Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ How to Eat a Reese's Cup ❯ Step 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Step 2
A/N: Hey!! Back again! Lets check to see if poor Envy and Ed are alright shall we?
Ed: I'm going to need some serious help after this.
Envy: Me too. But last time I was thrown out of the shrink's office. Something about being incurable.
Ed: . . .
Envy: Of course I had to kill him afterwards. He knew I was a Homunculus. Can't have that now can we? Right Chibi - san?
Ed and I: . . . .
Ed and I holds up a sign behind Envy's back. It `s says `HELP! Psycho alert! Save us.'
Envy turns around and we being the smart ones we are hide the sign.
Envy: What are you two doing over there?
Ed and me: Noooothing!
Envy: (Raises an eyebrow) Hmm?
Disclaimer: Nope not mine. Check back next week.
Roy Mustang also known as the Flame Alchemist walked into his office sighing. Fullmetal was late, very late. Sighing knowing he wouldn't feel better until he called the blonde short at least once.
He sat down at his desk to find three innocent Reese's cups. Looking around seeing if the pint size alchemist was trying to pull something on him. He glanced back at the cups shrugging. Wouldn't hurt.
He peeled the first one as Lieutenant Hawkeye came through the door. She gave a raised eyebrow at the chocolate before putting the files on the clearly occupied colonel's desk.
Mustang sighed. “Sir, please have all of these done by the end of day.” She monotoned. He nodded. “No use fighting it. I'm not in the mood for a bullet.” He thought frowning.
Suddenly a idea came to play. The Colonel got up and walked around taking the stunned Hawkeye's hands. “I've been meaning to ask you this for awhile . . . .Riza.” He said softly.
A blush went across the woman's cheeks. “W. . what is it. . Sir?” She asked hesitantly.
He looked nervous and replied seriously. “I was wondering if. . . . . I . . . . If I give you this Reese's cup, you would wear a mini skirt?”
The First lieutenant blinked then got her gun out. Later found the woman with a smirk on her face. Gun in one hand and Reese's cup in the other.
Mustang after recovering from the attack staggered back to his desk and sat down. Two cups left. Hmm. Another brilliant idea came and he lifted his hand. He snapped and the cup exploded chocolate everywhere.
Just then to make his day perfect Fullmetal came in. The boy blinked and started laughing. He finally made it to the desk when his laughter quieted down. Ed looked down to see the last cup.
“I was wondering where I left those! Thanks Colonel!” Said Ed with a smirk identical to the one he always wore. The flaxen haired teen grabbed the last Reese's cup and started sauntering out of the office.
“Fullmetal, that's mine.” Said Mustang calmly. The teen blinked then stuck the cup in his mouth. The raven haired man twitched and raised his hand to snapped. He couldn't, it was covered in chocolate.
“Looks like you're useless in the rain and near chocolate!” laughed Ed going through the door.
“I knew today was going to be a bad day.” He muttered.
Sakura: Well?
Ed: (On the floor laughing)
Sakura: Envy? What about you?
Envy: (Grins Evilly) Bout time Mr. Sparky got what was coming to him.
Sakura: (Deadpanned) At least you like it. Oh well maybe next time.
Envy: Who Next? Who Next? Let me pick!
Sakura: Fine. Envy's gonna be in charge of the next chapter. Goddess help us.
Please R and R.
OR ELSE! ~ Lady Sakura