Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wish upon a star ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shigure raised an eyebrow when he saw yuki,Kyo, and Tohru walk in followed by Brenda and Brooke.
"Well who are these beautiful young women that have walked into my home? Kyo, Yuki you haven't been cheating on Tohru now have you?"the dog asked, smiling. Just as Kyo and Yuki were about to punch him, Brenda and Brooke grinned.
"Nah, we're just to of their fans that followed them home like little lost puppies." Brenda said. Brooke grinned.
"Shigure, do you think you could see if Ayame could come over?"Brooke asked. Shigure looked surprised.
"Yeah,we know about you guys. don't worry, we've known before Tohru did."she said.
"Yeah, you guys are anime character's in our dimension."Brenda said. The others still looked like they didn't believe them. Brenda crossed her arms over her chest.
"Well, if you don't believe us, we'll just have to prove it!" She grinned at the other girl.
"Oh, that's right!You brought your portable dvd player!"
"And I have all for Fruits Basket dvds." The brunette sat down and opened up her backpack and began to dig around in it. After a minute she pulled out a small dvd palyer.
"Dammit! I can't find those stupid dvds!"
"That's probably 'cause you've got about every movie you've ever seen in there."Brooke snapped.
"Check your bag. I did lend them to you the other night."brenda said as she continued to search. The others were sweatdropping.
"Fine."Brooke sat next to her and opened up her bag. Brenda blinked as she saw what was in it.
"Damn! You've got a years supply of candy in that thing!"
"Knowing us it'll only last a month..."
"Aren't you on a diet though?"
"..." Brenda sighed and contiued to dig in her bag.
"Ah!Found them!" she finally exclaimed, pulling out four dvds, and in the proccess accidently knocking some of her cds onto the floor. Before she could pick them up, Kyo grabbed them.
"Who the heck are Linkin Park and Evanescence?"he said as he looked at the covers.
"Just two of my favorite bands."Brenda said. She pulled a cd player out of her bag and tossed it at him. he caught it and blinked.
"I think you'll like their songs."she said. Brooke began to whine.
"Can we watch volume three?Ayame's in it!"
"No."Brenda and Yuki replied at once.
Shigure looked at the covers of the dvds.
"How come I'm not on one?" Brenda shrugged.
"I don't know. But you are on the fourth volume of the manga."she said. She put the first dvd in the dvd player and turned it on.
*half an hour later*
Kyo turned away from the dvd player and looked at Brenda and Brooke.
"Hey, which one of us is your favorite?"he asked. Brenda ignored him, she was busy digging through her bag looking for something.
"Dammit! Brooke, could you please help me find my glasses? I can't see..."Brenda whined as she tossed her bag at Brooke's head.
"Fine." Brooke began to dig in the other girl's bag, then pulled out a pair of glasses. She handed them to the girl, who immediatly put them on.
"Yay!I can see!"she said, sighing in relief. She looked up at Kyo.
"What was it you were saying?"she asked.
"Who's your favorite character?"he repeated.Brenda folded her arms and looked up at the ceiling as she thought.
"I don't know..."Everyone, who had turned to look at her, fell over.
"It's not Tohru. she's likable, but she's to gullible and waaaaaaaaayyyyyy to happy. And I like Haru,Hatori, Shigure, and you too koneko-chan."She said the last part with a huge smirk on her face.
"Don't call me that!"Kyo shouted at her. Her smirk only got larger.
"I'm sorry, did I upset the kitty?" Kyo growled at her, trying to supress his anger.
"Whatsa matter?Is Kyon-kyon mad?"she said mockingly. That was the last straw. Kyo flew at her, ready to punch her. But before he could, she jumped up, making him miss and go crashing through a wall.
"Sorry for breaking your house Shigure."she said as she turned towards the others, who were sweatdropping. Brooke sighed.
"You had sugar today didn't you?-_-;"
"Wonderful." The others blinked.
"What happens when she has sugar?" Tohru asked. Brooke shuddered.
"When she's sugar high, she becomes a smartass." Brenda stuck her tongue out.
"At least I'm not as bad as my sister!"
"Good point." Tohru smiled at Brenda.
"Oh!You have a sister?What is she like?"she asked. Brenda and Brooke sweatdropped.
"For you to figure that out, I should just tell you her nickname."Brenda said. Everyone raised an eyebrow.Brooke sighed.
"You see, Brenda's sister's name is Lilly. But we tend to call her Luci.....fer." Brenda looked over to Yuki.
"I can relate to you when it comes to annoying siblings. But trust me, compared to my sister, Ayame is wonderful."she said.
"I doubt it.I would trade Ayame for your sister at anytime." Brooke and Brenda looked at each other.Brenda rolled up her right pants leg, revealing a scar on her knee.
"That's from when she bit me when she was four. She's a nasty little bugger. She's been inflicting pain on me since she was off the bottle. The first thing she ever did to me was toss her sippy cup at my head.Hit me right between the eyes." Kyo, who had just walked back in, scoffed.
"Why didn't you dodge?!" Brenda glared.
"I was seven!And it's not like I'm psychic!How was I supposed to know she would choose then to become violent!"she snapped. The two glared at each other as the others sweatdropped.
"Speaking of siblings, I wonder if I'm going to get to meet Ayame?"Brooke said as she loked up at the ceiling. At that moment, the door burst open and Ayame burst in. Brenda sweatdropped as Brooke grinned.
"Hah!And you always say that I don't have powers Brenda!=^___^="she said, grinning.
"because you don't.It's only a coincidence.-_-;" Brooke stuck her tongue out.
"Your just jealous!"
"Why would I be jealous of an idiot?" Brooke jumped to her feet and tried to kick her, butBrenda just leaned to the side and grabbed her foot. Brooke,being the dense and not very bright person she is, tried to kick her with the other foot.
"Like I said an idiot." Ayame blinked as he looked down to the two girls, the looked over to Shigure.