Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Secrets Uncovered and A New Hope ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Notes: Yay I finally got my plot out, took me long enough. Ok just a few notes here. Ok one, for those of you who have read any of the manga, I haven't' all my info comes off of the anime. Also, just want to point out that Hatori and Akito don't know about Tohru's pregnancy yet to refresh your memories. Another thing, I don't know much about pregnancy at all so anything I saw is coming off the top of my head. And also I want to say I'm sorry if I'm making anyone too out of character. I'm trying to keep them in character but it's hard to tell from my own point of view. Anyway I made this one extra long so enjoy please!

P.S. I finished this on Thursday morning but hasn't let me post until this morning so I still try to update once a week on Thursdays but the webpage wasn't cooperating. Sorry!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 16: "Secrets Uncovered and A New Hope"

The days seemed like weeks and the weeks like months as Rei persevered keeping her word to work most of the day at the translations. The book was maybe forty pages long but it was taking longer then she thought, as she had to keep referring to her kanji dictionary. She nibbled on a rice ball that was left at her door by Hatori. She blushed as she pushed her reading glasses up on her nose. Hatori had become almost like an assistant to her. He brought her meals, helped her find anything essential to her research. He even helped call around to a few bookstores to find a special dictionary for certain mythological characters (kanji not figures). She remembered waking up this morning hunched over the book with a blanket draped over her she didn't remember having the night before. She shook her head and sighed before turning back to the book. She was supposed to originally stay maybe two weeks but she was pushing seventeen days now, but she was close, just about five or six pages away from finishing. 'I might be able to finish today if I really push, no more long breaks. But when I finish, will I be able to see him again?' She tried to make the blush on her face disappear.

'Then again it's better to face the unknown then wait for it to catch up to you, right?' With that she put on a determined look and set to work on the book opening her dictionaries and taking out her book length notes.

Hatori took off his shoes as he entered Shigure's house. He wasn't sure what they could want him for and frankly he would rather be back at the main house helping Rei. But Shigure said it was important and asked for him to come as soon as he could. After they had Rei join their small group they no longer needed the help up the miko and had erased the memory of the few days she had spent there. They had told her afterwards that she had been knocked unconscious in the nearby area and had just now awakened after a few days. She bought it but they could tell she had her suspicions and went back to her shrine. He was glad they had not had to keep her long to the point where she would have made memories she may have wanted to keep. He pushed away the numbing pain that seemed to seep back into his heart at the thought of memories that were so precious and were lost along the way.

He regained his composure before bringing himself into the house and calling out. Shigure greeted him first as usual. Kagura and Yuki were sitting at the table where Shigure was sitting with them just a second ago. "Hello, Yuki, Kagura."

"Ohayo," they both greeted. He looked a bit confused.

"I thought I was needed here," he asked Shigure.

"You are Ha-san. Tohru needs you right now; I think she's in her room. She's been feeling a bit weak these last few mornings." He looked a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I think she's a bit scared," said Kagura coming into the conversation.

"Well I can see why though," said Yuki also adding his frame of mind. Hatori was definitely being left out of the loop.

"What do you mean?" Everyone else in the room looked at each other before Kagura spoke up.

"Maybe you should ask Tohru. It is about her anyway." Hatori wanted to press further but decided he may get more answers from Tohru. He started for the stairs before turning and looking at everyone once again.

"Where's Kyo?"

"Problably upstairs with Honda-san," said Yuki before taking another drink from his cup. Hatori figuring he wasn't going to get much from this group just shrugged and continued his way up the stairs. He opened the door and saw Tohru sleeping under the blankets with Kyo lying awake beside her. He looked up as Hatori come in the room. Hatori looked at him with a questioning look as if to ask if he should disturb them or not. Kyo replied by speaking.

"She's been getting a bit tired lately so I let her sleep in when she can." Tohru stirred a bit at the sound of his voice before blinking sleep from her eyes, which focused first on Kyo then on Hatori.

"Ohayoo," she replied in a tired whisper as she sat up. It was at this point Hatori's eyes fell upon Tohru's slightly distended stomach. 'Maybe she hasn't had enough energy to do much and she is gaining weight? She has been very tired Kyo said.' Hatori pondered the possibilities before finally deciding to hear from Tohru who was now wide-awake in bed.

"How are you doing Tohru? I heard you needed me to come over?"

"Hai," she said before taking a deep breath. "Hatori-san I want to thank you for everything you've done for me so far and I want to apologize." Hatori looked ready to object but Tohru didn't let him. "Not for anything in the past, well the distant past. I have been kind of keeping a secret," she said her cheeks growing hot. Kyo felt his face flush as well as he turned to look at the wall while Tohru continued. "I found something out when I was in the hospital and have neglected to tell you or Akito."

