Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Are we still human (fma ) ❯ meetings ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: lostjackal Ed and al were on the 711 to were no one knew they had ran way so they could conplet there mission with out hurting the ones they love the train started to slow down *brother why are we stopping were not suppose to be there till tomorrow* mmmhm what yeah what ever al “wait” why have we stopped* intercom *lands and gelentelmen we are having trouble with the engines but lucky we have brook down next to a town if you would please exit the train we will started reparse thank * * damn this suck we better go find some were to stay tonight al come on* *coming brother* al and ed walk along the copper stone streets of a small Italian staidly town people walk by glancing at the to brother like they were up to something * we don’t like stranger a around here were might u too be from* a small old lip man in his mid 50 ask *jard live them alone the train broke down there be leaning when its fix plus if they cause in problems ill handle it* fine but if you don’t you have to leave town and never come back * *fine*ed look at the to the girl came out of no were she had long brown hair with to blue strips in it she was as pale as snow her eyes were green grey he liked her look she turn her head to face them * you boys got a place to stay * *no* she smiled at them it been at least two years since some one came to this piece of shit town but she could leave cuz of the damn military they would fined her she came out of her thoughts and said * my names Jessie you can stay with me and my friend if you want im sure she wont mind * that was a lie byrana would go insane she could here her know * no no no the house is a mess we can let them in yet*Jessie smile to her self ed look at al *so want you think al* *she seem really nice brother * *ok then we would like to stay with you *
Ok got to go bye oh yeah in this story they are 17ed and 15 al bye
Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction | Genre(s): | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.02.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 413 | Visits: 222 | Status: Teaser
Ed and al were on the 711 to were no one knew they had ran way so they could conplet there mission with out hurting the ones they love the train started to slow down *brother why are we stopping were not suppose to be there till tomorrow* mmmhm what yeah what ever al “wait” why have we stopped* intercom *lands and gelentelmen we are having trouble with the engines but lucky we have brook down next to a town if you would please exit the train we will started reparse thank * * damn this suck we better go find some were to stay tonight al come on* *coming brother* al and ed walk along the copper stone streets of a small Italian staidly town people walk by glancing at the to brother like they were up to something * we don't like stranger a around here were might u too be from* a small old lip man in his mid 50 ask *jard live them alone the train broke down there be leaning when its fix plus if they cause in problems ill handle it* fine but if you don't you have to leave town and never come back * *fine*ed look at the to the girl came out of no were she had long brown hair with to blue strips in it she was as pale as snow her eyes were green grey he liked her look she turn her head to face them * you boys got a place to stay * *no* she smiled at them it been at least two years since some one came to this piece of shit town but she could leave cuz of the damn military they would fined her she came out of her thoughts and said * my names Jessie you can stay with me and my friend if you want im sure she wont mind * that was a lie byrana would go insane she could here her know * no no no the house is a mess we can let them in yet*Jessie smile to her self ed look at al *so want you think al* *she seem really nice brother * *ok then we would like to stay with you *
Ok got to go bye oh yeah in this story they are 17ed and 15 al bye