Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Recuperation and Revelations ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Ok I have a lot to explain or point out in this so please bare with me. I made the school system their in a lot like an American high school with two semesters and graduation in June because I don't know much about Japanese high schools. The only thing I do know is they have school everyday except Sunday so that also fits into this story. Also This story started in their spring Junior years so they are now all seniors and Kagura is older then them so she is out of school. Anyway I think that covers everything. Thanks again to all those who reviewed and I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Ja!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 11: "Recuperation and revelations"

Kagura slowly opened her eyes as the sunlight poured into the white sanitary room that gave her the creeps. She yawned and rolled on her side to see Yuki sleeping at the side of her bed. 'Yun-kun. He never even made it to the other bed.' She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead and took his hand in her own. His eyes slowly opened and took a minute to adjust before he lifted his head to smile at her. 'He's come so far,' she thought remembering how the first few times he had woken up with her he had nearly started WW III when he tried attacking her but she kicked him pretty hard and woke him up. He was definitely a lot better then he was a few months ago. "Ohayo Yun-kun," she whispered softly smiling as much as she could with her lip.

"Ohyao Kagura-chan," he said smiling and slowly brought their lips together in a warm struggle to dominate the other's lips when Shigure interrupted them.

"Even Yuki is getting more then me," he whined with Hatori next to him with what looked like Kagura's bags.

"Are those mine," she asked Hatori looking him over wondering how bad Akito had taken it. "I'm so sorry, I hope no one was hurt really badly. I-"

"It's ok, no one was hurt Kagura-chan." Yuki and Kagura both gave him a disbelieving look. "Actually Akito said it would be a good idea under the circumstances."

"I never saw Shigure-san as one to turn to drugs in times like these but I guess anyone can," said Kagura looking over at Yuki who only nodded in agreement.

"How can you say such things? I am a novelist, a writer, I don't need drugs to come up with odd ideas and realities," Shigure said in his defense only getting disbelieving looks, this time he got one from Hatori as well.

"As odd as it sounds Shigure is actually telling the truth, about Akito that is." The two teens looked in shock at the two older men in the doorframe. "Akito was a bit more concerned with why Kyo didn't transform when Tohru fell into his arms. This is a pretty big deal, he said he needed to think this through and needed some time so it looks like you're staying at Shigure's for the time being." Kagura looked overjoyed with little sparkles in her eyes and a dreamy look on her face. A nurse who walked in with a wheel chair then interrupted the moment.

"I'm getting out already," asked Kagura.

"Already? Kagura it's noon," replied Shigure.

"Noon," she asked questioningly and looked to the clock to see that, sure enough, it was 12:14 PM. The nurse came over to unhook her IV and asked Hatori for her change of cloths to which they all left the room so she could change.

"I'll be back in just a second," said the nurse blushing as she bowed to Hatori and quickly left down the hallway.

"So, how is Tohru," asked Yuki rubbing some of the sleep from his eyes.

"She'll be ok," said Shigure leaning against a wall near the door. His head turned slightly as he tried to get a quick peak in the room Kagura was changing in when his line of vision was blocked by Yuki's fist hitting the wall. "I mean," he said taking a step back. "Kyo's been by her side all night much like you and she'll have a longer stay though. I think we may want to wait until Kagura is done dressing so I can explain to both of you." The words were just out of Shigure's mouth when they heard Kagura call for them to come in.

"I think I'm going to go find Kyo," said Hatori and walked down the long hallway. He had just turned a corner when a female nurse ran into him but he had put his hands up in defense and caught her before he transformed. She looked up at him blushing and he noticed it was the same nurse as before who was with Kagure just a minute ago.

"I'm so sorry," she said quickly getting up and brushing herself off before thanking him and quickly heading towards Kagura's room. It was then he felt something odd in his left pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with a name and phone number on it.

"Rei," he asked questioningly looking down at the paper before putting it back in his pocket and continuing down to Tohru's room. He had stopped by before going to Kagura's room earlier but both inhabitants of the room had been asleep. He poked his head in to find them still asleep and quietly entered and tapped Kyo on the shoulder. "Kyo," he called quietly. "Get up." Instead the auburn haired girl's eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Oh, good morning Hatori-san," she said finally waking up the sleeping redhead next to her.

"Huh? Hatori what are you doing here?"

"I just arrived to take Kagura home and thought you might like a lift." They both suddenly looked over at the clock.

"Damn it's that late!" Kyo quickly got up and a loud crack resounded aa bones and muscles popped into their proper places and he stretched. "But I can't leave Tohru up here all alone. Hospitals are creepy," he said remembering how Tohru told them her father died of illness and because of that hospitals didn't settle right with her.

"You can return later, you can't stay here the whole time she's here too."

"Like hell I can't! I'm not going to sit back and leave her here with no one to watch over her."

"That's what nurses and doctors are for," he said trying to convince the young man. "And you need to take a shower sometime." Kyo was about to reply when Tohru cut in.

