Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed-up ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The next thing both of us knew we were inside and I mean really “inside”. We were in the main house at Sohma Manor, which at the moment could have been the site of the Japanese version of WWE. Kikyo was quite content to fake-faint, a skill that worked like a charm at home. Ayame stared for a moment, then let out the breath he'd been holding through his relaxed lips. He sounded somewhat like a horse. A huge, white-haired, shonen-ai horse.
“Well, it's happened again.” he sighed, glancing at Akito. “You want to explain? If memory serves it is your turn.”
Akito growled and sat up from his position facedown on the floor. “It most certainly is not, Ayame-chan.”
“Is too Akito-kun.”
“Is not.”
“Is too.”
Five minutes later…
Kikyo picked herself up and tapped on Yuki, who'd been watching them since we'd got there. “Tylenol?”
Kyo chuckled, not taking his eyes off the two “Snot Stew makers”. “Oh, man…all day.”
Kikyo laughed, settling herself next to Yuki in front of the empty couch. “Come on, Kagome. They're not going to get done anytime soon.” I sat down, sighing.
“Hey Akito!”
“Snot! What?”
“Let's play squeakies!!”
“Okie-dokie!!!” They then began to squeak at each other in weird, larynx-straining ways until Akito, finally, trying to perform an impossible vocal feat, made a sound that sounded somewhat like a fart.
“You lose!” Cried Ayame, taking up a notebook and pen. “I'll record it! Aya's Important News (Ripped off from the Ya-Yas.) Akito Poots and Gets Disqualified!” He smiled proudly at a bad drawing of a squirrel.
Yuki, meanwhile, had been explaining to Kikyo the finer points of what was happening.
“Every now and then the “fabric” that separates the anime universe from your world—actually, it's more like the gate on Fullmetal Alchemist—opens slightly and, well…random fangirls end up over here.”
“Okay, that's it.” Kikyo replied. “After this, neither of us are watching one bit of anime—right, Kagome?”
“Are you kidding?” I asked. “We get to see bishies, explore legends, and improve our cultural knowledge! Who'd want to go home?” Of course it was then that Ayame drew everyone's attention with a loud smacking sound—which turned out to come from him kissing Akito full on the mouth.
“Okaaaay.” Said Kikyo, just as the room dissolved around us.