Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Beginnings and Ends ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Hi again everyone. First off wanted t say sorry this wasn't up sooner, but it wasn't me! I had this done Thursday! FFNet wouldn't let me upload until; today. Sorry it just frustrated me to no ends. Well here is the latest installment in this story. Some questions will be answered and unfortunately more will come up. I think I may be at about a halfway point in the story. But with me you can never be sure. I hope this you enjoy this and please review! Thanks again so much for the reviews last time and thanks to those who continue reading and reviewing with each chapter. I'll shut up now so enjoy!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 10: "Beginnings and Ends"

**Warning, contains spoilers from the last episode of the anime**

Tick, tick, tick. The clock continued it's annoying rhythmic sound as the seconds continued to tick by in the waiting room in the hospital. Everyone was waiting out in the waiting room to hear about the two girls. Kyo, Yuki, Akito, and Haru had all had minor scrapes and tears and were stitched back together easily enough but Kagura and Tohru… When they left the house Tohru was still breathing, but there was just so much blood. Both had been bad enough to need more attention then them. Kyo looked up at the clock, 7:30 PM, it had been almost four hours now and still no word. His eyes traveled along the cracks in the floor as he averted his gaze.

'Tohru…I'm so sorry. I should have saved you, why did you do it, why did you try to save me. I would have been all right. Tohru, be ok, just please be ok.' He clenched his hands together and rested his head on them in a leaned over position. He glanced over at Akito who had been silent the entire time they had been there except when talking to the police. According to his story Kagura had tripped and knocked over a table with two vases. One had shattered and gotten Kyo and him and the other Tohru had tried to catch but fell on it. And Kagura and knocked the table on her and Yuki. It wasn't a very likely story but they were the Sohma's, they didn't need a real good story, they had their names to fall back on. Akito had hit and smacked people around before and given the cursed members a good damn beating if they pissed him off. But he had never seriously injured an outsider before. He had complete control over their lives but he had no control over an outsider like Tohru.

His thoughts were disrupted when his eyes caught sight of two feet not too far in front of him. "Sohma," a female voice announced looking over at the group.

"You have news," asked Hatori in his professional manner. How he was keeping that up even when something like this was going on was beyond everyone else.

"We have news on Sohma Kagura." Yuki's head shot up to meet her waiting for news of Kagura.

"And Ms. Honda?"

"I have no news on her yet, from what I know they are still assessing her."

"How is Kagura," asked Yuki tentively.

"She is going to be fine. She has a few bruised ribs and took a hard fall." She stopped to look them over after this. "But she'll be all right. As far as we can tell the blood she spit up was caused from a blow to her stomach causing a bit of trauma but she'll be fine after a few days rest. We want to keep her here overnight for some IV fluids but she can leave tomorrow morning. You can see her if you want, she's in room 346." Yuki was glaring at Haru but got up and started walking away before being followed by Shigure.

"Is there anyway we can have Ms. Honda moved to the same room if her injuries aren't that extensive," asked Hatori standing up to meet her.

"If her injuries aren't that bad then yes I can have that arranged." Hatori bowed a thank you and the woman did as well before he followed the others who were far ahead of him before turning.

"Kyo, they don't know about Tohru yet, you may as well see Kagura." He looked like he was about to protest but just got up and followed leaving Haru and Akito in the chairs in silence.

Yuki was the first to arrive and gasped as he walked in. She may have looked bad before but a lot of time had passed and the coloring of the bruises was very apparent now. Her face wasn't as bad as it seemed though besides the black eye. He walked up to her bed and was surprised when she opened her good eye and turned to face him. "Yun-kun. Are you ok?" He felt himself smile despite what he was feeling.

"Yeah. You?" She smiled as much as she could with a split lip.

"I'll be fine, just have to walk it off." A tear slid down his cheek as he let out a chuckle and took her hand.

"You're not going to be walking at all for a few days, I'm going to make sure of that."

"Yun-kun," she said trying to be stern but ended up just wincing in pain.

"Kagura you're pretty beat up. You're going to rest and that's all there is to it."

"Man what a shiner," said Shigure breaking up their moment. "You should see the one Haru has. He's pretty sore himself but then again he didn't go through a door or wall," he said keeping the last part low. She smiled again softly.

"How is Tohru," she asked her face suddenly becoming serious. It was then that the faces of the two men fell.

