Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wish upon a star ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Walking down a nearly empty street in Lakeland, Florida on a hot July afternoon was two teenage girls. Brenda and Brooke were talking faster than most normal people could, and had huge grins on their faces despite the fact that they were both sunburnt badly after going to the beach with their friends(and fellow members of their band, Nightmare Come True). That was the reason the two were trying to stay in the shade of the trees that lined the roads of the neighborhood Brenda lived in. They were heading over to Brenda's so they could grab something that Brenda had forgotten:they were going camping today.
Brenda was a medium height girl with waist length black hair, that she had recently gotten silver and red highlights in,that she always kept in a low ponytail(despite the conctant complaining from her mother--"Fix your hair nice!" "It looks fine like this!! Sometimes I think you want me to become a prep!"--) and eyes that appeared dark brown in the shadow, and looked deep red when she was in the sunlight. She was thin from years of soccer and martial arts, and wore baggy black pants and a forest green sleevless button-up shirt and a pair of yellow flip flops.She was normally quiet when she was at home, except for the insults she tended to shoot out. With her friends, she was still quiet, but showed her true colors more often. Brenda had a split personality. The one her friends were used to seeing around was her "white mode". Then she was happy, laidback, a bit on the perverted side, but still quiet. But in black mode, she was violent, egotistical,loud, and short tempered.she was the songwriter in the band.
Brooke was a little taller than her and had short orangish brown hair and grayish green eyes. She was thin too from taking martial arts with Brenda(it had been her idea) and wore a green plaid mini-skirt and a white tshirt and tennis shoes.She was a goofball, constantly making jokes, burping in public places(this got her in trouble a few times), and most of the time anything she said sounded perverted wether she meant it or not. She was backup singer and played keyboard.
"Hey Brooke, did you see that shooting star last night?" Brenda asked as they turned onto the road she lived on.
"Yeah, I could see it from the computer!"
"It passed at midnight though..."
"Yeah, so?"
"Did you make a wish?" Brook nodded.
"Yeah, I wished that I could someday meet the soumas!"
"Really?Me too!"
In order to understand them, most people had to first find out that these two sixteen year old girls were anime fans. Their current favorite:Fruits Basket.From this particular anime, they had gotten the names for Brenda's light and dark sides. Brenda liked to write fanfictions and occasionally a poem for the shows they watched, and also liked to draw. Brooke however couldn't write to save her life, so she just came up with ideas and drew.
As the two talked, they cut through Brenda's front yard to her door(they would mostly likely get in trouble for walking on the grass if Brenda's dad found out) and Brenda pulled her keys from her pocket.she was about to unlock the door, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky and they heard thunder roll in the distance.
"What the hell?!"was all they managed to say before lightning flashed in the suddenly dark sky and the two dissapeared.
Yuki, Tohru, and Kyo were walking home from school, the rat and cat of the Souma family once again arguing. Tohru was sweatdropping as she walked ahead of them, just happy that it had turned into a fist fight. she froze as she saw what was lying on the path. or more who.
"Oh my gosh!"she yelled, catching Kyo and Yuki's attention. she ran over to the two girls who were laying unconscious on the ground. She shook them gently, trying to wake them up. The brunette was the first to wake, opening her eyes and blinking as she looked up at them. Her eyes then widened and she shot up and began to shake the red head beside her. The girl didn't wake up. The girl sighed .
"Ayame."The other girl shot up and looked around.
"Nowhere. If you'd pay attention you'd notice that Kyo and Yuki souma are standing right next to us." The red head's eyes went wide and she looked around and saw the two Souma's.
Before they could react, the girl lunged at them and tried to hug them. But didn't get far because the brunette had grabbed the girl by the shirt collar and held her back.
"Don't be so rude."the brunnette said.
"I wanna hug them so they'll transform!"the redhead whined.
"No." The other three blinked, shock clear on their faces.
"How do you know about us?"Yuki asked. The two grinned.
"You probabaly won't believe us, but we're actually from a different world. I guess it's really a different dimension really. But where we're from, you guys are on an anime called Fruits Basket. And yes,we know about the rest of the souma's."The brunette added when Kyo opened his mouth to say something.
"I wanna hug them!I wanna hug them!"the redhead whined.The brunnette whacked her in the head, silencing her.....temporarily.
"I'm Brenda Cruz, and this is Brooke White. It's nice to meet you."she said,bowing. Brooke smiled, having recovered, and bowed too.
"Yeah, what she said." Tohru smiled, Kyo just scowled, and Yuki gave them one of his trademark mysterious smiles.
"I'm sure you know we are then?"Yuki said. The two girls nodded.Brenda looked over at Brooke and saw that she had a backpack slung over her shoulder, and noticed she did too.
"Well, looks like we still have our backpacks...."she said. Brooke blinked.
"Well, I guess that's good. That means we still have some clothes with us." Brenda grimaced.
"But I left most of my favorite outfits at home!Dammit!" Brooke sweatdropped.
"Well, I don't think long skirts, button up shirts, and chinese dresses would be good to wear in the woods, now are they?" she said.
"Good point."
"Woods?"Tohru said, confused. The two looked over to her.
"We had been on our way to a camping trip."
"Oh." Yuki finally interupted them.
"If you need a place to stay, I'm sure you could stay with us."he offered.Brenda replied before Brooke could.
"That would be great."