Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Dispair and Revival ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own FMA

Chapter 4
It was dark again. It was that ugly, thick, inky, black, formless, suffocating darkness that enveloped and chilled him so quickly that it tore the little breath he had from him. He hung there in that darkness waiting for something… anything…to set him free. He needed to get away, get away from this ugly darkness and find his brother. His brother was probably hurt and scared and he wasn’t being the big brother he was supposed to be by staying in this darkness and letting whatever creatures had him have their way with him. The muscles in his arms strained harshly against the chains that bound them and his throat burned as he screamed and begged and pleaded for the darkness to set him free and to let him find Al. As his screams echoed around him in the darkness a sound echoed back to him. It was tiny at first, barely above that of the tiniest whisper, yet as it grew louder and the chains around him softer and more supple he longed for that sound again. The sound of his little brother’s voice was calling to him, pleading for him to wake up. He forced his way out of the darkness, towards his brother and a brilliance of light engulfed him and made him burn.
His eyes snapped open with an amount of violence unlike any that had ever been seen before. Those watching stared in hope that he wouldn’t slip into the ramblings he was prone to. Golden eyes flickered around the room as heaving breath slowly clamed to a reasonable level and the fingers in his hair slowly and gently slipped free. Wide, wild eyes flickered around the faces before landing upon Winry’s. A smile graced the girl’s lips and the worry made her oceanic eyes all the more brighter. Edward did not take notice of it though as his eyes flickered around the group and took note that someone, someone very, very close to him was missing from the assembled faces. He turned his gaze back to the worried woman above him and before she could ask or say anything the question burning in the back of his mind sprang forward.
“Where’s Al?” he asked, his voice shaky at best. Winry’s eyes changed from happy relief and faint worry to vibrant worry. He looked around at the other people assembled and saw that same emotion on all of their faces and… something else. W-were they…? They were. They were keeping something from him. They knew where Al was and they weren’t saying a damn thing.
“You know how that boy—“ Auntie Pinako began. Edward threw her the most vile look he could summon.
“He’s not hiding you fucking hag!” he screamed and ripped the IV from his arm. Winry gasped and made to stop him but he did the one thing no one expected him to do to her. He backhanded her so hard that she fell to the floor. The room went deadly silent but Edward Elric never looked back once to the injured girl and began to stumble from the bed. Hands clenched around his arms firmly to hold him where he was but he ripped away falling to the cold tile.
“Don’t you fucking touch me!!!!!!!” tears were pricking the backs of his eyes he knew but he pulled himself to his feet and stumbled towards the hall. Another pair of hands, gloved this time, gripped his shoulders lightly and held firm as he tried to rip away from them.
“Let me go!!!!” he screamed again. The hands held firm though and carefully picked him up, avoiding his injuries as best they could with his struggling. Another pair of hands joined the first in putting him back to bed and binding his arms to the rails. The IV was inserted into his vein again and his ankles were also tied to the bed. Golden eyes whipped around to take in the form of Colonel Roy Mustang and he nearly bit the finger that reached out to wipe the tears from his cheeks.
“Where’s Al?” he repeated harshly. The Colonel didn’t respond as the doctor stepped up to take his vitals.
“You’ll have to calm down, s—“
“Where’s my brother?! I don’t care what you say I have to do I have to find Al!! Where is he?! I know you know where he is!! You’re hiding something from me!! Where’s my little brother?!” The doctor sighed heavily as Edward struggled within his bonds. He regretted this heavily but even so, he injected the sedative into the IV line connected to Edward’s arm. It was the most pathetic sight, seeing this boy slowly falling into nothingness again, tears streaking his skin. Finally his struggles ceased and those in the room turned their faces and gazes away from the poor boy. Winry carefully pulled herself back up and sat at Edward’s bedside, running her fingers through his hair to soothe away any nightmares. The doctor turned on his heel and left.

Pinako sat in one of the harsh hospital chairs in the hallway, waiting for Winry to pull herself from Edward’s side. She knew it would be a while but even so she waited. A hand rested over her folded ones and she looked up into the face of Riza Hawkeye, a motherly type of person she could tell. Pinako smiled up at the woman and patted her hand gently.
“He’ll be just fine,” she said softly. Riza nodded but continued to hold the old woman’s hand.
“I know he will. It still worries me though. How do we tell him that…?” she trailed off and looked back at the tile not able to finish the question. Pinako sighed heavily and also stared at the floor.
“That I’m not very sure of,” she said softly and looked up when Winry stepped from the room. The poor girl’s eyes were downcast and the angry red mark on her right cheek seemed to be fading slightly. Pinako waited for she knew the question was coming.
“Grandma,” she started softly. Pinako smiled. She was always right when it came to her granddaughter.
“You can stay with him, Winry, if the doctor says it’s alright,” she answered. Winry smiled and hugged her.
“Thank you,” Pinako nodded and patted the girl’s back comfortingly before she left and stepped back into the room.
“Is it wise to let her stay with him? What if he wakes up?” Riza said softly. Pinako just smiled.
“You’ve never seen Winry and Edward together before. She’s quite the mothering type if you watch her carefully,” she said and stood. “I’d better get Winry’s things.” Riza nodded before standing as well.
“I’ll help you,”

His feet were pounding upon the nonexistent floor as he ran towards home. The basket of vegetables was under one arm and as he threw the door open calling out a greeting he stopped. The basket fell. The darkness grew as he stared upon his mother laying unmoving upon the floor and his brother beside her… a gapping hole in his chest from where that… thing had torn into him. He choked and his fingers reached out to grab the both of them but the shadows ripped him away. He could hear his little brother’s voice screaming for him, asking where he was, pleading, begging. It brought tears to his eyes and those tears spilled down his face as the shadows clogged his throat and prevented him from calling out to his brother, telling him where he was. Pain wrenched through him like a hot poker as he saw that gelatinous lump of a thing chewing on his brother’s leg while the other two laughed and smirked. He would kill them…he would kill them all!!!!