Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Once More, With Pirates ❯ Break Me, Shake Me ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Oh look! A note! …cough… Anyhow, sorry it took so long to get this finished and up. I was attacked by a vicious plot bunny of another sort, and the infection spread. Check back on my bio soon, there will be an announcement of the bizarre sort. Involving three writers, an artist, a pair of alchemists, two story-arcs, and a lot of insanity.
Break Me, Shake Me
So you're the kind who deals with the games in the mind; Well you confuse me in a way that I've never known; You confuse me in a way that I've never known - Savage Garden
Havoc was relaxed. His legs were stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles, and his hands were clasped behind his head. He could almost forget he was sailing through hard vacuum if he kept his eyes closed.
Not that he knew exactly what hard vacuum was. He's heard enough from the chatter around him for the past couple days to know it would be a Very Bad Thing to get caught in it. He understood enough to know that meant no air to breathe. He understood there was no escape. He didn't need to know any more.
So he sat behind Marie and Arruna with his eyes closed, letting their soft voices flow over him. He didn't doze. He was still a bit too tense for that; but he wasn't going to blow a blood vessel. That was also enough, in his opinion.
He heard Arruna mention taking a special flight path, so that Marie could get a look at the Enterprise the right way. The way Havoc understood it was that the pilot was flying in such a way that the ship couldn't be seen until he angled the shuttle around to let it be seen. That did, of course, mean that he would be in the small craft for much longer than normal.
As much as he hated the idea, he liked the brilliant smile Marie had given him when he `paid' Arruna to take the scenic route more.
He barely felt a shift in the position of the shuttle, and had to give Arruna credit. The young man was damn good.
“Showtime,” Arruna said softly.
Marie gasped.
Havoc's curiosity got the better of him, and he cautiously opened one eye…
…then he opened the other.
Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc, a soldier, a veteran of the Ishbal conflict, Sharp-Shooter… suddenly forgot how to do something as simple as breathe.
Without realizing it, he slowly came out of his seat, crouched between the two in front, and just stared in silent awe. Arruna was rattling off specs and pointing features out, but Havoc didn't hear a word. All he could think as he stared at the sensuous curves of the enormous ship was that it didn't look like a machine. The main disc flowed into the lower section, which flowed into the two nacelles in a way that was almost organic.
The `scenic route' was an understatement, as Arruna slid the shuttle over the top, barely tens of meters from skating the tiled, pearlescent surface; then came around to do it again from underneath. The pilot's skill with the shuttle so close had done much to ease Havoc's nerves. The light play of his fingers across the slick console acted like an experienced lover's caress as he kept the small craft at just the right distance; not so far as to be impersonal, but just close enough to be intimate.
He'd heard sailors refer to their ships in the feminine, but this was the first time Havoc had ever seen anything that actually earned being called she. Nowhere was the absolute femaleness of the Enterprise more apparent than when Arruna brought the shuttle around and headed straight between the spread nacelles for the deck that was opening up for them…
Havoc slammed the brakes on that imagery quickly when he felt Marie's eyes on him. He blinked and looked at her, certain that the heat he felt in his face was as obvious as a beacon.
She gave him a knowing smile and said, “Told you it was worth it.”
He could only grin sheepishly.
Yellow Alert.
“Data, report,” Picard said the instant the ship went on the low-level alert.
The Android's fingers played rapidly across the console. “Sensors picked up an energy wave from the planet's surface, Sir. The data indicates it is of the same sort that came from Fullmetal previously.” He faced the Captain and said, “It will not affect our systems nor the people on board, with the exception of the Alchemists.”
Picard nodded. “Raise shields.”
From behind him, the communications officer said, “Captain, we have an incoming shuttle.”
“Three point four-seven minutes, Sir.”
“The leading edge of the energy wave will reach the Enterprise approximately point seven seconds later,” Data added.
“As soon as that shuttle is inside the bay, I want those shields up.”
“Riker to Bridge.”
Picard smiled at the sound of that voice. He was far from surprised that his Number One would call; even with it just a yellow alert, and on his down-time.
Will Riker just leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest and let the voices roll over him. In the middle of the table the holodeck session replayed in miniature; some parts over and over. It took some favors to be able to requisition the extra power to play it back this way; especially since this wasn't actually a priority. But it was worth it to observe the enigmas standing around the table.
He was hardly surprised when Spike was able to grasp the advanced technology on the Enterprise. His time line wasn't that far behind theirs; and was actually ahead on the ability to create, harness and utilize wormholes. They called them astral gates, but the concept was the same.
