Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wolf ❯ dear readers ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dear readers…
This chapter I would like to thank all of reviewers….
MikoMiko- nice name. You see this is a story of the imagination. Were you can pretend…. Now kyia is a figment of my imagination. I don't know what you meant by Mary sue. However I really enjoyed toasting cyber marshmallows over your flame. Oh yeah thanks for being the first to flame me.
Kaira2828- I am so glad that you have enjoyed my fanfic thus far. And if they had put it in the book I wouldn't be writing it. It thrills me to no end that you have you have enjoyed and told me so!! It gives the author much joy to know that its audience likes one's story.
Jenny B. - thanks for reviewing after almost every chapter. It made me feel really special to have you review it. Again it helps me know where to take it. And it also tells me that people are reading this story.
Mortem- you probably are right it is hard to read with the little quotation thingies. However that is how my English teacher taught me to write stories some habits die hard as I say.
Even if you don't review I hope you have enjoyed this story.