uo patting her friend on the shoulder. Tohru blushed and looked down to the empty space in the book.

"I already know which pictures I'm going to put in these next few pages," Tohru said with a smile on her face.

"But Tohru, it hasn't been that long since Kyoko put pictures of you in there, and you're not having the baby yet. So what pictures would you have to put in there?"

"Pictures of my family," she stated simply with a smile on her face.

"Family," asked Uo.

"Yeah you guys are my family, you and Hana and the Sohma's, you're all my family. So I think it's only right to put a picture of my family in here." Uo and Hana smiled even thought they were blushing and Kyo bent down to give Tohru a kiss.

Author's Note: I know it was really fluffy and there wasn't any Yuki or Kagura but it was getting a bit long so I broke the chapter in two and I'm working on the next chapter right now. Hopefully it'll have some more plot in it. I hope you enjoyed it and please review!