Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Home Again Home Again ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Notes: Finally, a chapter for Tohru and Kyo. Wow two chapters in one day! Woohoo! I'm finally getting back on track and getting my plot going. I have to remember not to put my main characters out of order again or I get stuck in fluff land and have no plot. Anyway please enjoy!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 15: "Home Again Home Again"

Kyo held her hand tightly waiting for her to wake up. It wasn't unusual for some patients to be sleepy still after an operation. They were able to wake her up once to make sure the anesthesia hadn't done anything to her system but she fell back asleep on her way to her room where Kyo waited for her. He smiled and rubbed her hand at the sound of her soft breaths and watching the rising and falling of her chest almost unable to hide how blissful he felt. They said she had two more days before she could go home. He knew the days would drag on the more he thought about it but he couldn't help it. Tohru was worried about her studies but Yuki volunteered to help tutor her.

If it had been a half a year ago or even a few weeks ago he would have still been suspicious. He would have never guessed about the relationship between Yuki and Kagura. He didn't see it as such an odd pairing, he just never really thought about it. The thought actually made him happy. It was a relief that he didn't have to keep his guard up around the rat anymore and that Kagura was finally happy with someone. 'I really treated her badly all those years. I just wanted her to understand I didn't like her, even if I hurt her it at least it wouldn't hurt as badly as what would have happened if she continued believing I loved her.' But it had gone that far. But she had found someone who would love her the way she needed.

His hand continued to stroke hers as he stared out the window at the birds on the ledge. That nurse that Tohru liked to talk to, Rei had brought a cat in earlier so Tohru would have some company. Kyo was glad he wasn't around when she brought it or it would have probably been all over him. It wasn't that he wasn't fond of cats or anything, he just could never see them as just cats like other people could. They were something, just a bit more…He felt a shiver go down his spine as Tohru's small hand tightened softly around his and he looked up to see her small eyes flutter open to meet his.

"Ohayo," she whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Ohayo. How do you feel?"

"Ok, little dry," she said her voice still strained as she rubbed it.

"I'll get you some water be right back." He quickly went to the bathroom. She took this time to gaze around the room and her eyes fell on the open window with the remaining light filtering through before the sun would disappear completely beyond the horizon. She was still very groggy from the drugs and her throat was sore, probably from not really using it for breathing in a while but it was nice to wake up to Kyo's face watching over her, her protector. He returned with her water and she drank it thirstily and sighed in relief.

"Arigato," she said her voice a bit less strained.

"No problem. So how do you feel? You know, overall."

"A little tired, but I'll be ok in no time." He knew that look in her eyes, a look of determination, a look he often admired, but not this time.

"I told you don't worry about school. The teachers know you're in the hospital and are willing to let you turn in your work after winter break even though it's a new semester and Yuki is going to tutor you for exams. You have to get better before you even start thinking about that."

"But it' already into November and in another two weeks we'll start reviewing. By the time I get back they'll be in the reviews."

"Then Yuki can catch you up at home on what you missed and by the time they get to reviewing the new stuff you'll be more familiar with it. Then you can work on your actually homework over break. Now calm down, stress won't help you heal faster and it's not good for the baby."

"Huh, how do you know that?" He blushed feeling a little embarrassed.

"Uo, she said something about keeping you calmer because stress can be bad for the baby. Even though I don't know where she would have gotten it from." Tohru giggled.

"She probably went out and bought a book about babies right after she found out. She looks out for me all the time, she's already starting to look out for her new task."

"Oh well, at least we won't have to worry about the baby with her around," he said with a faint blush.

"Kyo, did you just compliment Uo-chan?" His blush deepened.

"Well I mean she's just built like a body guard. I mean she's saved you with the denpa from the Yuki fan club god knows how many times, I think she knows what she's doing. Hey Tohru."


"The denpa, she can sense people's waves and tell things from them right?"


"Do you think she could, you know, know the sex of the baby, before the doctors you know?"

"I really don't know, but I don't think I want to know."

"You don't?"

"No not really. I really like surprises; I think we should just wait. Unless of course-"

"No, no, I'm fine being surprised," he said giving her a smile cutting her off before he could get stressed out again.