"They haven't had any news on her yet," answered Hatori coming into the room followed by Kyo.

"Yo, how you holdin up," asked Kyo coming to stand next to Shigure at the end of her bed.

"I'm fine, nothing as bad as what I used to do to you," she said still smiling as much as possible. Kyo winced.

"Damn that bad," he replied.

"Kyo," called Kagura jokingly.

"You shouldn't get real worked up Kagura," said Hatori breaking through their nice moment.

"Hatori," she groaned with a sigh. "Fine I'll stay in bed a few days but how am I not suppose to cheer up? And the main house is so stuffy-"

"You'll be staying with us," Yuki interjected.


"Yuki are you sure Akito will allow that," asked Shigure wondering if his house could take another attack.

"I don't care," replied Yuki. "I don't care what I have to do, you're going to be staying with us," said Yuki to Kagura.

"Arigato Yun-kun," Kagura said softly before yawning. Kyo took the hint that she was getting sleepy and backed up towards the door getting ready to say goodbye when he felt a tap on his shoulder and saw the woman doctor from earlier. He was about to ask about Tohru when she put a finger to her lips and motioned for him to follow her. With one look back he followed.

"You should get some rest Kagura," said Hatori who had to turn and pull Shigure out of the room.

"You need some sleep," said Yuki planting a kiss on her forehead, and was about to turn and leave as well when he felt her grab hold of his arm.

"Please, don't go."

"Kagura?" She looked really frightened. "Don't worry Akito is going back to the main house tonight and-"

"It's not that," she interrupted. "I'm just, well…I'm kind of scared of hospitals and being all alone." He looked down at her for a second before smiling.

"Ok, then I'll stay here with you tonight. The bed next to you is empty anyway until we hear about Tohru."

"Yun-kun," she said smiling.

"Just get some sleep, I'll be right here until you're asleep," he said pulling a chair up next to her bed.

"Arigato, Yun-kun," she said before shutting her eyes and leaning towards his side of the bed.

Shigure snickered as he picked his head back in Kagura's doorway to see her sleeping next to where Yuki was sitting before being pulled away again.

"You really should stop spying on people, they're going to think you're a child molester." He paused a second before asking, "Have you seen where Kyo went?"

"Maybe he's waiting for us back at the chairs. It must be kind of weird for him to try talking to the girl who used to say she loved you say it to someone else even if he didn't love her." Shigure turned to see Hatori had walked away a while ago leaving him behind.

"What's going on here," asked Kyo as soon as the doctor pulled him around the corner and to the end of the hallway.

"I have news about Ms. Honda."

"Well why did you have to drag me out here! What about the others?!"

"She wanted to talk to you alone first," she interrupted. "But I may want to warn you for what you're about to see."

"What do you mean?" She sighed and looked down at her chart before looking up to face him.

"The piece of pottery was lodged in her diaphragm which is what caused so much bleeding and why she was in worse condition the you're cousin. Because of her diaphragm she had problems breathing but," she said cutting off what he was about to say. "We took her to surgery and were able to repair the tear in her diaphragm, but she'll have to stay here at least a week or two. He have a machine attached right above her wound that supplies oxygen right to her lungs so she doesn't have to really use her diaphragm and gives it time to heal. She can talk and everything but she'll have a tube inside of her. Now come along, she's in a different room because of the machine." He turned and followed her.

'Tohru, she's ok. She's going to be ok. I don't care what it takes Tohru. I'm going to make this up to you, no matter what.' His thoughts were interrupted.

"We're here." He slowly walked towards the doorway and glanced inside to see Tohru. She was sitting there looking happy and cheery, maybe a bit tired, but she looked the same as always, just with a tube coming from what looked like her stomach.

"Kyo-kun?" He took the last few steps into the room and to her side.

"Tohru. I-I'm so sorry. I should have protected you, I should have-" She cut him off by putting a finger to her lips. A few tears fell down his cheeks as he looked up to her face not to see pain or fear or anger, but love. The same look she gave him whenever they could be alone together.

"I missed you. How is your shoulder," she said touching it lightly.

"How am I? Don't you ever think about yourself," he asked softly trying to hold back the threatening tears. He looked up to see she was still waiting for an answer. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Tohru you have a tube in your chest and you're asking how my scratch is? It's my entire fault. I should have protected you! Maybe, maybe we shouldn't be together." He looked up to see a shocked expression on her face. "I mean what good am I if I can't protect you from Akito. I-I love you so much but why be with you when I can't even protect you."

