Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wish upon a star ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Brenda banged her head against the wall of the living room. Somehow Ayame had managed to give her a worse headache than er sister had ever managed.Well,it was more him being near Brooke and her having to constantly grab her and deal with her whining to keep anyone from being transformed.
"Cruz-san((that sounds kinda weird)), why are you banging your head against the wall?"Yuki finally asked after watching her for awhile.
"Brooke has once again caused a migraine. And when she causes them the only thing that makes it feel better is to hit my head until it goes numb.And please,just call me Brenda." she replied. After hitting her head a while longer, she gave up. Finally, she looked over to Tohru, who was sweatdropping as Brooke struggled to get out of the ropes and chains she had been tied up with.
"Tohru-kun, do you think I could make dinner for tonight? Just to show my grattitude for you guys letting us stay here. Besides, I don't think any of you have had Mexican food before."she said.
"I've had Taco Bell before."Shigure said. Brooke sweatdropped.
"It's not the same as a home-cooked meal. And Brenda's a good cook."she said.
"Brenda-kun, I'll help you if you want."Tohru said. Brenda nodded and they both went into the kitchen.
"Hey Brenda!Don't go grabbing Kyo and Shigure either! I'm watching you!"Brooke said snickering. The others looked at her weird.
"Brenda's half Mexican. In Mexico, there are a lot of people who eat cats and dogs."Shigure and Kyo went wide eyed for a second, before moving as far as they could from the kitchen.
"Don't worry!I was only kidding!Besides, Brenda has a pet cat, she'd never do that!"The two sighed in relief.
"But Brooke, haven't you ever wondered how i managed to go through about seven cats?"they heard Brenda shout from the kitchen.
"You had a puppy once too, didn't you?"
"Yep!It, along with the six cats, just dissapeared!"
*in the kitchen*
"What happened to all your pets?"Tohru asked as she cut up some leeks.Brenda looked up at the ceiling as though she was thinking.
"Um, three of the cats ran away. Two, and the puppy, got ran over. one got stolen.And the one i still have is a vampire.I don't have good luck with pets."brenda finally said, sighing as she dumped some chicken, peppers and potatoes in a pot. Tohru frowned.
"it must have been hard losing so many pets."she said.
"Well, they technically weren't mine, since my dad just let me actually bring one home. They were all strays that I found at my Tia Ellie's house.Tia means aunt by the way. I would just go over and play with them and feed them. The first one I got to bring home was peso, and he was perferct! we never had to worry about him scratching up furniture, he always used the litter box, and he never tried to run away! but then we had to leave him at my cousins house when we moved, it was only for a little while too!But while he was there, some Mexicans next door stole him while they were moving out. When I found out i was about to cry. especially after i saw what they did to that other cat they had!" Brenda said. Tohru patted her on the back.
"Lets talk about something else. Do you go to school?"Tohru asked her.Brenda nodded.
"Yeah, but when we ended up here, we were in the middle of summer vacation. I'm gonna guess you guys are off to?"she said. Tohru nodded.
"Yes, but we only have a few more weeks left. Maybe you guys could go to our school!"she said happily. Brenda smiled.
"yeah, i guess that would be okay."
"Shigure can take you to do your entrance exams in a few weeks." Brenda groaned.
"oh yeah, you guys have to take entrance exams. damn." They stayed in silence as they finished putting in the last few ingredients.
"Well,thats it!We just have to come and check on it in a little while. When it's just about done I'll make some tortillas." Brenda said. The two walked out in the the living room just in time to see Brooke, who had somehow gotten out of the chains, jump at Ayame and yuki, who were arguing, and hug them both. But there was no poof of smoke and the two didn't change. Everyone blinked.
"What the hell?!"Kyo and Brenda shouted at once.
"If she can hug them, i wonder..."Brenda turned and hugged Kyo before he had a chance to run away.He didn't transform either. Kyo pushed her off after a moment of shocked silence.
"Brooke, you can let go of them now..."She said,sweatdroping when Brooke hugged the two brothers harder.
"NO!"she shouted. Tohru was wide eyed as she stared at them.
"I-is the curse broken ?"Brenda shook her head.
