Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Bluebird's Fantasy ❯ Wrath ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“So this is Wrath?” said Greed skeptically, he actually raised an eyebrow at the sight of her. “Doesn't look very intimidating…”muttered Lust, appraising the girl.
Envy remained silent, he was thinking the same thought as Greed, but the sight of the newest addition to their family unnerved him. It looked exactly the same as the blonde girl he and the others had chased around the entire country. Well, she wasn't an ordinary blonde girl. She was a Nationally Certified Alchemist, by the name of Rena….Rena something. He had never bothered to learn her last name. Anyway, he mainly called her Shirou-chan when they had captured her. He had enjoyed seeing her get mad at him for calling her by the stupid nickname. “Why are her eyes different?” asked Envy finally, staring at the girl. Unlike the rest of them, she still retained her original eye colour of gold, although her eyes were dulled. Normally, upon consuming Red stone, a Homunculus' eyes turned purple and the pupils became slits.
Father looked mildly surprised by his observation.
“As I created her using the original body, she isn't a Homunculus like the rest of you. She is, slightly different.”
“Okkaaaay…”said Greed, “So what is that difference, old man?”
Father sniffed disapprovingly at the name Greed called him, but didn't immediately reprimand him.
“Wrath here, can use alchemy. Very useful as you will soon see,” he said putting an arm on the new Homunculus' shoulder.
“So the array is to control what she can do?” said Lust.
From the neck down, in blood red, on all visible skin, the girl had an exceptionally complex alchemy array written into her. Her right arm was exceptionally heavily marked. “Partially. I've actually put onto her, the very own alchemy array she herself created,” said Father proudly.
“So you're saying you mooched off the brat's research,” grinned Greed.
Father glared at the middle-aged Homunculus. Greed was of all of them, the most insolent and insulting towards Father.
“That's NOT the point,” he growled.
Envy snickered. Father was SO losing it. Lust sighed and actually walked away. Gluttony had left an hour ago to go eat and Sloth was sleeping.
“Well…anyway…Envy, you are going to be paired up with Wrath.”
“You're the oldest, she's the youngest. It balances out.”
“Not to mention the fact she has the same outfit as you do…”snickered Greed.
“Is there something wrong with what I wear?” growled Envy dangerously. Wrath did wear the same outfit he did, just that it was a bit longer. He wore a tight black sleeveless shirt that started at the neck, and ended just below the rib cage, black shin protectors, tight black gloves, and a tight black skort. The short part of the skort was tight. The skirt bit wasn't. On him, it didn't even reach his knees, on Wrath, it did.
“Your job Envy, will be to train her, teach her, and in some cases, possibly protect her. She's Your little sister now,” smiled Father.
Lust breathed a sigh of relief.
“Finally, someone else those two get to pick on…”
“What was THAT???!!”
YAWN…Sasuke stared at his clock as he woke up. DAMN, he'd be late again. Then the date hit him. How long had it been without her? Two weeks? Felt more like two years. His little sister Rena, or Shirou-chan as he sometimes called her, had gone missing. Disappearing from a completely impenetrable military building, where she worked as a State Alchemist; well secretary was more like it, but she had the qualifications. Sasuke ate hurriedly. If he was late, he'd be getting hell from the General. He could almost hear the old man's voice, shrieking at him.
`MAJOR! WHAT THE HELL?! YOU'RE LATE! Why can't you be more like Colonel Mustang? He's Always on time!!'
Sasuke growled as he ran out the door of his apartment. Damn Mustang, the goody two shoes. He was always just ahead of him by just barely. He was 1 year older, 2 ranks higher, 1 inch taller, 1 tiny bit more popular and in every test, beat him by .1%. It drove Sasuke mad. How was it possible to beat 100% on a test when there were no bonus marks??! God Damn it, he thought as he rushed to towards the office buildings of the military.
Grumbling to himself, Sasuke sorted through the mail. It used to be Rena's job, although she was overqualified to do this kind of work. She had been firmly convinced that it was because she was Eastern and blonde that she had been given such a dumb job. She had hated dumb blonde jokes, and most people got hurt if they made one. Being undercover REALLY sucked. Sasuke himself was a Nationally Certified Alchemist, and was currently stationed in Eastern Headquarters to supervise the doings of the General. He hated this job, he hoped something would happen so that he could quit the charade, and beat Mustang to a pulp. Much to his surprise, part of his wish came true within two seconds of his thinking it. An explosion rocked the building. Shocked, Sasuke jumped up immediately, and ran over to a window to see what was going on. Thick smoke was coming from the direction of the secondary office buildings. A flash of yellow light came from that direction as well. Sasuke squinted at them. “Alchemy?” he murmured, observing the light. He was pretty sure he could see the electrical sparks of energy that accompanied a transmutation.
“Major! Remain where you are!” shouted Mustang running past him. Would it KILL the man to learn his last name? Was Kusanagi REALLY that hard to pronounce? Sure it looked intimidating on a sheet of paper, but it wasn't that bad…was it? Glaring at the man, he waited for all the soldiers to pass by. Then glancing around, Sasuke climbed out the window. If an alchemist was involved in whatever the hell was going on, those men wouldn't stand a chance.