"Is it something serious?" She blinked confused before she figured she sounded like she had found out she had a horrible disease or something.

"Oh no no, well yes but it's not a bad thing." She looked down at her hands her face flushing again before looking up to meet his eyes and speak. "I'm pregnant." Hatori for once in a very long time had nothing to say. He looked to the blushing Tohru to the also flushed Kyo who was burning a hole through the wall with his eyes and then at her slightly round stomach.

"How long," he said his voice seeming to catch a bit, annoying him as he cleared it.

"About two months," she replied running her hand over her still small stomach. "I haven't really gone to a doctor about it or anything since I left the hospital and since it's a Sohma," she said her blush worsening. "I thought I should call you. I'm sorry if it's too soon I mean I've never had a baby. Well of course not, I've never had a boyfriend, I mean I-"

"It's ok Tohru," he said in a soft voice coming to sit beside her on the bed. "It's never too early to start thinking about your babies health." He felt dazed as he began thinking through some of the things he should ask her. "If you want since I'm already over here I can do a check up now even though I'm not going to be able to tell you much."

"That's fine, as long as I'm not taking up your time." Kyo got up as if to leave.

"Kyo," asked Tohru concerned.

"I'm going to get a couple of glasses of milk he said making sure she heard the plural before he left the room as Tohru's face began to flush.

"Milk," he asked not understanding what that was all about.

"Well," she began feeling herself flush again. "Lately I've kind of been drinking a lot of milk." And felt herself flush worse as she continued, "And eating a lot of fish." Hatori felt a small smile tug at his lips.

"Well that sounds like a good diet to me. Fish are a good source of protein and milk is rich in calcium. Just don't neglect fruits or vegetables or you may not get all the vitamins."

"Hai," she said nodding.

"So how have you been sleeping, I've heard you've been tired lately." She nodded in the affirmative. "Any reason? Morning sickness?"

"No, I just feel so sleepy in the mornings and then I'm restless at night."

"You're body is probably just a bit off because you haven't been keeping to your usual sleeping habits after the accident and recovery. You are going to start going back to school tomorrow right?"

"Yes, I really wanted to go back last week but I've been so tired."

"You'll probably need a week or so to adjust but I don't think it will be a big problem but if you'd like I can give you some low dosage sleeping pills to help. Don't worry, nothing to effect your pregnancy."

"Hatori, I could never ask that of you! You've already done so much, I-"

"Tohru," he said with some finality. "You need your sleep, right?" She just nodded knowing she had lost the battle.

"Yes but please let me make it up to you somehow! When I'm back on my feet I can make you some soup or a meal for you and the others at the main house!"

"You don't have to but I'm sure all of us would appreciate it." She smiled at him thankfully as Kyo reentered the room with a large glass of milk which he handed to Tohru as he sat beside her and watched he quickly empty the glass. Hatori looked on, as the milk just seemed to slide down her throat and he sweat dropped.

"Arigato, Kyo," she said giving him a very big smile to which he blushed but smiled back.

"Anyway Tohru, if you'd like I can continue with the examination," he said before she nodded. Kyo got up as if to leave when Tohru called to him.

"Where are you going Kyo?"

"Well I don't think you need me around."

"But, kyo…" He turned around to see her smile falter as she looked on at him and he quickly mumbled something before sitting down by her side on the bed.

"Anyway, do you know about how much you weighed before you found out?"

"Well," she said thinking. "We did have a physical in gym class, but that was in September and I was 123," she said blushing.

"Well why not check out how much it is now," he said as he left the room and motioned for her and Kyo to follow to the bathroom. He motioned to the bathroom scale that she stepped on and waited until the number stopped on 136."

"Thirteen pounds already," she asked disbelievingly down at the scale.

"It is a bit much," said Hatori confirming she shouldn't have that much weight on yet. "But it may be because you're leaning more towards meat and dairy and have been tired so you haven't been exercising daily. As long as you make sure to keep some fruits and vegetables in your diet and start resting up and get back into your daily routine you should be fine. Just a few more things," he said starting back towards the bedroom. He had Tohru sit on her bed again as he took her blood pressure and pulse.

"Please lie back," he said. She did as she was told and noticed Kyo giving Hatori the evil eye as he lifted Tohru's shirt a bit and pressed lightly on her lower abdomen. Tohru couldn't stop blushing as she felt his hands pressed against her abdomen. It reminded her of when her and Kyob first started sleeping together. He never did it in public or often when he was awake. But whenever they went to sleep she would feel his hand on her abdomen as he held her close and wake the same way. Hatori snapped her out of her revere.

"I think you're doing fine besides the bit of extra weight so soon. Just one more thing." He pulled out his stethoscope and placed it on her stomach to listen. Tohru held her breath as she watched Hatori. He finally pulled the earpieces out and looked up at the two. "A god strong heartbeat already. I'm surprised, a heartbeat usually starts around the second month but I wasn't sure if I'd be hearing one so soon."