"I'm so happy," she said hugging him, for the first time since she arrived at the hospital she was able to fully hug him again. 'I've missed this,' she thought blissfully to herself. His arms quickly wrapped around her holding her in a light embrace. 'He's so warm, this feels so nice'. She felt her eyelids drooping as she listened to the beating of his heart and was quickly lulled to sleep. He wasn't surprised when he felt her breathing even out and set her back down in bed before tucking her in and kissing her on the forehead.

"Sleep tight, love," he said before going over to his cot and falling asleep himself.

The two days Kyo thought were going to drag on forever actually flew by pretty fast as he realized with Tohru gone the house had gone back to a pig sty and he had to convince Yuki to help him clean the house up. And after Yuki had too many problems to count on the first day Kagura convinced the two of them to let her help clean. They were hesitant but she proved she had learned from her mistakes the first time she tried this. They were actually still finishing cleaning up some of the house the morning Tohru would be arriving home. It was amazing how she had recovered enough to leave after only a week. Kyo wasn't really sure about it until Hatori assured him that she was indeed fit to go home but she'd be stuck at home for at least another week. The nurses said it was all the visitors she had that kept her so strong.

'At least now she'll be back home and I can watch over her there,' thought Kyo as he waited at the front of the school. He had invited Tohru's friends Uo and Hana to come with him today when she would be released. They both assumed Tohru has asked, and Kyo hadn't let them think any differently, they wouldn't believe he asked them himself anyway.

"Hey carrot top there you are, I didn't even see you leave the classroom, thought you were still there," she said approaching him with the denpa close behind her. "So, are we ready to go," she asked pointing the way to the hospital.

"Actually we're getting a ride," he said and almost on queue Hatori showed up with Kagura and Yuki in the backseat.

"That was too damn creepy," said Uo but got in the back along with Hana and Kyo taking the front seat.

"Are we all going to be able to fit in here on the ride home," Uo asked as the four of them sat in the back.

"Yeah I'll give my seat to Tohru," said Kyo.

"Hello," said Kagura making herself known.

"Oh hello, you're one of the Sohma's right, Yuki and Kyo's cousin?"

"Hai, I'm Kagura."

"I'm Uo," she said waving to her.

"I'm Hana," the denpa said speaking up. "But this is odd isn't it?"

"What do you mean," asked Kagura.

"Weren't you the girl who came to school one day and beat Kyo up and said he was your fiancé?" Everyone in the car sweat dropped.

"Well that was me like two years ago. And anyway I'm dating Yuki now," she said with a smile aimed at her prince. Hana and Uo looked like an atom bomb was about to go off in front of them.

"You two are together," asked Hana tentively.

"Yes, it's been a secret for a while but recently we've gone public about it," said Yuki speaking up not a bit embarrassed.

"Sheesh all these secrets, first Tohru and Kyo and now you two. To tell you the truth though Yuki you should tell your fan club but don't divulge her name." Yuki sweat dropped and Kagura gave her a confused look. "You may be tough, but they're tough, smart, crafty, have power, and are evil," said Uo in an eerie tone as she tried to make her point.

"Isn't that a bit dramatic," asked Yuki.

"Isn't you're fanclub?" He was about to reply. "I'm sure that their special dance and song in the morning for you must have taken a long time and practice to get right." He promptly shut up. Uo would have continued but they made it to the hospital and made their way to Tohru's room. They arrived in time to see her sitting in bed with an IV still in her but she was dressed.

"Oh hey guys, Uo, Hana I didn't know you were coming!" She looked ecstatic. Uo and Hana both glanced back at Kyo but smiled and greeted Tohru.

"Of course we're here, we wanna make sure you're ok."

"Thank you, everyone," she said looking a bit teary eyed.

"Hey don't cry now, you gotta be less worrying, ne?"

"Hai," she said wiping her eyes. "We can go as soon as this IV is done, it's just some antibiotics and it's almost done," she said looking over at the little plastic package that was almost drained. "How has school been," she asked looking over at her two school friends she hadn't seen in the last few days.

"Pretty boring, the prince Yuki fan club have been saying crap while you were gone but I think Hana and I were able to keep them quiet." Everyone in the room sweat dropped.

"I can't wait to go back. We only have a half of a year left, ne?"

"That's right. We're so close," said Uo.

"But don't you start getting stressed out about grades. You don't have to be a straight A student, all you have to do is pass," said Hana quietly.

