Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Bluebird's Fantasy ❯ Greetings... ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was so, unbelievably hard to get anything done right with Wrath. You had to specify every little damn thing with her, you also couldn't leave her alone for more than a second, without something horrible happening. It was hard to believe that she had been a genius. This entire mission's point was to do it quietly. Greed and Envy had been going over the finer details, when Wrath blew up the building with her destruction array marked right arm.
“No you IDIOT!” yelled Envy, slapping the girl's face, “You weren't supposed to blow it up!”
Wrath stared at him with her lost, blank golden eyes.
She clapped her hands together and touched the ruins. In a flash of yellow light and crackle of electricity, the building rebuilt itself.
“I didn't say to put it back together, you moron!”
Wrath blew it up again.
It went back together.
“G..GO STAND OVER THERE!” he yelled at her.
She did as she was told.
Greed sighed.
“We should've left when she blew it up the first time.”
“Picked it up quickly didn't you?” commented Greed.
“It's not that hard a language you baka…”
“I'm not dumb Envy, I understood that.”
“That's not the point, I told you to shut up.”
“I'm not going to.”
“I said SHUT UP!”
“Why should I?”
“Because I'm older than you!”
The two Homunculi were glaring at each other so intently, they didn't notice the approach of a soldier.
“HEY! You two there! Stick'em up!”
The idiot human…he hadn't noticed Wrath.
“Boy, what a bummer, we've been spotted,” grinned Envy maliciously. He couldn't wait to see that guy's guts all over the floor.
The man was smart, he got the idea that they were going to try and kill him; so he thought. Try was not what they were going to do; they were going to massacre him. The man fired point blank at Envy with a machine gun. Blood gushed out of Envy's mouth, as the green haired youth fell back.
“ENVY!!” shouted Wrath, charging forward. The man opened fire on her. Greed smirked. On top of being able to use alchemy, Wrath also had another special ability that was unique to the Homunculi.
Each one had their own special ability:
Envy could shape shift, Lust could extend her nails into claws that could cut anything, Gluttony could eat anything and he ate everything mind you, Sloth…well she never did anything so who knew, Pride could see almost everything, even the flows of air and possibly through walls, but the jerk was so proud he never said anything about his abilities. Greed could turn his skin into an impenetrable armour, and Wrath…Wrath could move faster than anyone could possibly imagine.
The teenaged girl dodged through all the bullets and had grabbed the man's face with her right hand before he could blink. Greed winced in mock sympathy with the man. He was about to die a very, very messy death. The man's head exploded, blood gushing out of his ears, nose mouth and the back of his head. He was dead before he even hit the ground.
“Wrath…what the hell was that for?” asked Envy getting up, bullets popping out of his skin around him. Another trait of the Homunculi: They couldn't die.
It was thanks to the Red stone that this wonderful property existed. Even if they were stabbed straight through the heart, brain or any other vital place, they wouldn't die. They simply lost a life, out of the hundreds of thousands of millions that were contained inside a single Red stone. On top of having multiple lives, the Homunculi also had regenerating powers. If they were severed in half, for example, the larger half would re-grow the missing part of the body, including the clothes, quite convenient actually.
Quite suddenly, a large spike pushed itself out of the ground to impale Greed. He was only mildly shocked, to have been caught off guard, and was only slightly peeved that he had lost a life.
“Oh my God…it's a palm tree wearing a skirt…”muttered a male voice shocked staring at Envy. Greed couldn't help but snicker. `Palm tree with a skirt' that's a good one…he thought. Through the corner of his eye he could see the alchemist who had killed him. A young man of about 18 years wearing a blue military uniform was kneeling on the ground, hands placed upon a transmutation circle drawn on dirt. The kid was skilled, to have drawn such an effective circle so quickly. Greed shattered the spike with his hands, and began to dust of the bits of rubble on his jacket and pants. He looked towards Envy. He really did look like a palm tree with his crazy long green hair!
“Hey palm tree!”
Envy glared at him.
“Let's go, we'll blow it up on the way.”
Envy nodded slowly, he hated taking Greed's advice, even if it was good advice.
“Yeah, let's. Wrath!” he called over his shoulder.
Wrath came running from where she had been hidden in the shadows. The boy alchemist gave a gasp of shock as she ran by him.
“Blow it up,” ordered Envy.
Wrath punched the building with her right arm and it exploded. The three Homunculi left, unconcernedly, walking.
All he could do was stare after them. It was impossible to get through that rubble, even with alchemy. His mind was blank fuzz. That…that couldn't have been her… That was just impossible. Impossible, Rena was missing. That couldn't be her. It looked nothing like her, he had been hallucinating, all he had seen was a girl of about her age and height, with a very, very similar hair colour. Yes that was it. He had seen who had looked very similar to her, but it wasn't her. WHO WAS HE KIDDING???!! THAT WAS HIS FREAKING LITTLE SISTER!!!!!! But Rena didn't have an Uroborus tattoo on her left shoulder. She had spoken about it once, over dinner, while talking about her research into ancient legends. A winged serpent/dragon monster thing eating its own tail with a six pointed star symbolising alchemy in the middle of the circle. The Uroborus: a symbol of evil, and dark eternity according to the religious Western texts. Here in the East, the symbol represented eternity, time and immortality. Come to think of it, that mark was also on Palm tree and the other guy as well. Palm tree's leg and weird guy with sunglasses' hand. Interesting.