Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed-up ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My sort-of friend Kikyo got up and stretched. “Melaney.” I didn't listen. “Melaney.” Still, I sat with my eyes fixed on the glowing TV. “KAGOME HIGURASHI!!” She yelled, making me jump even though I'd been expecting it.
“I was just thinking…”
“That's great, Kikyo!”
“No, I mean there's something wrong here. Your wardrobe consists of anime t-shirts and jeans. You cannot communicate normally with normal kids, so you hang with otakus all the time. You refuse to answer to your given name, instead preferring that of a fictional character. You watch too much anime!” I was drawn to the screen again, mainly because Fullmetal Alchemist was coming on but also because it wasn't what I wanted to hear. “KAGOME!!!”
“I said, you watch too much anime!”
“I heard you…” I trailed off, singing along to the credits.
All of a sudden, something happened.
The TV hopped.
It danced the Mariachi.
It recited the Gettysburg Address in Portuguese. Portugese. Protegees. Something weird, ok!
Then, everything disappeared.
The next thing we knew we were seemingly outside.
It looked different though, and then we both looked down.
White yukata, red hakama. Both of us looked at each other.
“You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? “ I asked.
“Feudal Japan?” Kikyo jumped in time to dodge an awfully familiar golden blast.
I watched as the owner of said blast—all of his white-haired, doggy-eared self—appeared over the hill.
“Oh, yeah.”
I thought I smelled a coupla' rats,” sneered Inuyasha. Kikyo had already took off, eeping and whooping. I took a deep breath.
“I'm not a rat.” I said back, my voice level. “I am a human. And, if I do say so, I have no business with omnipotent Hanyo such as yourself. Good day.” I turned and walked in Kikyo's general direction, hoping that was all it would take. No such luck.
“Get back here Kikyo!!” I jumped. The voice was strained, near cracking. “Don't just turn away! Please.”
He was talking to the wrong person. But this was Inuyasha…he could smell it if he was wrong.
“But—“ I turned, not quite seeing the blur before it was too late.
“I'm sorry…” the warm breath that I felt told me everything, anyway. “I'm sorry. Please don't run.”
“I…” great. If this was an episode, I hadn't seen it yet. Line please? “I'm sorry too Koi. I`m sorry I hurt you.” A diversion…sure, I was getting hugged by the guy voted 5th hottest bishie and best plushie in my anime club…but it was freaky! “Someone is coming…my other half, let go.”
“Somewhere else; another time. Goodbye.” I left, just as footsteps climbed the hill and a heated conversation ensued. At least I was lucky in this world.