"The way you're grades are going you'll barely pass," said Kyo. She gave him an evil eye but he shrugged it off. Tohru giggled feeling happy that her family was here.

Tohru sighed as she lay back in her comfy bed. After dropping Uo and Hana off Hatori had finally stopped of at Shigure's to drop everyone else off before going to pick someone else up. They had been told they now had a miko and a person fluent in ancient Chinese kanji were trying to figure out this whole curse thing which the others thought was a bit much but then again if the curse could be broken. Yuki and Kagura had sat down at the table while Kyo went to cook dinner but he made Tohru go back up to bed because she was still a bit drowsy from the drugs and said he'd bring dinner up to her.

She felt a bit disappointed she couldn't eat with Yuki and Kagura but as soon as she laid down in her bed she couldn't help but feel a bit drowsy. 'So comfortable, so warm, so soft…' She slowly opened her eyes and gasped as she saw it was now dark outside. "What time is it?"

"8:30." She spun around to face Kyo sitting on the end of her bed leaning against the wall.

"Kyo-kun, I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep-" She was cut off as his lips pressed to hers and she felt her body fall back on the bed with his pressed tightly against it. His tongue licked along her lips asking for entrance, which she easily gave. His tongue plunging into her mouth, locking around her own tongue. She moaned into his mouth. It had been too long since she'd felt this. But before they could go any farther Kyo pulled back and leaned against the wall again, panting.

"Kyo," she called softly crawling up next to him and leaning in for another kiss but he gave her a short one instead of the passion filled one they had exchanged moments ago. "What's wrong?"

"You just got out of the hospital Tohru, you need to take it easy for a bit still." She looked up at him, her eyes pleading. "I know you want it, so do I! But I'm not going to risk hurting you." She put on a somewhat disappointed look but it fell as her stomach growled rather loudly.

"Gomen!" He chuckled before getting to his feet.

"It's ok, I was expecting you to be hungry when you woke up, that's why I waited for you. I'll go warm it up ok?" He gave her a soft peck on the forehead before heading for the door. "Be right back." She sat there a second before her mouth went to her lips where she could still feel the warm impression his lips had left on her own. She pulled the blanket up around her as a chill went through her body. 'It really is becoming winter. But at least after winter, is spring,' she thought with a smile. It was then that Kyo returned with a small plate of rice balls and some miso soup on a tray.

"That smells so good," she said truthfully.

"Nah, it's nothing compared to yours, but it should be better than hospital food."

He sat it in front of her on the bed and she immediately devoured two of the four rice balls before slowing down to take her soup slower.

"Wow, this is really good," she said smiling. "You're a really good cook too Kyo." He was going to argue again but decided against it since she needed to just rest up. She had half of the soup gone before going back to finish the rice ball and finally finishing the soup. The whole time Tohru ate, Kyo was sitting there sitting beside her, basking in her presence. The whole time they were away it was as if a cloud had passed over the sun and taken away his light. Now it was as if the sun shone only for him and he smiled.

He was snapped out of his reverie as she thanked him again for dinner. He nodded and took the dishes back downstairs to rinse out before returning to her room to see her lying down in bed already. He was about to leave the room when he heard her small voice call out, "Kyo."

"Hai?" She turned to face him just looking up at him. He came closer on sat on the bed beside her. "What's wrong Tohru," he asked as tears started forming in the corners of her eyes.

"I'm not sad," she said with a small smile creeping across her face. "I'm just so happy. I missed you so much, I missed home, and my family, and being able to be alone with you." He smiled and took her in his arms feeling her tears dampen his shirt.

"I know, I feel the same way. I'm just glad we're finally getting back to normal."

"Hai," she said feeling herself get drowsy again. He felt her body growing limp in his arms and sat her back in bed and tucked her in before kissing her forehead and saying goodnight. He got up to leave but she stopped him.

"Kyo kun, could you…could you stay here with me tonight? Please?" He wasn't sure what he should do. He could stay with her and he might get caught, but then again would it really matter? He shook his head and walked over to crawl in beside her. "Goodnight, love." She lay on her back her head tilted towards his.

"Goodnight love," he whispered back giving her a soft kiss on the lips before sleep took her. He draped his left arm over her waist and leaned his head towards hers next to her own.

Author's Note: After giving everyone else a little fluff time I decided my two main characters needed some squeeze time too. Anyway hope you liked. Please R&R!