Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Metal and Tears ❯ The Choice of the Alchemist ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was dark when Edward first heard Kiri stirring. He poked the fire and turned to face her, she lay just outside the fire’s edge wrapped in his jacket.
“SUMI!!” She cried jerking awake. She looked around and caught Edward’s stare. Kiri’s eyes narrowed.
“Where is Kasumi?” She asked her voice venomous and soft. Edward shrugged and turned back to the fire. Kiri’s eyes welled up with tears and she buried her face in her hands.
“She’s dead isn't she?...I knew it.” She rose when Alphonse came back with a broken pile of wood for the fire.
“You two killed her didn’t you!?” At the sudden accusation, Alphonse dropped the wood and jumped back a few feet. Edward stood himself, and retrieved his coat from Kiri’s white knuckled grasp.
“We didn’t kill anyone, in the end neither of us could do it, so we let her go.” He said shaking the garment out before putting it on. A series of emphatic nods for Alphonse left Kiri feeling relived.
“Thank you!” She suddenly cried launching herself upon Edward. She pulled him into a crushing embrace and then planted an appreciated kiss of gratitude on his forehead. Leaving Edward severely flushed, she bounced over to Alphonse and smiled.
“And don’t think I’ve forgotten you!” She said reaching for his helmet.
“Oh no wait! That’s not a--” But it was too late, as Alphonse’s helm cleared his body, a cry tore from Kiri’s throat.
“KYAAAA!!!” She cried falling back onto the ground.
“W-w-w-what is t-t-this? There’s no one inside!!” Edward was back in reality at the sound of the scream, and calmly he walked over and tapped the chest plate on Alphonse’s armor.
“Yeah, it’s really nothing special, ’What you see, is what you get’ I guess...Al just had an accident when we were kids and.....well, this is the result.” Kiri stood, wide-eyed and clutching Alphonse’s head in her hands.
“Um,...can I have my head back now?” He asked embarrassed. She nodded and slowly extended the helm back, Alphonse adjusted it and laughed.
“Sorry to have scared you like that.” Kiri laughed as well, only it was a small, nervous laughter.
“What are you guys, you’re not ordinary travelers, I can tell you that.” Kiri slumped to the ground next to the fire and drew her knees up to her chest.
‘Alchemists, Dogs of the Military, Sinners...We have so many names, its hard to tell you which one.” Again, Edward pulled his watch from his pocket and watched the flames leap off the silver burden.
“You two are State Alchemists?” Edward looked down in surprise. Whenever people from this region found out that he worked for the Military, they usually wanted penance in blood from the Elrics, but this girl seemed more interested in the prospect than he had expected.
“I’m the State Dog, Al....just kinda follows me around.”
“Brother! You know you couldn’t have done anything without me! Just look at how many times you would have died if I hadn’t been with you!” Edward just seemed to ignore the comment, but a look of annoyance flashed across his face for a brief moment.
“Ha, ha! It’s kind of hard to imagine your little brother is already so deep into the Military, Alphonse.” Kiri chuckled and didn’t notice when Alphonse had to drag his older brother back from his killing spree.
“A-actually, I’m the younger brother.” He said from atop Edward.
Kiri paused looking up.
“Wow, you’re tall for being so young. What did your parents do when you were little Edward, deprive you of milk to stunt your growth?” Edward stopped struggling underneath Alphonse and then exploded sending his brother flying off of him to start chase after Kiri.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to call you short!” She cried racing around the fire.
“’Sorry’ isn’t gonna cut it! AUGH! I HATE MILK....AND I’M NOT SHORT!!”
“Well, how ’bout ’vertically challenged’ then?”
DIE!!” Alphonse raised his head from the ground and sighed.
“Brother, your so quick to overreact...” Suddenly Kiri stopped running and Edward bounced off her shoulder and hit the ground.
“Ow...” He said rubbing his nose.
“What's the matter?” Kiri was focused on the East, the sun was just beginning to rise and when Edward looked at the horizon, he saw a major dust cloud in the early light.
“What the...?” It only took a few more moments before two heavily armed, open top military jeeps rolled into their encampment. A couple of riflemen quietly slid their weapons into a firing position, and set their sights on Kiri, as the driver of one of the vehicles got out to salute Edward.
“Fullmetal, sir! We have reports that the assassin, Scar has been seen in the Eastern area, this place is going to be a battlefield soon and we have orders to draw all State Alchemists back to Central in order for them to receive their instructions!” Edward lowered his head and nodded, then he turned to Kiri.
“I’m sorry, but it looks like my chain just got shorter.” He turned to climb into the jeep Alphonse had gotten into when Kiri stepped quickly forward.
“Edward!” He turned to face her.
“Please, take me with you!” He quizzically raised an eyebrow as he stepped off the jeep step.
“You want to go to Central?” He asked. Kiri nodded quickly as her eyes pleaded her request.
“Please! I’m trying to find someone and if I know him at all, he’ll head to any place there is a large gathering of State Alchemists!”
“Oh!” Alphonse started.
“Does the person you’re looking for work for the State as an alchemist too?” Kiri shook her head.
