Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Metal and Tears ❯ Conviction of the Heart ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“No!!” Edward cried as she went under. He scrambled over to the edge and clawed at the sand trying to find any sign that she lived or hadn’t gone that far down, suddenly there was a bright flash from below the trap. He stepped back and bumped into a still groggy Scar who had witnessed Kiri go under. He grabbed Edward's shoulder and jerked him around.
"Where's Kiri!?" He demanded, Edward could only shake his head that he didn't know.
"I'm right here." Both looked toward the depression in the ground and watched amazed as Kiri hauled herself from the now firm ground.
"Ed...ward...." She said glaring.
"If you don't put some distance between you and this camp...I WILL KILL YOU!!" She whirled and landed a shotei punch to Envy's face as he advanced, she had a writhing line of water wrapped around her arm and Edward suspected it was Sloth.
"GET MOVING!!" He nodded and pushed Scar toward the jeep.
"We gotta go!" He said looking around for Alphonse. As they neared the vehicle, he came racing out of the dark.
"Brother!" Alphonse cried.
"What's going on? I was out scouting and--"
"Never mind that Al, get in!!" Still confused at the events that had taken place, Scar could only speed off in the only safe direction he knew, toward Ishbal.
"You're certainly a foolish girl aren't you?" Lust mused pulling a small packet from between her breasts. Kiri was held by Envy and Gluttony, as she had learned, by her arms while Sloth had frozen herself around her legs to prevent any escape. Her eyes were wide as Lust approached.
"I told you, you would regret your actions." Slowly Lust began to twirl the packet around in her hands.
"You know what this is don't you?" Kiri nodded.
"Then stand still and let us kill you!!" Lust's fingers shot forward straight at Kiri's heart.
She knew she had to time the act just right, when she felt Envy's grip loosen a bit, right before Lust struck, Kiri jerked her arm down and ducked the fatal stab and smiled as Gluttony dropped his hold in amazement. Taking advantage of the situation, Kiri transmuted Sloth back to water and rolled forward toward Lust to free her legs. She rolled again to the left dodging a left-hand stab from Lust and a combat kick from Envy.
Kiri then took her routine into a series of back flips allowing herself even more distance between her and her opponents. She landed in a fighting stance and grinned with lowered eyebrows at the four Homunculi.
"I guess the time I spent in the circus finally paid off." She mused as they rushed her at once.
"Time to see if anything else did!!"
The jeep screeched to a halt and Scar wide-eyed stared at Edward.
"She said what!?"
"She said to take you and Alphonse and run." He watched as the Elrics hopped out onto the still warm sand.
"Are you mad Elric! If she's still back there, she's going to die!!" He jerked the gears into reverse and started to speed back when Edward stopped him.
"Wait you idiot!!" He cried.
"You can't go back there!" Scar didn't stop.
"That Mustang man's base isn't too far from here, go there for help." He called fading back into the dark.
"But I have to go back Elric, you can't understand, but whether or not we are bound by blood, she's the only family I have left!" The words faded back as he finally disappeared from view. Alphonse turned to his brother.
"Should we go get Colonel Mustang?" He asked.
"No." Said Edward running a hand through his blonde hair.
"If we did that neither of them would stand a chance of survival." Alphonse looked at his brother as he adjusted his coat.
"Then what do we do?"
"We go after them." He smirked as they started at a fairly fast pace.
"After all, Kiri only said to go, she never said don't come back!"
"Come on! You're not even giving me a good work out!" Kiri kicked out and landed a blow to Sloth's midsection as she catapulted herself over Gluttony. She landed on the other side and almost stumbled; quickly recovering she blocked a punch form Envy and whirled him around to let Lust dig her fingers into his chest.
"Aim next time!" He growled ripping them away, Lust only smirked. She had seen it, the split second when Kiri stumbled.
"So she's slowing down. She's gone longer than our master thought against her own weakness, but she's starting to feel it." She watched as Kiri tried to block Envy's kick but found too late it was a cover for his doubled fists heading for her face. She was knocked away and Lust motioned to Gluttony.
"Now!" The Homunculus nodded and jumped. He landed on top of her and Kiri could only cry out as her ribs were crushed.
"Aniki..." She whispered tasting blood.
"Am I going to--"
"Kiri!!" She jerked her head up and found the darkened form of a jeep racing back into the firelight.
It skidded in the sand before it stopped completely. Kiri only prayed it wasn't--
"Get off her!" Scar leapt from the driver's seat shoulder down and rammed into Gluttony knocking him back. He then reached down to help Kiri to her feet but she slapped his hand away.
"You idiot!" She cried rising.
"You weren't supposed to come back!" Scar was taken back for a moment, but then he saw the tears that fell in a torrent from her face and he stepped forward.