"A heartbeat, you can hear a heartbeat," asked Tohru.

"Hai, a bit faint though since it's still small."

"C-Can I listen," she asked tentively. Hatori put the ear pieces back in and seemed to search her abdomen with his stethoscope a minute before stopping and holding the metal piece over a certain area and taking the ear pieces out to hand to her. She took them and slowly placed them in her ears and felt her heart skip a beat at the sound of her child's heartbeat. "It's so fast," she said in an astonished whisper.

"Hai, it is when they're younger," said Hatori quietly. Tohru felt her hand go to her abdomen as she listened to the rapid swishing noise that was her child's heartbeat. She sat there listening for what seemed like forever when she saw Hatori switch hands and decided he must be getting cramped from being like this. She sighed as she took the ear parts out and wished she could listen more. She went to hand them back to Hatori when Kyo stopped her. Her took them from her without saying a word and put them on. Hatori looked like he was going to ask him something but didn't as he saw the blush come over his face and the somewhat astonished look that he had seen in Tohru's eyes just a moment ago. Tohru slowly slipped her hand in Kyo's as he continued to listen.

Hatori waved as he said goodbye and walked out into the cool night breeze. After the checkup Tohru talked him into staying for dinner since he already missed lunch earlier. Then they insist that he stay and visit for a while, which he didn't mind doing. He would never openly admit it but he liked spending time with his cousins, especially the ones he didn't get to see every day. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the main house looming before him. 'Hmm, I got here faster then I thought.' He entered and went down the hallways to his office where he put away his medical bag before proceeding to his room. He was about to change for bed when he decided to check on Rei. She had been working very hard for them and had taken Akito's words to heart when he told her to work as much as she could. But he was worried about her as she continuously missed meals unless they were brought to her and wouldn't rest until she was too tired to stay awake.

He thought of last night and how he went in to check on her before bed and found her sprawled on top of the book asleep and covered her with the blanket. He sighed but couldn't help the smile that crept to his face as he made the way to the den that had become her study. He opened the door to astonishingly find her awake and very active with her work. He knocked on the door to get her attention. She seemed startled by the noise until she recognized it and turned to see Hatori.

"Oh, konban wa Hatori-san."

"Konban wa, how are you doing? I didn't think you'd be up this late still."

"I know but I'm almost done." His heart jumped into his throat. "I'm actually on this last page now. Just another half hour and I should be done and I think I have most of the story understood. If I get this done tonight I can get a good night sleep and sleep in tomorrow and finally explain it. He felt happy about her accomplishment, but at the same time felt disappointed. 'Why should I feel disappointed? She's helped us so much. But if she finishes her task…if she finishes then we won't need her anymore. She can return to her normal life. She'll leave.' This last thought struck him hard but he forced himself to remain stoic.

"Well then, I think I'll be getting to bed. Goodnight," he said and quickly turned to leave.

"Wait," she said catching his arm but was careful not to hug him. "What's the matter?"


"It's not nothing, I know I may not have known you that well or that long but I know something is wrong."

"I said it's nothing," he said once again trying to leave when she stepped in front of him and blocked the door.

"You're not leaving until you tell me." He looked at her trying to decide whether to push her away or ask her to let him go. He stared into her eyes as she stared back determined. 'She's always so passionate and determined about things she cares about.' Her eyes shone in the dim light of the room and her hair casting shadows on her face. She looked gorgeous in the dim light. Before he knew what he was doing his lips captured her own and for a moment she stayed stiff against his lips before responding with an equal passion. She even deepened the kiss holding him enthralled before she broke it her face flushed as badly as his.

"I, should be getting to bed," he said quickly diverting his eyes as she moved away from the door so he could leave.

"Yeah I should get back to work. Good night," she said gaining his attention as he turned to stare into those brilliant eyes that seemed to call to him. "Hatori."

"Good night," he said leaving the room quickly as he tried to calm his heart.

The next morning Hatori awoke late and quickly dressed afraid of why he had slept so late and more afraid of why they had let him sleep in late. He came to Akito's room to find him not there and felt his heart jump in his throat before he remembered speaking with Rei last night and how she said she had finished the book. He felt himself flush as he also remembered the kiss…

He brought himself back to reality to turn and walk to the study trying to compose himself as he opened the door and sure enough Shigure and Akito were both finishing up breakfast and Rei was going through her notes. His eyes caught her own and she blushed slightly before going back to her notes. He took a seat on the third cousin next to Akito that was vacant waiting patiently for Shigure to finish the tea he was sipping. Shigure sat it down again as it was still half full and was about to pick it up again when Akito lashed out at it and it shattered against the wall.