"Go on Kyo, I'll be fine for a few hours. You need to eat anyway, at least you get to eat something other then hospital food. And I have TV."

He debated for a minute before finally answering. "OK, but is there anything you want me to bring back?" She thought for a minute before responding.

"Actually, well, no…"

"What is it Tohru, come on I can get it."

"Well the thing is it's not at home." A smile touched her lips as she thought back to the little house that had been her home for almost three years now.

"Well where is it? You want me to smuggle something in for ya?"

"No no nothing like that. When I lost my mom," she said quietly but continued. "I kept some things over at Uo's because I was between places, you know when I was in the tent. But after I started living with you I never really went and got them back and there's this book in there, it's a really thick blue one. There's no title on it but I don't think you could confuse it with any of the others."

"I have to go see the Yankee?!" He grumbled another minute before asking, " Where's her apartment at?"

Hatori actually let a smile cross his lips at their antics. Kyo was still himself, the only difference was now Tohru took it all in more casually. Instead of overreacting she would just smile and when he thought no one was watching Kyo would let a smile slip on his face as well.

"I'll be back right after. You just make sure you get better, no straining!" He went up and gave her a soft kiss before whispering. "I'll tell them when I go back." After looking down at her face as she smiled radiantly he sighed and leaned down to whisper again," Even the Yankee." She smiled wider and hugged him as much as the tube allowed before he left with Hatori.

The ride home was fairly quiet as Yuki sat with a very tired and drugged up Kagura leaning on him and Shigure tried to make comments to get everyone riled up but it didn't work. Hatori moved his arm up to adjust his rearview mirror when the slip of paper fell out of his pocket. Shigure quickly swiped it. "Rei? Hatori you dog!"

"I believe you're the dog," Hatori replied calmly as he sweat dropped.

"What are you shouting about now," asked Yuki somewhat annoyed at his older cousin still being his loud self even when Kagura was under the weather.

"This phone number with a woman's name on it. I believe the very same woman who attended to Kagura-chan." Yuki and Kyo looked wide eyed at Hatori who tried to keep his face stoic but couldn't help the slight tinge of red that came to his cheeks even though it disappeared quickly.

Ha-san, getting picked up in hospital! You have all the luck. Think she has a friend?"

"I think you gave up the right to dating her or her friend when you complimented her on her nurses uniform and then asked if she'd like to try on a maids for you." Hatori looked over at Shigure giving him a look that said 'You're an idiot.' The car slowly came to a stop in front of Shigure's house and the people piled out with Hatori carrying Kagura inside. He was about to take her upstairs to Tohru's room where they agreed she'd stay until Tohru returned when she stopped him.

"If you don't mind, do you think I could have some tea and eat with you," she said with the best smile she could muster. Even though Yuki had stayed with her all night, after being in a hospital she wanted a bit more human interaction. He set her in front of the table as Kyo, being the only one able to really cook, got up and made some tea and rice balls and came back.

He looked at the group around the table slowly, Kagura was talking quietly with Yuki and Shigure was loudly teasing Hatori about the phone number when Kyo finally spoke up with one sentence that quieted the room instantly.

"Tohru is pregnant." He took a sip of his tea as all eyes fell upon him. Kagura was the first to speak up.


"She found out while she was in the hospital, she's about a month along."

"Kyo you dog-" (Shigure)

"I'M A CAT!" (Kyo)

"-I never thought you'd have the guts for something like that." (Shigure)

"WHAT?! You perverted-" (Kyo)

"Dirty old man." (Yuki)

"Shigure-san, you need a woman." (Kagura)

"Yeah maybe I can get your editor to visit I'm sure she might be able to help," said Kyo with a smirk that quickly shut Shigure up.

"So what are you going to do," asked Kagura quietly.

"Keep it of course," he said with a hint of anger still in his voice.

"Well yeah but wouldn't it mean she'd be due around graduation," she asked.

"If she's about a month along and it's November she would be due sometime in June."

"I hadn't thought of that," Kyo said somewhat defeated.

"She may not be able to graduate on time," cut in Yuki. "And wouldn't be able to keep her promise to her mom." Kyo looked at the ground feeling a bit guilty but thought back to what she said last night.

"It doesn't matter if she graduates on time though, even if she looses a semester because of the baby I'll graduate and help her out and she can try the next year."

"You think she'd consider that," asked Kagura.

"Of course," cut in Shigure. "That's how she is," he said suddenly getting serious. "Tohru thinks of others first, and there's no doubt she would put the baby before her education. And Kyo is actually right, at the most she'd be scrapping one semester."

"I guess your right," said Yuki.

"Speaking of school, today is Monday isn't it," asked Hatori. The two younger cousins both sweat dropped realizing they were missing school themselves.

"What do we do about this," asked Yuki.

"You shouldn't not go to school because of me Yun-kun. I mean I'll be home all day, I'm not going anywhere. And you need to get notes for Tohru while she's in the hospital so she doesn't loose this semester too."