"I doubt it.It's probably just because we aren't from this dimension. Or it could be-"Brooke was wide eyed as she finished her friend's sentence.
"Maybe we're cursed too..."
"Well,that is a likely explanation too."Brenda said.
"But haven't you ever hugged your family members?"Tohru asked. Brooke nodded as Brenda shook her head.
"I don't like people touching me. Brooke on the other hand becomes Momiji when ever she sees a cute boy."Mentioned girl was then glared at.
"Well,maybe it just happened after we came here. And we're not even positive we are cursed Brenda."Brooke said. Brenda clapped.
"I am truly amazed. You have actually made a good point for once. Did you take your smart pills this morning?" Brooke glared at her.
"Shut up. We need to figure out a way to find out if we're cursed or not."Brooke snapped.
"Stress would be the only way, seeing as how there's no guys we can hug that aren't cursed. Too bad I can't have an asthma attack on cue."Brenda said.
"You have asthma?"Yuki asked. Brenda smiled.
"yeah, it's not as bad as it used to be, but I still have to be careful at times. But after a couple years playing trumpet in band and playing soccer after school, my bronchial tubes are a lot stronger."
"I got it!"Brooke suddenly shouted. Everyone stared at her.
"Brenda,think about the moments that inspired most of your poems." silence filled the room as everyone stared at Brenda when suddenly there was a poof of grey smoke and a large black dog with red ears and white paws and grey eyes sat where the brunette originally was.
"Bitch!How many times have I told you not to bring that up!"the dog growled out before jumping at the girl and biting her arm. Brooke yelped and tried to get her off, before finally Shigure pulled the angry dog off the red head. Brenda struggled for a minute before giving up.Shigure let go of her, and she walked over to where her clothes were and picked them up in her mouth before walking out of the room. A minute later they all heard the all too familiar poof, and Brenda came back in dressed and in human form.Tohru looked at Brenda and noticed somehting was different.
"Brenda-chan, you're eyes are grey. Weren't they brown before?"she asked. Brooke, who's cuts were being bandaged by Yuki, went wide eyed. Brenda glared down at Tohru.
"Dammit girl,you've blown my cover!" Brenda shouted. Brooke shot up, nearly knocking Yuki down, and ran out of the room. Brenda pulled out a pair of scissors, grinning evilly,and ran after her. The others sweatdropped.
"I'm going to guess she has a split personality?"shigure said. Ayame watched as the two ran through the living room.
"Damn my short legs!"Brooke shouted.
"Come back here!"Everyone's sweatdrops got larger as they ran out again. A minute later Brooke was back in the living room, panting as she leaned on the door.
"I think*pant*I lost her!" she was too tired from running to notice her "friend" standing behind her, scissors in hand.
"Brooke-san-"Yuki started, but it was too late. *snip*Brooke was wide eyed as she saw a large amount of orangish brown hair fall to the floor. Everyone blinked as they noticed how much Brooke looked like a guy now. Brenda smirked as she stepped back. Brooke twitched.
"Oh, Brenda..."she said somewhat innocently((coughyehrightcough)).From nowhere she pulled out a pair of scissors. Brenda went wide eyed as she turned around. Brooke grabbed the girl's loose ponytail and cut right below the scrunchie. Brenda froze and began to whimper as her once waist length straight hair curled at it's new shoulder length.
"Brooke...." she seethed. She turned around,her eyes now blood red and a dark aura surrounding her.Brooke gulped,then ran away screaming.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now I really made her mad!"
"Get Back here!"
The others sighed as they ran around the room,until finally Brooke stopped to catch her breath.Brenda dove at her, but Brooke dodged, making the girl ram her head into the corner of the wall with a loud crack. Kyo,who was closer went to check on her. The girl was unconscious, and there was a small trickle of blood going down her fore head. Brooke saw this.
"Uh-oh..." Kyo glared at her.
"Is that all you can say? You could have killed her doing that!" he shouted.
"I didn't know that would happen!She's done that so many times, and it never knocked her out!Plus I didn't think she would hit that hard!"she exclaimed. Shigure sighed.
"Aya, could you go call hatori?" Ayame nodded as he walked out of the room to call.