"Because," interrupted Tohru. "If I hadn't done what I did I'd be in your position asking the same thing."


"You may not have saw it but I did. I saw what he was going to do and I was in no danger, but you were. You ask what good you are if you can't protect me. Kyo-kun, what good am I, if I can't protect you," she said trying to hold back the tears that threatenedto spill. "I love you Kyo, I don't ever want to loose you." She found herself in his embrace as he carefully kept their abdomens apart for her tube and began to cry on his shoulder.

"I love you too Tohru," he pulled back and wipes]d a few stray tears away from her face. "But why should you even stay with me if something like this happens again. Why put yourself through all of this?"

"Besides love?" He held back the ache in his heart before continuing.

"Yes, besides love." He wanted to do anything but be in that room, in that position, in that life right now. He was trying to get rid of the love of his life. 'It would be for her own good. Just like Hatori, I don't care if I ended up alone like Hatori. I don't care; I just don't want this to happen again. I don't want to loose her, I love her, but…if I love her I should think of her first. I-'

"I'm pregnant," she finally squeaked out. Kyo's head shot up and he tried to look her eyes hidden behind her hair.


"I'm about a month pregnant. That's why I wanted to talk to you alone first." He looked about ready to say something but she beat him to it. "I'm keeping the baby, and I'm staying with you. Kyo I love you and no matter what happens I'm going to be with you, always. That night in the rain when I saw you're true form I was afraid and I was lost but I found you and I brought you back." Tears were running down her face now as she fought to stay in control. "I told you I wanted to be with you, always, and I meant it. I'm not going to let something frighten me enough to loose you. Not then, not now, not ever-" She let the tears flow freely as she muffled a sob.

"Tohru," he said taking her in his arms as much as possible. "I'm sorry, I never wanted you to leave. But, I can't stand having you hurt. I-I don't want to loose you…ever."

"You won't, you won't Kyo-kun," she said finally finding her voice again.

"I'm going to make sure to take care of you, and this baby," he said the last part just above a whisper and a smile crept along Tohru's face as she held him tighter.

Shigure and Hatori were baffled to return to the chairs to not find Kyo. Instead they faced a different problem. Akito seemed to have gotten himself together.

"The doctor came by," said Haru before anyone could ask what was up. "Tohru is going to be ok, they said she ripped her diaphragm or something and had to stitch it up so she'll be here a few weeks with a tube in her chest."
"Oh so Kyo left already," asked Shigure.

"Kyo never came back," said Haru looking up at them questioningly.

"Hmm…maybe the doctor caught him on the way back or something. Should we go see Tohru?"

"No, the doctor said she needed to rest tonight," replied Haru. "So how is Kagura," he asked a bit of hurt in his voice.

"She's pretty bruised up but she'll be coming home tomorrow to recover for a few days," answered Hatori.

"Actually," cut in Shigure. "Yuki says she'll be staying with us for a few days," he said watching Akito for a response. All eyes were on him waiting and watching. And what he said next surprised them.

"That would be a good idea," said Akito shocking pretty much anyone who knew him in the small room. "It will give me time to figure out what is going on."

"You mean, about Kyo hugging Tohru," asked Hatori. They had found out their whole relationship began because of this and it was around this time Akito not only fell silent but had an eerie look on his face like he was contemplating something.

"Something had changed and if Kyo can be hugged." Akito stopped short taking on that critical look again.

"You think she may have found a loophole or maybe a way to break the curse," asked Hatori somewhat shocked just above a whisper.

"This needs to be thought about," was all Akito said before rising. "We should get back to the main house, the weather seems to be getting bad again." Haru and Hatori followed behind leaving Shigure wondering what he should do with everyone else in his house staying here for the night it seemed.

'If what Akito is implying is true. This could be an end to the curse, and a new beginning, a new beginning for all of us.

Author's Note: First off I award Addy-chan a cookie for guessing part of my plot. I'm sorry but if I can read a fic with Shigure and Rin or Tohru and Haru or Tohru and Yuki having a kid Kyo deserves a shot too. I'm sorry but I want my mini-Kyo! Oh and the machine hooked into Tohru, I'm not making that up, under different circumstances my dad had a tube like that in him. Anyway hope this chapter wasn't too corny or waffy and if it was sorry! I'LL TRY HARDER! PROMISE!