It was Edward that had him fascinated, though. And his brother, Alphonse. From a world that was behind Riker's by four hundred years in technology. Perhaps more, since they weren't even in the process of developing airflight. And yet, both boys were grasping concepts that even he had difficulty with when he was that age. And if they didn't grasp something at first, they worried at it until they started to. Edward was the most vocal of the two when it came to working things out and trying to understand, but Riker wasn't fooled by the quiet contemplation of Alphonse. He'd already heard too many reports from Geordi and Data about him and the girl.
Riker had been impressed from the beginning by the ability of the rest of the group from that universe to just accept those things that were far beyond their own experience; and to reason beyond superstition and taboo. More than once these people came up against technology that mirrored their own alchemy in ways that were deeply ingrained as wrong. And yet, time and again, he heard the words, “This is not our world.” Again with the tone of acceptance, not disappointment, not fear, not even revulsion.
Riker held no fantasies that this was some utopian world where everyone had wonderfully open minds. He had a feeling that Mustang and his staff were actually unique in that regard. But he was certain that as brilliant and open-minded as they were, the Elric brothers were an even brighter spark of that potential.
He watched the lively debate and bantering that went on between Spike and Fullmetal, storing bits and pieces for later analysis. The way the boy related to the older man looked to be unique, but it told him a lot. There seemed to be an easiness between the two of them that they didn't share with anyone else. It made the teenager more open. Definitely less tightly strung and ready to leap at the first perceived offence.
The mystery of the halo around the boy's head in the holodeck would temporarily remain a mystery as the yellow alert klaxon whooped suddenly, causing Spike and Al to jerk their heads up from the images on the table and for Fullmetal to snap into a defensive crouch. Okay, so he's still a little tightly strung, Riker thought as he tapped the combadge. “Riker to Bridge,” he said.
“Picard here.”
“Captain, why did we just go to yellow alert?”
He could hear the light chuckle over the comm, and felt himself relax. Picard briefly filled him in on the energy wave headed for the ship, and told him it wasn't serious enough for the Commander to be on the bridge. His only order was to keep an eye on Fullmetal and Alphonse, since the wave was similar to the one that Ed had emitted before.
“A shuttle is arriving and will dock at approximately the same time the leading edge of the energy wave hits, so we will be cutting it close with the shields,” Picard said.
Riker smiled over at the boys, who were listening intently. “Understood Captain. Riker out.”
Edward's eyes were wide with curiosity as he relaxed out of his defensive stance. “Commander,” he said. “What exactly happened? When I woke up, I mean.”
“Didn't Dr Crusher tell you?”
“Yeah, but it was so full of mumbo-jumbo, I'm still not exactly sure.” He snorted and added, “And the Bastard Colonel only gave me a hard time about it. Said I was going to be charged with the damage to the ship and injuries to the crew.”
Riker had to laugh. He'd heard the gossip of the antics in Sick Bay. He knew that Mustang took great joy in pushing the boy's buttons; but he also knew the man cared very deeply for both the brothers and had only antagonized Edward to distract him from the pain of having his metal limbs reattached. He didn't know that he'd given the boy the impression he was in serious trouble, though.
“First of all,” Riker said. “No, you're not in trouble. The thought had never even crossed the Captain's mind.” He saw Edward relax a little. “As to what actually happened, your guess is as good as ours. I'm afraid the only information we have on Alchemists is what we've learned from your group.” He turned his seat, and activated a screen on the table. “I can give you what we do have, if you want.”
Spike smirked and moved in behind Riker to look over his shoulder. “Long story short Ed; you wake up cranky and demanding.”
“You would too, if you were missing half your limbs and all your clothes,” Ed grumbled as he leaned over Riker's other shoulder.
As the information began to scroll up the screen, Riker leaned over, and set the communications to monitor the activity on the bridge. That wave of energy might not warrant his presence now, but he wanted to be ready, just in case. He kept the volume low enough to not be intrusive, but he could still hear.
There was some concern mentioned when Ed read the report about the effect the wave had on his brother… with the expected scolding from Ed and the mollifying from Al; but Ed's curiosity piqued at the report of McKenna's disappearance.
“You have no idea where she went?” Ed asked.
Riker shook his head. “No trace. It's possible that she might be down on the planet, but with the contamination interfering with the search for anyone down there, we can't know for certain until the search is completed.”
In the background, Riker heard the report of the shuttle arriving in the bay, and the order for the shields to raise. Over that, he heard Data calmly inform the Captain that the leading edge of the energy wave was hitting the ship at that moment. As soon as the words were out of the android's mouth, Riker felt a low rumble and saw Ed take a step back as though his footing had been disturbed.
A feeling of tightness swept thought the room on a wave that was warm and cool all at once, and the hair on Riker's arms stood on end. On a hunch, Riker said, “Computer, focus a full-spectrum scan on Edward Elric. Continue scanning until I give the order to end.”