"I guess I should call and inform the school of her condition. Or more like it call her grandfather and tell him to tell the school." They were still wary of letting anyone know of her living situation.

"Yeah I think he may want to know he'll soon be a great-grandfather," said Kagura with a giggle.

"I guess we should call your mother and have her tell your job you'll be out for a few days as well Kagura."

"I'd say three of four days should do it," said Hatori. "Bu you may want to rest here until Akito finds what he's looking for." Kagura gave a huge smile and leaned over and gave Hatori a small peck on the cheek.

"Arigato." Kyo looked up at the clock.

"It's almost three, I need to catch the Yankee when she leaves school." The others in the room, excluding Hatori, gave him a questioning look.

"Tohru asked him to pick something up from her apartment she had stored over there."

"You don't always have to listen in on everyone's conversations you know," said Kyo giving him an angry look but just 'humphed' and turned and left the house.

Uo was worried about Tohru. It wasn't just the fact she didn't show up for class and she didn't know what had become of her friend, but also that none of the Sohma's had attended either. Meaning the Prince Yuki fan club was pouting and getting pretty noisy. Hana and Uo walked out the front doors of the school with the destination set to go visit Tohru, when they spotted a better target.

"Yo! Carrot-top! Skipping class?" He visibly bristled.

"Shut up Yankee!"

"Your electrical waves, they're very off." She looked at him with serious eyes as if she were concentrating on him. "What happened?" He looked back and forth.

"Not here, you're place," he said pointing to Uo.

"My place?! What the hell are you-"

"Tohru wanted me to pick up a book or something from your place ok?!" He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. "I have something important to tell you, but not here," he said in a very serious manor. Uo dumbly nodded and began her usual route home.

The silence between the three had been unbearable on the walk home and was even worse now that they were all seated around Uo's table sipping tea. Kyo sat there looking like he was contemplating the end of the world. The minutes continued to tick by on the small clock she had set on a nearby shelf. She was about to slam down her cup of tea when he finally spoke.

"I came here to pick up a book. A thick blue one with no title she said." A look of recognition came over her face as she got up without a word and went to her storage room that used to be a small walk-in closet. Kyo peeked around the corner to see her in a small room rummaging through many cardboard boxes, all labeled 'Tohru.' She seemed aggravated and about ready to give up when she finally pulled out a dusted and worn light blue book and came back to the table and set it in front of Kyo. He was about to open the book to see what was so special when Uo spoke up.

"Where is Tohru? What happened?" The denpa put her mug down to also meet his eye with a look of questioning.

"She," he began but sighed. "She's in the hospital."

"Hospital?! What the hell did you and your family do to her! You-"

"I didn't do a damn thing ok?"

"Like hell! Last time something odd happened to her we found her in the rain in front of her mother's gravestone with shoes missing and she looked like hell! Now you say nothing happened!"

"You wanna know what happened! This happened!" With that he pulled down the sleeve of his shirt and revealed the 23 stitches he had received in his shoulder that was also very discolored with bruises. "There was an accident. Most of my other cousins know martial arts besides me and Yuki and two of them got in a fight and we got in the middle of it by accident. I would never stand by and let Tohru get hurt. I would never-" His face twisted in pain and for a moment he looked like he was going to cry but his face quickly changed to one void of emotion. Uo had lost all of the fight that was in her and sat quietly.

"So, how is she," asked the denpa as she slowly sipped her tea again.

"She'll be ok in a week or two. They said she tore her diaphragm so she has a tube in her chest, right below her ribs, to help her breath but she can still talk. I just came back from seeing her." The two girls nodded in acknowledgement. "I'm going back soon, if you want to visit."

"I think, I'd like that," said Uo finally getting her voice back. He nodded and turned to get up when Uo spoke again. "I'm sorry I accused you. I just, I mean, Tohru is closer to me then a sister and-"

"I understand," he said still facing away from them on the floor. "Also, she's pregnant."

"What," both girls exclaimed.

"Wow, I never though the prince would ever work up the nerve," said Uo.

"NANI?!" Kyo shot up to face them with anger all over his face.

"Yes, he is the quiet type, but maybe that's why he and Tohru get along so well."

"She's not having Yuki's kid, she's having mine! Stupid girls!" Both girls looked at him wide eyed.

"She's with you," Uo exclaimed and looked him over then tried to suppress a giggle.

"What the hell is so funny!?"

"What she finds so humorous is how different the two of you are. Yet-" Uo quieted down and looked over at her friend. "Somehow you're both so similar."

"Well at least now things are starting to make sense."

"What do you mean," asked Kyo as Uo and Hana both stood up and Uo handed Kyo the blue book.

"Why she asked for this book. You see, this is her family's photo album."

Author's Notes: I hope I didn't confuse people too much in this. I know this is kind of slow right now but a lot of info being passed around in this circle of friends and family and stuff. Hopefully it'll pick up the pace in the next chapter or so. Reviews are appreciated! Thanks!