“No, he doesn’t work for the State, but he is somewhat of an alchemist, I’m just hoping that I’m right in guessing where he’s going.” Sighing, Edward looked to the officer in charge.
“Can we take her along? If only for the fact that we’d be stranding her if we didn’t.” The officer grumbled something Edward took as a ‘yes’ and motioned Kiri aboard. She whooped and as the jeeps took off, ran alongside the relatively empty one, and hopped in just as they picked up speed.
“Aniki,” She thought, feeling the rising desert sun warm on her oddly pale shoulders.
“I’m sure you’re going to try something stupid. I just hope I get there in time to keep you from killing....or getting killed in the process.”
The jeeps pulled into a rainy Central and Kiri noted the dark sky with a calm face. The convoy stopped and she waved a good-bye as Edward and Alphonse were ushered off into the other half of the city, and she slowly walked over to stand underneath the awing of a building that the vehicles had parked next to. Kiri leaned against the damp stone and stared at the gray clouds overhead. She sighed and sunk to the ground covering her face with her hands.
“What am I doing here? He’s not going to listen to me.” Suddenly, she heard a loud boom and saw a cloud of dust rise from the same direction she had seen Edward and Alphonse go. Kiri stepped out into the rain but was quickly knocked aside by five soldiers that ran past.
“Is it Scar?” she heard one ask.
“Yeah, damnit, I thought he was in the East!” Kiri’s eyes widened. She clapped he hands together and slammed them onto the ground. To anyone watching the soldiers had slipped on the wet cobblestone, but Kiri knew different, she was up in a flash and out of their sight in a moment.
“DAMNIT! What the Hell do you want?” Edward ducked an attack and slammed into the side of a brick building. The alley way was small and dark, so Scar only had time to pull back his arm before Edward was on top of him trying to keep the upper hand so his automail arm wouldn't be torn apart. Alphonse merely watched, he had been unfortunate enough to be caught in Scar’s first assault and his leg was completely gone. Edward made a slash at Scar’s neck, but his arm was caught and his head was grabbed by the right hand of destruction.
“I didn’t kill you the first time, so I came back to finish the job. Today Edward Elric, you die.” Edward’s pupils shrunk into his skull as he saw the red sparks of energy crackle along the transmutation array on Scar’s arm. He thrashed trying to free himself as Alphonse pleaded desperately from the side, suddenly Edward felt both of them fall to hit the ground with a thud. He slowly stood and retreated a few steps next to Alphonse, then he glanced to the alley entrance. Edward and Alphonse were shocked to find Kiri there.
“Aniki!” She cried, tears racing down her cheeks. She stood beside the dead bodies of the Elric’s slain escorts and time came to a crawl as Scar rose to face her. Edward took the slight opportunity to transmute Alphonse’s leg back and as he stood, Scar only gave them a quick glance before turning back to Kiri. The Elrics could both see that his eyes were wide and his hands shook in disbelief.
“Ki....ri... What are you doing here?” She said nothing but again she clapped her hands and slapped them on the ground causing a wave of rainwater to engulf the brothers forming a clear shield from attacks. remaining on the ground, she pleaded with the assassin.
“Aniki, you can’t keep doing this! Killing State Alchemists won’t avenge anyone!” Scar moved to drag her to her feet, but knowing she had to stay in contact with the ground to keep the shields up, she forced her arms down again to provide herself with a barrier.
Alphonse looked at his brother, Edward seemed to be deep in thought as he stared at the two in front of him.
“So someone else has seen the Gate...but how did she become wrapped up in with the Ishballans, she talks to Scar as if they were related...” Slowly, perhaps out of curiosity, Edward stepped out of the water ring sending the shield splashing to the ground behind him. Scar turned toward him and cracked his hand. He paused for a moment and took a step forward.
“I’m sorry,” He muttered as Edward readied himself.
“But I must finish what I’ve started!!” He made a dash at the elder Elric, but Kiri flung herself from the ground, instantly destroying the remaining shields, and threw her light body around Scar’s right arm hauling it back.
“Run Edward, take Alphonse with you!!” Edward hesitated a moment, but then nodding, he tapped Alphonse and they took off, past the struggling pair and out into the streets hoping to be able to lose Scar should he get free.
Wrenching his arm around to throw Kiri off, Scar whipped her around until her grip loosened and she flew back and hit against a wall. He looked on in horror of what he had done, but before he could help her up, soldiers filed into the alley. They took aim and starting firing.
Edward and Alphonse stopped running when they heard gunshots, fearing the worst they ran back to find the alley full of Military personnel and Kiri, her hand thrown out with a solid wall of water in front of her and Scar, and hundreds of bullets stopped in the alchemically manipulated liquid. Edward watched as Kiri looked back behind her to Scar and told him something very forcefully. He paused only a moment before jumping across the back alley wall and escaping into the lesser traveled back alleys of Central city. He looked back to Kiri and saw her smile slightly as she collapsed, clutching her right wrist as if it pained her, amidst the clink of bullets. Her breathing was heavy as the soldiers present hauled her roughly to her feet. She whispered only two words as she was drug away much to the protests of Edward and Alphonse.
“Stay safe.”