"I'm tired of this damn waiting game. I've been waiting patiently for two weeks, now tell me what you have." Rei didn't flinch during or after the outburst and confidently walked over and sat on the cousin in front of them.

"I thank you all for waiting patiently but I think the wait was worth it." She cleared her throat ready to get into the book. "I'll give you the most condensed version of this as I can. This story starts about 500 years ago when the Sohma name was still popular and well respected. They were a family of priests and priestesses. Most shrines or families of priests and priestesses were connected to something spiritually. The Sohmas were connected to the spirits of the zodiac, not cursed but connected. They could draw power from them through prayer and chanting. This had gone on for a couple hundred years or so when one of the priests was swayed to use his guardian spirit for evil. The priest who was in charge of the cat fell in love with a woman who was very evil and wanted power for herself and used him to do so. She gained riches and power and promised to marry him. But eventually she began promising the same thing to many of the other priests and even convinced the priestesses to help her and she would help them gain their true love. Then one day she took all they had given her and left without a word. The cat spirit was well, really pissed about how the priest had used him and so were the others so they cursed the family Sohma and sealed themselves inside of them until they could find someone of good and kindness to heal the wounds of the cursed. It also goes on more about the cat. The reason the cat seems to have an extra form was because he was truly in love with this woman even before she decided to use him for power. So when he was cursed he was given the extra form because that is the form given to him by the pain of love." She paused to take a breath and meet all of their gazes stopping on Hatori for a moment before continuing on. "The curse needs to be broken by a woman of pure kindness and good but there is also a rule, it must happen on the year of the cat which will follow the boar. The cat was going to become a member of the zodiac years but it's form was too fearful and anguished so they left it out. The Chinese zodiac was created a few years before this started so they were in the middle of the chart when they decided this. They never really agreed if the cat was first or last. Anyway," she said getting back on subject. "There is more to breaking the curse. The cat was in love with the evil woman and so the cat must fall in love and create a child to be born into its year. I've been looking for a better translation but I think it means Kyo needs to fall in love with this woman who is all good and needs to have a kid in the year of the cat. But if it's after the year of the boar I don't see how that's possible because it says it has to happen on a year of double zeros, loosely translated of course. But that would be the year 2000, and I don't know how that'd work. The year of the boar is in 1994 making the year of the rat or cat or whatever the year 1995." She sighed.

"It's off," Shigure said like everyone knew what the hell he was talking about.

"What do you mean," asked Rei very annoyed.

"The years are off." Once again he didn't elaborate pissing everyone off.

"What does that mean," said Hatori trying to not get pissed.

"Don't you remember history? Most of history is based on the AD BC system which was created by the Aztecs but they said the calendar is off somewhere between 3 - 7 years. And if it's only about five years off…"

"Then it would mean this year is the boar and next year would be…"

"The year of the cat," said Akito finishing her thought.

"Ok so all Tohru has to do is have a kid by next year," said Shigure.

"Actually there's more to it then that," said Rei.

"What do you mean there's more," asked Akito sounding pissed.

"Well I gave you the condensed version and I didn't understand the years so I didn't elaborate. There's a whole thing about there being a courtship the year before the cats year and she needs to be pregnant before the new year," she said sweat dropping.

"What?!" Akito was pissed. "My life depends on if that stupid cat can knock her up!" Akito was very pissed. "This is insane," he said smashing a nearby vase into the wall. Akito was very very pissed.

"You don't need to worry, she already is," said Shigure speaking up. "She found out when she was in the hospital." Akito was very very very pissed…at Shigure.

"When the hell were you going to tell me?!" He said breathing hard.

"After we figured out this whole prophecy curse thing," he said it like it was nothing. "You should be happy! Tohru is due in June and as long as nothing goes wrong the curse should be broken!"

"As long as nothing goes wrong," Akito spoke the words softly finally calming down.

"Rei," he commanded her name making her sit up at attention.

"Yes," she asked.

"Quit your job now."


"Call in now and quit. You will now be employed as my personal physician, you'll be paid well don't worry about that. Hatori will train you in the next two weeks before he leaves."

"Leaves," asked Hatori.

"Yes, you are to stay at Shigure's during Tohru's pregnancy and make sure she stays healthy. Nothing is to go wrong during her pregnancy, do you understand?" Hatori looked ready to protest but stopped as he got the 'look' from Akito.

"Yes, Akito-san." His eyes wandered back to Rei as he spoke his eyes lingering on her and her confused and frightened eyes.

Author's Note: I have to stop trying to hook everyone up! Oh well Hatori needs to get some too. And the reason this chapter was so long was because I thought of putting the explanation in the next chapter but decided against it since I keep putting the damn plot off. Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Please review!! PLEASE!!!