Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wolf ❯ anoying brothers and kisses ( Chapter 10 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 10
When she came back she was soaking wet. “OH Kyia-san you're soaking wet! You should change your clothes.” “Ok.” She didn't put up much effort to argue that she was okay. “You know kyia it may not hurt to actually speak more than 3 words to her. It wouldn't hurt.” “Yeah I know it's just I don't really know how to talk to other females except grandmother and the junishi.” “Just go change.”
She was walking back downstairs while toweling her orange hair dry. “Hi Hatori.” Is someone on the phone with him?” she wondered. She turned around the corner to look down the hall and saw that he was there. “Hi tori-nii.” She said. “You're starting to sound like him Kyia!!” Shigure partially yelled. They both just glared at him.
“I heard that you came back soaking wet…. You feel okay?” Hatori said ignoring Shigure right behind him making faces. “Yeah I feel great… why? Is there some other reason you're actually here? Because if there is you suck at lying about it.” She said. Hatori just shook his head and grinned. “You know I hate the fact that you can smell lying and stuff.” “Yeah well let me tell you can come in handy sometimes. Because it's working right now and I'm making you nervous right now right?” “Yes.”
Kyia walked past them and looked in the kitchen and saw that Kyo and Tohru had started dinner. “Need a hand?” she said as she popped her head in the door. “No we don't need you right now. Do you know if Hatsaharu and Hatori are staying for dinner?” “No idea.” Shigure poked her in the shoulder from in the hall and quietly nodded. “Shigure says that they are.”
Dinner that night turned out to be quite a noisy event. She left the table very early and just wanted to go to sleep. “Hey.” She turned around and saw that Hatori standing right behind her. Hello…” “You sure you're okay? Because when Shigure called me he said you seemed pretty down. Not only that it's been spreading like wildfire that you and Hatsaharu ran into your dad.” “Yeah I'm fine with this. It's ok.” “I'm not so sure. Because Shigure also said that you seemed depressed when Ayame was talking to you too.” “Hatori you're not even my full brother yet you're annoying. I said I'm fine and I am.” She growled. “Whatever.” He said unconvinced. Having said that he turned around and left. She sighed and walked back up to her room. “Darn it!! I know he's trying to be nice it's just that he's so annoying about it!! He's going to turn into Kyo if he isn't careful!” she thought angrily. Then there was a knock on her bedroom door. “Come in.” She called. This time it was Haru. “What do you want?” “Just seeing you?” he asked sarcastically. Yeah well go away and leave me alone all of you!” she said sounding really tired. “No.” “Not until you tell me what's bugging you.” “You are bugging me.” Well then what happened with Ayame?” “Nothing go away. Well if you must know it's just he was being really annoying and I was really missing grandmother and grandfather.
There ya go it's not that hard to open up is it? He grinned. Shut up! And GET THE HELL OUT!!!” she yelled at him. Haru stepped up to her and then kissed her. “YOU ARE SO DEAD.”
Meanwhile downstairs “some things never change.” Shigure sighed.