"What was I supposed to do? Let you die out here?"
"This is all very touching, but now it seems that we'll have to kill you both." Lust sighed out of frustration and signaled Envy and Gluttony to take them. Kiri shoved Scar out of Envy's way as she slammed her elbow into Gluttony's face.
"Go now!! You still have time!!" His only reply was to grab Envy in a headlock as he advanced from behind. She saw his arm glow and in the next moment, Envy slumped to the ground.
"I'm not going, not while you're here." He started for Gluttony but found his legs caught in a heavy liquid that slowly moved up to shackle his arms to his side.
"Oh no..." Kiri had turned to transmute Sloth again, but had forgone her own safety and Gluttony once again landed on target breaking one of Kiri's arms in his attack. Envy rose from his place on the ground cracking his neck back into place.
"Heh, that tickled." He moved to Lust smirking at the two captives they had.
"Now, this has all been fun and games, but our mater will be very angry if we let you two stay alive any longer." Envy smiled and walked over to Scar, chuckling at his scowling face.
"Hey Lust, we should get rid of our assassin first, I think Judas has a 'thing' for him." Lust nodded.
"Do whatever you like, but hurry, the sun's almost up and the master wanted this over before sunrise."
"Just you try it you--" With a maniacal laugh, Envy wrapped both his hands around Scar's neck and began to squeeze.
"Leave him alone!!" Kiri screamed as she watched his eyes begin to roll back into his head. Envy didn't cease, only squeezed harder. Soon all the strength that Scar ever had in his limbs left, and Sloth let him sink to the ground Envy still hovering over him. Kiri couldn't take anymore.
She was tired of having those close to her get hurt, finally something snapped in the back of her mind.
"You wanted a Judas?" She said softly from under Gluttony.
"YOU GOT ONE!!" Gluttony's eyes widened as he was lifted off the ground. Kiri stood under him shakily, supporting his massive weight.
"But not on your terms!!" Envy looked back and dropped the man he held. He remembered the frightened sky blue eyes he'd beheld in Central, now he wondered where they were now. In their place were slanted amethyst orbs with a crack of obsidian for a pupil.
They burned out of Kiri's face as she threw Gluttony at him. They were knocked away from scar as Kiri advanced concerned.
"Now Lust!!" Envy cried crawling from under the other. Frightened, but still able to move, Lust jabbed the packet from Kiri's original body onto her fingers, when she did, Kiri fell to one knee she was up again however, in mere moments.
"YOU WILL DIE!!!" Lust screamed.
Scar's eyes fluttered open and through blurry vision, saw Kiri advancing toward him. He raised a hand to her, as long as she was alive, he couldn't leave, but his happy thought was doused as he watched a rapier thin finger stab through her upper torso and her heart.
"Kiri!!!" The sound was guttural and for a moment, Scar wondered if his voice box remained intact. Nevertheless, he rose to his feet and made his way to her.
"Damnit, this has taken too long Lust," Envy said gazing at the gray sky.
"Just hurry and finish." He turned and with Sloth and Gluttony walked off, a sudden wind picked up and in a small cloud of dust they disappeared. Lust angrily extended her first and second fingers.
"So what, now I'm their clean up crew?!" She glanced over to where the two targets sat.
On his knees for perhaps a final time, Scar hoisted the limp body into his arms and gazed sadly into the already darkening eyes.
"I...told...you not...to follow me...." Kiri said as she choked blood onto the sand beneath them.
"I'm sorry Aniki, but I won't be going to the same place as you.....Please ask Ishballa to forgive me...."
"I'll do better than that." He whispered.
"Aniki, can I.... ask you one last favor....?"
"Anything." She blushed, making it more apparent on her paling face.
"....One....embrace, one human....embrace." Kiri calmly smiled as she was crushed to the Ishballan.
"It's.... dark Aniki.... but I'm not scared; it's raining so I'm.... I’m okay; I'm just.... I’m sorry...." The body slumped in his arms and Scar let her lay back onto the ground, tears that fell from his own eyes plopping onto her face. He looked sadly into the rising sun; he'd let a third life slip through his fingers.
He felt Lust slide behind him, but he didn't care.
He felt her fingers slide past his neck, but he didn't care.
Lust smiled and struck.
When Kiri opened her eyes it was bright. She turned around and found herself facing a huge gate.
"Where am I?" She thought.
"This Gate is the entrance to the truth." Kiri looked to the side of it and a tall man emerged from behind the strange Gate.
"Who are you?"
"I'm merely soul fragments of a man who has lived for far too long." He chuckled and brushed a lock of blonde hair out of his face and adjusted his square glasses. Slowly the Gate opened. Kiri looked inside, it was dark and she was more than a little afraid.
"What is this?"
