Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Lonely ❯ Misunderstanding ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This is my second FMA fic. There are a few warnings: Winry bashing, Al OOC, Ed OOC, and this will be an Ed/Roy pairing. This fic switches POV back and forth between Ed and Roy. Some chapters with have both POVs, some only one. I don't own FMA but this original story is mine.
There is also a color key.
Black: Author's notes and other people speaking.
Black with * means random noises.
Blue: Roy (Both thoughts and speaking in and out of POV mode)
Red: Ed (Both thoughts and speaking in and out of POV mode)
Now without further ado, here's the story. Enjoy!
I woke up in Roy's guestroom, showered, got dressed in my normal clothes, and grabbed Sunbeam. We, meaning Sunbeam and I, walked all over the mansion. We finally found Roy in his office. He was sitting behind his desk and he looked frustrated.
“What's wrong, Roy?” I asked as I walked over to him.
He looks up and says, “Hi Ed, sorry I'm busy right now, maybe someone else can stay with you, today.”
I felt a bit hurt but Roy's busy so I'll go look for someone else today.
“Okay,” I said before I left with Sunbeam. I walk all over the house, looking for someone to spend time with me. Everyone was too busy. I sigh. This is just like being with Al and Winry. I start to feel sad when an idea popped into my head. I'll ask Roy if I can help him. I turned around and headed back to his office.
*Knock knock*
“YES!” Roy yelled, angrily. That was scary but, I carefully opened the door.
“What is it, Edward,” he snarls. Did I do something wrong?
“I-I just th-thought I c-could help you,” I timidly said.
“Not now, Fullmetal,” Roy said, his eyes never leaving the papers he was reading.
“B-But…” I stammer.
“GET OUT!” he screams at me.
“Okay,” I say as tears leave my eyes, I'll go away, Roy. I'll leave and you won't see me again. I'm sorry I ruined things for you, too.”
Then I dash out the door with my red coat, dropping Sunbeam in the process, as my heart is shattered a second time.
Dear God! What have I done?! I was just frustrated with the current progress reports because they're just dismal and what do I do? I bite Ed's head off twice! I saw something shatter in his golden eyes as tears flowed from them. I got up and ran for the front door when I saw that Sunbeam was on the ground.
I pick up the yellow bear and, for some reason, it almost looked heartbroken and abandoned.
Abandoned. That's probably how Ed felt after I screamed at him.
I dash to the front door and scream, “Edward! Edward! Please come back!”
My only response is the night's falling snow. HUH? This mess went on all day?! I order my staff to get ready and we all search for him.
“My Fullmetal Angel,” I whisper as I cry, “Please, please forgive me.”
TBC! Poor Ed! Next chappie coming up! Ja ne!