Before Ed could question this, his eyes went wide and unfocused. He was rooted to the spot with the stiffness of a bronze statue.
“Riker, what the—“ Spike said behind him, but the Commander raised a hand and kept his eyes on Ed. Riker's suspicions were confirmed immediately, as a slight halo appeared around the boy. It grew in size and intensity, then quickly faded. As soon as it was gone, whatever grip it had on Ed was gone, as well.
Of Alphonse, there was nothing but a slight spark that faded as quickly as it had appeared.
“What the hell just happened?” Spike asked.
“Brother?” Al queried.
Edward blinked in confusion, and looked around. Then he wrapped his arms around himself as though he'd been chilled, flushed furiously, and looked away from the other two men as though he were deeply ashamed of something.
“Good question,” Riker said. “Ed? What did you feel just then?”
“N-nothing.” He faced the men again, but he couldn't hide that intense look of shame on his face; couldn't meet their eyes. “Really. It… was nothing.”
Al moved close to his brother, and rested a gauntleted hand on his shoulder. “Brother, something happened. I saw a halo around you. And then you looked… upset.”
Edward snarled, and flung Al's hand off his shoulder. “I'm fine, damnit.” He stomped away, and turned his back to the group. He stared out through the port with his arms crossed over his chest, and his back stiff.
Riker watched the exchange with interest. Ed was acting like he'd been touched intimately, and without his consent. The Commander silently wished Deanna had been here. But then, a woman's presence might make it worse for the boy, he thought.
“What about you, Al?” he asked.
The armor rattled a little as he shrugged. “Not much, Commander Riker. Not like last time.” He placed a hand on the breastplate of the armor and said, “I can't feel things the way you or Brother can. Not without a real body—“
Riker was keeping one eye on Edward while he listened to Al, and noticed the boy's shoulders hunch at the mention of his brother not having a body.
“—but I felt something that kinda made me think of a tickle. It was very quick, though.”
Riker nodded. “Standard procedure when we're dealing with an unknown encounter of any kind is to make an official report,” he said, more for Edward's benefit, than Al's. “We need to talk to the Captain.”
Ed barely turned and said, “Are you making that an order, Commander?”
Al came up behind his brother, and said softly, “I know something happened that made you uncomfortable, Brother. But if this information will help get us home, shouldn't you tell Captain Picard and Commander Riker what you felt?”
“Edward,” Riker said, “if it'll help, we can set it up so the report is given in private. Just you and the Captain. I can even call Counselor Troi in, if it'll help.”
Ed scowled at him. “Why?”
“Someone who isn't… intimidating,” Riker said. “And being an empath, she would be able to help you voice what happened.”
Ed snorted derisively. “I think you are all making a bigger deal out of this than it is.”
Spike held his hands out and shrugged. “You can't talk him into it Riker. Looks like we'll have to tell Mustang, and let him deal with it.”
Riker didn't miss the spark of mischief in the lanky man's eyes, and knew what he was up to. After seeing the scowl on Edward's face, he knew just how he'd play along. “Of course, there's also the required visit to sick bay,” he said. He faced Ed. “It's required, when there's an unknown encounter and the person refuses to report to the Captain.” Ed's eyes went widened slightly, and he shook his head. “We have to make sure you're not a danger to the crew and the ship, after all,” Riker pressed.
“Okay, okay! Jeeze!” Ed said, then sighed. “Just don't make me go back to sick bay!”
“Computer, analyze the scan of Edward Elric. Locate any anomalous readings, transfer the data to the bridge,” Riker said with a smile.
McKenna screamed.
In the center of the ring were faces. Hundreds of them. Sad, mournful… tortured. Some of the faces looked angry; some look like they'd gone completely insane. Ghosts.
All of them were looking at her. Seeing her. Eyes accusing. Eyes that reminded her of a desert sunset. Some were trying to talk to her, but no sound came out.
She crept backwards along the cold floor, shaking. Her back came up against a wall, and yet she wasn't far enough away from those faces. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed and turned her head away. Tears rolled unnoticed down her cheeks.
“You know them, don't you?” Q said in her ear.
McKenna shook her head.
She felt a rough grip on her chin, and her head was jerked painfully around. Her eyes snapped open and met the entity's.
“You'd wondered where they went,” he said. He cast a sideways glance at the ring filled with ghostly faces. “Caught in a hellish limbo. Not alive, not dead. Between realities and unable to interact with any of them.” He leaned in close, and whispered intimately in her ear. “Look at them, McKenna.”
She jerked her chin free of his grip and turned away. “No,” she moaned.
He gripped her by her chin again and by the back of her head. He forced her to turn; forced her to confront her sin.
“This is where they are,” he said. “All those Ishballans you just made disappear.”