"Tell me, do you know, if a Homunculus is a body with a conscious but no soul, where their body lies with a soul but no conscious?" Kiri shrieked as black hands shot out and surrounded her, dragging her deep into the darkness.
"Who are you!?" She screamed as the man walked in front of the slowly closing door.
"No one really, but if you see my boys again, tell them I'm sorry.... for everything."
"Wait, are you--"
Edward and Alphonse sat in front of the newly made graves and listened to the wind howl around them. They hardly even noticed when the small Military vehicle carrying First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc, skidded to a halt next to them.
"Hey Chief," The Second Lieutenant said pulling his cigarette from his mouth.
"What are you two doing way out here?"
"We could ask you the same thing." Edward said dryly.
"Morning Scout routine." Havoc said brushing it off.
"You?" Both boys stood and moved to the side of the graves as both Lieutenants got out. When they read the names Riza turned to the Elrics.
"This must be the Tear Alchemist that Lieutenant Colonel Hughes telephoned us about. He said she would be arriving in our area soon, When did this happen?"
"Early this morning, just before sunrise." Alphonse answered.
"Man...I knew scar hated State Alchemists, but to go so far as to kill a woman.... Such a sick bastard deserved to die.." Edward turned on the Second Lieutenant.
"He didn't kill her.... I-I mean he didn't want.... It’s gonna be hard to explain." He stared at the ground arms crossed and eyes off to one side not willing to meet the cerulean or dark brown gaze of either Lieutenant.
"I think you'd better try to explain to the Colonel anyway what happened out here." Havoc wrapped an arm around Edward's shoulders as Riza helped Alphonse to the jeep.
"You boys must have had a rough night, not to worry; we'll set you straight at HQ." As the jeep sped off, Edward looked back and for a split second thought he saw Kiri, her left arm intertwined with Scar's as he stood hands shoved into his coat pockets stoic as ever, waving.
The light was blinding; Kiri blinked and slowly rose to a sitting position. She lay in a bed with white sheets covering her, and she found herself wearing a short nightgown of the same white. She glanced around the room she was in a saw many pictures of a small girl with her family. She scanned down the bed she lay in and found a young boy with almost snow-white hair asleep on a stool by her bed.
She watched as he stirred and sat up, their eyes met and his widened, suddenly he ran out of the room.
"Mother!! Mother!! Kate, its Kate! Come quick!!" Kiri was confused; she glanced over to a vanity and saw a young girl no more than twelve. She gasped, that was no girl that was her! She scrambled out of the bed and ran to the mirror.
Her eyes were still blue and clear, her hair still blonde, but messy, like it hadn't been brushed in quite a while.
"Kate?" She turned and saw the boy and a woman with slightly darker hair than her wearing a slim blue dress and white apron, as well as a brown haired man with bags under his eyes like he had not slept in days enter one after the other.
"Oh thank God!!" The man cried as he pulled Kiri into his embrace.
"Kate, you're awake!!! Mary go tell your brother to spread the news!!" The woman nodded and ran out of the room crying happily. Placing her gently onto the ground the man left Kiri in the room with the boy as he ran off.
"I gotta tell those doctors what-for!!" He said, happily whooping on his way out.
Kiri glanced over and found the boy smiling.
"Brother?" She asked noting the slight 'X' shaped scar over his forehead.
"I'm glad to see you're awake Kate..." He paused and looked away ashamed.
"Kate I'm sorry.... I-I-I should have protected you."
"What, you mean from those Homunculi, no need I--"
"Homuncu-what!? I was talking about from Goliath, when Papa and me were hitching him to the buggy, he kinda went crazy. You threw yourself in front of me and took the blunt of his hooves and landed in that coma, me? All I got was this." He pointed to the scar and smiled.
"Do you forgive me?" Kiri smiled and threw herself around his waist.
"Of course!" She stepped back and grinned.
"Shane!!" The woman called from below.
"Bring Kate down for breakfast! I've fixed both your favorites!!" Shane looked back at Kiri but she waved him on.
"I'll be down in a minute, go ahead." He looked worried for a moment, but went ahead. Kiri glanced down at her right hand and the odd birthmark that resembled a snake eating its tail.
"'Where their body lies with a soul but no conscious' eh? It seems Life goes on Edward, even after you die, Life goes on." She thought smiling to herself. She walked out of the room and found Shane waiting on her at the top of the stairs.
"But I still have memories. Memories that I won't forget and hope you don't either, maybe one day we'll meet again, then maybe on that day we'll pass in the street, I'll look back and say 'Hello, Edward.' and you'll smile and reply...'Hello Kiri'"

A/N: A Shotei Punch is a flat handed punch, a Combat Kick is a kick aimed at opponents on the ground.
-Tear ^_^